1 | # gulp-filter
2 |
3 | > Filter files in a [`vinyl`](https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl) stream
4 |
5 | Enables you to work on a subset of the original files by filtering them using glob patterns. When you're done and want all the original files back, you just use the `restore` stream.
6 |
7 | ## Install
8 |
9 | ```sh
10 | npm install --save-dev gulp-filter
11 | ```
12 |
13 | ## Usage
14 |
15 | ### Filter only
16 |
17 | You may want to just filter the stream content:
18 |
19 | ```js
20 | import gulp from 'gulp';
21 | import uglify from 'gulp-uglify';
22 | import filter from 'gulp-filter';
23 |
24 | export default () => {
25 | // Create filter instance inside task function
26 | const f = filter(['**', '!*src/vendor']);
27 |
28 | return gulp.src('src/**/*.js')
29 | // Filter a subset of the files
30 | .pipe(f)
31 | // Run them through a plugin
32 | .pipe(uglify())
33 | .pipe(gulp.dest('dist'));
34 | };
35 | ```
36 |
37 | ### Restoring filtered files
38 |
39 | ```js
40 | import gulp 'gulp';
41 | import uglify 'gulp-uglify';
42 | import filter 'gulp-filter';
43 |
44 | export default () => {
45 | // Create filter instance inside task function
46 | const f = filter(['**', '!*src/vendor'], {restore: true});
47 |
48 | return gulp.src('src/**/*.js')
49 | // Filter a subset of the files
50 | .pipe(f)
51 | // Run them through a plugin
52 | .pipe(uglify())
53 | // Bring back the previously filtered out files (optional)
54 | .pipe(f.restore)
55 | .pipe(gulp.dest('dist'));
56 | };
57 | ```
58 |
59 | ### Multiple filters
60 |
61 | By combining and restoring different filters you can process different sets of files with a single pipeline.
62 |
63 | ```js
64 | import gulp from 'gulp';
65 | import less from 'gulp-less';
66 | import concat from 'gulp-concat';
67 | import filter from 'gulp-filter';
68 |
69 | export default () => {
70 | const jsFilter = filter('**/*.js', {restore: true});
71 | const lessFilter = filter('**/*.less', {restore: true});
72 |
73 | return gulp.src('assets/**')
74 | .pipe(jsFilter)
75 | .pipe(concat('bundle.js'))
76 | .pipe(jsFilter.restore)
77 | .pipe(lessFilter)
78 | .pipe(less())
79 | .pipe(lessFilter.restore)
80 | .pipe(gulp.dest('out/'));
81 | };
82 | ```
83 |
84 | ### Restore as a file source
85 |
86 | You can restore filtered files in a different place and use it as a standalone source of files (ReadableStream). Setting the `passthrough` option to `false` allows you to do so.
87 |
88 | ```js
89 | import gulp 'gulp';
90 | import uglify 'gulp-uglify';
91 | import filter 'gulp-filter';
92 |
93 | export default () => {
94 | const f = filter(['**', '!*src/vendor'], {restore: true, passthrough: false});
95 |
96 | const stream = gulp.src('src/**/*.js')
97 | // Filter a subset of the files
98 | .pipe(f)
99 | // Run them through a plugin
100 | .pipe(uglify())
101 | .pipe(gulp.dest('dist'));
102 |
103 | // Use filtered files as a gulp file source
104 | f.restore.pipe(gulp.dest('vendor-dist'));
105 |
106 | return stream;
107 | };
108 | ```
109 |
110 | ## API
111 |
112 | ### filter(pattern, options?)
113 |
114 | Returns a [transform stream](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_transform) with a [.restore](#optionsrestore) property.
115 |
116 | #### pattern
117 |
118 | Type: `string | string[] | Function`
119 |
120 | Accepts a string/array with globbing patterns which are run through [multimatch](https://github.com/sindresorhus/multimatch).
121 |
122 | If you supply a function, you'll get a [`vinyl` file object](https://github.com/wearefractal/vinyl#file) as the first argument and you're expected to return a boolean of whether to include the file:
123 |
124 | ```js
125 | filter(file => /unicorns/.test(file.path));
126 | ```
127 |
128 | #### options
129 |
130 | Type: `object`
131 |
132 | Accepts [`minimatch` options](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch#options).
133 |
134 | *Note:* Set `dot: true` if you need to match files prefixed with a dot, for example, `.gitignore`.
135 |
136 | ##### restore
137 |
138 | Type: `boolean`\
139 | Default: `false`
140 |
141 | Restore filtered files.
142 |
143 | ##### passthrough
144 |
145 | Type: `boolean`\
146 | Default: `true`
147 |
148 | When set to `true`, filtered files are restored with a `stream.PassThrough`, otherwise, when set to `false`, filtered files are restored as a `stram.Readable`.
149 |
150 | When the stream is a `stream.Readable`, it ends by itself, but when it's `stream.PassThrough`, you are responsible of ending the stream.