1 | # grunt-contrib-cssmin v4.0.0 [![Build Status](https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-cssmin/workflows/Tests/badge.svg)](https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-cssmin/actions?workflow=Tests)
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3 | > Minify CSS
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7 | ## Getting Started
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9 | If you haven't used [Grunt](https://gruntjs.com/) before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started](https://gruntjs.com/getting-started) guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile](https://gruntjs.com/sample-gruntfile) as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
10 |
11 | ```shell
12 | npm install grunt-contrib-cssmin --save-dev
13 | ```
14 |
15 | Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
16 |
17 | ```js
18 | grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin');
19 | ```
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21 | **Issues with the output should be reported on the clean-css [issue tracker](https://github.com/jakubpawlowicz/clean-css/issues).**
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25 | ## Cssmin task
26 | _Run this task with the `grunt cssmin` command._
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29 | ### Options
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31 | Options are passed to [clean-css](https://github.com/jakubpawlowicz/clean-css#how-to-use-clean-css-api). In addition this task defines some extra options:
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34 | #### report
35 |
36 | Type: `string`
37 | Choices: `'min'`, `'gzip'`
38 | Default: `'min'`
39 |
40 | Report minification result or both minification and gzip results.
41 | This is useful to see exactly how well clean-css is performing but using `'gzip'` will make the task take 5-10x longer to complete. [Example output](https://github.com/sindresorhus/maxmin#readme).
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43 |
44 | #### sourceMap
45 |
46 | Type: `boolean`
47 | Choices: `true`, `false`
48 | Default: `false`
49 |
50 | Enable Source Maps.
51 |
52 | ### Usage
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54 | #### Combine two files into one output file
55 |
56 | ```js
57 | cssmin: {
58 | options: {
59 | mergeIntoShorthands: false,
60 | roundingPrecision: -1
61 | },
62 | target: {
63 | files: {
64 | 'output.css': ['foo.css', 'bar.css']
65 | }
66 | }
67 | }
68 | ```
69 |
70 | #### Minify all contents of a release directory and add a `.min.css` extension
71 |
72 | ```js
73 | cssmin: {
74 | target: {
75 | files: [{
76 | expand: true,
77 | cwd: 'release/css',
78 | src: ['*.css', '!*.min.css'],
79 | dest: 'release/css',
80 | ext: '.min.css'
81 | }]
82 | }
83 | }
84 | ```
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87 | ## Release History
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89 | * 2023-05-01 v5.0.0 Update dependencies. Drop Node.js < 14 support.
90 | * 2021-02-15 v4.0.0 Update all dependencies including clean-css v5.x. Drop Node.js < 10 support.
91 | * 2018-09-07 v3.0.0 Update all dependencies. Drop Node.js < 6 support.
92 | * 2017-07-27 v2.2.1 Fix issue with `relativeTo` for clean-css v4.x.
93 | * 2017-05-10 v2.2.0 Update clean-css to v4.1.1.
94 | * 2017-04-17 v2.1.0 Set required Node.js version to >=4 since clean-css 4.x requires that.
95 | * 2017-02-02 v2.0.0 Update clean-css to v4.0.3.
96 | * 2016-08-31 v1.0.2 Fix issues for node 6.
97 | * 2016-03-16 v1.0.1 Downgrade maxmin to support Node.js 0.10.
98 | * 2016-03-04 v1.0.0 Updated docs. Point main to task and removed peerDeps. Update clean-css to v3.4.1.
99 | * 2015-09-15 v0.14.0 Bump to cssmin ~3.4.0. Minor test fixes.
100 | * 2015-07-27 v0.13.0 Bump to cssmin ~3.3.0.
101 | * 2015-05-09 v0.12.3 Improve reporting of errors and warnings. Log out written files and the saved size. Fix absolute paths.
102 | * 2015-02-20 v0.12.2 Set the `rebase` option to `false` by default.
103 | * 2015-02-09 v0.12.0 Add `sourceMap` option.
104 | * 2014-12-24 v0.11.0 Bump `clean-css` to 3.0.1. Remove `banner` option.
105 | * 2014-06-11 v0.10.0 Update clean-css v2.2.0.
106 | * 2014-02-01 v0.9.0 Refactor. Remove grunt-lib-contrib dependency. Backwards-compatibly remove `false` choice from `report`.
107 | * 2014-02-14 v0.8.0 Update clean-css v2.1.0.
108 | * 2013-11-23 v0.7.0 Update clean-css v2.0.0.
109 | * 2013-09-14 v0.6.2 Support relative URLs via clean-css ~1.1.1.
110 | * 2013-05-25 v0.6.1 Support import in-lining via clean-css ~1.0.4.
111 | * 2013-04-05 v0.6.0 Update clean-css dependency to ~1.0.0.
112 | * 2013-03-14 v0.5.0 Support for `report` option (false by default).
113 | * 2013-03-10 v0.4.2 Add `banner` option. Support clean-css `keepSpecialComments`.
114 | * 2013-02-17 v0.4.1 Update clean-css dependency to ~0.10.0.
115 | * 2013-02-15 v0.4.0 First official release for Grunt 0.4.0.
116 | * 2013-01-23 v0.4.0rc7 Updating grunt/gruntplugin dependencies to rc7. Changing in-development grunt/gruntplugin dependency versions from tilde version ranges to specific versions.
117 | * 2013-01-09 v0.4.0rc5 Updating to work with grunt v0.4.0rc5. Switching to `this.files` API.
118 | * 2012-11-01 v0.3.2 Update clean-css dep.
119 | * 2012-10-12 v0.3.1 Rename grunt-contrib-lib dep to grunt-lib-contrib.
120 | * 2012-09-23 v0.3.0 Options no longer accepted from global config key.
121 | * 2012-09-10 v0.2.0 Refactored from grunt-contrib into individual repo.
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123 | ---
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125 | Task submitted by [Tim Branyen](http://tbranyen.com/)
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127 | *This is a generated file.*