1 | # gulp-typings
2 | gulp-typings allows you to install typings from typings.json with gulp
3 |
4 | ## Status
5 | [](https://www.bithound.io/github/pushrocks/gulp-typings)
6 | [](https://david-dm.org/pushrocks/gulp-typings)
7 | [](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v6.x/docs/api/)
8 | ## Usage
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10 | ```js
11 | var gulp = require("gulp");
12 | var gulpTypings = require("gulp-typings");
13 |
14 | gulp.task("installTypings",function(){
15 | var stream = gulp.src("./typings.json")
16 | .pipe(gulpTypings()); //will install all typingsfiles in pipeline.
17 | return stream; // by returning stream gulp can listen to events from the stream and knows when it is finished.
18 | });
19 | ```