1 | # Changelog
2 |
3 | #### `v4.0.0`
4 |
5 | ##### Breaking Changes
6 |
7 | 1. Updates to `node-notifier@v9.0.0` and the the [breaking changes from that](https://github.com/mikaelbr/node-notifier/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) applies to gulp-notify.
8 |
9 | #### `v3.0.0`
10 |
11 | ##### Breaking Changes
12 |
13 | 1. Updates to `node-notifier@v5.0.0` and the the [breaking changes from that](https://github.com/mikaelbr/node-notifier/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#v500) applies to gulp-notify.
14 |
15 | #### `v2.2.0`
16 |
17 | 1. Adds support for changing host, port and appName for Growl.
18 | 2. Adds support for templating on subtitle and open (for Notification Center).
19 | 3. Adds support for returning options in function argument style.
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21 | #### `v2.1.0`
22 |
23 | 1. Adds `click` and `timeout` events to `notify` object.
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25 | #### `v2.0.1`
26 |
27 | 1. Now `onError()` calls `.emit('end')` for you on the stream. Making watching and usage easier.
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29 | #### `v2.0.0`
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31 | 1. Major bump due to node-notifier (underlying module for doing notifications) have changed it's API and thus this has as well.
32 | See [changelog on node-notifier](https://github.com/mikaelbr/node-notifier/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#v400).
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34 | #### `v1.8.0`
35 |
36 | 1. Changes notification to continue stream at once (unless when using the stream - i.e. when emitting errors)
37 | 2. Fixes example gulpfile by returning stream for each task.
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39 | #### `v1.7.1`
40 |
41 | 1. Fixes issue with Windows 7 and Growl/Bubble conditional.
42 |
43 | #### `v1.7.0`
44 |
45 | 1. Now supports native windows 7 and earlier notifications, through balloons! This means that gulp-notify can be used on any platform without any extra installs.
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47 | #### `v1.6.0`
48 |
49 | 1. Now supports native windows notifications!
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51 | #### `v1.5.1`
52 |
53 | 1. Changes success icon [ref #48](https://github.com/mikaelbr/gulp-notify/issues/48).
54 | 2. Changes to show better info notice if no notifier is found [ref #48](https://github.com/mikaelbr/gulp-notify/issues/49).
55 | 3. Adds ToC to the README.md.
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57 | #### `v1.5.0`
58 |
59 | 1. Adds a global way to disable notifier by doing `export DISABLE_NOTIFIER=true`.
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61 | #### `v1.4.0`
62 |
63 | 1. Adds default icons for regular notification and error. Also adds Frog sound on error on Mac.
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65 | #### `v1.3.1`
66 |
67 | 1. Updates node-notifier dependency. Adds support for app icon and images for Mac.
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69 | #### `v1.3.0`
70 |
71 | 1. Adds default setting for failing silently. Introduces concept emitError flag to still emit errors
72 |
73 | #### `v1.2.1`
74 |
75 | 1. The entire options-object is passed to the notifier, allowing pass additional information to notifiers.
76 | 2. Adds support for showing errors returned from the notifiers and showing these errors in the console.
77 |
78 | #### `v1.1.0`
79 |
80 | 1. Bumps dependency for `node-notifier`. Now supports Growl on Windows!
81 |
82 | #### `v1.0.0-beta`
83 |
84 | 1. Major rewrites and restructure in code
85 | 2. Lock down on API, changes `setLogLevel` to `logLevel`
86 | 3. Exposes logLevel and logger on the withReporter object.
87 |
88 | #### `v0.6.2`
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90 | 1. Adds another logging level: 0 - none, 1 - error, 2 - all.
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92 | #### `v0.6.1`
93 |
94 | 1. Added `.onError` method on object created by `withReporter`
95 | 2. Added colored logging on success / error
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97 | #### `v0.5.0`
98 |
99 | 1. Added API end point `notify.withReporter(Reporter)` as syntactic suger for custom reporter
100 | 2. Updated dependency for node-notfier - now checking if `notify-send` is installed on the Linux box