3.25 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var util = require("util");
2var es = require("event-stream");
4var TEMPLATE = 'angular.module(\'%s\', []).run(function($templateCache) {\n' +
5 ' $templateCache.put(\'%s\',\n \'%s\');\n' +
6 '});\n';
8var SINGLE_MODULE_TPL = '(function(module) {\n' +
9 'try {\n' +
10 ' module = angular.module(\'%s\');\n' +
11 '} catch (e) {\n' +
12 ' module = angular.module(\'%s\', []);\n' +
13 '}\n' +
14 'module.run(function($templateCache) {\n' +
15 ' $templateCache.put(\'%s\',\n \'%s\');\n' +
16 '});\n' +
17 '})();\n';
20 * @param [options] - The plugin options
21 * @param [options.moduleName] - The name of the module which will be generated. When omitted the fileUrl will be used.
22 * @param [options.stripPrefix] - The prefix which should be stripped from the file path
23 * @param [options.prefix] - The prefix which should be added to the start of the url
24 * @returns {stream}
25 */
26module.exports = function(options){
27 "use strict";
29 function ngHtml2Js(file, callback){
30 if(file.isStream()){
31 return callback(new Error("gulp-ng-html2js: Streaming not supported"));
32 }
34 if(file.isBuffer()){
35 var filePath = getFileUrl(file, options);
36 file.contents = new Buffer(generateModuleDeclaration(filePath, String(file.contents), options));
37 file.path = file.path.replace(".html", ".js");
38 }
40 return callback(null, file);
41 }
43 /**
44 * Generates the Javascript code containing the AngularJS module which puts the HTML file into the $templateCache.
45 * @param fileUrl - The url with which the HTML will be registered in the $templateCache.
46 * @param contents - The contents of the HTML file.
47 * @param [options] - The plugin options
48 * @param [options.moduleName] - The name of the module which will be generated. When omitted the fileUrl will be used.
49 * @returns {string} - The generated Javascript code.
50 */
51 function generateModuleDeclaration(fileUrl, contents, options){
52 var escapedContent = escapeContent(contents);
53 if(options && options.moduleName){
54 return util.format(SINGLE_MODULE_TPL, options.moduleName, options.moduleName, fileUrl, escapedContent);
55 }
56 else{
57 return util.format(TEMPLATE, fileUrl, fileUrl, escapedContent);
58 }
59 }
61 /**
62 * Generates the url of a file.
63 * @param file - The file for which a url should be generated
64 * @param [options] - The plugin options
65 * @param [options.stripPrefix] - The prefix which should be stripped from the file path
66 * @param [options.prefix] - The prefix which should be added to the start of the url
67 * @returns {string}
68 */
69 function getFileUrl(file, options){
70 // Start with the relative file path
71 var url = file.relative;
73 // Replace '\' with '/' (Windows)
74 url = url.replace(/\\/g, '/');
76 // Remove the stripPrefix
77 if(options && options.stripPrefix && url.indexOf(options.stripPrefix) === 0){
78 url = url.replace(options.stripPrefix, '');
79 }
80 // Add the prefix
81 if(options && options.prefix){
82 url = options.prefix + url;
83 }
85 return url;
86 }
88 /**
89 * Escapes the content of an string so it can be used in a Javascript string declaration
90 * @param {string} content
91 * @returns {string}
92 */
93 function escapeContent(content){
94 return content.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/'/g, '\\\'').replace(/\r?\n/g, '\\n\' +\n \'');
95 }
97 return es.map(ngHtml2Js);