20.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { __makeTemplateObject } from "tslib";
2import 'source-map-support/register';
3import { assert } from 'chai';
4import gql from './index';
5var loader = require('../loader');
6describe('gql', function () {
7 it('parses queries', function () {
8 assert.equal(gql(templateObject_1 || (templateObject_1 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ testQuery }"], ["{ testQuery }"]))).kind, 'Document');
9 });
10 it('parses queries when called as a function', function () {
11 assert.equal(gql('{ testQuery }').kind, 'Document');
12 });
13 it('parses queries with weird substitutions', function () {
14 var obj = Object.create(null);
15 assert.equal(gql(templateObject_2 || (templateObject_2 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ field(input: \"", "\") }"], ["{ field(input: \"", "\") }"])), obj.missing).kind, 'Document');
16 assert.equal(gql(templateObject_3 || (templateObject_3 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ field(input: \"", "\") }"], ["{ field(input: \"", "\") }"])), null).kind, 'Document');
17 assert.equal(gql(templateObject_4 || (templateObject_4 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ field(input: \"", "\") }"], ["{ field(input: \"", "\") }"])), 0).kind, 'Document');
18 });
19 it('allows interpolation of documents generated by the webpack loader', function () {
20 var sameFragment = "fragment SomeFragmentName on SomeType { someField }";
21 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, sameFragment);
22 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
23 Function("module", jsSource)(module);
24 var document = gql(templateObject_5 || (templateObject_5 = __makeTemplateObject(["query { ...SomeFragmentName } ", ""], ["query { ...SomeFragmentName } ", ""])), module.exports);
25 assert.equal(document.kind, 'Document');
26 assert.equal(document.definitions.length, 2);
27 assert.equal(document.definitions[0].kind, 'OperationDefinition');
28 assert.equal(document.definitions[1].kind, 'FragmentDefinition');
29 });
30 it('parses queries through webpack loader', function () {
31 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, '{ testQuery }');
32 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
33 Function("module", jsSource)(module);
34 assert.equal(module.exports.kind, 'Document');
35 });
36 it('parses single query through webpack loader', function () {
37 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, "\n query Q1 { testQuery }\n ");
38 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
39 Function("module", jsSource)(module);
40 assert.equal(module.exports.kind, 'Document');
41 assert.exists(module.exports.Q1);
42 assert.equal(module.exports.Q1.kind, 'Document');
43 assert.equal(module.exports.Q1.definitions.length, 1);
44 });
45 it('parses single query and exports as default', function () {
46 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, "\n query Q1 { testQuery }\n ");
47 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
48 Function("module", jsSource)(module);
49 assert.deepEqual(module.exports.definitions, module.exports.Q1.definitions);
50 });
51 it('parses multiple queries through webpack loader', function () {
52 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, "\n query Q1 { testQuery }\n query Q2 { testQuery2 }\n ");
53 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
54 Function("module", jsSource)(module);
55 assert.exists(module.exports.Q1);
56 assert.exists(module.exports.Q2);
57 assert.equal(module.exports.Q1.kind, 'Document');
58 assert.equal(module.exports.Q2.kind, 'Document');
59 assert.equal(module.exports.Q1.definitions.length, 1);
60 assert.equal(module.exports.Q2.definitions.length, 1);
61 });
62 it('parses fragments with variable definitions', function () {
63 gql.enableExperimentalFragmentVariables();
64 var parsed = gql(templateObject_6 || (templateObject_6 = __makeTemplateObject(["fragment A ($arg: String!) on Type { testQuery }"], ["fragment A ($arg: String!) on Type { testQuery }"])));
65 assert.equal(parsed.kind, 'Document');
66 assert.exists(parsed.definitions[0].variableDefinitions);
67 gql.disableExperimentalFragmentVariables();
68 });
69 it('does not nest queries needlessly in named exports', function () {
70 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, "\n query Q1 { testQuery }\n query Q2 { testQuery2 }\n query Q3 { test Query3 }\n ");
71 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
72 Function("module", jsSource)(module);
73 assert.notExists(module.exports.Q2.Q1);
74 assert.notExists(module.exports.Q3.Q1);
75 assert.notExists(module.exports.Q3.Q2);
76 });
77 it('tracks fragment dependencies from multiple queries through webpack loader', function () {
78 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, "\n fragment F1 on F { testQuery }\n fragment F2 on F { testQuery2 }\n fragment F3 on F { testQuery3 }\n query Q1 { ...F1 }\n query Q2 { ...F2 }\n query Q3 {\n ...F1\n ...F2\n }\n ");
79 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
80 Function("module", jsSource)(module);
81 assert.exists(module.exports.Q1);
82 assert.exists(module.exports.Q2);
83 assert.exists(module.exports.Q3);
84 var Q1 = module.exports.Q1.definitions;
85 var Q2 = module.exports.Q2.definitions;
86 var Q3 = module.exports.Q3.definitions;
87 assert.equal(Q1.length, 2);
88 assert.equal(Q1[0].name.value, 'Q1');
89 assert.equal(Q1[1].name.value, 'F1');
90 assert.equal(Q2.length, 2);
91 assert.equal(Q2[0].name.value, 'Q2');
92 assert.equal(Q2[1].name.value, 'F2');
93 assert.equal(Q3.length, 3);
94 assert.equal(Q3[0].name.value, 'Q3');
95 assert.equal(Q3[1].name.value, 'F1');
96 assert.equal(Q3[2].name.value, 'F2');
97 var F1 = module.exports.F1.definitions;
98 var F2 = module.exports.F2.definitions;
99 var F3 = module.exports.F3.definitions;
100 assert.equal(F1.length, 1);
101 assert.equal(F1[0].name.value, 'F1');
102 assert.equal(F2.length, 1);
103 assert.equal(F2[0].name.value, 'F2');
104 assert.equal(F3.length, 1);
105 assert.equal(F3[0].name.value, 'F3');
106 });
107 it('tracks fragment dependencies across nested fragments', function () {
108 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, "\n fragment F11 on F { testQuery }\n fragment F22 on F {\n ...F11\n testQuery2\n }\n fragment F33 on F {\n ...F22\n testQuery3\n }\n\n query Q1 {\n ...F33\n }\n\n query Q2 {\n id\n }\n ");
109 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
110 Function("module", jsSource)(module);
111 assert.exists(module.exports.Q1);
112 assert.exists(module.exports.Q2);
113 var Q1 = module.exports.Q1.definitions;
114 var Q2 = module.exports.Q2.definitions;
115 assert.equal(Q1.length, 4);
116 assert.equal(Q1[0].name.value, 'Q1');
117 assert.equal(Q1[1].name.value, 'F33');
118 assert.equal(Q1[2].name.value, 'F22');
119 assert.equal(Q1[3].name.value, 'F11');
120 assert.equal(Q2.length, 1);
121 var F11 = module.exports.F11.definitions;
122 var F22 = module.exports.F22.definitions;
123 var F33 = module.exports.F33.definitions;
124 assert.equal(F11.length, 1);
125 assert.equal(F11[0].name.value, 'F11');
126 assert.equal(F22.length, 2);
127 assert.equal(F22[0].name.value, 'F22');
128 assert.equal(F22[1].name.value, 'F11');
129 assert.equal(F33.length, 3);
130 assert.equal(F33[0].name.value, 'F33');
131 assert.equal(F33[1].name.value, 'F22');
132 assert.equal(F33[2].name.value, 'F11');
133 });
134 it('correctly imports other files through the webpack loader', function () {
135 var query = "#import \"./fragment_definition.graphql\"\n query {\n author {\n ...authorDetails\n }\n }";
136 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, query);
137 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
138 var require = function (path) {
139 assert.equal(path, './fragment_definition.graphql');
140 return gql(templateObject_7 || (templateObject_7 = __makeTemplateObject(["\n fragment authorDetails on Author {\n firstName\n lastName\n }"], ["\n fragment authorDetails on Author {\n firstName\n lastName\n }"])));
141 };
142 Function("module,require", jsSource)(module, require);
143 assert.equal(module.exports.kind, 'Document');
144 var definitions = module.exports.definitions;
145 assert.equal(definitions.length, 2);
146 assert.equal(definitions[0].kind, 'OperationDefinition');
147 assert.equal(definitions[1].kind, 'FragmentDefinition');
148 });
149 it('tracks fragment dependencies across fragments loaded via the webpack loader', function () {
150 var query = "#import \"./fragment_definition.graphql\"\n fragment F111 on F {\n ...F222\n }\n\n query Q1 {\n ...F111\n }\n\n query Q2 {\n a\n }\n ";
151 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, query);
152 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
153 var require = function (path) {
154 assert.equal(path, './fragment_definition.graphql');
155 return gql(templateObject_8 || (templateObject_8 = __makeTemplateObject(["\n fragment F222 on F {\n f1\n f2\n }"], ["\n fragment F222 on F {\n f1\n f2\n }"])));
156 };
157 Function("module,require", jsSource)(module, require);
158 assert.exists(module.exports.Q1);
159 assert.exists(module.exports.Q2);
160 var Q1 = module.exports.Q1.definitions;
161 var Q2 = module.exports.Q2.definitions;
162 assert.equal(Q1.length, 3);
163 assert.equal(Q1[0].name.value, 'Q1');
164 assert.equal(Q1[1].name.value, 'F111');
165 assert.equal(Q1[2].name.value, 'F222');
166 assert.equal(Q2.length, 1);
167 });
168 it('does not complain when presented with normal comments', function (done) {
169 assert.doesNotThrow(function () {
170 var query = "#normal comment\n query {\n author {\n ...authorDetails\n }\n }";
171 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, query);
172 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
173 Function("module", jsSource)(module);
174 assert.equal(module.exports.kind, 'Document');
175 done();
176 });
177 });
178 it('returns the same object for the same query', function () {
179 assert.isTrue(gql(templateObject_9 || (templateObject_9 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ sameQuery }"], ["{ sameQuery }"]))) === gql(templateObject_10 || (templateObject_10 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ sameQuery }"], ["{ sameQuery }"]))));
180 });
181 it('returns the same object for the same query, even with whitespace differences', function () {
182 assert.isTrue(gql(templateObject_11 || (templateObject_11 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ sameQuery }"], ["{ sameQuery }"]))) === gql(templateObject_12 || (templateObject_12 = __makeTemplateObject([" { sameQuery, }"], [" { sameQuery, }"]))));
183 });
184 var fragmentAst = gql(templateObject_13 || (templateObject_13 = __makeTemplateObject(["\n fragment UserFragment on User {\n firstName\n lastName\n }\n"], ["\n fragment UserFragment on User {\n firstName\n lastName\n }\n"])));
185 it('returns the same object for the same fragment', function () {
186 assert.isTrue(gql(templateObject_14 || (templateObject_14 = __makeTemplateObject(["fragment same on Same { sameQuery }"], ["fragment same on Same { sameQuery }"]))) === gql(templateObject_15 || (templateObject_15 = __makeTemplateObject(["fragment same on Same { sameQuery }"], ["fragment same on Same { sameQuery }"]))));
187 });
188 it('returns the same object for the same document with substitution', function () {
189 assert.isTrue(gql(templateObject_16 || (templateObject_16 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ ...UserFragment } ", ""], ["{ ...UserFragment } ", ""])), fragmentAst) === gql(templateObject_17 || (templateObject_17 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ ...UserFragment } ", ""], ["{ ...UserFragment } ", ""])), fragmentAst));
190 });
191 it('can reference a fragment that references as fragment', function () {
192 var secondFragmentAst = gql(templateObject_18 || (templateObject_18 = __makeTemplateObject(["\n fragment SecondUserFragment on User {\n ...UserFragment\n }\n ", "\n "], ["\n fragment SecondUserFragment on User {\n ...UserFragment\n }\n ", "\n "])), fragmentAst);
193 var ast = gql(templateObject_19 || (templateObject_19 = __makeTemplateObject(["\n {\n user(id: 5) {\n ...SecondUserFragment\n }\n }\n ", "\n "], ["\n {\n user(id: 5) {\n ...SecondUserFragment\n }\n }\n ", "\n "])), secondFragmentAst);
194 assert.deepEqual(ast, gql(templateObject_20 || (templateObject_20 = __makeTemplateObject(["\n {\n user(id: 5) {\n ...SecondUserFragment\n }\n }\n fragment SecondUserFragment on User {\n ...UserFragment\n }\n fragment UserFragment on User {\n firstName\n lastName\n }\n "], ["\n {\n user(id: 5) {\n ...SecondUserFragment\n }\n }\n fragment SecondUserFragment on User {\n ...UserFragment\n }\n fragment UserFragment on User {\n firstName\n lastName\n }\n "]))));
195 });
196 describe('fragment warnings', function () {
197 var warnings = [];
198 var oldConsoleWarn = console.warn;
199 beforeEach(function () {
200 gql.resetCaches();
201 warnings = [];
202 console.warn = function (w) { return warnings.push(w); };
203 });
204 afterEach(function () {
205 console.warn = oldConsoleWarn;
206 });
207 it('warns if you use the same fragment name for different fragments', function () {
208 var frag1 = gql(templateObject_21 || (templateObject_21 = __makeTemplateObject(["fragment TestSame on Bar { fieldOne }"], ["fragment TestSame on Bar { fieldOne }"])));
209 var frag2 = gql(templateObject_22 || (templateObject_22 = __makeTemplateObject(["fragment TestSame on Bar { fieldTwo }"], ["fragment TestSame on Bar { fieldTwo }"])));
210 assert.isFalse(frag1 === frag2);
211 assert.equal(warnings.length, 1);
212 });
213 it('does not warn if you use the same fragment name for the same fragment', function () {
214 var frag1 = gql(templateObject_23 || (templateObject_23 = __makeTemplateObject(["fragment TestDifferent on Bar { fieldOne }"], ["fragment TestDifferent on Bar { fieldOne }"])));
215 var frag2 = gql(templateObject_24 || (templateObject_24 = __makeTemplateObject(["fragment TestDifferent on Bar { fieldOne }"], ["fragment TestDifferent on Bar { fieldOne }"])));
216 assert.isTrue(frag1 === frag2);
217 assert.equal(warnings.length, 0);
218 });
219 it('does not warn if you use the same embedded fragment in two different queries', function () {
220 var frag1 = gql(templateObject_25 || (templateObject_25 = __makeTemplateObject(["fragment TestEmbedded on Bar { field }"], ["fragment TestEmbedded on Bar { field }"])));
221 var query1 = gql(templateObject_26 || (templateObject_26 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ bar { fieldOne ...TestEmbedded } } ", ""], ["{ bar { fieldOne ...TestEmbedded } } ", ""])), frag1);
222 var query2 = gql(templateObject_27 || (templateObject_27 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ bar { fieldTwo ...TestEmbedded } } ", ""], ["{ bar { fieldTwo ...TestEmbedded } } ", ""])), frag1);
223 assert.isFalse(query1 === query2);
224 assert.equal(warnings.length, 0);
225 });
226 it('does not warn if you use the same fragment name for embedded and non-embedded fragments', function () {
227 var frag1 = gql(templateObject_28 || (templateObject_28 = __makeTemplateObject(["fragment TestEmbeddedTwo on Bar { field }"], ["fragment TestEmbeddedTwo on Bar { field }"])));
228 gql(templateObject_29 || (templateObject_29 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ bar { ...TestEmbedded } } ", ""], ["{ bar { ...TestEmbedded } } ", ""])), frag1);
229 gql(templateObject_30 || (templateObject_30 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ bar { ...TestEmbedded } } fragment TestEmbeddedTwo on Bar { field }"], ["{ bar { ...TestEmbedded } } fragment TestEmbeddedTwo on Bar { field }"])));
230 assert.equal(warnings.length, 0);
231 });
232 });
233 describe('unique fragments', function () {
234 beforeEach(function () {
235 gql.resetCaches();
236 });
237 it('strips duplicate fragments from the document', function () {
238 var frag1 = gql(templateObject_31 || (templateObject_31 = __makeTemplateObject(["fragment TestDuplicate on Bar { field }"], ["fragment TestDuplicate on Bar { field }"])));
239 var query1 = gql(templateObject_32 || (templateObject_32 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ bar { fieldOne ...TestDuplicate } } ", " ", ""], ["{ bar { fieldOne ...TestDuplicate } } ", " ", ""])), frag1, frag1);
240 var query2 = gql(templateObject_33 || (templateObject_33 = __makeTemplateObject(["{ bar { fieldOne ...TestDuplicate } } ", ""], ["{ bar { fieldOne ...TestDuplicate } } ", ""])), frag1);
241 assert.equal(query1.definitions.length, 2);
242 assert.equal(query1.definitions[1].kind, 'FragmentDefinition');
243 assert.deepEqual(query1.definitions, query2.definitions);
244 });
245 it('ignores duplicate fragments from second-level imports when using the webpack loader', function () {
246 var load = function (require, query) {
247 var jsSource = loader.call({ cacheable: function () { } }, query);
248 var module = { exports: Object.create(null) };
249 Function("require,module", jsSource)(require, module);
250 return module.exports;
251 };
252 var test_require = function (path) {
253 switch (path) {
254 case './friends.graphql':
255 return load(test_require, [
256 '#import "./person.graphql"',
257 'fragment friends on Hero { friends { ...person } }',
258 ].join('\n'));
259 case './enemies.graphql':
260 return load(test_require, [
261 '#import "./person.graphql"',
262 'fragment enemies on Hero { enemies { ...person } }',
263 ].join('\n'));
264 case './person.graphql':
265 return load(test_require, 'fragment person on Person { name }\n');
266 default:
267 return null;
268 }
269 ;
270 };
271 var result = load(test_require, [
272 '#import "./friends.graphql"',
273 '#import "./enemies.graphql"',
274 'query { hero { ...friends ...enemies } }',
275 ].join('\n'));
276 assert.equal(result.kind, 'Document');
277 assert.equal(result.definitions.length, 4, 'after deduplication, only 4 fragments should remain');
278 assert.equal(result.definitions[0].kind, 'OperationDefinition');
279 var fragments = result.definitions.slice(1);
280 assert(fragments.every(function (fragment) { return fragment.kind === 'FragmentDefinition'; }));
281 assert(fragments.some(function (fragment) { return fragment.name.value === 'friends'; }));
282 assert(fragments.some(function (fragment) { return fragment.name.value === 'enemies'; }));
283 assert(fragments.some(function (fragment) { return fragment.name.value === 'person'; }));
284 });
285 });
287var templateObject_1, templateObject_2, templateObject_3, templateObject_4, templateObject_5, templateObject_6, templateObject_7, templateObject_8, templateObject_9, templateObject_10, templateObject_11, templateObject_12, templateObject_13, templateObject_14, templateObject_15, templateObject_16, templateObject_17, templateObject_18, templateObject_19, templateObject_20, templateObject_21, templateObject_22, templateObject_23, templateObject_24, templateObject_25, templateObject_26, templateObject_27, templateObject_28, templateObject_29, templateObject_30, templateObject_31, templateObject_32, templateObject_33;
288//# sourceMappingURL=tests.js.map
\No newline at end of file