1 |
2 | { LineEndingCorrector } = require 'line-ending-corrector'
3 |
4 | PluginError = require 'plugin-error'
5 |
6 | through = require 'through2'
7 |
8 | module.exports = (opt) ->
9 |
10 | transform = (file, enc, cb) ->
11 |
12 | return cb null, file if file.isNull()
13 |
14 | return cb (new PluginError 'gulp-line-ending-corrector', 'Streaming not supported') if file.isStream()
15 |
16 | data = undefined
17 |
18 | str = file.contents.toString('utf8')
19 |
20 | dest = file.path
21 |
22 | try
23 |
24 | [ wasAltered, output ] = LineEndingCorrector.correctSync str, opt
25 |
26 | if typeof opt is 'object' and 'verbose' of opt and opt.verbose
27 |
28 | console.log "lec #{dest} : #{wasAltered}"
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 | catch err
33 |
34 | return cb (new PluginError 'gulp-line-ending-corrector', err)
35 |
36 | file.contents = new Buffer output
37 |
38 | file.path = dest
39 |
40 | cb null, file
41 |
42 | return
43 |
44 | through.obj transform
45 |