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1var grunt = require('grunt');
2var path = require('path');
3var gruntTextReplace = {};
6exports.replace = function (settings) {
7 gruntTextReplace.replace(settings);
10exports.replaceText = function (settings) {
11 var text = settings.text;
12 var replacements = settings.replacements;
13 return gruntTextReplace.replaceTextMultiple(text, replacements);
16exports.replaceFile = function (settings) {
17 return gruntTextReplace.replaceFile(settings)
20exports.replaceFileMultiple = function (settings) {
21 return gruntTextReplace.replaceFileMultiple(settings)
26gruntTextReplace = {
27 replaceFileMultiple: function (settings) {
28 var sourceFiles = grunt.file.expand(settings.src);
29 sourceFiles.forEach(function (pathToSource) {
30 gruntTextReplace.replaceFile({
31 src: pathToSource,
32 dest: settings.dest,
33 replacements: settings.replacements
34 });
35 });
36 },
38 replaceFile: function (settings) {
39 var pathToSourceFile = settings.src;
40 var pathToDestinationFile = this.getPathToDestination(pathToSourceFile, settings.dest);
41 var replacements = settings.replacements;
42 grunt.file.copy(pathToSourceFile, pathToDestinationFile, {
43 process: function (text) {
44 return gruntTextReplace.replaceTextMultiple(text, replacements);
45 }
46 });
47 },
49 replaceTextMultiple: function (text, replacements) {
50 return replacements.reduce(function (newText, replacement) {
51 return gruntTextReplace.replaceText({
52 text: newText,
53 from: replacement.from,
54 to: replacement.to
55 });
56 }, text);
57 },
59 replaceText: function (settings) {
60 var text = settings.text;
61 var from = this.convertPatternToRegex(settings.from);
62 var to = this.expandReplacement(settings.to);
63 return text.replace(from, to);
64 },
66 replace: function (settings) {
67 var src = grunt.file.expand(settings.src || []);
68 var dest = settings.dest;
69 var overwrite = settings.overwrite;
70 var replacements = settings.replacements;
71 var isDestinationDirectory = (/\/$/).test(dest);
72 var initialWarnCount = grunt.fail.warncount;
74 if (typeof dest === 'undefined' &&
75 typeof src === 'undefined' &&
76 typeof replacements === 'undefined') {
77 grunt.warn(gruntTextReplace.errorMessages.noTargetsDefined);
78 } else if (src.length === 0) {
79 grunt.warn(gruntTextReplace.errorMessages.noSourceFiles);
80 } else if (typeof dest === 'undefined' && overwrite !== true) {
81 grunt.warn(gruntTextReplace.errorMessages.noDestination);
82 } else if (typeof replacements === 'undefined') {
83 grunt.warn(gruntTextReplace.errorMessages.noReplacements);
84 } else if (typeof dest !== 'undefined' && overwrite === true) {
85 grunt.warn(gruntTextReplace.errorMessages.overwriteFailure);
86 } else if ((isDestinationDirectory === false && src.length > 1) && overwrite !== true) {
87 grunt.warn(gruntTextReplace.errorMessages.multipleSourceSingleDestination);
88 } else if (grunt.fail.warncount - initialWarnCount === 0) {
89 gruntTextReplace.replaceFileMultiple({
90 src: src,
91 dest: dest,
92 replacements: replacements
93 });
94 }
95 },
97 errorMessages: {
98 noTargetsDefined: "No targets were found. Remember to wrap functionality " +
99 "within a target.",
100 noSourceFiles: "No source files found",
101 noDestination: "Destination is not defined! If you want to overwrite " +
102 "files, then make sure to set overwrite: true. If you don't wish to " +
103 "overwrite, then make sure to set a destination",
104 noReplacements: "No replacements were found.",
105 overwriteFailure: "Overwrite is to true, but a destination has also " +
106 "been defined. If you want to overwrite files, remove the destination. " +
107 "If you want to send files to a destination, then ensure overwrite is " +
108 "not set to true",
109 multipleSourceSingleDestination: "Cannot write multiple files to same " +
110 "file. If you wish to export to a directory, make sure there is a " +
111 "trailing slash on the destination. If you wish to write to a single " +
112 "file, make sure there is only one source file"
113 },
115 getPathToDestination: function (pathToSource, pathToDestinationFile) {
116 var isDestinationDirectory = (/\/$/).test(pathToDestinationFile);
117 var fileName = path.basename(pathToSource);
118 var newPathToDestination;
119 if (typeof pathToDestinationFile === 'undefined') {
120 newPathToDestination = pathToSource;
121 } else {
122 newPathToDestination = pathToDestinationFile + (isDestinationDirectory ? fileName : '');
123 }
124 return newPathToDestination;
125 },
127 convertPatternToRegex: function (pattern) {
128 var regexCharacters = '\\[](){}^$-.*+?|,/';
129 if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
130 regexCharacters.split('').forEach(function (character) {
131 var characterAsRegex = new RegExp('(\\' + character + ')', 'g');
132 pattern = pattern.replace(characterAsRegex, '\\$1');
133 });
134 pattern = new RegExp(pattern, 'g');
135 }
136 return pattern;
137 },
139 expandReplacement: function (replacement) {
140 if (typeof replacement === 'function') {
141 return this.expandFunctionReplacement(replacement);
142 } else if (typeof replacement === 'string') {
143 return this.expandStringReplacement(replacement);
144 }
145 },
147 expandFunctionReplacement: function (replacement) {
148 return function () {
149 var matchedSubstring = arguments[0];
150 var index = arguments[arguments.length - 2];
151 var fullText = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
152 var regexMatches = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1,
153 arguments.length - 2);
154 var returnValue = replacement(matchedSubstring, index, fullText,
155 regexMatches);
156 return (typeof returnValue === 'string') ?
157 gruntTextReplace.processGruntTemplate(returnValue) : returnValue;
158 };
159 },
161 expandStringReplacement: function (replacement) {
162 return gruntTextReplace.processGruntTemplate(replacement);
163 },
165 processGruntTemplate: function (string) {
166 var isProcessTemplateTrue = true;
167 if (grunt.task.current.data.options &&
168 typeof grunt.task.current.data.options.processTemplates !== 'undefined' &&
169 grunt.task.current.data.options.processTemplates === false) {
170 isProcessTemplateTrue = false;
171 }
172 return isProcessTemplateTrue ? grunt.template.process(string) : string;
173 }