1.21 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "graphy",
3 "version": "3.2.2",
4 "description": "A comprehensive RDF toolkit including triplestores, intuitive writers, and the fastest JavaScript parsers on the Web",
5 "keywords": [
6 "linked-data",
7 "n-quads",
8 "n-triples",
9 "nq",
10 "nt",
11 "rdf",
12 "rdfjs",
13 "semantic-web",
14 "trig",
15 "ttl",
16 "turtle"
17 ],
18 "repository": "blake-regalia/graphy.js",
19 "license": "ISC",
20 "author": {
21 "name": "Blake Regalia",
22 "email": "blake.regalia@gmail.com"
23 },
24 "main": "main.js",
25 "bin": {
26 "graphy": "main.js"
27 },
28 "dependencies": {
29 "@graphy/content.nq.read": "3.2.2",
30 "@graphy/content.nq.write": "3.2.2",
31 "@graphy/content.nt.read": "3.2.2",
32 "@graphy/content.nt.write": "3.2.2",
33 "@graphy/content.trig.read": "3.2.2",
34 "@graphy/content.trig.write": "3.2.2",
35 "@graphy/content.ttl.read": "3.2.2",
36 "@graphy/content.ttl.write": "3.2.2",
37 "@graphy/core.class.writable": "3.2.2",
38 "@graphy/core.data.factory": "3.2.2",
39 "@graphy/core.iso.stream": "3.2.2",
40 "@graphy/util.dataset.tree": "3.2.2",
41 "big-integer": "^1.6.41",
42 "uri-js": "^4.2.2",
43 "yargs": "^12.0.5"
44 },
45 "engines": {
46 "node": ">=8.4.0"
47 }
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