4.52 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.getRange = exports.validateQuery = exports.getDiagnostics = exports.DIAGNOSTIC_SEVERITY = exports.SEVERITY = void 0;
4const graphql_1 = require("graphql");
5const graphql_language_service_parser_1 = require("graphql-language-service-parser");
6const graphql_language_service_utils_1 = require("graphql-language-service-utils");
7exports.SEVERITY = {
8 Error: 'Error',
9 Warning: 'Warning',
10 Information: 'Information',
11 Hint: 'Hint',
14 [exports.SEVERITY.Error]: 1,
15 [exports.SEVERITY.Warning]: 2,
16 [exports.SEVERITY.Information]: 3,
17 [exports.SEVERITY.Hint]: 4,
19const invariant = (condition, message) => {
20 if (!condition) {
21 throw new Error(message);
22 }
24function getDiagnostics(query, schema = null, customRules, isRelayCompatMode) {
25 let ast = null;
26 try {
27 ast = graphql_1.parse(query);
28 }
29 catch (error) {
30 const range = getRange(error.locations[0], query);
31 return [
32 {
33 severity: exports.DIAGNOSTIC_SEVERITY.Error,
34 message: error.message,
35 source: 'GraphQL: Syntax',
36 range,
37 },
38 ];
39 }
40 return validateQuery(ast, schema, customRules, isRelayCompatMode);
42exports.getDiagnostics = getDiagnostics;
43function validateQuery(ast, schema = null, customRules, isRelayCompatMode) {
44 if (!schema) {
45 return [];
46 }
47 const validationErrorAnnotations = mapCat(graphql_language_service_utils_1.validateWithCustomRules(schema, ast, customRules, isRelayCompatMode), error => annotations(error, exports.DIAGNOSTIC_SEVERITY.Error, 'Validation'));
48 const deprecationWarningAnnotations = mapCat(graphql_1.findDeprecatedUsages(schema, ast), error => annotations(error, exports.DIAGNOSTIC_SEVERITY.Warning, 'Deprecation'));
49 return validationErrorAnnotations.concat(deprecationWarningAnnotations);
51exports.validateQuery = validateQuery;
52function mapCat(array, mapper) {
53 return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], array.map(mapper));
55function annotations(error, severity, type) {
56 if (!error.nodes) {
57 return [];
58 }
59 const highlightedNodes = [];
60 error.nodes.forEach(node => {
61 const highlightNode = node.kind !== 'Variable' && 'name' in node && node.name !== undefined
62 ? node.name
63 : 'variable' in node && node.variable !== undefined
64 ? node.variable
65 : node;
66 if (highlightNode) {
67 invariant(error.locations, 'GraphQL validation error requires locations.');
68 const loc = error.locations[0];
69 const highlightLoc = getLocation(highlightNode);
70 const end = loc.column + (highlightLoc.end - highlightLoc.start);
71 highlightedNodes.push({
72 source: `GraphQL: ${type}`,
73 message: error.message,
74 severity,
75 range: new graphql_language_service_utils_1.Range(new graphql_language_service_utils_1.Position(loc.line - 1, loc.column - 1), new graphql_language_service_utils_1.Position(loc.line - 1, end)),
76 });
77 }
78 });
79 return highlightedNodes;
81function getRange(location, queryText) {
82 const parser = graphql_language_service_parser_1.onlineParser();
83 const state = parser.startState();
84 const lines = queryText.split('\n');
85 invariant(lines.length >= location.line, 'Query text must have more lines than where the error happened');
86 let stream = null;
87 for (let i = 0; i < location.line; i++) {
88 stream = new graphql_language_service_parser_1.CharacterStream(lines[i]);
89 while (!stream.eol()) {
90 const style = parser.token(stream, state);
91 if (style === 'invalidchar') {
92 break;
93 }
94 }
95 }
96 invariant(stream, 'Expected Parser stream to be available.');
97 const line = location.line - 1;
98 const start = stream.getStartOfToken();
99 const end = stream.getCurrentPosition();
100 return new graphql_language_service_utils_1.Range(new graphql_language_service_utils_1.Position(line, start), new graphql_language_service_utils_1.Position(line, end));
102exports.getRange = getRange;
103function getLocation(node) {
104 const typeCastedNode = node;
105 const location = typeCastedNode.loc;
106 invariant(location, 'Expected ASTNode to have a location.');
107 return location;
109//# sourceMappingURL=getDiagnostics.js.map
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