1 | # gts
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3 | > Google TypeScript Style
4 |
5 | [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url]
6 | [![GitHub Actions][github-image]][github-url]
7 | [![Known Vulnerabilities][snyk-image]][snyk-url]
8 | [![codecov][codecov-image]][codecov-url]
9 | [![TypeScript Style Guide][gts-image]][gts-url]
10 |
11 | [gts][npm-url] is Google's TypeScript style guide, and the configuration for our formatter, linter, and automatic code fixer. No lint rules to edit, no configuration to update, no more bike shedding over syntax.
12 |
13 | To borrow from [standardjs][standardjs-url]:
14 |
15 | - **No configuration**. The easiest way to enforce consistent style in your project. Just drop it in.
16 | - **Automatically format code**. Just run `gts fix` and say goodbye to messy or inconsistent code.
17 | - **Catch style issues & programmer errors early**. Save precious code review time by eliminating back-and-forth between reviewer & contributor.
18 | - **Opinionated, but not to a fault**. We recommend you use the default configuration, but if you _need_ to customize compiler or linter config, you can.
19 |
20 | Under the covers, we use [eslint][eslint-url] to enforce the style guide and provide automated fixes, and [prettier][prettier-url] to re-format code.
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22 | ## Getting Started
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24 | The easiest way to get started is to run:
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26 | ```sh
27 | npx gts init
28 | ```
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30 | ## How it works
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32 | When you run the `npx gts init` command, it's going to do a few things for you:
33 |
34 | - Adds an opinionated `tsconfig.json` file to your project that uses the Google TypeScript Style.
35 | - Adds the necessary devDependencies to your `package.json`.
36 | - Adds scripts to your `package.json`:
37 | - `lint`: Lints and checks for formatting problems.
38 | - `fix`: Automatically fixes formatting and linting problems (if possible).
39 | - `clean`: Removes output files.
40 | - `compile`: Compiles the source code using TypeScript compiler.
41 | - `pretest`, `posttest` and `prepare`: convenience integrations.
42 | - If a source folder is not already present it will add a default template project.
43 |
44 | ### Individual files
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46 | The commands above will all run in the scope of the current folder. Some commands can be run on individual files:
47 |
48 | ```sh
49 | gts lint index.ts
50 | gts lint one.ts two.ts three.ts
51 | gts lint *.ts
52 | ```
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54 | ### Working with eslint
55 |
56 | Under the covers, we use [eslint][eslint-url] to enforce the style guide and provide automated fixes, and [prettier][prettier-url] to re-format code. To use the shared `eslint` configuration, create an `.eslintrc` in your project directory, and extend the shared config:
57 |
58 | ```yml
59 | ---
60 | extends:
61 | - './node_modules/gts'
62 | ```
63 |
64 | If you don't want to use the `gts` CLI, you can drop down to using the module as a basic `eslint` config, and just use the `eslint` cli:
65 |
66 | ```
67 | $ eslint --fix
68 | ```
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70 | This opens the ability to use the vast `eslint` ecosystem including custom rules, and tools like the VSCode plugin for eslint:
71 |
72 | - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
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74 | ## Badge
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76 | Show your love for `gts` and include a badge!
77 |
78 | [![Code Style: Google](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-google-blueviolet.svg)](https://github.com/google/gts)
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80 | ```md
81 | [![Code Style: Google](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-google-blueviolet.svg)](https://github.com/google/gts)
82 | ```
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84 | ## Supported Node.js Versions
85 |
86 | Our client libraries follow the [Node.js release schedule](https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/). Libraries are compatible with all current _active_ and _maintenance_ versions of Node.js.
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88 | ## Can I use *gts* with the [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/) framework?
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90 | Yes! You can put the following in your `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file:
91 |
92 | ```yaml
93 | repos:
94 | - repo: https://github.com/google/gts
95 | rev: '' # Use the sha / tag you want to point at
96 | hooks:
97 | - id: gts
98 | ```
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100 | ## License
101 |
102 | [Apache-2.0](LICENSE)
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104 | ---
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106 | Made with ❤️ by the Google Node.js team.
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108 | > **_NOTE: This is not an official Google product._**
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110 | [github-image]: https://github.com/google/gts/workflows/ci/badge.svg
111 | [github-url]: https://github.com/google/gts/actions
112 | [prettier-url]: https://prettier.io/
113 | [codecov-image]: https://codecov.io/gh/google/gts/branch/main/graph/badge.svg
114 | [codecov-url]: https://codecov.io/gh/google/gts
115 | [david-image]: https://david-dm.org/google/gts.svg
116 | [david-url]: https://david-dm.org/google/gts
117 | [gts-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-google-blueviolet.svg
118 | [gts-url]: https://github.com/google/gts
119 | [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/gts.svg
120 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/gts
121 | [snyk-image]: https://snyk.io/test/github/google/gts/badge.svg
122 | [snyk-url]: https://snyk.io/test/github/google/gts
123 | [standardjs-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/standard
124 | [eslint-url]: https://eslint.org/