37 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"sources":["../es6/SyntaxTree.js"],"names":["AST_KEY","SyntaxTree","constructor","schemaOrASTOrST","setAST","ast","value","type","st","String","name","ignore","Object","updateAST","newAST","error","ll","appendDefinitions","source","from","set","definitions","map","definition","add","theirs","ours","find","index","indexOf","has","push","kind","interfaces","concat","directives","fields","consumeDefinition","astOrSyntaxTree","definitionType","tree","left","right","Error","splice","outline","out","forEach","field","_interface","values","types","definitionName","findDefinition","toString","QUERY","MUTATION","SUBSCRIPTION","mixed","schema","fromSchema","fromAST","findInASTArrayByNameValue","findField","fieldName","meta","nullable","findEnumDefinition","enumDefinitionName","enumValueName","array","isRegExp","test","regex","RegExp","flags","reducer","last","cur","i","reduce","EmptyQuery","EmptyMutation","EmptyDocument","loc","start","end"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAGA;;AACA;;AACA;;AACA;;;;AAcA;AACA;;AApBA;;AAqBA,MAAMA,UAAU,mBAAW,0BAAX,CAAhB;;AAEA;;;;;;IAMaC,U,WAAAA,U,GAAN,MAAMA,UAAN,CACP;AACE;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAcAC,cAAYC,eAAZ,EAA4D;AAC1D;AACA,SAAKH,OAAL,IAAgB,EAAhB;;AAEA,QAAIG,eAAJ,EAAqB;AACnB,WAAKC,MAAL,CAAYD,eAAZ;AACD;AACF;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;AAUA,MAAIE,GAAJ,GAAkB;AAChB;AACA,WAAO,KAAKL,OAAL,CAAP;AACD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;AAWA,MAAIK,GAAJ,CAAQC,KAAR,EAA6B;AAC3B;AACA,SAAKN,OAAL,IAAgBM,KAAhB;AACD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;AAYAF,SAAOD,eAAP,EAA8D;AAC5D;AACA,SAAKH,OAAL,IAAgB,EAAhB;;AAEA,UAAMO,OAAO,qBAAOJ,eAAP,CAAb;AACA,QAAIE,GAAJ;AACA,QAAIG,EAAJ;;AAEA,YAAQD,IAAR;AACE,WAAKE,OAAOC,IAAZ;AACE,YAAI;AACFL,gBAAM,oBAAOF,eAAP,CAAN;;AAEA,6BAAM,KAAKE,GAAX,EAAgBA,GAAhB;AACD,SAJD,CAKA,OAAOM,MAAP,EAAe,CAAE,uBAAyB;;AAE1C;AACF,WAAKC,OAAOF,IAAZ;AACEL,cAAOF,eAAP;;AAEA,YAAI;AACFE,gBAAM,oBAAM,oBAAMA,GAAN,CAAN,CAAN;AACA,6BAAM,KAAKA,GAAX,EAAgBA,GAAhB;AACD,SAHD,CAIA,OAAOM,MAAP,EAAe,CAAE,uBAAyB;;AAE1C;AACF,WAAKV,WAAWS,IAAhB;AACEF,aAAML,eAAN;;AAEA,2BAAM,KAAKE,GAAX,EAAgBG,GAAGH,GAAnB;;AAEA;AAzBJ;;AA4BA,WAAO,IAAP;AACD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAcAQ,YAAUR,GAAV,EAAmC;AACjC,QAAI,qBAAOA,GAAP,MAAgBO,OAAOF,IAA3B,EAAiC;AAC/B,UAAII,SAAS,mBAAM,EAAN,EAAU,KAAKT,GAAf,EAAoBA,GAApB,CAAb;;AAEA,UAAI;AACF,4BAAMS,MAAN;AACA,aAAKT,GAAL,GAAW,mBAAM,KAAKA,GAAX,EAAgBA,GAAhB,CAAX;AACD,OAHD,CAIA,OAAOU,KAAP,EAAc;AACZC,2BAAGD,KAAH,CAAS,0CAAT,EAAqDV,GAArD;AACAW,2BAAGD,KAAH,CAAS,8BAAT,EAAyCD,MAAzC;AACAE,2BAAGD,KAAH,CAASA,KAAT;AACD;AACF;;AAED,WAAO,IAAP;AACD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAoBAE,oBAAkBd,eAAlB,EAA6E;AAC3E,UAAMe,SAASjB,WAAWkB,IAAX,CAAgBhB,eAAhB,CAAf;AACA,UAAMiB,MAAM,mBAAZ;;AAEA,SAAKf,GAAL,CAASgB,WAAT,CAAqBC,GAArB,CAA0BC,UAAD,IAAgB;AACvCH,UAAII,GAAJ,CAAQD,WAAWb,IAAX,CAAgBJ,KAAxB;AACD,KAFD;;AAIA,QAAIY,UAAUA,OAAOb,GAAP,CAAWgB,WAArB,IAAoC,KAAKhB,GAAL,CAASgB,WAAjD,EAA8D;AAC5D,WAAK,IAAII,MAAT,IAAoBP,MAApB,EAAkC;AAChC,YAAIR,OAAOe,OAAOf,IAAP,CAAYJ,KAAvB;AACA,YAAIoB,OAAO,KAAKC,IAAL,CAAUjB,IAAV,CAAX;AACA,YAAIkB,QAAQF,QAAQ,KAAKrB,GAAL,CAASgB,WAAT,CAAqBQ,OAArB,CAA6BH,IAA7B,CAAR,IAA8C,CAAC,CAA3D;;AAEA;AACA,YAAI,CAACN,IAAIU,GAAJ,CAAQpB,IAAR,CAAL,EAAoB;AAClBU,cAAII,GAAJ,CAAQd,IAAR;AACA,eAAKL,GAAL,CAASgB,WAAT,CAAqBU,IAArB,CAA0BN,MAA1B;AACD;;AAED;AALA,aAMK;AACH;AACA,gBAAIA,OAAOO,IAAP,KAAgBN,KAAKM,IAAzB,EAA+B;AAC7B;AACA,mBAAK3B,GAAL,CAASgB,WAAT,CAAqBO,KAArB,IAA8BH,MAA9B;AACD;;AAED;AALA,iBAMK;AACH;AACA,wBAAQA,OAAOO,IAAf;AACE,uBAAK,sBAAL;AACEN,yBAAKO,UAAL,GAAkB,GAAGC,MAAH,CAAUR,KAAKO,UAAf,EAA2BR,OAAOQ,UAAlC,CAAlB;AACAP,yBAAKS,UAAL,GAAkB,GAAGD,MAAH,CAAUR,KAAKS,UAAf,EAA2BV,OAAOU,UAAlC,CAAlB;AACAT,yBAAKU,MAAL,GAAc,GAAGF,MAAH,CAAUR,KAAKU,MAAf,EAAuBX,OAAOW,MAA9B,CAAd;AACA;AACF;AACE;AACA,yBAAK/B,GAAL,CAASgB,WAAT,CAAqBO,KAArB,IAA8BH,MAA9B;AACA;AATJ;AAWD;AACF;AACF;AACF;;AAED,WAAO,IAAP;AACD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAoBAY,oBACEC,eADF,EAEEC,iBAAkC,OAFpC,EAGc;AACZ,QAAI,CAACD,eAAD,IAAoB,CAAC,KAAKjC,GAA1B,IAAiC,CAAC,KAAKA,GAAL,CAASgB,WAA/C,EAA4D;AAAE,aAAO,IAAP;AAAa;;AAE3E,UAAMmB,OAAO,qBAAOvC,UAAP,MAAuBA,WAAWS,IAAlC,GACT4B,eADS,GAETrC,WAAWkB,IAAX,CAAgBmB,eAAhB,CAFJ;AAGA,QAAIG,OAAO,KAAKd,IAAL,CAAUY,cAAV,CAAX;AACA,QAAIG,QAAQF,QAAQA,KAAKb,IAAL,CAAUY,cAAV,CAAR,IAAqC,IAAjD;;AAEA,QAAI,CAACC,IAAL,EAAW;AACTxB,yBAAGD,KAAH,CAAS,kDAAT;AACAC,yBAAGD,KAAH,CAAS,IAAI4B,KAAJ,CAAU,6BAAV,CAAT;AACA,aAAO,IAAP;AACD;;AAED,QAAI,CAACD,KAAL,EAAY;AAAE,aAAO,IAAP;AAAa;;AAE3B,QAAI,CAACD,IAAL,EAAW;AACT,WAAKpC,GAAL,CAASgB,WAAT,CAAqBU,IAArB,CAA0BW,KAA1B;;AAEA;AACAF,WAAKnC,GAAL,CAASgB,WAAT,CAAqBuB,MAArB,CAA4BJ,KAAKnC,GAAL,CAASgB,WAAT,CAAqBQ,OAArB,CAA6Ba,KAA7B,CAA5B,EAAiE,CAAjE;;AAEA,aAAO,IAAP;AACD;;AAED;AACA;AACA;AACA,YAAOD,KAAKT,IAAZ;AACE,WAAK,sBAAL;AACE,YAAIS,KAAKR,UAAL,IAAmBS,MAAMT,UAA7B,EAAyC;AACvCQ,eAAKR,UAAL,GAAkB,GAAGC,MAAH,CAAUO,KAAKR,UAAf,EAA2BS,MAAMT,UAAjC,CAAlB;AACD;;AAED,YAAIQ,KAAKN,UAAL,IAAmBO,MAAMP,UAA7B,EAAyC;AACvCM,eAAKN,UAAL,GAAkB,GAAGD,MAAH,CAAUO,KAAKN,UAAf,EAA2BO,MAAMP,UAAjC,CAAlB;AACD;;AAED,YAAIM,KAAKL,MAAL,IAAeM,MAAMN,MAAzB,EAAiC;AAC/BK,eAAKL,MAAL,GAAc,GAAGF,MAAH,CAAUO,KAAKL,MAAf,EAAuBM,MAAMN,MAA7B,CAAd;AACD;;AAED;AACF;AACE;AAhBJ;;AAmBA;AACAI,SAAKnC,GAAL,CAASgB,WAAT,CAAqBuB,MAArB,CAA4BJ,KAAKnC,GAAL,CAASgB,WAAT,CAAq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AO2B,aAAP,GAAoC;AAClC,WAAOjF,WAAWkB,IAAX,CAAiB,QAAO,KAAKqC,QAAS,KAAtC,CAAP;AACD;;AAED;;;;;;;;;;;;AAYA,SAAO2B,aAAP,CACEhF,eADF,EAEc;AACZ,QAAIqC,OAAO,IAAIvC,UAAJ,EAAX;;AAEA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACAuC,SAAKnC,GAAL,GAAW;AACT2B,YAAM,UADG;AAETX,mBAAa,EAFJ;AAGT+D,WAAK,EAACC,OAAO,CAAR,EAAWC,KAAK,CAAhB;AAHI,KAAX;;AAMA,QAAInF,eAAJ,EAAqB;AACnBqC,WAAKvB,iBAAL,CAAuBd,eAAvB;AACD;;AAED,WAAOqC,IAAP;AACD;AAnxBH,C;kBAsxBevC,U","file":"SyntaxTree.js","sourceRoot":"es6","sourcesContent":["// @flow\n// @module SyntaxTree\n\nimport { typeOf } from 'ne-types'\nimport { print, parse } from 'graphql'\nimport { merge } from 'lodash'\nimport { LatticeLogs as ll } from './utils'\n\nimport type { GraphQLObjectType } from 'graphql/type/definition'\nimport type {\n ObjectTypeDefinitionNode,\n InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode,\n EnumTypeDefinitionNode,\n UnionTypeDefinitionNode,\n FieldDefinitionNode,\n TypeDefinitionNode,\n TypeNode\n} from 'graphql/language/ast'\n\n\n// Shorthand for the key storing the internal AST\n// @prop\nconst AST_KEY = Symbol.for('Internal AST Storage Key');\n\n/**\n * A parser and processor of GraphQL IDL Abstract Syntax Trees. Used to combine\n * a set of {@link GQLBase} class instances.\n *\n * @class SyntaxTree\n */\nexport class SyntaxTree\n{\n /**\n * Constructs a new `SyntaxTree` object. If a string schema is supplied or\n * an already parsed AST object, either of which is valid GraphQL IDL, then\n * its parsed AST will be the internals of this object.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⎆⠀constructor\n *\n * @param {string|Object|SyntaxTree} schemaOrASTOrST if supplied the tree\n * will be constructed with the contents of the data. If a string of IDL is\n * given, it will be parsed. If an AST is given, it will be verified. If a\n * SyntaxTree is supplied, it will be copied.\n */\n constructor(schemaOrASTOrST?: string | Object | SyntaxTree) {\n // $ComputedType\n this[AST_KEY] = {};\n\n if (schemaOrASTOrST) {\n this.setAST(schemaOrASTOrST);\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Getter that retrieves the abstract syntax tree created by `graphql.parse`\n * when it is presented with a valid string of IDL.\n *\n * @instance\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⬇︎⠀ast\n *\n * @return {Object} a GraphQL AST object\n */\n get ast(): Object {\n // $ComputedType\n return this[AST_KEY];\n }\n\n /**\n * Setter that assigns the abstract syntax tree, typically created by\n * `graphql.parse` when given a valid string of IDL.\n *\n * @instance\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⬆︎⠀ast\n *\n * @param {Object} value a valid AST object. Other operations will act\n * in an undefined manner should this object not be a valid AST\n */\n set ast(value: Object): void {\n // $ComputedType\n this[AST_KEY] = value;\n }\n\n /**\n * Sets the underlying AST object with either schema which will be parsed\n * into a valid AST or an existing AST. Previous ast values will be erased.\n *\n * @instance\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀setAST\n *\n * @param {string|Object} schemaOrAST a valid GraphQL IDL schema or a\n * previosuly parsed or compatible GraphQL IDL AST object.\n * @return {SyntaxTree} this for inlining.\n */\n setAST(schemaOrASTOrST: string|Object|SyntaxTree): SyntaxTree {\n // $ComputedType\n this[AST_KEY] = {};\n\n const type = typeOf(schemaOrASTOrST);\n let ast: Object;\n let st: SyntaxTree;\n\n switch (type) {\n case String.name:\n try {\n ast = parse((schemaOrASTOrST: any));\n\n merge(this.ast, ast);\n }\n catch (ignore) { /* Ignore this error */ }\n\n break;\n case Object.name:\n ast = (schemaOrASTOrST: any);\n\n try {\n ast = parse(print(ast));\n merge(this.ast, ast);\n }\n catch (ignore) { /* Ignore this error */ }\n\n break;\n case SyntaxTree.name:\n st = (schemaOrASTOrST: any);\n\n merge(this.ast, st.ast);\n\n break;\n }\n\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * As passthru update method that works on the internal AST object. If\n * an error occurs, the update is skipped. An error can occur if adding the\n * changes would make the AST invalid. In such a case, the error is logged\n * to the error console.\n *\n * @instance\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀updateAST\n *\n * @param {Object} ast an existing GraphQL IDL AST object that will be\n * merged on top of the existing tree using _.merge()\n * @return {SyntaxTree} this for inlining.\n */\n updateAST(ast: Object): SyntaxTree {\n if (typeOf(ast) === Object.name) {\n let newAST = merge({}, this.ast, ast);\n\n try {\n print(newAST);\n this.ast = merge(this.ast, ast);\n }\n catch (error) {\n ll.error('[SyntaxTree] Failed to updateAST with %o', ast);\n ll.error('Resulting object would be %o', newAST);\n ll.error(error);\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * Appends all definitions from another AST to this one. The method will\n * actually create a copy using SyntaxTree.from() so the input types can\n * be any one of a valid GraphQL IDL schema string, a GraphQL IDL AST or\n * another SyntaxTree object instance.\n *\n * Definitions of the same name but different kinds will be replaced by the\n * new copy. Those of the same kind and name will be merged (TODO handle more\n * than ObjectTypeDefinition kinds when merging; currently other types are\n * overwritten).\n *\n * @instance\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀appendDefinitions\n *\n * @param {string|Object|SyntaxTree} schemaOrASTOrST an instance of one of\n * the valid types for SyntaxTree.from() that can be used to create or\n * duplicate the source from which to copy definitions.\n * @return {SyntaxTree} this for inlining\n */\n appendDefinitions(schemaOrASTOrST: string | Object | SyntaxTree): SyntaxTree {\n const source = SyntaxTree.from(schemaOrASTOrST);\n const set = new Set();\n\n this.ast.definitions.map((definition) => {\n set.add(definition.name.value);\n })\n\n if (source && source.ast.definitions && this.ast.definitions) {\n for (let theirs of (source: any)) {\n let name = theirs.name.value;\n let ours = this.find(name);\n let index = ours && this.ast.definitions.indexOf(ours) || -1;\n\n // We don't yet have one with that name\n if (!set.has(name)) {\n set.add(name);\n this.ast.definitions.push(theirs);\n }\n\n // We do have one with that name\n else {\n // The kinds aren't the same, just replace theirs with ours\n if (theirs.kind !== ours.kind) {\n // replace with the new one\n this.ast.definitions[index] = theirs;\n }\n\n // The kinds are the same, lets just merge their fields\n else {\n // merge the properties of the same types.\n switch (theirs.kind) {\n case 'ObjectTypeDefinition':\n ours.interfaces = [].concat(ours.interfaces, theirs.interfaces)\n ours.directives = [].concat(ours.directives, theirs.directives)\n ours.fields = [].concat(ours.fields, theirs.fields)\n break;\n default:\n // Since we don't support other types yet. Let's replace\n this.ast.definitions[index] = theirs;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * This method finds the Query type definitions in the supplied AST or\n * SyntaxTree objects, takes its defined fields and adds it to the current\n * instances. If this instance does not have a Query type defined but the\n * supplied object does, then the supplied one is moved over. If neither\n * has a query handler, then nothing happens.\n *\n * NOTE this *removes* the Query type definition from the supplied AST or\n * SyntaxTree object.\n *\n * @instance\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀consumeDefinition\n *\n * @param {Object|SyntaxTree} astOrSyntaxTree a valid GraphQL IDL AST or\n * an instance of SyntaxTree that represents one.\n * @param {string|RegExp} definitionType a valid search input as would be\n * accepted for the #find() method of this object.\n * @return {SyntaxTree} returns this for inlining\n */\n consumeDefinition(\n astOrSyntaxTree: Object | SyntaxTree,\n definitionType: string | RegExp = \"Query\"\n ): SyntaxTree {\n if (!astOrSyntaxTree || !this.ast || !this.ast.definitions) { return this }\n\n const tree = typeOf(SyntaxTree) === SyntaxTree.name\n ? astOrSyntaxTree\n : SyntaxTree.from(astOrSyntaxTree);\n let left = this.find(definitionType);\n let right = tree && tree.find(definitionType) || null;\n\n if (!tree) {\n ll.error('There seems to be something wrong with your tree')\n ll.error(new Error('Missing tree; continuing...'));\n return this;\n }\n\n if (!right) { return this }\n\n if (!left) {\n this.ast.definitions.push(right);\n\n // Remove the copied definition from the source\n tree.ast.definitions.splice(tree.ast.definitions.indexOf(right), 1);\n\n return this;\n }\n\n // TODO support other types aside from ObjectTypeDefinitions\n // TODO see if there is a better way to achieve this with built-in\n // graphql code someplace\n switch(left.kind) {\n case 'ObjectTypeDefinition':\n if (left.interfaces && right.interfaces) {\n left.interfaces = [].concat(left.interfaces, right.interfaces);\n }\n\n if (left.directives && right.directives) {\n left.directives = [].concat(left.directives, right.directives);\n }\n\n if (left.fields && right.fields) {\n left.fields = [].concat(left.fields, right.fields);\n }\n\n break;\n default:\n break;\n }\n\n // Remove the copied definition from the source\n tree.ast.definitions.splice(tree.ast.definitions.indexOf(right), 1);\n\n return this;\n }\n\n /**\n * When iterating over an instance of SyntaxTree, you are actually\n * iterating over the definitions of the SyntaxTree if there are any;\n *\n * @instance\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method *[Symbol.iterator]\n *\n * @return {TypeDefinitionNode} an instance of a TypeDefinitionNode; see\n * graphql/language/ast.js.flow for more information\n * @ComputedType\n */\n *[Symbol.iterator](): TypeDefinitionNode {\n if (this[AST_KEY].definitions) {\n return yield* this[AST_KEY].definitions;\n }\n else {\n return yield* this;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Getter that builds a small outline object denoting the schema being\n * processed. If you have a schema that looks like the following:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * let st = SyntaxTree.from(`\n * type Contrived {\n * name: String\n * age: Int\n * }\n *\n * type Query {\n * getContrived: Contrived\n * }\n * `)\n * let outline = st.outline\n * ```\n *\n * You will end up with an object that looks like the following:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * {\n * Contrived: { name: 'String', age: 'Int' },\n * Query: { getContrived: 'Contrived' }\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * As may be evidenced by the example above, the name of the type is\n * represented by an object where the name of each field (sans arguments)\n * is mapped to a string denoting the type.\n */\n get outline(): Object {\n let outline = {}\n let interfaces = Symbol.for('interfaces')\n\n // $FlowFixMe\n for (let definition of this) {\n let out\n\n switch (definition.kind) {\n case 'InterfaceTypeDefinition':\n case 'ObjectTypeDefinition':\n out = outline[definition.name.value] = {}\n definition.fields.forEach(\n field => {\n if (field.type.kind === 'NamedType')\n out[field.name.value] = field.type.name.value\n else if (field.type.kind === 'ListType')\n out[field.name.value] = field.type.type.name.value\n }\n )\n\n if (definition.interfaces) {\n // $FlowFixMe\n out = (out[interfaces] = out[interfaces] || [])\n\n definition.interfaces.forEach(\n _interface => out.push(_interface.name.value)\n )\n }\n\n break;\n\n case 'EnumTypeDefinition':\n out = outline[definition.name.value] = []\n definition.values.forEach(\n value => out[value.name.value] = value.name.value\n )\n break;\n\n case 'UnionTypeDefinition':\n out = outline[definition.name.value] = []\n definition.types.forEach(\n type => out.push(type.name.value)\n )\n break;\n }\n }\n\n return outline\n }\n\n /**\n * Iterate through the definitions of the AST if there are any. For each\n * definition the name property's value field is compared to the supplied\n * definitionName. The definitionName can be a string or a regular\n * expression if finer granularity is desired.\n *\n * @instance\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀find\n *\n * @param {string|RegExp} definitionName a string or regular expression used\n * to match against the definition name field in a given AST.\n * @return {Object|null} a reference to the internal definition field or\n * null if one with a matching name could not be found.\n */\n find(definitionName: string|RegExp): Object | null {\n // $ComputedType\n return SyntaxTree.findDefinition(this[AST_KEY], definitionName);\n }\n\n /**\n * SyntaxTree instances that are toString()'ed will have the graphql method\n * print() called on them to convert their internal structures back to a\n * GraphQL IDL schema syntax. If the object is in an invalid state, it WILL\n * throw an error.\n *\n * @instance\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀toString\n *\n * @return {string} the AST for the tree parsed back into a string\n */\n toString(): string {\n // $ComputedType\n return print(this[AST_KEY]);\n }\n\n /**\n * A runtime constant denoting a query type.\n *\n * @type {string}\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⬇︎⠀QUERY\n * @readonly\n * @const\n */\n static get QUERY(): string { return 'Query' }\n\n /**\n * A runtime constant denoting a mutation type.\n *\n * @type {string}\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⬇︎⠀MUTATION\n * @readonly\n * @const\n */\n static get MUTATION(): string { return 'Mutation' }\n\n /**\n * A runtime constant denoting a subscription type.\n *\n * @type {string}\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method SUBSCRIPTION\n * @readonly\n * @const\n */\n static get SUBSCRIPTION(): string { return 'Subscription' }\n\n /**\n * Returns the `constructor` name. If invoked as the context, or `this`,\n * object of the `toString` method of `Object`'s `prototype`, the resulting\n * value will be `[object MyClass]`, given an instance of `MyClass`\n *\n * @method ⌾⠀[Symbol.toStringTag]\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n *\n * @return {string} the name of the class this is an instance of\n * @ComputedType\n */\n get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return this.constructor.name }\n\n /**\n * Applies the same logic as {@link #[Symbol.toStringTag]} but on a static\n * scale. So, if you perform `Object.prototype.toString.call(MyClass)`\n * the result would be `[object MyClass]`.\n *\n * @method ⌾⠀[Symbol.toStringTag]\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @static\n *\n * @return {string} the name of this class\n * @ComputedType\n */\n static get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return this.name }\n\n /**\n * Given one of, a valid GraphQL IDL schema string, a valid GraphQL AST or\n * an instance of SyntaxTree, the static from() method will create a new\n * instance of the SyntaxTree with the values you provide.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀from\n *\n * @param {String|Object|SyntaxTree} mixed an instance of one of the valid\n * types specified above. Everything else will result in a null value.\n * @return {SyntaxTree} a newly created and populated instance of SyntaxTree\n * or null if an invalid type was supplied for mixed.\n */\n static from(mixed: string | Object | SyntaxTree): SyntaxTree | null {\n let schema: string;\n let ast: Object;\n\n switch (typeOf(mixed)) {\n case String.name:\n schema = (mixed: any);\n try { parse(schema) } catch(error) { ll.error(error); return null; }\n\n return SyntaxTree.fromSchema(String(schema));\n case Object.name:\n ast = (mixed: any);\n try { print(ast) } catch(error) { return null; }\n\n return SyntaxTree.fromAST(ast);\n case SyntaxTree.name:\n schema = mixed.toString();\n\n return SyntaxTree.from(schema);\n default:\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Generates a new instance of SyntaxTree from the supplied, valid, GraphQL\n * schema. This method does not perform try/catch validation and if an\n * invalid GraphQL schema is supplied an error will be thrown.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀fromSchema\n *\n * @param {string} schema a valid GraphQL IDL schema string.\n * @return {SyntaxTree} a new instance of SyntaxTree initialized with a\n * parsed response from require('graphql').parse().\n */\n static fromSchema(schema: string): SyntaxTree {\n const ast = parse(schema);\n let tree = new SyntaxTree(ast);\n\n return tree;\n }\n\n /**\n * Generates a new instance of SyntaxTree from the supplied, valid, GraphQL\n * schema. This method does not perform try/catch validation and if an\n * invalid GraphQL schema is supplied an error will be thrown.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀fromAST\n *\n * @param {object} ast a valid GraphQL AST object.\n * @return {SyntaxTree} a new instance of SyntaxTree initialized with a\n * supplied abstract syntax tree generated by require('graphql').parse() or\n * other compatible method.\n */\n static fromAST(ast: Object): SyntaxTree | null {\n const source = parse(print(ast));\n let tree = new SyntaxTree(source);\n\n return source ? tree : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Iterate through the definitions of the AST if there are any. For each\n * definition the name property's value field is compared to the supplied\n * definitionName. The definitionName can be a string or a regular\n * expression if finer granularity is desired.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀findDefinition\n *\n * @param {Object} ast an abstract syntax tree object created from a GQL SDL\n * @param {string|RegExp} definitionName a string or regular expression used\n * to match against the definition name field in a given AST.\n * @return {Object|null} a reference to the internal definition field or\n * null if one with a matching name could not be found.\n */\n static findDefinition(ast: Object, definitionName: string | RegExp) {\n return this.findInASTArrayByNameValue(\n ast.definitions,\n definitionName\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * Iterate through the fields of a definition AST if there are any. For each\n * field, the name property's value field is compared to the supplied\n * fieldName. The fieldName can be a string or a regular expression if\n * finer granularity is desired.\n *\n * Before iterating over the fields, however, the definition is found using\n * `SyntaxTree#findDefinition`. If either the field or definition are not\n * found, null is returned.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀findField\n * @since 2.7.0\n *\n * @param {Object} ast an abstract syntax tree object created from a GQL SDL\n * @param {string|RegExp} definitionName a string or regular expression used\n * to match against the definition name field in a given AST.\n * @param {string|RegExp} fieldName a string or regular expression used\n * to match against the field name field in a given AST.\n * @return {Object|null} an object containing two keys, the first being\n * `field` which points to the requested AST definition field. The second\n * being `meta` which contains three commonly requested bits of data; `name`,\n * `type` and `nullable`. Non-nullable fields have their actual type wrapped\n * in a `NonNullType` GraphQL construct. The actual field type is contained\n * within. The meta object surfaces those values for easy use.\n */\n static findField(\n ast: Object,\n definitionName: string | RegExp,\n fieldName: string | RegExp\n ) {\n const definition = this.findDefinition(ast, definitionName)\n let meta;\n\n if (!definition || !definition.fields) {\n return null;\n }\n\n const field = this.findInASTArrayByNameValue(definition.fields, fieldName)\n\n if (field) {\n meta = {\n name: field.name && field.name.value || null,\n type: field.type && field.type.kind === 'NonNullType'\n ? field.type.type.name.value\n : field.type && field.type.name && field.type.name.value || null,\n nullable: !!(field.type && field.type.kind !== 'NonNullType')\n }\n }\n\n return { field, meta };\n }\n\n /**\n * Enum AST definitions operate differently than object type definitions\n * do. Namely, they do not have a `fields` array but instead have a `values`\n * array. This wrapper method, first finds the enum definition in the ast\n * and then searches the values for the named node desired and returns that\n * or null, if one could not be found.\n *\n * @method SyntaxTree#⌾⠀findEnumDefinition\n * @since 2.7.0\n *\n * @param {Object} ast the abstract syntax tree parsed by graphql\n * @param {string|RegExp} enumDefinitionName a string or regular expression\n * used to locate the enum definition in the AST.\n * @param {string|RegExp} enumValueName a string or regular expression used\n * to locate the value by name in the values of the enum definition.\n * @return {Object|null} the desired AST node or null if one does not exist\n */\n static findEnumDefinition(\n ast: Object,\n enumDefinitionName: string | RegExp,\n enumValueName: string | RegExp\n ): ?Object {\n // Fetch the enum definition\n const definition = this.findDefinition(ast, enumDefinitionName);\n\n // Ensure we have one or that it has a values array\n if (!definition || !definition.values) {\n return null;\n }\n\n // Return the results of an `findInASTArrayByNameValue()` search of the\n // aforementioned 'values' array.\n return this.findInASTArrayByNameValue(\n definition.values,\n enumValueName\n )\n }\n\n /**\n * A lot of searching in ASTs is filtering through arrays and matching on\n * subobject properties on each iteration. A common theme is find something\n * by its `.name.value`. This method simplifies that by taking an array of\n * AST nodes and searching them for a `.name.value` property that exists\n * within.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀findInASTArrayByNameValue\n * @since 2.7.0\n *\n * @param {Array} array of mixed AST object nodes containing `name.value`s\n * @param {string|RegExp} name a string or regular expression used\n * to match against the node name value\n * @return {Object|null} the AST leaf if one matches or null otherwise.\n */\n static findInASTArrayByNameValue(\n array: Array<Object>,\n name: string | RegExp\n ): ?Object {\n const isRegExp: boolean = /RegExp/.test(typeOf(name));\n const regex = !isRegExp\n // $FlowFixMe\n ? new RegExp(RegExp.escape(name.toString()))\n // $FlowFixMe\n : (name: RegExp);\n const flags = regex.flags\n const source = regex.source\n const reducer = (last,cur,i) => {\n if (last !== -1) return last;\n if (!cur || !cur.name || !cur.name.value) return -1;\n return new RegExp(source, flags).test(cur.name.value) ? i : -1\n }\n const index = array.reduce(reducer, -1);\n\n return (~index) ? array[index] : null;\n }\n\n /**\n * Query types in GraphQL are an ObjectTypeDefinition of importance for\n * placement on the root object. There is utility in creating an empty\n * one that can be injected with the fields of other GraphQL object query\n * entries.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀EmptyQuery\n *\n * @return {SyntaxTree} an instance of SyntaxTree with a base AST generated\n * by parsing the graph query, \"type Query {}\"\n */\n static EmptyQuery(): ?SyntaxTree {\n return SyntaxTree.from(`type ${this.QUERY} {}`);\n }\n\n /**\n * Mutation types in GraphQL are an ObjectTypeDefinition of importance for\n * placement on the root object. There is utility in creating an empty\n * one that can be injected with the fields of other GraphQL object mutation\n * entries.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀EmptyMutation\n *\n * @return {SyntaxTree} an instance of SyntaxTree with a base AST generated\n * by parsing the graph query, \"type Mutation {}\"\n */\n static EmptyMutation(): ?SyntaxTree {\n return SyntaxTree.from(`type ${this.MUTATION} {}`);\n }\n\n /**\n * The starting point for a SyntaxTree that will be built up programmatically.\n *\n * @static\n * @memberof SyntaxTree\n * @method ⌾⠀EmptyDocument\n *\n * @param {string|Object|SyntaxTree} schemaOrASTOrST any valid type taken by\n * SyntaxTree.from() used to further populate the new empty document\n * @return {SyntaxTree} an instance of SyntaxTree with no definitions and a\n * kind set to 'Document'\n */\n static EmptyDocument(\n schemaOrASTOrST?: string | Object | SyntaxTree\n ): SyntaxTree {\n let tree = new SyntaxTree();\n\n // Due to normal validation methods with ASTs (i.e. converting to string\n // and then back to an AST object), doing this with an empty document\n // fails. Therefore, we manually set the document contents here. This allows\n // toString(), consumeDefinition() and similar methods to still work.\n tree.ast = {\n kind: 'Document',\n definitions: [],\n loc: {start: 0, end: 0}\n };\n\n if (schemaOrASTOrST) {\n tree.appendDefinitions(schemaOrASTOrST);\n }\n\n return tree;\n }\n}\n\nexport default SyntaxTree;\n"]}
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