54.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright 2019 gRPC authors.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 *
16 */
18declare module "grpc" {
19 import { Message, Service as ProtobufService } from "protobufjs";
20 import { Duplex, Readable, Writable } from "stream";
21 import { SecureContext } from "tls";
23 /**
24 * Load a ProtoBuf.js object as a gRPC object.
25 * @param value The ProtoBuf.js reflection object to load
26 * @param options Options to apply to the loaded file
27 * @return The resulting gRPC object.
28 */
29 export function loadObject<T = GrpcObject>(value: object, options?: LoadObjectOptions): T;
31 /**
32 * Options for loading proto object as gRPC object
33 * @param {(number|string)=} [options.protobufjsVersion='detect'] 5 and 6
34 * respectively indicate that an object from the corresponding version of
35 * Protobuf.js is provided in the value argument. If the option is 'detect',
36 * gRPC will guess what the version is based on the structure of the value.
37 */
38 export interface LoadObjectOptions {
39 /**
40 * Deserialize bytes values as base64 strings instead of Buffers.
41 * Defaults to `false`.
42 */
43 binaryAsBase64?: boolean;
45 /**
46 * Deserialize long values as strings instead of objects.
47 * Defaults to `true`.
48 */
49 longsAsStrings?: boolean;
51 /**
52 * Deserialize enum values as strings instead of numbers. Only works with
53 * Protobuf.js 6 values.
54 * Defaults to `true`.
55 */
56 enumsAsStrings?: boolean;
58 /**
59 * use the beta method argument order for client methods, with optional
60 * arguments after the callback. This option is only a temporary stopgap
61 * measure to smooth an API breakage. It is deprecated, and new code
62 * should not use it.
63 * Defaults to `false`
64 */
65 deprecatedArgumentOrder?: boolean;
67 /**
68 * 5 and 6 respectively indicate that an object from the corresponding
69 * version of Protobuf.js is provided in the value argument. If the option
70 * is 'detect', gRPC wll guess what the version is based on the structure
71 * of the value.
72 */
73 protobufjsVersion?: 5 | 6 | "detect";
74 }
76 /**
77 * Map from `.proto` file.
78 * - Namespaces become maps from the names of their direct members to those member objects
79 * - Service definitions become client constructors for clients for that service. They also
80 * have a service member that can be used for constructing servers.
81 * - Message definitions become Message constructors like those that ProtoBuf.js would create
82 * - Enum definitions become Enum objects like those that ProtoBuf.js would create
83 * - Anything else becomes the relevant reflection object that ProtoBuf.js would create
84 */
85 export interface GrpcObject {
86 [name: string]: GrpcObject | typeof Client | Message;
87 }
89 /**
90 * Load a gRPC object from a .proto file.
91 * @param filename The file to load
92 * @param format The file format to expect. Defaults to 'proto'
93 * @param options Options to apply to the loaded file
94 * @return The resulting gRPC object
95 */
96 export function load<T = GrpcObject>(filename: Filename, format?: "proto" | "json", options?: LoadOptions): T;
98 /**
99 * Load a gRPC package definition as a gRPC object hierarchy
100 * @param packageDef The package definition object
101 * @return The resulting gRPC object
102 */
103 export function loadPackageDefinition(packageDefinition: PackageDefinition): GrpcObject;
105 /**
106 * A filename
107 */
108 export type Filename = string | { root: string, file: string };
110 /**
111 * Options for loading proto file as gRPC object
112 */
113 export interface LoadOptions {
114 /**
115 * Load this file with field names in camel case instead of their original case.
116 * Defaults to `false`.
117 */
118 convertFieldsToCamelCase?: boolean;
120 /**
121 * Deserialize bytes values as base64 strings instead of Buffers.
122 * Defaults to `false`.
123 */
124 binaryAsBase64?: boolean;
126 /**
127 * Deserialize long values as strings instead of objects.
128 * Defaults to `true`.
129 */
130 longsAsStrings?: boolean;
132 /**
133 * Use the beta method argument order for client methods, with optional
134 * arguments after the callback. This option is only a temporary stopgap
135 * measure to smooth an API breakage. It is deprecated, and new code
136 * should not use it.
137 * Defaults to `false`
138 */
139 deprecatedArgumentOrder?: boolean;
140 }
142 /**
143 * Sets the logger function for the gRPC module. For debugging purposes, the C
144 * core will log synchronously directly to stdout unless this function is
145 * called. Note: the output format here is intended to be informational, and
146 * is not guaranteed to stay the same in the future.
147 * Logs will be directed to logger.error.
148 * @param logger A Console-like object.
149 */
150 export function setLogger(logger: Console): void;
152 /**
153 * Sets the logger verbosity for gRPC module logging. The options are members
154 * of the grpc.logVerbosity map.
155 * @param verbosity The minimum severity to log
156 */
157 export function setLogVerbosity(verbosity: logVerbosity): void;
159 /**
160 * Server object that stores request handlers and delegates incoming requests to those handlers
161 */
162 export class Server {
163 /**
164 * Constructs a server object that stores request handlers and delegates
165 * incoming requests to those handlers
166 * @param options Options that should be passed to the internal server
167 * implementation
168 * ```
169 * var server = new grpc.Server();
170 * server.addProtoService(protobuf_service_descriptor, service_implementation);
171 * server.bind('address:port', server_credential);
172 * server.start();
173 * ```
174 */
175 constructor(options?: object);
177 /**
178 * Start the server and begin handling requests
179 */
180 start(): void;
182 /**
183 * Registers a handler to handle the named method. Fails if there already is
184 * a handler for the given method. Returns true on success
185 * @param name The name of the method that the provided function should
186 * handle/respond to.
187 * @param handler Function that takes a stream of
188 * request values and returns a stream of response values
189 * @param serialize Serialization function for responses
190 * @param deserialize Deserialization function for requests
191 * @param type The streaming type of method that this handles
192 * @return True if the handler was set. False if a handler was already
193 * set for that name.
194 */
195 register<RequestType, ResponseType>(
196 name: string,
197 handler: handleCall<RequestType, ResponseType>,
198 serialize: serialize<ResponseType>,
199 deserialize: deserialize<RequestType>,
200 type: string
201 ): boolean;
203 /**
204 * Gracefully shuts down the server. The server will stop receiving new calls,
205 * and any pending calls will complete. The callback will be called when all
206 * pending calls have completed and the server is fully shut down. This method
207 * is idempotent with itself and forceShutdown.
208 * @param {function()} callback The shutdown complete callback
209 */
210 tryShutdown(callback: () => void): void;
212 /**
213 * Forcibly shuts down the server. The server will stop receiving new calls
214 * and cancel all pending calls. When it returns, the server has shut down.
215 * This method is idempotent with itself and tryShutdown, and it will trigger
216 * any outstanding tryShutdown callbacks.
217 */
218 forceShutdown(): void;
220 /**
221 * Add a service to the server, with a corresponding implementation.
222 * @param service The service descriptor
223 * @param implementation Map of method names to method implementation
224 * for the provided service.
225 */
226 addService<ImplementationType = UntypedServiceImplementation>(
227 service: ServiceDefinition<ImplementationType>,
228 implementation: ImplementationType
229 ): void;
231 /**
232 * Add a proto service to the server, with a corresponding implementation
233 * @deprecated Use `Server#addService` instead
234 * @param service The proto service descriptor
235 * @param implementation Map of method names to method implementation
236 * for the provided service.
237 */
238 addProtoService<ImplementationType = UntypedServiceImplementation>(
239 service: ServiceDefinition<ImplementationType>,
240 implementation: ImplementationType
241 ): void;
243 /**
244 * Binds the server to the given port, with SSL disabled if creds is an
245 * insecure credentials object
246 * @param port The port that the server should bind on, in the format
247 * "address:port"
248 * @param creds Server credential object to be used for SSL. Pass an
249 * insecure credentials object for an insecure port.
250 * @return The bound port number or 0 if the operation failed.
251 */
252 bind(port: string, creds: ServerCredentials): number;
254 /**
255 * Binds the server to the given port, with SSL disabled if creds is an
256 * insecure credentials object. Provides the result asynchronously.
257 * @param port The port that the server should bind on, in the format "address:port"
258 * @param creds Server credential object to be used for
259 * SSL. Pass an insecure credentials object for an insecure port.
260 * @param callback Called with the result of attempting to bind a port
261 * - error: If non-null, indicates that binding the port failed.
262 * - port: The bound port number. If binding the port fails, this will be negative to match the output of bind.
263 */
264 bindAsync(port: string, creds: ServerCredentials, callback: (error: Error | null, port: number) => void): void;
265 }
267 /**
268 * A type that servers as a default for an untyped service.
269 */
270 export type UntypedServiceImplementation = { [name: string]: handleCall<any, any> };
272 /**
273 * An object that completely defines a service.
274 */
275 export type ServiceDefinition<ImplementationType> = {
276 readonly [I in keyof ImplementationType]: MethodDefinition<any, any>;
277 }
279 /**
280 * An object that defines a protobuf type
281 */
282 export interface ProtobufTypeDefinition {
283 format: string;
284 type: object;
285 fileDescriptorProtos: Buffer[];
286 }
288 /**
289 * An object that defines a package containing multiple services
290 */
291 export type PackageDefinition = {
292 readonly [fullyQualifiedName: string]: ServiceDefinition<any> | ProtobufTypeDefinition;
293 }
295 /**
296 * An object that completely defines a service method signature.
297 */
298 export interface MethodDefinition<RequestType, ResponseType> {
299 /**
300 * The method's URL path
301 */
302 path: string;
303 /**
304 * Indicates whether the method accepts a stream of requests
305 */
306 requestStream: boolean;
307 /**
308 * Indicates whether the method returns a stream of responses
309 */
310 responseStream: boolean;
311 /**
312 * Serialization function for request values
313 */
314 requestSerialize: serialize<RequestType>;
315 /**
316 * Serialization function for response values
317 */
318 responseSerialize: serialize<ResponseType>;
319 /**
320 * Deserialization function for request data
321 */
322 requestDeserialize: deserialize<RequestType>;
323 /**
324 * Deserialization function for repsonse data
325 */
326 responseDeserialize: deserialize<ResponseType>;
327 }
329 type handleCall<RequestType, ResponseType> =
330 handleUnaryCall<RequestType, ResponseType> |
331 handleClientStreamingCall<RequestType, ResponseType> |
332 handleServerStreamingCall<RequestType, ResponseType> |
333 handleBidiStreamingCall<RequestType, ResponseType>;
335 /**
336 * User-provided method to handle unary requests on a server
337 */
338 type handleUnaryCall<RequestType, ResponseType> =
339 (call: ServerUnaryCall<RequestType>, callback: sendUnaryData<ResponseType>) => void;
341 /**
342 * An EventEmitter. Used for unary calls.
343 */
344 export class ServerUnaryCall<RequestType> {
345 /**
346 * Indicates if the call has been cancelled
347 */
348 cancelled: boolean;
350 /**
351 * The request metadata from the client
352 */
353 metadata: Metadata;
355 /**
356 * The request message from the client
357 */
358 request: RequestType;
360 private constructor();
362 /**
363 * Get the endpoint this call/stream is connected to.
364 * @return The URI of the endpoint
365 */
366 getPeer(): string;
368 /**
369 * Send the initial metadata for a writable stream.
370 * @param responseMetadata Metadata to send
371 */
372 sendMetadata(responseMetadata: Metadata): void;
373 }
375 /**
376 * User provided method to handle client streaming methods on the server.
377 */
378 type handleClientStreamingCall<RequestType, ResponseType> =
379 (call: ServerReadableStream<RequestType>, callback: sendUnaryData<ResponseType>) => void;
381 /**
382 * A stream that the server can read from. Used for calls that are streaming
383 * from the client side.
384 */
385 export class ServerReadableStream<RequestType> extends Readable {
386 /**
387 * Indicates if the call has been cancelled
388 */
389 cancelled: boolean;
391 /**
392 * The request metadata from the client
393 */
394 metadata: Metadata;
396 private constructor();
398 /**
399 * Get the endpoint this call/stream is connected to.
400 * @return The URI of the endpoint
401 */
402 getPeer(): string;
404 /**
405 * Send the initial metadata for a writable stream.
406 * @param responseMetadata Metadata to send
407 */
408 sendMetadata(responseMetadata: Metadata): void;
409 }
411 /**
412 * User provided method to handle server streaming methods on the server.
413 */
414 type handleServerStreamingCall<RequestType, ResponseType> =
415 (call: ServerWriteableStream<RequestType>) => void;
417 /**
418 * A stream that the server can write to. Used for calls that are streaming
419 * from the server side.
420 */
421 export class ServerWriteableStream<RequestType> extends Writable {
422 /**
423 * Indicates if the call has been cancelled
424 */
425 cancelled: boolean;
427 /**
428 * The request metadata from the client
429 */
430 metadata: Metadata;
432 /**
433 * The request message from the client
434 */
435 request: RequestType;
437 private constructor();
439 /**
440 * Get the endpoint this call/stream is connected to.
441 * @return The URI of the endpoint
442 */
443 getPeer(): string;
445 /**
446 * Send the initial metadata for a writable stream.
447 * @param responseMetadata Metadata to send
448 */
449 sendMetadata(responseMetadata: Metadata): void;
450 }
452 /**
453 * User provided method to handle bidirectional streaming calls on the server.
454 */
455 type handleBidiStreamingCall<RequestType, ResponseType> =
456 (call: ServerDuplexStream<RequestType, ResponseType>) => void;
458 /**
459 * A stream that the server can read from or write to. Used for calls
460 * with duplex streaming.
461 */
462 export class ServerDuplexStream<RequestType, ResponseType> extends Duplex {
463 /**
464 * Indicates if the call has been cancelled
465 */
466 cancelled: boolean;
468 /**
469 * The request metadata from the client
470 */
471 metadata: Metadata;
473 private constructor();
475 /**
476 * Get the endpoint this call/stream is connected to.
477 * @return The URI of the endpoint
478 */
479 getPeer(): string;
481 /**
482 * Send the initial metadata for a writable stream.
483 * @param responseMetadata Metadata to send
484 */
485 sendMetadata(responseMetadata: Metadata): void;
486 }
488 /**
489 * A deserialization function
490 * @param data The byte sequence to deserialize
491 * @return The data deserialized as a value
492 */
493 type deserialize<T> = (data: Buffer) => T;
495 /**
496 * A serialization function
497 * @param value The value to serialize
498 * @return The value serialized as a byte sequence
499 */
500 type serialize<T> = (value: T) => Buffer;
502 /**
503 * Callback function passed to server handlers that handle methods with
504 * unary responses.
505 */
506 type sendUnaryData<ResponseType> =
507 (error: ServiceError | null, value: ResponseType | null, trailer?: Metadata, flags?: number) => void;
509 /**
510 * A class for storing metadata. Keys are normalized to lowercase ASCII.
511 */
512 export class Metadata {
513 /**
514 * Sets the given value for the given key by replacing any other values
515 * associated with that key. Normalizes the key.
516 * @param key The key to whose value should be set.
517 * @param value The value to set. Must be a buffer if and only
518 * if the normalized key ends with '-bin'.
519 */
520 set(key: string, value: MetadataValue): void;
522 /**
523 * Adds the given value for the given key by appending to a list of previous
524 * values associated with that key. Normalizes the key.
525 * @param key The key for which a new value should be appended.
526 * @param value The value to add. Must be a buffer if and only
527 * if the normalized key ends with '-bin'.
528 */
529 add(key: string, value: MetadataValue): void;
531 /**
532 * Removes the given key and any associated values. Normalizes the key.
533 * @param key The key whose values should be removed.
534 */
535 remove(key: string): void;
537 /**
538 * Gets a list of all values associated with the key. Normalizes the key.
539 * @param key The key whose value should be retrieved.
540 * @return A list of values associated with the given key.
541 */
542 get(key: string): MetadataValue[];
544 /**
545 * Gets a plain object mapping each key to the first value associated with it.
546 * This reflects the most common way that people will want to see metadata.
547 * @return A key/value mapping of the metadata.
548 */
549 getMap(): { [key: string]: MetadataValue };
551 /**
552 * Clones the metadata object.
553 * @return The newly cloned object.
554 */
555 clone(): Metadata;
556 }
558 export type MetadataValue = string | Buffer;
560 /**
561 * Represents the status of a completed request. If `code` is
562 * `grpc.status.OK`, then the request has completed successfully.
563 * Otherwise, the request has failed, `details` will contain a description of
564 * the error. Either way, `metadata` contains the trailing response metadata
565 * sent by the server when it finishes processing the call.
566 */
567 export interface StatusObject {
568 /**
569 * The error code, a key of `grpc.status`
570 */
571 code: status;
572 /**
573 * Human-readable description of the status
574 */
575 details: string;
576 /**
577 * Trailing metadata sent with the status, if applicable
578 */
579 metadata: Metadata;
580 }
582 /**
583 * Describes how a request has failed. The member `message` will be the same as
584 * `details` in `StatusObject`, and `code` and `metadata` are the
585 * same as in that object.
586 */
587 export interface ServiceError extends Error {
588 /**
589 * The error code, a key of {@link grpc.status} that is not `grpc.status.OK`
590 */
591 code?: status;
592 /**
593 * Trailing metadata sent with the status, if applicable
594 */
595 metadata?: Metadata;
596 /**
597 * Original status details string
598 */
599 details?: string;
600 }
602 /**
603 * ServerCredentials factories
604 */
605 export class ServerCredentials {
606 /**
607 * Create insecure server credentials
608 * @return The ServerCredentials
609 */
610 static createInsecure(): ServerCredentials;
611 /**
612 * Create SSL server credentials
613 * @param rootCerts Root CA certificates for validating client certificates
614 * @param keyCertPairs A list of private key and certificate chain pairs to
615 * be used for authenticating the server
616 * @param checkClientCertificate Indicates that the server should request
617 * and verify the client's certificates.
618 * Defaults to `false`.
619 * @return The ServerCredentials
620 */
621 static createSsl(rootCerts: Buffer | null, keyCertPairs: KeyCertPair[], checkClientCertificate?: boolean): ServerCredentials;
622 }
624 /**
625 * A private key and certificate pair
626 */
627 export interface KeyCertPair {
628 /**
629 * The server's private key
630 */
631 private_key: Buffer;
633 /**
634 * The server's certificate chain
635 */
636 cert_chain: Buffer;
637 }
639 /**
640 * Enum of status codes that gRPC can return
641 */
642 export enum status {
643 /**
644 * Not an error; returned on success
645 */
646 OK = 0,
647 /**
648 * The operation was cancelled (typically by the caller).
649 */
650 CANCELLED = 1,
651 /**
652 * Unknown error. An example of where this error may be returned is
653 * if a status value received from another address space belongs to
654 * an error-space that is not known in this address space. Also
655 * errors raised by APIs that do not return enough error information
656 * may be converted to this error.
657 */
658 UNKNOWN = 2,
659 /**
660 * Client specified an invalid argument. Note that this differs
661 * from FAILED_PRECONDITION. INVALID_ARGUMENT indicates arguments
662 * that are problematic regardless of the state of the system
663 * (e.g., a malformed file name).
664 */
666 /**
667 * Deadline expired before operation could complete. For operations
668 * that change the state of the system, this error may be returned
669 * even if the operation has completed successfully. For example, a
670 * successful response from a server could have been delayed long
671 * enough for the deadline to expire.
672 */
674 /**
675 * Some requested entity (e.g., file or directory) was not found.
676 */
677 NOT_FOUND = 5,
678 /**
679 * Some entity that we attempted to create (e.g., file or directory)
680 * already exists.
681 */
683 /**
684 * The caller does not have permission to execute the specified
685 * operation. PERMISSION_DENIED must not be used for rejections
686 * caused by exhausting some resource (use RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED
687 * instead for those errors). PERMISSION_DENIED must not be
688 * used if the caller can not be identified (use UNAUTHENTICATED
689 * instead for those errors).
690 */
692 /**
693 * Some resource has been exhausted, perhaps a per-user quota, or
694 * perhaps the entire file system is out of space.
695 */
697 /**
698 * Operation was rejected because the system is not in a state
699 * required for the operation's execution. For example, directory
700 * to be deleted may be non-empty, an rmdir operation is applied to
701 * a non-directory, etc.
702 *
703 * A litmus test that may help a service implementor in deciding
705 *
706 * - Use UNAVAILABLE if the client can retry just the failing call.
707 * - Use ABORTED if the client should retry at a higher-level
708 * (e.g., restarting a read-modify-write sequence).
709 * - Use FAILED_PRECONDITION if the client should not retry until
710 * the system state has been explicitly fixed. E.g., if an "rmdir"
711 * fails because the directory is non-empty, FAILED_PRECONDITION
712 * should be returned since the client should not retry unless
713 * they have first fixed up the directory by deleting files from it.
714 * - Use FAILED_PRECONDITION if the client performs conditional
715 * REST Get/Update/Delete on a resource and the resource on the
716 * server does not match the condition. E.g., conflicting
717 * read-modify-write on the same resource.
718 */
720 /**
721 * The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency issue
722 * like sequencer check failures, transaction aborts, etc.
723 *
724 * See litmus test above for deciding between FAILED_PRECONDITION,
726 */
727 ABORTED = 10,
728 /**
729 * Operation was attempted past the valid range. E.g., seeking or
730 * reading past end of file.
731 *
732 * Unlike INVALID_ARGUMENT, this error indicates a problem that may
733 * be fixed if the system state changes. For example, a 32-bit file
734 * system will generate INVALID_ARGUMENT if asked to read at an
735 * offset that is not in the range [0,2^32-1], but it will generate
736 * OUT_OF_RANGE if asked to read from an offset past the current
737 * file size.
738 *
739 * There is a fair bit of overlap between FAILED_PRECONDITION and
740 * OUT_OF_RANGE. We recommend using OUT_OF_RANGE (the more specific
741 * error) when it applies so that callers who are iterating through
742 * a space can easily look for an OUT_OF_RANGE error to detect when
743 * they are done.
744 */
745 OUT_OF_RANGE = 11,
746 /**
747 * Operation is not implemented or not supported/enabled in this service.
748 */
750 /**
751 * Internal errors. Means some invariants expected by underlying
752 * system has been broken. If you see one of these errors,
753 * something is very broken.
754 */
755 INTERNAL = 13,
756 /**
757 * The service is currently unavailable. This is a most likely a
758 * transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with
759 * a backoff.
760 *
761 * See litmus test above for deciding between FAILED_PRECONDITION,
763 */
765 /**
766 * Unrecoverable data loss or corruption.
767 */
768 DATA_LOSS = 15,
769 /**
770 * The request does not have valid authentication credentials for the
771 * operation.
772 */
774 }
776 /**
777 * Propagation flags: these can be bitwise or-ed to form the propagation option
778 * for calls.
779 *
780 * Users are encouraged to write propagation masks as deltas from the default.
781 * i.e. write `grpc.propagate.DEFAULTS & ~grpc.propagate.DEADLINE` to disable
782 * deadline propagation.
783 */
784 export enum propagate {
790 }
792 /**
793 * Call error constants. Call errors almost always indicate bugs in the gRPC
794 * library, and these error codes are mainly useful for finding those bugs.
795 */
796 export enum callError {
797 OK,
798 ERROR,
811 }
813 /**
814 * Write flags: these can be bitwise or-ed to form write options that modify
815 * how data is written.
816 */
817 export enum writeFlags {
818 /**
819 * Hint that the write may be buffered and need not go out on the wire
820 * immediately. GRPC is free to buffer the message until the next non-buffered
821 * write, or until writes_done, but it need not buffer completely or at all.
822 */
823 BUFFER_HINT = 1,
824 /**
825 * Force compression to be disabled for a particular write
826 */
828 }
830 /**
831 * Log verbosity constants. Maps setting names to code numbers.
832 */
833 export enum logVerbosity {
834 DEBUG,
835 INFO,
836 ERROR,
837 }
839 /**
840 * A certificate as received by the checkServerIdentity callback.
841 */
842 export interface Certificate {
843 /**
844 * The raw certificate in DER form.
845 */
846 raw: Buffer;
847 }
849 /**
850 * A callback that will receive the expected hostname and presented peer
851 * certificate as parameters. The callback should return an error to
852 * indicate that the presented certificate is considered invalid and
853 * otherwise returned undefined.
854 */
855 export type CheckServerIdentityCallback = (hostname: string, cert: Certificate) => Error | undefined;
857 /**
858 * Additional peer verification options that can be set when creating
859 * SSL credentials.
860 */
861 export interface VerifyOptions {
862 /**
863 * If set, this callback will be invoked after the usual hostname verification
864 * has been performed on the peer certificate.
865 */
866 checkServerIdentity?: CheckServerIdentityCallback;
867 }
869 /**
870 * Credentials module
871 *
872 * This module contains factory methods for two different credential types:
873 * CallCredentials and ChannelCredentials. ChannelCredentials are things like
874 * SSL credentials that can be used to secure a connection, and are used to
875 * construct a Client object. CallCredentials generally modify metadata, so they
876 * can be attached to an individual method call.
877 *
878 * CallCredentials can be composed with other CallCredentials to create
879 * CallCredentials. ChannelCredentials can be composed with CallCredentials
880 * to create ChannelCredentials. No combined credential can have more than
881 * one ChannelCredentials.
882 *
883 * For example, to create a client secured with SSL that uses Google
884 * default application credentials to authenticate:
885 *
886 * ```
887 * var channel_creds = credentials.createSsl(root_certs);
888 * (new GoogleAuth()).getApplicationDefault(function(err, credential) {
889 * var call_creds = credentials.createFromGoogleCredential(credential);
890 * var combined_creds = credentials.combineChannelCredentials(
891 * channel_creds, call_creds);
892 * var client = new Client(address, combined_creds);
893 * });
894 * ```
895 */
896 export const credentials: {
897 /**
898 * Create an SSL Credentials object. If using a client-side certificate, both
899 * the second and third arguments must be passed.
900 * @param rootCerts The root certificate data
901 * @param privateKey The client certificate private key, if applicable
902 * @param certChain The client certificate cert chain, if applicable
903 * @param verifyOptions Additional peer verification options, if desired
904 * @return The SSL Credentials object
905 */
906 createSsl(rootCerts?: Buffer, privateKey?: Buffer, certChain?: Buffer, verifyOptions?: VerifyOptions): ChannelCredentials;
908 /**
909 * Create a gRPC credentials object from a metadata generation function. This
910 * function gets the service URL and a callback as parameters. The error
911 * passed to the callback can optionally have a 'code' value attached to it,
912 * which corresponds to a status code that this library uses.
913 * @param metadataGenerator The function that generates metadata
914 * @return The credentials object
915 */
916 createFromMetadataGenerator(metadataGenerator: metadataGenerator): CallCredentials;
918 /**
919 * Create a gRPC credential from a Google credential object.
920 * @param googleCredential The Google credential object to use
921 * @return The resulting credentials object
922 */
923 createFromGoogleCredential(googleCredential: GoogleOAuth2Client): CallCredentials;
925 /**
926 * Combine a ChannelCredentials with any number of CallCredentials into a single
927 * ChannelCredentials object.
928 * @param channelCredential The ChannelCredentials to start with
929 * @param credentials The CallCredentials to compose
930 * @return A credentials object that combines all of the input credentials
931 */
932 combineChannelCredentials(channelCredential: ChannelCredentials, ...credentials: CallCredentials[]): ChannelCredentials;
934 /**
935 * Combine any number of CallCredentials into a single CallCredentials object
936 * @param credentials The CallCredentials to compose
937 * @return A credentials object that combines all of the input credentials
938 */
939 combineCallCredentials(...credentials: CallCredentials[]): CallCredentials;
941 /**
942 * Create an insecure credentials object. This is used to create a channel that
943 * does not use SSL. This cannot be composed with anything.
944 * @return The insecure credentials object
945 */
946 createInsecure(): ChannelCredentials;
947 };
949 /**
950 * Metadata generator function.
951 */
952 export type metadataGenerator = (params: { service_url: string }, callback: (error: Error | null, metadata?: Metadata) => void) => void;
954 /**
955 * This cannot be constructed directly. Instead, instances of this class should
956 * be created using the factory functions in `grpc.credentials`
957 */
958 export interface ChannelCredentials {
959 /**
960 * Returns a copy of this object with the included set of per-call credentials
961 * expanded to include callCredentials.
962 * @param callCredentials A CallCredentials object to associate with this
963 * instance.
964 */
965 compose(callCredentials: CallCredentials): ChannelCredentials;
966 }
968 /**
969 * This cannot be constructed directly. Instead, instances of this class should
970 * be created using the factory functions in `grpc.credentials`
971 */
972 export interface CallCredentials {
973 /**
974 * Asynchronously generates a new Metadata object.
975 * @param options Options used in generating the Metadata object.
976 */
977 generateMetadata(options: object): Promise<Metadata>;
979 /**
980 * Creates a new CallCredentials object from properties of both this and
981 * another CallCredentials object. This object's metadata generator will be
982 * called first.
983 * @param callCredentials The other CallCredentials object.
984 */
985 compose(callCredentials: CallCredentials): CallCredentials;
986 }
988 /**
989 * This is the required interface from the OAuth2Client object
990 * from https://github.com/google/google-auth-library-nodejs lib.
991 * The definition is copied from `ts/lib/auth/oauth2client.ts`
992 */
993 export interface GoogleOAuth2Client {
994 getRequestMetadata(optUri: string, metadataCallback: (err: Error, headers: any) => void): void;
995 }
997 /**
998 * Creates a constructor for a client with the given methods, as specified in
999 * the methods argument. The resulting class will have an instance method for
1000 * each method in the service, which is a partial application of one of the
1001 * `grpc.Client` request methods, depending on `requestSerialize`
1002 * and `responseSerialize`, with the `method`, `serialize`, and `deserialize`
1003 * arguments predefined.
1004 * @param methods An object mapping method names to method attributes
1005 * @param serviceName The fully qualified name of the service
1006 * @param classOptions An options object.
1007 * @return New client constructor, which is a subclass of `grpc.Client`, and
1008 * has the same arguments as that constructor.
1009 */
1010 export function makeGenericClientConstructor(
1011 methods: ServiceDefinition<any>,
1012 serviceName: string,
1013 classOptions: GenericClientOptions,
1014 ): typeof Client;
1016 /**
1017 * Options for generic client constructor.
1018 */
1019 export interface GenericClientOptions {
1020 /**
1021 * Indicates that the old argument order should be used for methods, with
1022 * optional arguments at the end instead of the callback at the end. This
1023 * option is only a temporary stopgap measure to smooth an API breakage.
1024 * It is deprecated, and new code should not use it.
1025 */
1026 deprecatedArgumentOrder?: boolean;
1027 }
1029 /**
1030 * Create a client with the given methods
1031 */
1032 export class Client {
1033 /**
1034 * A generic gRPC client. Primarily useful as a base class for generated clients
1035 * @param address Server address to connect to
1036 * @param credentials Credentials to use to connect to the server
1037 * @param options Options to apply to channel creation
1038 */
1039 constructor(address: string, credentials: ChannelCredentials, options?: object)
1041 /**
1042 * Make a unary request to the given method, using the given serialize
1043 * and deserialize functions, with the given argument.
1044 * @param method The name of the method to request
1045 * @param serialize The serialization function for inputs
1046 * @param deserialize The deserialization function for outputs
1047 * @param argument The argument to the call. Should be serializable with
1048 * serialize
1049 * @param metadata Metadata to add to the call
1050 * @param options Options map
1051 * @param callback The callback to for when the response is received
1052 * @return An event emitter for stream related events
1053 */
1054 makeUnaryRequest<RequestType, ResponseType>(
1055 method: string,
1056 serialize: serialize<RequestType>,
1057 deserialize: deserialize<ResponseType>,
1058 argument: RequestType | null,
1059 metadata: Metadata | null,
1060 options: CallOptions | null,
1061 callback: requestCallback<ResponseType>,
1062 ): ClientUnaryCall;
1064 /**
1065 * Make a client stream request to the given method, using the given serialize
1066 * and deserialize functions, with the given argument.
1067 * @param method The name of the method to request
1068 * @param serialize The serialization function for inputs
1069 * @param deserialize The deserialization function for outputs
1070 * @param metadata Array of metadata key/value pairs to add to the call
1071 * @param options Options map
1072 * @param callback The callback to for when the response is received
1073 * @return An event emitter for stream related events
1074 */
1075 makeClientStreamRequest<RequestType, ResponseType>(
1076 method: string,
1077 serialize: serialize<RequestType>,
1078 deserialize: deserialize<ResponseType>,
1079 metadata: Metadata | null,
1080 options: CallOptions | null,
1081 callback: requestCallback<ResponseType>,
1082 ): ClientWritableStream<RequestType>;
1084 /**
1085 * Make a server stream request to the given method, with the given serialize
1086 * and deserialize function, using the given argument
1087 * @param method The name of the method to request
1088 * @param serialize The serialization function for inputs
1089 * @param deserialize The deserialization function for outputs
1090 * @param argument The argument to the call. Should be serializable with
1091 * serialize
1092 * @param metadata Array of metadata key/value pairs to add to the call
1093 * @param options Options map
1094 * @return An event emitter for stream related events
1095 */
1096 makeServerStreamRequest<RequestType, ResponseType>(
1097 method: string,
1098 serialize: serialize<RequestType>,
1099 deserialize: deserialize<ResponseType>,
1100 argument: RequestType,
1101 metadata?: Metadata | null,
1102 options?: CallOptions | null,
1103 ): ClientReadableStream<RequestType>;
1105 /**
1106 * Make a bidirectional stream request with this method on the given channel.
1107 * @param method The name of the method to request
1108 * @param serialize The serialization function for inputs
1109 * @param deserialize The deserialization
1110 * function for outputs
1111 * @param metadata Array of metadata key/value
1112 * pairs to add to the call
1113 * @param options Options map
1114 * @return An event emitter for stream related events
1115 */
1116 makeBidiStreamRequest<RequestType, ResponseType>(
1117 method: string,
1118 serialize: serialize<RequestType>,
1119 deserialize: deserialize<ResponseType>,
1120 metadata?: Metadata | null,
1121 options?: CallOptions | null,
1122 ): ClientDuplexStream<RequestType, ResponseType>;
1124 /**
1125 * Close this client.
1126 */
1127 close(): void;
1129 /**
1130 * Return the underlying channel object for the specified client
1131 * @return The channel
1132 */
1133 getChannel(): Channel;
1135 /**
1136 * Wait for the client to be ready. The callback will be called when the
1137 * client has successfully connected to the server, and it will be called
1138 * with an error if the attempt to connect to the server has unrecoverablly
1139 * failed or if the deadline expires. This function will make the channel
1140 * start connecting if it has not already done so.
1141 * @param deadline When to stop waiting for a connection.
1142 * @param callback The callback to call when done attempting to connect.
1143 */
1144 waitForReady(deadline: Deadline, callback: (error: Error | null) => void): void;
1145 }
1147 /**
1148 * Options that can be set on a call.
1149 */
1150 export interface CallOptions {
1151 /**
1152 * The deadline for the entire call to complete.
1153 */
1154 deadline?: Deadline;
1155 /**
1156 * Server hostname to set on the call. Only meaningful if different from
1157 * the server address used to construct the client.
1158 */
1159 host?: string;
1160 /**
1161 * Parent call. Used in servers when making a call as part of the process
1162 * of handling a call. Used to propagate some information automatically,
1163 * as specified by propagate_flags.
1164 */
1165 parent?: Call;
1166 /**
1167 * Indicates which properties of a parent call should propagate to this
1168 * call. Bitwise combination of flags in `grpc.propagate`.
1169 */
1170 propagate_flags: number;
1171 /**
1172 * The credentials that should be used to make this particular call.
1173 */
1174 credentials: CallCredentials;
1175 /**
1176 * Additional custom call options. These can be used to pass additional
1177 * data per-call to client interceptors
1178 */
1179 [key: string]: any;
1180 }
1182 /**
1183 * The deadline of an operation. If it is a date, the deadline is reached at
1184 * the date and time specified. If it is a finite number, it is treated as
1185 * a number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. If it is Infinity, the
1186 * deadline will never be reached. If it is -Infinity, the deadline has already
1187 * passed.
1188 */
1189 export type Deadline = number | Date;
1191 /**
1192 * Any client call type
1193 */
1194 type Call =
1195 ClientUnaryCall |
1196 ClientReadableStream<any> |
1197 ClientWritableStream<any> |
1198 ClientDuplexStream<any, any>;
1200 /**
1201 * An EventEmitter. Used for unary calls.
1202 */
1203 export class ClientUnaryCall {
1204 private constructor();
1206 /**
1207 * Cancel the ongoing call. Results in the call ending with a CANCELLED status,
1208 * unless it has already ended with some other status.
1209 */
1210 cancel(): void;
1212 /**
1213 * Get the endpoint this call/stream is connected to.
1214 * @return The URI of the endpoint
1215 */
1216 getPeer(): string;
1217 }
1219 /**
1220 * A stream that the client can read from. Used for calls that are streaming
1221 * from the server side.
1222 */
1223 export class ClientReadableStream<ResponseType> extends Readable {
1224 private constructor();
1226 /**
1227 * Cancel the ongoing call. Results in the call ending with a CANCELLED status,
1228 * unless it has already ended with some other status.
1229 */
1230 cancel(): void;
1232 /**
1233 * Get the endpoint this call/stream is connected to.
1234 * @return The URI of the endpoint
1235 */
1236 getPeer(): string;
1237 }
1239 /**
1240 * A stream that the client can write to. Used for calls that are streaming from
1241 * the client side.
1242 */
1243 export class ClientWritableStream<RequestType> extends Writable {
1244 private constructor();
1246 /**
1247 * Write a message to the request stream. If serializing the argument fails,
1248 * the call will be cancelled and the stream will end with an error.
1249 * @param message The message to write. Must be a valid argument to the
1250 * serialize function of the corresponding method
1251 * @param flags Flags to modify how the message is written
1252 * @param callback Callback for when this chunk of data is flushed
1253 * @return As defined for [Writable]{@link external:Writable}
1254 */
1255 write(message: RequestType, flags?: any&writeFlags, callback?: Function): boolean;
1257 /**
1258 * Cancel the ongoing call. Results in the call ending with a CANCELLED status,
1259 * unless it has already ended with some other status.
1260 */
1261 cancel(): void;
1263 /**
1264 * Get the endpoint this call/stream is connected to.
1265 * @return The URI of the endpoint
1266 */
1267 getPeer(): string;
1268 }
1270 /**
1271 * A stream that the client can read from or write to. Used for calls with
1272 * duplex streaming.
1273 */
1274 export class ClientDuplexStream<RequestType, ResponseType> extends Duplex {
1275 private constructor();
1277 /**
1278 * Write a message to the request stream. If serializing the argument fails,
1279 * the call will be cancelled and the stream will end with an error.
1280 * @param message The message to write. Must be a valid argument to the
1281 * serialize function of the corresponding method
1282 * @param flags Flags to modify how the message is written
1283 * @param callback Callback for when this chunk of data is flushed
1284 * @return As defined for [Writable]{@link external:Writable}
1285 */
1286 write(message: RequestType, flags?: any&writeFlags, callback?: Function): boolean;
1288 /**
1289 * Cancel the ongoing call. Results in the call ending with a CANCELLED status,
1290 * unless it has already ended with some other status.
1291 */
1292 cancel(): void;
1294 /**
1295 * Get the endpoint this call/stream is connected to.
1296 * @return The URI of the endpoint
1297 */
1298 getPeer(): string;
1299 }
1301 /**
1302 * Client request callback
1303 * @param error The error, if the call failed
1304 * @param value The response value, if the call succeeded
1305 */
1306 export type requestCallback<ResponseType> =
1307 (error: ServiceError | null, value?: ResponseType) => void;
1309 /**
1310 * Return the underlying channel object for the specified client
1311 * @see grpc.Client#getChannel
1312 * @param client The client
1313 * @return The channel
1314 */
1315 export function getClientChannel(client: Client): Channel;
1317 /**
1318 * Wait for the client to be ready. The callback will be called when the
1319 * client has successfully connected to the server, and it will be called
1320 * with an error if the attempt to connect to the server has unrecoverably
1321 * failed or if the deadline expires. This function will make the channel
1322 * start connecting if it has not already done so.
1323 * @see grpc.Client#waitForReady
1324 * @param client The client to wait on
1325 * @param deadline When to stop waiting for a connection. Pass Infinity to
1326 * wait forever.
1327 * @param callback The callback to call when done attempting to connect.
1328 */
1329 export function waitForClientReady(client: Client, deadline: Deadline, callback: (error: Error | null) => void): void;
1331 /**
1332 * Close client.
1333 * @param clientObj The client to close
1334 */
1335 export function closeClient(clientObj: Client): void;
1337 /**
1338 * A builder for gRPC status objects
1339 */
1340 export class StatusBuilder {
1341 constructor()
1343 /**
1344 * Adds a status code to the builder
1345 * @param code The status code
1346 */
1347 withCode(code: number): this;
1349 /**
1350 * Adds details to the builder
1351 * @param details A status message
1352 */
1353 withDetails(details: string): this;
1355 /**
1356 * Adds metadata to the builder
1357 * @param metadata The gRPC status metadata
1358 */
1359 withMetadata(metadata: Metadata): this;
1361 /**
1362 * Builds the status object
1363 * @return A gRPC status
1364 */
1365 build(): StatusObject;
1366 }
1368 export type MetadataListener = (metadata: Metadata, next: Function) => void;
1370 export type MessageListener = (message: any, next: Function) => void;
1372 export type StatusListener = (status: StatusObject, next: Function) => void;
1374 export interface Listener {
1375 onReceiveMetadata?: MetadataListener;
1376 onReceiveMessage?: MessageListener;
1377 onReceiveStatus?: StatusListener;
1378 }
1380 /**
1381 * A builder for listener interceptors
1382 */
1383 export class ListenerBuilder {
1384 constructor();
1386 /**
1387 * Adds onReceiveMetadata method to the builder
1388 * @param onReceiveMetadata A listener method for receiving metadata
1389 */
1390 withOnReceiveMetadata(onReceiveMetadata: MetadataListener): this;
1392 /**
1393 * Adds onReceiveMessage method to the builder
1394 * @param onReceiveMessage A listener method for receiving message
1395 */
1396 withOnReceiveMessage(onReceiveMessage: MessageListener): this;
1398 /**
1399 * Adds onReceiveStatus method to the builder
1400 * @param onReceiveStatus A listener method for receiving status
1401 */
1402 withOnReceiveStatus(onReceiveStatus: StatusListener): this;
1404 /**
1405 * Builds the call listener
1406 */
1407 build(): Listener;
1408 }
1410 export type MetadataRequester = (metadata: Metadata, listener: Listener, next: Function) => void;
1412 export type MessageRequester = (message: any, next: Function) => void;
1414 export type CloseRequester = (next: Function) => void;
1416 export type CancelRequester = (next: Function) => void;
1418 export type GetPeerRequester = (next: Function) => string;
1420 export interface Requester {
1421 start?: MetadataRequester;
1422 sendMessage?: MessageRequester;
1423 halfClose?: CloseRequester;
1424 cancel?: CancelRequester;
1425 getPeer?: GetPeerRequester;
1426 }
1428 /**
1429 * A builder for the outbound methods of an interceptor
1430 */
1431 export class RequesterBuilder {
1432 constructor();
1434 /**
1435 * Add a metadata requester to the builder
1436 * @param start A requester method for handling metadata
1437 */
1438 withStart(start: MetadataRequester): this;
1440 /**
1441 * Add a message requester to the builder.
1442 * @param sendMessage A requester method for handling
1443 * messages.
1444 */
1445 withSendMessage(sendMessage: MessageRequester): this;
1447 /**
1448 * Add a close requester to the builder.
1449 * @param halfClose A requester method for handling client
1450 * close.
1451 */
1452 withHalfClose(halfClose: CloseRequester): this;
1454 /**
1455 * Add a cancel requester to the builder.
1456 * @param cancel A requester method for handling `cancel`
1457 */
1458 withCancel(cancel: CancelRequester): this;
1460 /**
1461 * Builds the requester's interceptor methods.
1462 */
1463 build(): Requester;
1464 }
1466 /**
1467 * A chainable gRPC call proxy which will delegate to an optional requester
1468 * object. By default, interceptor methods will chain to nextCall. If a
1469 * requester is provided which implements an interceptor method, that
1470 * requester method will be executed as part of the chain.
1471 * operations.
1472 */
1473 export class InterceptingCall {
1474 /**
1475 * @param next_Call The next call in the chain
1476 * @param requester Interceptor methods to handle request
1477 */
1478 constructor(nextCall: InterceptingCall|null, requester?: Requester);
1480 /**
1481 * Starts a call through the outbound interceptor chain and adds an element to
1482 * the reciprocal inbound listener chain.
1483 */
1484 start(metadata: Metadata, listener: Listener): void;
1486 /**
1487 * Pass a message through the interceptor chain.
1488 */
1489 sendMessage(message: any): void;
1491 /**
1492 * Run a close operation through the interceptor chain
1493 */
1494 halfClose(): void;
1496 /**
1497 * Run a cancel operation through the interceptor chain
1498 */
1499 cancel(): void;
1501 /**
1502 * Run a cancelWithStatus operation through the interceptor chain.
1503 * @param status
1504 * @param message
1505 */
1506 cancelWithStatus(status: StatusObject, message: string): void;
1508 /**
1509 * Pass a getPeer call down to the base gRPC call (should not be intercepted)
1510 */
1511 getPeer(): object;
1513 /**
1514 * For streaming calls, we need to transparently pass the stream's context
1515 * through the interceptor chain. Passes the context between InterceptingCalls
1516 * but hides it from any requester implementations.
1517 * @param context Carries objects needed for streaming operations.
1518 * @param message The message to send.
1519 */
1520 sendMessageWithContext(context: object, message: any): void;
1522 /**
1523 * For receiving streaming messages, we need to seed the base interceptor with
1524 * the streaming context to create a RECV_MESSAGE batch.
1525 * @param context Carries objects needed for streaming operations
1526 */
1527 recvMessageWithContext(context: object): void;
1528 }
1529 export enum connectivityState {
1530 IDLE = 0,
1531 CONNECTING = 1,
1532 READY = 2,
1534 SHUTDOWN = 4
1535 }
1537 export class Channel {
1538 /**
1539 * This constructor API is almost identical to the Client constructor,
1540 * except that some of the options for the Client constructor are not valid
1541 * here.
1542 * @param target The address of the server to connect to
1543 * @param credentials Channel credentials to use when connecting
1544 * @param options A map of channel options that will be passed to the core
1545 */
1546 constructor(target: string, credentials: ChannelCredentials, options: {[key:string]: string|number});
1547 /**
1548 * Close the channel. This has the same functionality as the existing grpc.Client.prototype.close
1549 */
1550 close(): void;
1551 /**
1552 * Return the target that this channel connects to
1553 */
1554 getTarget(): string;
1555 /**
1556 * Get the channel's current connectivity state.
1557 * @param tryToConnect If true, the channel will start connecting if it is
1558 * idle. Otherwise, idle channels will only start connecting when a
1559 * call starts.
1560 */
1561 getConnectivityState(tryToConnect: boolean): connectivityState;
1562 /**
1563 * Watch for connectivity state changes.
1564 * @param currentState The state to watch for transitions from. This should
1565 * always be populated by calling getConnectivityState immediately
1566 * before.
1567 * @param deadline A deadline for waiting for a state change
1568 * @param callback Called with no error when a state change, or with an
1569 * error if the deadline passes without a state change.
1570 */
1571 watchConnectivityState(currentState: connectivityState, deadline: Date|number, callback: (error?: Error) => void): void;
1572 /**
1573 * Create a call object. Call is an opaque type that is used by the Client
1574 * and Server classes. This function is called by the gRPC library when
1575 * starting a request. Implementers should return an instance of Call that
1576 * is returned from calling createCall on an instance of the provided
1577 * Channel class.
1578 * @param method The full method string to request.
1579 * @param deadline The call deadline
1580 * @param host A host string override for making the request
1581 * @param parentCall A server call to propagate some information from
1582 * @param propagateFlags A bitwise combination of elements of grpc.propagate
1583 * that indicates what information to propagate from parentCall.
1584 */
1585 createCall(method: string, deadline: Date|number, host: string|null, parentCall: Call|null, propagateFlags: number|null): Call;
1586 }