1 | # gulp-notify [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Dependency Status][depstat-image]][depstat-url]
2 |
3 | > notification plugin for [gulp](https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp)
4 |
5 | ## Information
6 | | Package | gulp-notify |
7 | | ------------- |--------------|
8 | | Description | Send messages to Mac Notification Center, Linux notifications (using `notify-send`) or Windows >= 8 (using native toaster) or Growl as fallback, using the [node-notifier](https://github.com/mikaelbr/node-notifier) module. Can also [specify custom notifier](#notifywithreporterfunction). |
9 | | Node Version | >= 0.8 |
10 |
11 | ## Table of Contents
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | * [Information](#information)
16 | * [Requirements](#requirements)
17 | * [Usage](#usage)
18 | * [Notes/tip](#notestip)
19 | * [API](#api)
20 | * [notify(String)](#notifystring)
21 | * [notify(Function)](#notifyfunction)
22 | * [notify(options)](#notifyoptions)
23 | * [options.onLast](#optionsonlast)
24 | * [options.emitError](#optionsemiterror)
25 | * [options.message](#optionsmessage)
26 | * [options.title](#optionstitle)
27 | * [options.templateOptions](#optionstemplateoptions)
28 | * [options.notifier](#optionsnotifier)
29 | * [notify.withReporter(Function)](#notifywithreporterfunction)
30 | * [notify.onError()](#notifyonerror)
31 | * [notify.logLevel(level)](#notifyloglevellevel)
32 | * [Disable `gulp-notify`](#disable-gulp-notify)
33 | * [Examples](#examples)
34 | * [As jshint reporter](#as-jshint-reporter)
35 | * [License](#license)
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 | ## Requirements
42 | * **Mac OS X**: No external installation needed (if Mac OS X 10.8 or higher).
43 | * **Linux**: `notify-send`/`notify-osd` should be installed (On Ubuntu this is installed per default)
44 | * **Windows**: Uses native toaster (if Windows 8 or higher).
45 | * **Fallback: Growl**: Growl (for Mac, Windows or similar) should be installed.
46 |
47 | See [node-notifier](https://github.com/mikaelbr/node-notifier) for details.
48 |
49 | **Windows 10 Note:** You might have to activate banner notification for the toast to show.
50 |
51 | From [#90 (comment)](https://github.com/mikaelbr/gulp-notify/issues/90#issuecomment-129333034)
52 | > You can make it work by going to System > Notifications & Actions. The 'toast' app needs to have Banners enabled. (You can activate banners by clicking on the 'toast' app and setting the 'Show notification banners' to On)
53 |
54 |
55 | ## Usage
56 |
57 | First, install `gulp-notify` as a development dependency:
58 |
59 | ```shell
60 | npm install --save-dev gulp-notify
61 | ```
62 |
63 | Then, add it to your `gulpfile.js`:
64 |
65 | ```javascript
66 |
67 | var notify = require("gulp-notify");
68 | gulp.src("./src/test.ext")
69 | .pipe(notify("Hello Gulp!"));
70 | ```
71 |
72 | Or with template
73 |
74 |
75 | ```javascript
76 |
77 | var notify = require("gulp-notify");
78 | gulp.src("./src/test.ext")
79 | .pipe(notify("Found file: <%= file.relative %>!"));
80 | ```
81 |
82 | See [examples](examples/gulpfile.js) for more or the [API](#api) section for various inputs.
83 |
84 | ## Notes/tip
85 |
86 | `gulp-notify` passes on the `vinyl files` even on error. So if you are
87 | using [`gulp-plumber`](https://github.com/floatdrop/gulp-plumber) the run
88 | will not break if the notifier returns an error.
89 |
90 | If you want to notify on errors [`gulp-plumber`](https://github.com/floatdrop/gulp-plumber)
91 | can be used to not break the run and force you to have to restart gulp.
92 |
93 | You can use [notify.onError()](#notifyonerror) as the errorHandler for gulp-plumber like this:
94 |
95 | ```javascript
96 | gulp.src("../test/fixtures/*")
97 | .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: notify.onError("Error: <%= error.message %>")}))
98 | .pipe(through(function () {
99 | this.emit("error", new Error("Something happend: Error message!"))
100 | }));
101 | ```
102 |
103 | ## API
104 |
105 | ### notify(String)
106 |
107 | A message to notify per data on stream.
108 | The string can be a lodash template as
109 | it is passed through [gulp-util.template](https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp-util#templatestring-data).
110 |
111 | ### notify(Function)
112 | Type: `function(VinylFile)`
113 |
114 | Vinyl File from gulp stream passed in as argument.
115 |
116 | The result of the function can be a string used as the message or an options object (see below).
117 | If the returned value is a string, it can be a lodash template as
118 | it is passed through [gulp-util.template](https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp-util#templatestring-data).
119 |
120 | If `false` is returned from the function the notification won't run.
121 |
122 | ### notify(options)
123 |
124 | *Options are passed onto the reporter, so on Windows, you can define
125 | Growl host, on Mac you can pass in contentImage, and so on.
126 |
127 | See [node-notifier](https://github.com/mikaelbr/node-notifier)
128 | for all options*
129 |
130 | Default notification values:
131 | - Gulp logo on regular notification
132 | - Inverted Gulp logo on error
133 | - Frog sound on error on Mac.
134 |
135 | See also the [advanced example](examples/gulpfile.js).
136 |
137 | #### options.onLast
138 | Type: `Boolean`
139 | Default: `false`
140 |
141 | If the notification should only happen on the last file
142 | of the stream. Per default a notification is triggered
143 | on each file.
144 |
145 | #### options.emitError
146 | Type: `Boolean`
147 | Default: `false`
148 |
149 | If the returned stream should emit an error or not.
150 | If `emitError` is true, you have to handle `.on('error')`
151 | manually in case the notifier (gulp-notify) fails. If
152 | the default `false` is set, the error will not be emitted
153 | but simply printed to the console.
154 |
155 | This means you can run the notifier on a CI system without
156 | opting it out but simply letting it fail gracefully.
157 |
158 |
159 | #### options.message
160 | Type: `String`
161 | Default: File path in stream
162 |
163 | The message you wish to attach to file. The string can be a
164 | lodash template as it is passed through [gulp-util.template](https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp-util#templatestring-data).
165 |
166 | Example: `Created <%= file.relative %>`.
167 |
168 | ##### as function
169 | Type: `Function(vinylFile)`
170 |
171 | See `notify(Function)`.
172 |
173 | #### options.title
174 | Type: `String`
175 | Default: "Gulp Notification"
176 |
177 | The title of the notification. The string can be a
178 | lodash template as it is passed through [gulp-util.template](https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp-util#templatestring-data).
179 |
180 | Example: `Created <%= file.relative %>`.
181 |
182 | ##### as function
183 | Type: `Function(vinylFile)`
184 |
185 | See `notify(Function)`.
186 |
187 | #### options.templateOptions
188 | Type: `Object`
189 | Default: {}
190 |
191 | Object passed to the `lodash` template, for additional properties passed to the template.
192 |
193 | Examples:
194 |
195 | ```javascript
196 | gulp.src("../test/fixtures/*")
197 | .pipe(notify({
198 | message: "Generated file: <%= file.relative %> @ <%= options.date %>",
199 | templateOptions: {
200 | date: new Date()
201 | }
202 | }))
203 | ```
204 |
205 | #### options.notifier
206 | Type: `Function(options, callback)`
207 | Default: node-notifier module
208 |
209 | Swap out the notifier by passing in an function.
210 | The function expects two arguments: options and callback.
211 |
212 | The callback must be called when the notification is finished. Options
213 | will contain both title and message.
214 |
215 | *See `notify.withReporter` for syntactic sugar.*
216 |
217 |
218 | ### notify.on(event, function (notificationOptions)) - Events
219 |
220 | **If the `wait` option is set to `true`**, the notifier will trigger
221 | events `click` or `timeout`, whether the user clicks the notification or it
222 | times out. You listen to these events on the main notify object, not the
223 | produces stream.
224 |
225 | ```js
226 | var notify = require('gulp-notify');
227 |
228 | notify.on('click', function (options) {
229 | console.log('I clicked something!', options);
230 | });
231 |
232 | notify.on('timeout', function (options) {
233 | console.log('The notification timed out', options);
234 | });
235 |
236 | gulp.task("click", function () {
237 | return gulp.src("some/glob/**")
238 | .pipe(notify({ message: 'Click or wait', wait: true }));
239 | });
240 | ```
241 |
242 | ### notify.withReporter(Function)
243 | Type: `Reporter`
244 |
245 | Wraps `options.notifier` to return a new notify-function only using
246 | the passed in reporter.
247 |
248 | Example:
249 |
250 | ```javascript
251 | var custom = notify.withReporter(function (options, callback) {
252 | console.log("Title:", options.title);
253 | console.log("Message:", options.message);
254 | callback();
255 | });
256 |
257 | gulp.src("../test/fixtures/1.txt")
258 | .pipe(custom("This is a message."));
259 |
260 | ```
261 |
262 | This will be the same as
263 |
264 | ```javascript
265 |
266 | gulp.src("../test/fixtures/1.txt")
267 | .pipe(notify({
268 | message: "This is a message."
269 | notifier: function (options, callback) {
270 | console.log("Title:", options.title);
271 | console.log("Message:", options.message);
272 | callback();
273 | }
274 | }));
275 | ```
276 |
277 | But much, much prettier.
278 |
279 |
280 | ### notify.onError()
281 |
282 | The exact same API as using `notify()`, but where a `vinyl File`
283 | is passed, the error object is passed instead.
284 |
285 | Example:
286 |
287 | ```javascript
288 | gulp.src("../test/fixtures/*")
289 | .pipe(through(function () {
290 | this.emit("error", new Error("Something happend: Error message!"))
291 | }))
292 | .on("error", notify.onError(function (error) {
293 | return "Message to the notifier: " + error.message;
294 | }));
295 | ```
296 |
297 | Or simply:
298 |
299 | ```javascript
300 | gulp.src("../test/fixtures/*")
301 | .pipe(through(function () {
302 | this.emit("error", new Error("Something happend: Error message!"))
303 | }))
304 | .on("error", notify.onError("Error: <%= error.message %>"));
305 | ```
306 |
307 | ```javascript
308 | gulp.src("../test/fixtures/*")
309 | .pipe(through(function () {
310 | this.emit("error", new Error("Something happend: Error message!"))
311 | }))
312 | .on("error", notify.onError({
313 | message: "Error: <%= error.message %>",
314 | title: "Error running something"
315 | }));
316 | ```
317 |
318 | The `onError()` end point does support `lodash.template`.
319 |
320 | **`onError()` will automatically end the stream for you. Making it easer for watching.**
321 |
322 | ### notify.logLevel(level)
323 | Type: `Integer`
324 | Default: `2`
325 |
326 | Set if logger should be used or not. If log level is set to 0,
327 | no logging will be used. If no new log level is passed, the
328 | current log level is returned.
329 |
330 | * `0`: No logging
331 | * `1`: Log on error
332 | * `2`: Log both on error and regular notification.
333 |
334 | If logging is set to `> 0`, the title and
335 | message passed to `gulp-notify` will be logged like so:
336 |
337 | ```sh
338 | ➜ gulp-notify git:(master) ✗ gulp --gulpfile examples/gulpfile.js one
339 | [gulp] Using file /Users/example/gulp-notify/examples/gulpfile.js
340 | [gulp] Working directory changed to /Users/example/repos/gulp-notify/examples
341 | [gulp] Running 'one'...
342 | [gulp] Finished 'one' in 4.08 ms
343 | [gulp] gulp-notify: [Gulp notification] /Users/example/gulp-notify/test/fixtures/1.txt
344 | ```
345 |
346 | ## Disable `gulp-notify`
347 |
348 | If you are running on a system that handles notifications poorly or you simply
349 | do not wish to use `gulp-notify` but your project does? You can disable `gulp-notify`
350 | by using enviroment variable `DISABLE_NOTIFIER`.
351 |
352 | ```
353 | export DISABLE_NOTIFIER=true;
354 | ```
355 |
356 | This will disable all methods; `notify()`, `notify.onError` and `notify.withReporter`.
357 |
358 | ## Examples
359 |
360 | To see all examples run from root:
361 |
362 | ```shell
363 | $ gulp --gulpfile examples/gulpfile.js --tasks
364 | [gulp] Using file /Users/example/gulp-notify/examples/gulpfile.js
365 | [gulp] Working directory changed to /Users/example/gulp-notify/examples
366 | [gulp] Tasks for /Users/example/gulp-notify/examples/gulpfile.js
367 | [gulp] ├── multiple
368 | [gulp] ├── one
369 | [gulp] ├── message
370 | [gulp] ├── customReporter
371 | [gulp] ├── template
372 | [gulp] ├── templateadv
373 | [gulp] ├── function
374 | [gulp] ├── onlast
375 | [gulp] ├── advanceMac
376 | [gulp] ├── error
377 | [gulp] ├── forceGrowl
378 | [gulp] └── customError
379 | ```
380 |
381 | To run an example:
382 | ```shell
383 | $ gulp --gulpfile examples/gulpfile.js multiple
384 | [gulp] Using file /Users/example/gulp-notify/examples/gulpfile.js
385 | [gulp] Working directory changed to /Users/example/gulp-notify/examples
386 | [gulp] Running 'multiple'...
387 | [gulp] Finished 'multiple' in 3.75 ms
388 | ```
389 |
390 | ### As jshint reporter
391 |
392 | `gulp-notify` can easily be used as jshint reporter.
393 | As jshint exposes the result on the vinyl file we can
394 | use them in a function like so:
395 |
396 | ```javascript
397 | gulp.task('lint', function() {
398 | gulp.src('/src/**/*.js')
399 | .pipe(jshint())
400 | // Use gulp-notify as jshint reporter
401 | .pipe(notify(function (file) {
402 | if (file.jshint.success) {
403 | // Don't show something if success
404 | return false;
405 | }
406 |
407 | var errors = file.jshint.results.map(function (data) {
408 | if (data.error) {
409 | return "(" + data.error.line + ':' + data.error.character + ') ' + data.error.reason;
410 | }
411 | }).join("\n");
412 | return file.relative + " (" + file.jshint.results.length + " errors)\n" + errors;
413 | }));
414 | });
415 | ```
416 |
417 | If you use a function for message in `gulp-notify`, the message won't be shown.
418 | This is true for both direct use of function and `{ message: function () {}}`.
419 |
420 | [![NPM downloads][npm-downloads]][npm-url]
421 |
422 | ## License
423 |
424 | [MIT License](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License)
425 |
426 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/gulp-notify
427 | [npm-image]: http://img.shields.io/npm/v/gulp-notify.svg?style=flat
428 | [npm-downloads]: http://img.shields.io/npm/dm/gulp-notify.svg?style=flat
429 |
430 | [travis-url]: http://travis-ci.org/mikaelbr/gulp-notify
431 | [travis-image]: http://img.shields.io/travis/mikaelbr/gulp-notify.svg?style=flat
432 |
433 | [depstat-url]: https://gemnasium.com/mikaelbr/gulp-notify
434 | [depstat-image]: http://img.shields.io/gemnasium/mikaelbr/gulp-notify.svg?style=flat