13.7 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"sources":["../es6/GQLEnum.js"],"names":["_MODEL_KEY","_PROXY_HANDLER","ENUMS","GQLEnum","GQLBase","constructor","enumValueOrKey","requestData","Class","enums","symbol","enumVK","value","getModel","name","undefined","NaN","GQL_TYPE","GraphQLEnumType","values","valueFor","deprecationReason","description","result","map","ast","SCHEMA","array","Proxy","GenerateEnumsProxyHandler","astValues","definitions","error","ll","enumDef","defKey","symObj","Object","sym","valueOf","set","push","get","obj","key","has","isFinite","length","apiDocs","DOC_CLASS","DOC_FIELDS","joinLines"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;kBAAA;;;;;AAKA;;AACA;;AACA;;AACA;;;;AAEA;AACA,MAAMA,aAAa,mBAAW,2BAAX,CAAnB;;AAEA;AACA,MAAMC,iBAAiB,mBAAW,6BAAX,CAAvB;;AAEA;AACA,MAAMC,QAAQ,uBAAd;;AAEA;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;IAgBaC,O,WAAAA,O,WADZ,8BAAQ,QAAR,C,gBACM,MAAMA,OAAN,SAAsBC,gBAAtB,CAA8B;AACnCC,cAAYC,cAAZ,EAAqCC,WAArC,EAA2D;AACzD,UAAM,EAAN,EAAUA,WAAV;;AAEA,UAAMC,QAAQ,KAAKH,WAAnB;AACA,UAAMI,QAAQD,MAAMC,KAApB;AACA,QAAIC,MAAJ;AACA,QAAIC,SAAmCL,kBAAkB,IAAzD;;AAEA;AACAI,aAASD,MAAME,MAAN,KAAiBA,UAAUF,MAAME,OAAOC,KAAb,CAA3B,IAAkD,IAA3D;;AAEA,0BAAc,KAAKC,QAAL,EAAd,EAA+B;AAC7BC,YAAMJ,SAASA,OAAOI,IAAhB,GAAuB,IADA;AAE7BF,aAAOF,SAASA,OAAOE,KAAhB,GAAwB,IAFF;AAG7BF,cAAQA,SAASA,MAAT,GAAkB;AAHG,KAA/B;AAKD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAuBA,MAAII,IAAJ,GAAkB;AAChB,UAAMA,OAAO,KAAKD,QAAL,GAAgBC,IAA7B;;AAEA,WACEA,SAASC,SAAT,IACAD,SAAS,IADT,IAEAA,SAASE,GAHJ,GAIHF,IAJG,GAII,IAJX;AAKD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAeA,MAAIF,KAAJ,GAAmB;AACjB,UAAMA,QAAQ,KAAKC,QAAL,GAAgBD,KAA9B;;AAEA,WACEA,UAAUG,SAAV,IACAH,UAAU,IADV,IAEAA,UAAUI,GAHL,GAIHJ,KAJG,GAIK,IAJZ;AAKD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;AAYA,aAAWK,QAAX,GAAgC;AAC9B,WAAOC,wBAAP;AACD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAuBA,aAAWC,MAAX,GAA4B;AAC1B,WAAO,EAAP;AACD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAeA,SAAOC,QAAP,CACER,KADF,EAEES,iBAFF,EAGEC,WAHF,EAIU;AACR,UAAMC,SAAiB,EAAEX,KAAF,EAAvB;;AAEA,QAAIS,iBAAJ,EAAuB;AAAEE,aAAOF,iBAAP,GAA2BA,iBAA3B;AAA8C;AACvE,QAAIC,WAAJ,EAAiB;AAAEC,aAAOD,WAAP,GAAqBA,WAArB;AAAkC;;AAErD,WAAOC,MAAP;AACD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAaA,aAAWd,KAAX,GAAkC;AAChC;AACA,QAAI,CAAC,KAAKP,KAAL,CAAL,EAAkB;AAChB,YAAMsB,MAAgB,mBAAtB;AACA,YAAMC,MAAM,oBAAO,KAAKC,MAAZ,CAAZ;AACA,YAAMC,QAAQ,IAAIC,KAAJ,CAAU,EAAV,EAAczB,QAAQ0B,yBAAR,CAAkCL,GAAlC,CAAd,CAAd;AACA,YAAML,SAAS,KAAKA,MAAL,IAAe,EAA9B;AACA,UAAIW,SAAJ;;AAEA,UAAI;AACF;AACAA,oBAAYL,IAAIM,WAAJ,CAAgB,CAAhB,EAAmBZ,MAA/B;AACD,OAHD,CAIA,OAAOa,KAAP,EAAc;AACZC,2BAAGD,KAAH,CAAS,qDAAT;AACAC,2BAAGD,KAAH,CAASA,KAAT;AACA,cAAMA,KAAN;AACD;;AAED;AACA;AACA;AACA,WAAK,IAAIE,OAAT,IAAoBJ,SAApB,EAA+B;AAC7B,YAAIK,SAASD,QAAQpB,IAAR,CAAaF,KAA1B;AACA,YAAIwB,SAAiBC,OAAO,mBAAWF,MAAX,CAAP,CAArB;;AAEAC,eAAOxB,KAAP,GAAgBO,OAAOgB,MAAP,KAAkBhB,OAAOgB,MAAP,EAAevB,KAAlC,IAA4CuB,MAA3D;AACAC,eAAOtB,IAAP,GAAcqB,MAAd;AACAC,eAAOE,GAAP,GAAaF,OAAOG,OAAP,EAAb;;AAEAf,YAAIgB,GAAJ,CAAQJ,OAAOtB,IAAf,EAAqBsB,MAArB;AACAZ,YAAIgB,GAAJ,CAAQJ,OAAOxB,KAAf,EAAsBwB,MAAtB;;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACAT,cAAMc,IAAN,CAAWL,MAAX;AACD;;AAED;AACA,WAAKlC,KAAL,IAAcyB,KAAd;AACD;;AAED;AACA,WAAO,KAAKzB,KAAL,CAAP;AACD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;AAYA,SAAO2B,yBAAP,CAAiCL,GAAjC,EAAiD;AAC/C,WAAO;AACL;;;;;;;;;;AAUAkB,UAAIC,GAAJ,EAASC,GAAT,EAAc;AACZ,YAAIpB,IAAIqB,GAAJ,CAAQD,GAAR,CAAJ,EAAkB;AAChB,iBAAOpB,IAAIkB,GAAJ,CAAQE,GAAR,CAAP;AACD;;AAED,eAAOD,IAAIC,GAAJ,CAAP;AACD,OAjBI;;AAmBL;;;;;;;;;;AAUAJ,UAAIG,GAAJ,EAASC,GAAT,EAAchC,KAAd,EAAqB;AACnB,YAAIkC,SAASF,GAAT,KAAiBhC,iCAArB,EAA8C;AAC5CY,cAAIgB,GAAJ,CAAQ5B,MAAME,IAAd,EAAoBF,KAApB;AACAY,cAAIgB,GAAJ,CAAQ5B,MAAMA,KAAd,EAAqBA,KAArB;AACD;;AAED;AACA+B,YAAIC,GAAJ,IAAWhC,KAAX;;AAEA;AACA;AACA,eAAOkC,SAASF,GAAT,IAAgBD,IAAII,MAApB,GAA6BJ,IAAIC,GAAJ,CAApC;AACD;AAzCI,KAAP;AA2CD;;AAED;AACA,SAAOI,OAAP,GAAyB;AACvB,UAAM,EAAEC,SAAF,EAAaC,UAAb,EAAyBC,SAAzB,KAAuC,IAA7C;;AAEA,WAAO;AACL,OAACF,SAAD,GAAaE,SAAU;;;;;;AADlB,KAAP;AAQD;AAtRkC,C","file":"GQLEnum.js","sourceRoot":"es6","sourcesContent":["/**\n @namespace GQLInterface\n @flow\n */\n\nimport { GQLBase } from './GQLBase'\nimport { GraphQLEnumType, parse } from 'graphql'\nimport { Getters } from './decorators/ModelProperties'\nimport { LatticeLogs as ll } from './utils'\n\n/* Internal Symbol referring to real accessor to GQLBase model object */\nconst _MODEL_KEY = Symbol.for('data-model-contents-value');\n\n/* Internal Symbol referring to the static object containing a proxy handler */\nconst _PROXY_HANDLER = Symbol.for('internal-base-proxy-handler')\n\n/* Internal Symbol property referring to the mapping of values on the GQLEnum */\nconst ENUMS = Symbol();\n\n/**\n * GraphQL Enum types can be a bit picky when it comes to how scalar types\n * equate to enum values. Lattice makes this easier by allowing you to specify\n * a value or the key when your enum has a value other than the key; GraphQL\n * does not allow this by default.\n *\n * Further more, when instantiating a GQLEnum type, you can pass a string or\n * value matching the enum key or value or you can pass an object with key of\n * value and the value being either the enum key or value. If any of those\n * things match, then your `instance.value` will equate to the enum's key. If,\n * on the other hand, your supplied values do not match then `instance.value`\n * will be `null`.\n *\n * @class GQLEnum\n */\n@Getters('symbol')\nexport class GQLEnum extends GQLBase {\n constructor(enumValueOrKey: ?Object, requestData: ?Object) {\n super({}, requestData)\n\n const Class = this.constructor\n const enums = Class.enums;\n let symbol;\n let enumVK: (Object | string | null) = enumValueOrKey || null\n\n // @ComputedType\n symbol = enums[enumVK] || enumVK && enums[enumVK.value] || null\n\n Object.assign(this.getModel(), {\n name: symbol ? symbol.name : null,\n value: symbol ? symbol.value : null,\n symbol: symbol ? symbol : null\n })\n }\n\n /**\n * Retrieves the actual symbol stored name property from the internal\n * model object for this enum instance. That is a mouthfull, but it\n * basically means that if your enum is something like:\n *\n * ```\n * enum Person { TALL, SHORT }\n * ```\n *\n * and you create an instance using any of the following\n *\n * ```\n * p = new Person('TALL')\n * p = new Person(valueFor('TALL'))\n * p = new Person({value: 'TALL'})\n * ```\n *\n * that your response to `p.name` will equate to `TALL`.\n *\n * @method ⬇︎⠀name\n * @memberof GQLEnum\n * @return {mixed} typically a String but any valid type supplied\n */\n get name(): mixed {\n const name = this.getModel().name\n\n return (\n name !== undefined &&\n name !== null &&\n name !== NaN\n ) ? name : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Much like the `.name` getter, the `.value` getter will typically\n * retreive the name of the enum key you are requesting. In rare cases\n * where you have defined values that differ from the name, the `.value`\n * getter will retrieve that custom value from the `.value` property on\n * the symbol in question.\n *\n * This should do the right thing even if you instantiated the instance\n * using the name.\n *\n * @memberof GQLEnum\n * @method ⬇︎⠀value\n * @return {mixed} the value of the enum type; this in all likihood should\n * be a String or potentially an object\n */\n get value(): mixed {\n const value = this.getModel().value\n\n return (\n value !== undefined &&\n value !== null &&\n value !== NaN\n ) ? value : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Determines the default type targeted by this GQLBase class. Any\n * type will technically be valid but only will trigger special behavior\n *\n * @memberof GQLEnum\n * @method ⬇︎⠀GQL_TYPE\n * @static\n * @const\n *\n * @return {Function} a type, such as `GraphQLObjectType` or\n * `GraphQLInterfaceType`\n */\n static get GQL_TYPE(): Function {\n return GraphQLEnumType;\n }\n\n /**\n * Each instance of GQLEnum must specify a map of keys and values. If this\n * method returns null or is not defined, the value of the enum will match\n * the name of the enum as per the reference implementation.\n *\n * Example:\n * ```\n * static get values(): ?Object {\n * const { valueOf } = this;\n *\n * return {\n * NAME: valueOf(value)\n * }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * @method ⬇︎⠀values\n * @memberof GQLEnum\n * @static\n *\n * @return {Object|Null} an object mapping with each key mapping to an object\n * possessing at least a value field, which in turn maps to the desired value\n */\n static get values(): Object {\n return {};\n }\n\n /**\n * Shorthand method to generate a GraphQLEnumValueDefinition implementation\n * object. Use this for building and customizing your `values` key/value\n * object in your child classes.\n *\n * @memberof GQLEnum\n * @method valueFor\n * @static\n *\n * @param {mixed} value any nonstandard value you wish your enum to have\n * @param {String} deprecationReason an optional reason to deprecate an enum\n * @param {String} description a non Lattice standard way to write a comment\n * @return {Object} an object that conforms to the GraphQLEnumValueDefinition\n * defined here http://graphql.org/graphql-js/type/#graphqlenumtype\n */\n static valueFor(\n value: mixed,\n deprecationReason: ?string,\n description: ?string\n ): Object {\n const result: Object = { value }\n\n if (deprecationReason) { result.deprecationReason = deprecationReason }\n if (description) { result.description = description }\n\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * For easier use within JavaScript, the static enums method provides a\n * Symbol backed solution for each of the enums defined. Each `Symbol`\n * instance is wrapped in Object so as to allow some additional properties\n * to be written to it.\n *\n * @memberof GQLEnum\n * @method ⬇︎⠀enums\n * @static\n *\n * @return {Array<Symbol>} an array of modified Symbols for each enum\n * variation defined.\n */\n static get enums(): Array<Symbol> {\n // @ComputedType\n if (!this[ENUMS]) {\n const map: Map<*,*> = new Map();\n const ast = parse((this.SCHEMA: any));\n const array = new Proxy([], GQLEnum.GenerateEnumsProxyHandler(map));\n const values = this.values || {};\n let astValues: Array<any>;\n\n try {\n // TODO: $FlowFixMe\n astValues = ast.definitions[0].values;\n }\n catch (error) {\n ll.error('Unable to discern the values from your enums SCHEMA')\n ll.error(error)\n throw error;\n }\n\n // Walk the AST for the class' schema and extract the names (same as\n // values when specified in GraphQL SDL) and build an object the has\n // the actual defined value and the AST generated name/value.\n for (let enumDef of astValues) {\n let defKey = enumDef.name.value;\n let symObj: Object = Object(Symbol.for(defKey));\n\n symObj.value = (values[defKey] && values[defKey].value) || defKey;\n symObj.name = defKey\n symObj.sym = symObj.valueOf()\n\n map.set(symObj.name, symObj)\n map.set(symObj.value, symObj)\n\n // This bit of logic allows us to look into the \"enums\" property and\n // get the generated Object wrapped Symbol with keys and values by\n // supplying either a key or value.\n array.push(symObj)\n }\n\n // @ComputedType\n this[ENUMS] = array;\n }\n\n // @ComputedType\n return this[ENUMS];\n }\n\n /**\n * Due to the complexity of being able to access both the keys and values\n * properly for an enum type, a Map is used as the backing store. The handler\n * returned by this method is to be passed to a Proxy.\n *\n * @method GQLEnum#GenerateEnumsProxyHandler\n * @static\n *\n * @param {Map} map the map containing the key<->value and\n * value<->key mappings; the true storage backing the array in question.\n * @return {Object}\n */\n static GenerateEnumsProxyHandler(map: Map<*, *>) {\n return {\n /**\n * Get handler for the Map backed Array Proxy\n *\n * @memberof! GQLEnum\n * @method get\n *\n * @param {mixed} obj the object targeted by the Proxy\n * @param {string} key `key` of the value being requested\n * @return {mixed} the `value` being requested\n */\n get(obj, key) {\n if (map.has(key)) {\n return map.get(key)\n }\n\n return obj[key]\n },\n\n /**\n * Set handler for the Map backed Array Proxy.\n *\n * @memberof! GQLEnum\n * @method set\n *\n * @param {mixed} obj the object the Proxy is targeting\n * @param {string} key a string `key` being set\n * @param {mixed} value the `value` being assigned to `key`\n */\n set(obj, key, value) {\n if (isFinite(key) && value instanceof Symbol) {\n map.set(value.name, value)\n map.set(value.value, value)\n }\n\n // Some accessor on the receiving array\n obj[key] = value;\n\n // Arrays return length when pushing. Assume value as return\n // otherwise. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯\n return isFinite(key) ? obj.length : obj[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n /** @inheritdoc */\n static apiDocs(): Object {\n const { DOC_CLASS, DOC_FIELDS, joinLines } = this;\n\n return {\n [DOC_CLASS]: joinLines`\n GQLEnums allow the definition of enum types with description fields\n and values other than a 1:1 mapping of their types and their type\n names. If you are reading this, the implementor likely did not\n contribute comments for their type.\n `\n }\n }\n}\n"]}
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