664 BJavaScriptView Raw
1import { gsap, Power0, Power1, Power2, Power3, Power4, Linear, Quad, Cubic, Quart, Quint, Strong, Elastic, Back, SteppedEase, Bounce, Sine, Expo, Circ, TweenLite, TimelineLite, TimelineMax } from "./gsap-core.js";
2import { CSSPlugin } from "./CSSPlugin.js";
3var gsapWithCSS = gsap.registerPlugin(CSSPlugin) || gsap,
4 // to protect from tree shaking
5TweenMaxWithCSS = gsapWithCSS.core.Tween;
6export { gsapWithCSS as gsap, gsapWithCSS as default, CSSPlugin, TweenMaxWithCSS as TweenMax, TweenLite, TimelineMax, TimelineLite, Power0, Power1, Power2, Power3, Power4, Linear, Quad, Cubic, Quart, Quint, Strong, Elastic, Back, SteppedEase, Bounce, Sine, Expo, Circ };
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