6.33 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3var grunt = require('../../lib/grunt');
5exports['config'] = {
6 setUp: function(done) {
7 this.origData = grunt.config.data;
8 grunt.config.init({
9 meta: grunt.file.readJSON('test/fixtures/test.json'),
10 foo: '<%= meta.foo %>',
11 foo2: '<%= foo %>',
12 obj: {
13 foo: '<%= meta.foo %>',
14 foo2: '<%= obj.foo %>',
15 Arr: ['foo', '<%= obj.foo2 %>'],
16 arr2: ['<%= arr %>', '<%= obj.Arr %>'],
17 },
18 bar: 'bar',
19 arr: ['foo', '<%= obj.foo2 %>'],
20 arr2: ['<%= arr %>', '<%= obj.Arr %>'],
21 });
22 done();
23 },
24 tearDown: function(done) {
25 grunt.config.data = this.origData;
26 done();
27 },
28 'config.escape': function(test) {
29 test.expect(2);
30 test.equal(grunt.config.escape('foo'), 'foo', 'Should do nothing if no . chars.');
31 test.equal(grunt.config.escape('foo.bar.baz'), 'foo\\.bar\\.baz', 'Should escape all . chars.');
32 test.done();
33 },
34 'config.getPropString': function(test) {
35 test.expect(4);
36 test.equal(grunt.config.getPropString('foo'), 'foo', 'Should do nothing if already a string.');
37 test.equal(grunt.config.getPropString('foo.bar.baz'), 'foo.bar.baz', 'Should do nothing if already a string.');
38 test.equal(grunt.config.getPropString(['foo', 'bar']), 'foo.bar', 'Should join parts into a dot-delimited string.');
39 test.equal(grunt.config.getPropString(['foo.bar', 'baz.qux.zip']), 'foo\\.bar.baz\\.qux\\.zip', 'Should join parts into a dot-delimited string, escaping . chars in parts.');
40 test.done();
41 },
42 'config.getRaw': function(test) {
43 test.expect(4);
44 test.equal(grunt.config.getRaw('foo'), '<%= meta.foo %>', 'Should not process templates.');
45 test.equal(grunt.config.getRaw('obj.foo2'), '<%= obj.foo %>', 'Should not process templates.');
46 test.equal(grunt.config.getRaw(['obj', 'foo2']), '<%= obj.foo %>', 'Should not process templates.');
47 test.deepEqual(grunt.config.getRaw('arr'), ['foo', '<%= obj.foo2 %>'], 'Should not process templates.');
48 test.done();
49 },
50 'config.process': function(test) {
51 test.expect(5);
52 test.equal(grunt.config.process('<%= meta.foo %>'), 'bar', 'Should process templates.');
53 test.equal(grunt.config.process('<%= foo %>'), 'bar', 'Should process templates recursively.');
54 test.equal(grunt.config.process('<%= obj.foo %>'), 'bar', 'Should process deeply nested templates recursively.');
55 test.deepEqual(grunt.config.process(['foo', '<%= obj.foo2 %>']), ['foo', 'bar'], 'Should process templates in arrays.');
56 test.deepEqual(grunt.config.process(['<%= arr %>', '<%= obj.Arr %>']), [['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar']], 'Should expand <%= arr %> and <%= obj.Arr %> values as objects if possible.');
57 test.done();
58 },
59 'config.get': function(test) {
60 test.expect(8);
61 test.equal(grunt.config.get('foo'), 'bar', 'Should process templates.');
62 test.equal(grunt.config.get('foo2'), 'bar', 'Should process templates recursively.');
63 test.equal(grunt.config.get('obj.foo2'), 'bar', 'Should process deeply nested templates recursively.');
64 test.equal(grunt.config.get(['obj', 'foo2']), 'bar', 'Should process deeply nested templates recursively.');
65 test.deepEqual(grunt.config.get('arr'), ['foo', 'bar'], 'Should process templates in arrays.');
66 test.deepEqual(grunt.config.get('obj.Arr'), ['foo', 'bar'], 'Should process templates in arrays.');
67 test.deepEqual(grunt.config.get('arr2'), [['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar']], 'Should expand <%= arr %> and <%= obj.Arr %> values as objects if possible.');
68 test.deepEqual(grunt.config.get(['obj', 'arr2']), [['foo', 'bar'], ['foo', 'bar']], 'Should expand <%= arr %> and <%= obj.Arr %> values as objects if possible.');
69 test.done();
70 },
71 'config.set': function(test) {
72 test.expect(6);
73 test.equal(grunt.config.set('foo3', '<%= foo2 %>'), '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should set values.');
74 test.equal(grunt.config.getRaw('foo3'), '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should have set the value.');
75 test.equal(grunt.config.data.foo3, '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should have set the value.');
76 test.equal(grunt.config.set('a.b.c', '<%= foo2 %>'), '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should create interim objects.');
77 test.equal(grunt.config.getRaw('a.b.c'), '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should have set the value.');
78 test.equal(grunt.config.data.a.b.c, '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should have set the value.');
79 test.done();
80 },
81 'config': function(test) {
82 test.expect(10);
83 test.equal(grunt.config('foo'), 'bar', 'Should retrieve processed data.');
84 test.equal(grunt.config('obj.foo2'), 'bar', 'Should retrieve processed data.');
85 test.equal(grunt.config(['obj', 'foo2']), 'bar', 'Should retrieve processed data.');
86 test.deepEqual(grunt.config('arr'), ['foo', 'bar'], 'Should process templates in arrays.');
88 test.equal(grunt.config('foo3', '<%= foo2 %>'), '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should set values.');
89 test.equal(grunt.config.getRaw('foo3'), '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should have set the value.');
90 test.equal(grunt.config.data.foo3, '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should have set the value.');
91 test.equal(grunt.config('a.b.c', '<%= foo2 %>'), '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should create interim objects.');
92 test.equal(grunt.config.getRaw('a.b.c'), '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should have set the value.');
93 test.equal(grunt.config.data.a.b.c, '<%= foo2 %>', 'Should have set the value.');
94 test.done();
95 },
96 'config.requires': function(test) {
97 test.expect(8);
98 grunt.log.muted = true;
99 test.doesNotThrow(function() { grunt.config.requires('foo'); }, 'This property exists.');
100 test.doesNotThrow(function() { grunt.config.requires('obj.foo'); }, 'This property exists.');
101 test.doesNotThrow(function() { grunt.config.requires('foo', 'obj.foo', 'obj.foo2'); }, 'These properties exist.');
102 test.doesNotThrow(function() { grunt.config.requires('foo', ['obj', 'foo'], ['obj', 'foo2']); }, 'These properties exist.');
103 test.throws(function() { grunt.config.requires('xyz'); }, 'This property does not exist.');
104 test.throws(function() { grunt.config.requires('obj.xyz'); }, 'This property does not exist.');
105 test.throws(function() { grunt.config.requires('foo', 'obj.foo', 'obj.xyz'); }, 'One property does not exist.');
106 test.throws(function() { grunt.config.requires('foo', ['obj', 'foo'], ['obj', 'xyz']); }, 'One property does not exist.');
107 grunt.log.muted = false;
108 test.done();
109 },