1.67 kBPlain TextView Raw
1#!/usr/bin/env node
3import { Command } from '@molt/command'
4import * as Path from 'node:path'
5import { z } from 'zod'
6import { generateFiles } from '../layers/2_generator/files.js'
8const args = Command.create().description(`Generate a type safe GraphQL client.`)
9 .parameter(`schema`, z.string().min(1).describe(`File path to where your GraphQL schema is.`))
10 .parameter(
11 `output`,
12 z.string().min(1).describe(
13 `Directory path for where to output the generated TypeScript files.`,
14 ),
15 )
16 .parametersExclusive(
17 `schemaErrorType`,
18 $ =>
19 $.parameter(
20 `schemaErrorTypes`,
21 z.boolean().describe(
22 `Use the schema error types pattern. All object types whose name starts with "Error" will be considered to be error types. If you want to specify a custom name pattern then use the other parameter "schemaErrorTypePattern".`,
23 ),
24 )
25 .parameter(
26 `schemaErrorTypePattern`,
27 z.string().min(1).describe(
28 `Designate objects whose name matches this JS regular expression as being error types in your schema.`,
29 ),
30 ).default(`schemaErrorTypes`, true),
31 )
32 .parameter(`format`, z.boolean().describe(`Format the generated files using dprint.`).default(true))
33 .settings({
34 parameters: {
35 environment: false,
36 },
37 })
38 .parse()
40await generateFiles({
41 sourceDirPath: Path.dirname(args.schema),
42 outputDirPath: args.output,
43 format: args.format,
44 errorTypeNamePattern: args.schemaErrorType._tag === `schemaErrorTypePattern`
45 ? new RegExp(args.schemaErrorType.value)
46 : args.schemaErrorType.value
47 ? /^Error.+/
48 : undefined,