9.03 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3var grunt = require('../../lib/grunt');
5var fs = require('fs');
6var path = require('path');
8var Tempfile = require('temporary/lib/file');
10exports['util.callbackify'] = {
11 'return': function(test) {
12 test.expect(1);
13 // This function returns a value.
14 function add(a, b) {
15 return a + b;
16 }
17 grunt.util.callbackify(add)(1, 2, function(result) {
18 test.equal(result, 3, 'should be the correct result.');
19 test.done();
20 });
21 },
22 'callback (sync)': function(test) {
23 test.expect(1);
24 // This function accepts a callback which it calls synchronously.
25 function add(a, b, done) {
26 done(a + b);
27 }
28 grunt.util.callbackify(add)(1, 2, function(result) {
29 test.equal(result, 3, 'should be the correct result.');
30 test.done();
31 });
32 },
33 'callback (async)': function(test) {
34 test.expect(1);
35 // This function accepts a callback which it calls asynchronously.
36 function add(a, b, done) {
37 setTimeout(done.bind(null, a + b), 0);
38 }
39 grunt.util.callbackify(add)(1, 2, function(result) {
40 test.equal(result, 3, 'should be the correct result.');
41 test.done();
42 });
43 }
46exports['util'] = {
47 'error': function(test) {
48 test.expect(9);
49 var origError = new Error('Original error.');
51 var err = grunt.util.error('Test message.');
52 test.ok(err instanceof Error, 'Should be an Error.');
53 test.equal(err.name, 'Error', 'Should be an Error.');
54 test.equal(err.message, 'Test message.', 'Should have the correct message.');
56 err = grunt.util.error('Test message.', origError);
57 test.ok(err instanceof Error, 'Should be an Error.');
58 test.equal(err.name, 'Error', 'Should be an Error.');
59 test.equal(err.message, 'Test message.', 'Should have the correct message.');
60 test.equal(err.origError, origError, 'Should reflect the original error.');
62 var newError = new Error('Test message.');
63 err = grunt.util.error(newError, origError);
64 test.equal(err, newError, 'Should be the passed-in Error.');
65 test.equal(err.origError, origError, 'Should reflect the original error.');
66 test.done();
67 },
68 'linefeed': function(test) {
69 test.expect(1);
70 if (process.platform === 'win32') {
71 test.equal(grunt.util.linefeed, '\r\n', 'linefeed should be operating-system appropriate.');
72 } else {
73 test.equal(grunt.util.linefeed, '\n', 'linefeed should be operating-system appropriate.');
74 }
75 test.done();
76 },
77 'normalizelf': function(test) {
78 test.expect(1);
79 if (process.platform === 'win32') {
80 test.equal(grunt.util.normalizelf('foo\nbar\r\nbaz\r\n\r\nqux\n\nquux'), 'foo\r\nbar\r\nbaz\r\n\r\nqux\r\n\r\nquux', 'linefeeds should be normalized');
81 } else {
82 test.equal(grunt.util.normalizelf('foo\nbar\r\nbaz\r\n\r\nqux\n\nquux'), 'foo\nbar\nbaz\n\nqux\n\nquux', 'linefeeds should be normalized');
83 }
84 test.done();
85 }
88exports['util.spawn'] = {
89 setUp: function(done) {
90 this.script = path.resolve('test/fixtures/spawn.js');
91 done();
92 },
93 'exit code 0': function(test) {
94 test.expect(6);
95 grunt.util.spawn({
96 cmd: process.execPath,
97 args: [ this.script, 0 ],
98 }, function(err, result, code) {
99 test.equals(err, null);
100 test.equals(code, 0);
101 test.equals(result.stdout, 'stdout');
102 test.equals(result.stderr, 'stderr');
103 test.equals(result.code, 0);
104 test.equals(String(result), 'stdout');
105 test.done();
106 });
107 },
108 'exit code 0, fallback': function(test) {
109 test.expect(6);
110 grunt.util.spawn({
111 cmd: process.execPath,
112 args: [ this.script, 0 ],
113 fallback: 'ignored if exit code is 0'
114 }, function(err, result, code) {
115 test.equals(err, null);
116 test.equals(code, 0);
117 test.equals(result.stdout, 'stdout');
118 test.equals(result.stderr, 'stderr');
119 test.equals(result.code, 0);
120 test.equals(String(result), 'stdout');
121 test.done();
122 });
123 },
124 'non-zero exit code': function(test) {
125 test.expect(7);
126 grunt.util.spawn({
127 cmd: process.execPath,
128 args: [ this.script, 123 ],
129 }, function(err, result, code) {
130 test.ok(err instanceof Error);
131 test.equals(err.message, 'stderr');
132 test.equals(code, 123);
133 test.equals(result.stdout, 'stdout');
134 test.equals(result.stderr, 'stderr');
135 test.equals(result.code, 123);
136 test.equals(String(result), 'stderr');
137 test.done();
138 });
139 },
140 'non-zero exit code, fallback': function(test) {
141 test.expect(6);
142 grunt.util.spawn({
143 cmd: process.execPath,
144 args: [ this.script, 123 ],
145 fallback: 'custom fallback'
146 }, function(err, result, code) {
147 test.equals(err, null);
148 test.equals(code, 123);
149 test.equals(result.stdout, 'stdout');
150 test.equals(result.stderr, 'stderr');
151 test.equals(result.code, 123);
152 test.equals(String(result), 'custom fallback');
153 test.done();
154 });
155 },
156 'cmd not found': function(test) {
157 test.expect(3);
158 grunt.util.spawn({
159 cmd: 'nodewtfmisspelled',
160 }, function(err, result, code) {
161 test.ok(err instanceof Error);
162 test.equals(code, 127);
163 test.equals(result.code, 127);
164 test.done();
165 });
166 },
167 'cmd not found, fallback': function(test) {
168 test.expect(4);
169 grunt.util.spawn({
170 cmd: 'nodewtfmisspelled',
171 fallback: 'use a fallback or good luck'
172 }, function(err, result, code) {
173 test.equals(err, null);
174 test.equals(code, 127);
175 test.equals(result.code, 127);
176 test.equals(String(result), 'use a fallback or good luck');
177 test.done();
178 });
179 },
180 'cmd not in path': function(test) {
181 test.expect(6);
182 var win32 = process.platform === 'win32';
183 grunt.util.spawn({
184 cmd: 'test\\fixtures\\exec' + (win32 ? '.cmd' : '.sh'),
185 }, function(err, result, code) {
186 test.equals(err, null);
187 test.equals(code, 0);
188 test.equals(result.stdout, 'done');
189 test.equals(result.stderr, '');
190 test.equals(result.code, 0);
191 test.equals(String(result), 'done');
192 test.done();
193 });
194 },
195 'cmd not in path (with cwd)': function(test) {
196 test.expect(6);
197 var win32 = process.platform === 'win32';
198 grunt.util.spawn({
199 cmd: './exec' + (win32 ? '.cmd' : '.sh'),
200 opts: {cwd: 'test/fixtures'},
201 }, function(err, result, code) {
202 test.equals(err, null);
203 test.equals(code, 0);
204 test.equals(result.stdout, 'done');
205 test.equals(result.stderr, '');
206 test.equals(result.code, 0);
207 test.equals(String(result), 'done');
208 test.done();
209 });
210 },
211 'grunt': function(test) {
212 test.expect(3);
213 grunt.util.spawn({
214 grunt: true,
215 args: [ '--gruntfile', 'test/fixtures/Gruntfile-print-text.js', 'print:foo' ],
216 }, function(err, result, code) {
217 test.equals(err, null);
218 test.equals(code, 0);
219 test.ok(/^OUTPUT: foo/m.test(result.stdout), 'stdout should contain output indicating the grunt task was run.');
220 test.done();
221 });
222 },
223 'grunt (with cwd)': function(test) {
224 test.expect(3);
225 grunt.util.spawn({
226 grunt: true,
227 args: [ '--gruntfile', 'Gruntfile-print-text.js', 'print:foo' ],
228 opts: {cwd: 'test/fixtures'},
229 }, function(err, result, code) {
230 test.equals(err, null);
231 test.equals(code, 0);
232 test.ok(/^OUTPUT: foo/m.test(result.stdout), 'stdout should contain output indicating the grunt task was run.');
233 test.done();
234 });
235 },
236 'custom stdio stream(s)': function(test) {
237 test.expect(6);
238 var stdoutFile = new Tempfile();
239 var stderrFile = new Tempfile();
240 var stdout = fs.openSync(stdoutFile.path, 'a');
241 var stderr = fs.openSync(stderrFile.path, 'a');
242 var child = grunt.util.spawn({
243 cmd: process.execPath,
244 args: [ this.script, 0 ],
245 opts: {stdio: [null, stdout, stderr]},
246 }, function(err, result, code) {
247 test.equals(code, 0);
248 test.equals(String(fs.readFileSync(stdoutFile.path)), 'stdout\n', 'Child process stdout should have been captured via custom stream.');
249 test.equals(String(fs.readFileSync(stderrFile.path)), 'stderr\n', 'Child process stderr should have been captured via custom stream.');
250 stdoutFile.unlinkSync();
251 stderrFile.unlinkSync();
252 test.equals(result.stdout, '', 'Nothing will be passed to the stdout string when spawn stdio is a custom stream.');
253 test.done();
254 });
255 test.ok(!child.stdout, 'child should not have a stdout property.');
256 test.ok(!child.stderr, 'child should not have a stderr property.');
257 },
260exports['util.underscore.string'] = function(test) {
261 test.expect(4);
262 test.equals(grunt.util._.trim(' foo '), 'foo', 'Should have trimmed the string.');
263 test.equals(grunt.util._.capitalize('foo'), 'Foo', 'Should have capitalized the first letter.');
264 test.equals(grunt.util._.words('one two three').length, 3, 'Should have counted three words.');
265 test.ok(grunt.util._.isBlank(' '), 'Should be blank.');
266 test.done();