1.54 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import gsap from "./gsap-core.js";
2import CSSPlugin from "./CSSPlugin.js";
3var gsapWithCSS = gsap.registerPlugin(CSSPlugin) || gsap, // to protect from tree shaking
4 TweenMaxWithCSS = gsapWithCSS.core.Tween;
6export { gsapWithCSS as gsap, gsapWithCSS as default, CSSPlugin, TweenMaxWithCSS as TweenMax };
7export { TweenLite, TimelineMax, TimelineLite, Power0, Power1, Power2, Power3, Power4, Linear, Quad, Cubic, Quart, Quint, Strong, Elastic, Back, SteppedEase, Bounce, Sine, Expo, Circ, wrap, wrapYoyo, distribute, random, snap, normalize, getUnit, clamp, splitColor, toArray, mapRange, pipe, unitize, interpolate, shuffle, selector } from "./gsap-core.js";
8export * from "./CustomEase.js";
9export * from "./CSSRulePlugin.js";
10export * from "./Draggable.js";
11export * from "./EaselPlugin.js";
12export * from "./EasePack.js";
13export * from "./Flip.js";
14export * from "./MotionPathPlugin.js";
15export * from "./Observer.js";
16export * from "./PixiPlugin.js";
17export * from "./ScrollToPlugin.js";
18export * from "./ScrollTrigger.js";
19export * from "./TextPlugin.js";
22//export * from "./DrawSVGPlugin.js";
23//export * from "./Physics2DPlugin.js";
24//export * from "./PhysicsPropsPlugin.js";
25//export * from "./ScrambleTextPlugin.js";
26//export * from "./CustomBounce.js";
27//export * from "./CustomWiggle.js";
28//export * from "./GSDevTools.js";
29//export * from "./InertiaPlugin.js";
30//export * from "./MorphSVGPlugin.js";
31//export * from "./MotionPathHelper.js";
32//export * from "./ScrollSmoother.js";
33//export * from "./SplitText.js";
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