1 | # greenwood-starter-presentation
2 |
3 | Greenwood plugin and kick-starter repo for creating and authoring a slide deck from markdown, powered by [**GreenwoodJS**](https://www.greenwoodjs.io/)! ♻️
4 |
5 | 
6 |
7 | [](https://app.netlify.com/sites/awesome-bhaskara-b7d76c/deploys)
8 |
9 | ## Installation
10 |
11 | There are a couple options available for how you can use this project to kickstart your next presentation.
12 |
13 | ### Greenwood Plugin (recommended)
14 | This project is principally intended to be consumed by a Greenwood project as a ["theme pack" plugin](https://www.greenwoodjs.io/guides/theme-packs/) installed from npm. The advantage being that as enhancements and improvements are made to the project, you can pull those in just by updating a version number in your _package.json_.
15 |
16 |
17 | > Check out these links to learn more [about Greenwood](https://www.greenwoodjs.io/about/) as well as the [Quick start guide](https://www.greenwoodjs.io/getting-started/).
18 |
19 | To add this plugin to an _existing_ Greenwood project (where `@greenwood/cli` has already been installed), please do the following:
20 |
21 | 1. Install the plugin as a dev dependency
22 | ```sh
23 | $ npm i greenwood-starter-presentation --save-dev --legacy-peer-deps
24 | ```
25 | 1. Add this and Greenwood's Import CSS plugin to your _greenwood.config.js_
26 | ```js
27 | import { greenwoodPluginImportCss } from '@greenwood/plugin-import-css';
28 | import { greenwoodThemeStarterPresentation } from 'greenwood-starter-presentation';
29 |
30 | export default {
31 | // ...
32 |
33 | plugins: [
34 | greenwoodPluginImportCss(),
35 | greenwoodThemeStarterPresentation()
36 | ]
37 |
38 | };
39 | ```
40 | 1. Make sure to add `type: "module"` to uour _package.json_
41 | 1. Create a markdown file in your _src/pages_ directory called _index.md_ with these contents
42 | ```md
43 | ---
44 | template: index
45 | ---
46 | ```
47 |
48 | > _You can see an example of this project in use as a Greenwood plugin in [this repo](https://github.com/thescientist13/knowing-your-tco). Feel free to clone or fork that or do whatever you want from there as well._
49 |
50 |
51 | ### Git (Fork / Clone)
52 |
53 | You can also just fork and / or clone this repo from GitHub using `git`.
54 |
55 | 1. Clone the repo
56 | ```sh
57 | # Using SSH (recommended)
58 | $ git clone git@github.com:thescientist13/greenwood-starter-presentation.git
59 |
60 | # Using HTTP / GitHub Credentials
61 | $ git clone https://github.com/thescientist13/greenwood-starter-presentation.git
62 | ```
63 | 1. Change into the project directory and install dependencies
64 | ```sh
65 | $ cd greenwood-starter-presentation
66 | $ npm install
67 | ```
68 |
69 | ## Usage
70 |
71 | For those unfamiliar, [CSS Zen Garden](http://www.csszengarden.com/) is a site the shares examples of designers and developers using the same HTML, but making completely unique looking layouts using just CSS. The concept of a theme pack is an homage to this philosophy. Just like you would have in Google Slides or Powerpoint, this project provides not only templates and styles to pre-theme and layout all your context, but also a complete UI to develop and present the slides with!
72 |
73 |
74 | > _As this repo and plugin are both based on Greenwood, you are able to use all of Greenwood's [APIs](https://www.greenwoodjs.io/docs/) and [plugins](https://www.greenwoodjs.io/plugins/) in your own project too._
75 |
76 |
77 | ### Development
78 |
79 | To start developing, simply run the `start` script
80 |
81 | ```sh
82 | $ npm start
83 | ```
84 |
85 | This will open a local development server for you at `localhost:1984`.
86 |
87 | ----
88 |
89 | You can preview a production build by using the `serve` script
90 |
91 | ```sh
92 | $ npm run serve
93 | ```
94 |
95 | You can preview the final site at `localhost:8080`.
96 |
97 | > If you are using Windows, run `npm run serve:win`
98 |
99 | ### User Interface
100 |
101 | When you are running the app, the following controls and behaviors are available:
102 | - Updating in any content will live reload the browser for you, preserving the focused slide.
103 | - Scrolling and clicking any slide in the _Preview List_ on the left will make that slide appear in the _Current Slide) view.
104 | - Clicking the _Presenter Mode_ button will enable Full Screen mode:
105 | - Navigate left and right using the left and right arrow keys
106 | - To exit presenter mode, hit the ESC key
107 |
108 | ### Slide Templates and Layouts
109 |
110 | To organize your slide content, this plugin provides the following template that can be specified in markdown file's frontmatter.
111 |
112 | ex.
113 | ```md
114 | ---
115 | template: theme-statement
116 | ---
117 |
118 | Lorum Ipsum all my content....
119 | ```
120 |
121 | 1. `theme-center-content` - All content is positioned in the center both vertically and horizontally.
122 | 1. `theme-outline` - Centers a list in the middle of the page with a heading tag at the top/
123 | 1. `theme-statement` - A slide with content positioned in the bottom left hand corner to help emphasize a point.
124 | 1. `theme-title` - Provides an opening slide to highlight the talk title and author prominently in the center using heading tags.
125 | 1. `theme-top-title-image-left` - Positions an image in the lower left hand corner with content flowing to the right.
126 | 1. `theme-top-title` - Positions an `<h1>` at the top behind a page width banner using `--color-tertiary`, with any extra content positioned to the right of the page.
127 | 1. `page` - (the default if no `template` is specified) - Will just display a slide with the `--color-primary` variable to the background color.
128 |
129 | The supported structure for the above slides looks like this
130 |
131 | #### Center Content
132 | ```md
133 | ---
134 | template: theme-center-content
135 | ---
136 |
137 | # What's the Deal...?
138 |
139 | Lorum Ipsum
140 | ```
141 |
142 | > See [_pages/slides/3.md_](https://github.com/thescientist13/greenwood-starter-presentation/blob/master/src/pages/slides/3.md) for an example.
143 |
144 | #### Outline
145 | ```md
146 | ---
147 | template: theme-outline
148 | ---
149 |
150 | # My Talk Agenda
151 |
152 | 1. Intro
153 | 1. Topic 1
154 | 1. Topic 2
155 | 1. Topic 3
156 | 1. Thank you!
157 | ```
158 |
159 | > See [_pages/slides/2.md_](https://github.com/thescientist13/greenwood-starter-presentation/blob/master/src/pages/slides/3.md) for an example.
160 |
161 | #### Statement
162 | ```md
163 | ---
164 | template: theme-statement
165 | ---
166 |
167 | Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor.
168 | ```
169 |
170 | > See [_pages/slides/6.md_](https://github.com/thescientist13/greenwood-starter-presentation/blob/master/src/pages/slides/1.md) for an example.
171 |
172 | #### Title
173 | ```md
174 | ---
175 | template: theme-title
176 | ---
177 |
178 | # My Talk
179 |
180 | ## By Your Name
181 | ```
182 |
183 | > See [_pages/slides/1.md_](https://github.com/thescientist13/greenwood-starter-presentation/blob/master/src/pages/slides/1.md) for an example.
184 |
185 |
186 | #### Top Title Image Left
187 | ```md
188 | ---
189 | template: theme-top-title-image-left
190 | ---
191 |
192 | # Thank You!
193 |
194 | @twitter_name
195 |
196 | 
197 | ```
198 |
199 | > See [_pages/slides/7.md_](https://github.com/thescientist13/greenwood-starter-presentation/blob/master/src/pages/slides/1.md) for an example.
200 |
201 |
202 | #### Top Title
203 | ```md
204 | ---
205 | template: theme-top-title
206 | ---
207 |
208 | # Welcome To My Talk
209 |
210 | Empty page body with an h1 at the top with `--color-secondary` color behind it as a top bar.
211 | ```
212 |
213 | > See [_pages/slides/4.md_](https://github.com/thescientist13/greenwood-starter-presentation/blob/master/src/pages/slides/2.md) for an example.
214 |
215 | ----
216 |
217 | > _Remember, you can always add your own HTML and <style> tags right into markdown. Additionally, Greenwood also supports ad-hoc and one off imports of CSS and JS via [frontmatter imports](https://www.greenwoodjs.io/docs/front-matter/#imports) for extra customization!_
218 |
219 | ### Theming and Design System
220 | The following global variables are provided to you to customize and override using [CSS custom properties](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Using_CSS_custom_properties).
221 |
222 | ```css
223 | :root {
224 | --color-primary: #135;
225 | --color-secondary: #74b238;
226 | --color-tertiary: #2b85da;
227 | --color-text-light: #efefef;
228 | --color-text-dark: #020202;
229 | --font-family: 'Optima', sans-serif;
230 | --font-size: 1.5rem;
231 | --backgroundUrl: url('../assets/background.jpg');
232 | }
233 |
234 | :host {
235 | --color-primary: #135;
236 | --color-secondary: #74b238;
237 | --color-tertiary: #2b85da;
238 | --color-text-light: #efefef;
239 | --color-text-dark: #020202;
240 | --font-family: 'Optima', sans-serif;
241 | --font-size: 1.5rem;
242 | --backgroundUrl: url('../assets/background.jpg');
243 | }
244 | ```
245 |
246 | ## Support and Upgrades
247 |
248 | ### Known Issues
249 |
250 | There a few open items in our issue tracker as we work to an [initial 1.0.0 release](https://github.com/thescientist13/greenwood-starter-presentation/milestone/1). It would also be useful to be familiar with Greenwood's [Theme Pack FAQ](https://www.greenwoodjs.io/guides/theme-packs/#faq) if something isn't working as expected.
251 |
252 | ### Upgrades
253 |
254 | To stay up to date with this repo depends on how you initialized your project or repo.
255 |
256 | #### Plugin
257 |
258 | If you using the plugin, any upgrades should just be as simple as upgrading the version of this plugin in your _package.json_ using your package manager of choice.
259 |
260 | ```sh
261 | # npm
262 | $ npm install greenwood-starter-presentation
263 |
264 | # yarn
265 | $ yarn upgrade greenwood-starter-presentation --latest
266 | ```
267 |
268 | #### Git
269 |
270 | If you cloned this repo, then you should just be able to pull
271 | ```sh
272 | $ git pull origin master
273 | ```
274 |
275 | If you forked, make sure to add this repo as an upstream and pull changes in as needed
276 | ```sh
277 | # use SSH (recommended) or HTTPS depending on your needs
278 | $ git remote add upstream git@github.com:thescientist13/greenwood-starter-presentation.git
279 | $ git fetch upstream master
280 | $ git checkout master
281 | $ git merge upstream/master
282 | ```
283 |
284 | > ⚠️ Note: By using git and this project, be aware that pulling in upstream changes could likely be prone to merge conflicts if you are changing anything other than _src/pages_. |
\ | No newline at end of file |