6.49 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var grunt = require('../../lib/grunt');
3// In case the grunt being used to test is different than the grunt being
4// tested, initialize the task and config subsystems.
5if (grunt.task.searchDirs.length === 0) {
6 grunt.task.init([]);
7 grunt.config.init({});
10exports['config'] = function(test) {
11 test.expect(2);
12 test.deepEqual(grunt.helper('config'), grunt.config(), 'It should just pass through to config.');
13 test.deepEqual(grunt.helper('config', 'meta'), grunt.config('meta'), 'It should just pass through to config.');
14 test.done();
17exports['json'] = function(test) {
18 test.expect(2);
19 var obj = grunt.helper('json', 'test/fixtures/test.json');
20 test.equal(obj.foo, 'bar', 'JSON properties should be available as-defined.');
21 test.deepEqual(obj.baz, [1, 2, 3], 'JSON properties should be available as-defined.');
22 test.done();
25exports['strip_banner'] = function(test) {
26 test.expect(7);
27 var src = grunt.file.read('test/fixtures/banner.js');
28 test.equal(grunt.helper('strip_banner', src), '// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
29 test.equal(grunt.helper('strip_banner', src, {block: true}), '// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
30 src = grunt.file.read('test/fixtures/banner2.js');
31 test.equal(grunt.helper('strip_banner', src), '\n/*! SAMPLE\n * BANNER */\n\n// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should not strip the top banner.');
32 test.equal(grunt.helper('strip_banner', src, {block: true}), '// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
33 src = grunt.file.read('test/fixtures/banner3.js');
34 test.equal(grunt.helper('strip_banner', src), '\n// This is\n// A sample\n// Banner\n\n// But this is not\n\n/* And neither\n * is this\n */\n', 'It should not strip the top banner.');
35 test.equal(grunt.helper('strip_banner', src, {block: true}), '\n// This is\n// A sample\n// Banner\n\n// But this is not\n\n/* And neither\n * is this\n */\n', 'It should not strip the top banner.');
36 test.equal(grunt.helper('strip_banner', src, {line: true}), '// But this is not\n\n/* And neither\n * is this\n */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
37 test.done();
40exports['file_strip_banner'] = function(test) {
41 test.expect(14);
42 var filepath = 'test/fixtures/banner.js';
43 test.equal(grunt.helper('file_strip_banner', filepath), '// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
44 test.equal(grunt.helper('file_strip_banner', filepath, {block: true}), '// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
45 filepath = 'test/fixtures/banner2.js';
46 test.equal(grunt.helper('file_strip_banner', filepath), '\n/*! SAMPLE\n * BANNER */\n\n// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should not strip the top banner.');
47 test.equal(grunt.helper('file_strip_banner', filepath, {block: true}), '// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
48 filepath = 'test/fixtures/banner3.js';
49 test.equal(grunt.helper('file_strip_banner', filepath), '\n// This is\n// A sample\n// Banner\n\n// But this is not\n\n/* And neither\n * is this\n */\n', 'It should not strip the top banner.');
50 test.equal(grunt.helper('file_strip_banner', filepath, {block: true}), '\n// This is\n// A sample\n// Banner\n\n// But this is not\n\n/* And neither\n * is this\n */\n', 'It should not strip the top banner.');
51 test.equal(grunt.helper('file_strip_banner', filepath, {line: true}), '// But this is not\n\n/* And neither\n * is this\n */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
53 test.equal(grunt.task.directive('<file_strip_banner:test/fixtures/banner.js>'), '// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
54 test.equal(grunt.task.directive('<file_strip_banner:test/fixtures/banner.js:block>'), '// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
55 test.equal(grunt.task.directive('<file_strip_banner:test/fixtures/banner2.js>'), '\n/*! SAMPLE\n * BANNER */\n\n// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should not strip the top banner.');
56 test.equal(grunt.task.directive('<file_strip_banner:test/fixtures/banner2.js:block>'), '// Comment\n\n/* Comment */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
57 test.equal(grunt.task.directive('<file_strip_banner:test/fixtures/banner3.js>'), '\n// This is\n// A sample\n// Banner\n\n// But this is not\n\n/* And neither\n * is this\n */\n', 'It should not strip the top banner.');
58 test.equal(grunt.task.directive('<file_strip_banner:test/fixtures/banner3.js:block>'), '\n// This is\n// A sample\n// Banner\n\n// But this is not\n\n/* And neither\n * is this\n */\n', 'It should not strip the top banner.');
59 test.equal(grunt.task.directive('<file_strip_banner:test/fixtures/banner3.js:line>'), '// But this is not\n\n/* And neither\n * is this\n */\n', 'It should strip the top banner.');
60 test.done();
63exports['file_template'] = function(test) {
64 test.expect(2);
65 var expected = 'Version: ' + grunt.version + ', today: ' + grunt.template.today('yyyy-mm-dd') + '.';
66 test.equal(grunt.helper('file_template', 'test/fixtures/template.txt'), expected, 'It should return the parsed template.');
67 test.equal(grunt.task.directive('<file_template:test/fixtures/template.txt>'), expected, 'It should return the parsed template.');
68 test.done();
71exports['banner'] = function(test) {
72 test.expect(5);
73 grunt.config('test_config', {a: 'aaaaa', b: 'bbbbb', c: [1, 2, 3], d: [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}]});
75 grunt.config('meta.banner', 'foo\n<%= test_config.a %>\nbar');
76 test.equal(grunt.helper('banner'), grunt.utils.normalizelf('foo\naaaaa\nbar\n'), 'It should use the default banner.');
78 grunt.config('test_config.banner', '<%= test_config.b %>');
79 test.equal(grunt.helper('banner', 'test_config.banner'), grunt.utils.normalizelf('bbbbb\n'), 'It should use the requested banner.');
81 grunt.config('test_config.banner', '<%= test_config.c.join(", ") %>');
82 test.equal(grunt.helper('banner', 'test_config.banner'), grunt.utils.normalizelf('1, 2, 3\n'), 'It should join arrays.');
84 grunt.config('test_config.banner', '<%= _.pluck(test_config.d, "a").join(", ") %>');
85 test.equal(grunt.helper('banner', 'test_config.banner'), grunt.utils.normalizelf('1, 2, 3\n'), 'It should join arrays.');
87 grunt.config('test_config.banner', '<%= grunt.template.today("yyyy-mm-dd") %>');
88 test.equal(grunt.helper('banner', 'test_config.banner'), grunt.utils.normalizelf(grunt.template.today('yyyy-mm-dd') + '\n'), 'It should parse the current date correctly.');
90 test.done();