1 | # [gulp](https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp)-watch [![Build Status: Linux][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Build Status: Windows][appveyor-image]][appveyor-url] [![Dependency Status][depstat-image]][depstat-url]
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3 | File watcher that uses super-fast [chokidar](https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar) and emits vinyl objects.
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5 | ## Installation
6 |
7 | ```
8 | npm install --save-dev gulp-watch
9 | ```
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11 | ## Usage
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13 | ```js
14 | var gulp = require('gulp'),
15 | watch = require('gulp-watch');
16 |
17 | gulp.task('stream', function () {
18 | // Endless stream mode
19 | return watch('css/**/*.css', { ignoreInitial: false })
20 | .pipe(gulp.dest('build'));
21 | });
22 |
23 | gulp.task('callback', function () {
24 | // Callback mode, useful if any plugin in the pipeline depends on the `end`/`flush` event
25 | return watch('css/**/*.css', function () {
26 | gulp.src('css/**/*.css')
27 | .pipe(gulp.dest('build'));
28 | });
29 | });
30 | ```
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32 | > __Protip:__ until gulpjs 4.0 is released, you can use [gulp-plumber](https://github.com/floatdrop/gulp-plumber) to prevent stops on errors.
33 |
34 | More examples can be found in [`docs/readme.md`](/docs/readme.md).
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36 | ## API
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38 | ### watch(glob, [options, callback])
39 |
40 | Creates a watcher that will spy on files that are matched by `glob` which can be a
41 | glob string or array of glob strings.
42 |
43 | Returns a pass through stream that will emit vinyl files
44 | (with additional `event` property) that corresponds to event on file-system.
45 |
46 | #### Callback `function(vinyl)`
47 |
48 | This function is called when events happen on the file-system.
49 | All incoming files that are piped in are grouped and passed to the `events` stream as is.
50 |
51 | * `vinyl` — is [vinyl](https://github.com/wearefractal/vinyl) object that corresponds to the file that caused the event. Additional `event` field is added to determine what caused changes.
52 |
53 | Possible events:
54 |
55 | * `add` - file was added to watch or created
56 | * `change` - file was changed
57 | * `unlink` - file was deleted
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59 | #### Options
60 |
61 | This object is passed to the [`chokidar` options](https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar#api) directly. Options for [`gulp.src`](https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/blob/master/docs/API.md#options) are also available. If you do not want content from `watch`, then add `read: false` to the `options` object.
62 |
63 | #### options.[ignoreInitial](https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar#path-filtering)
64 | Type: `Boolean`
65 | Default: `true`
66 |
67 | > Indicates whether chokidar should ignore the initial add events or not.
68 |
69 | #### options.events
70 | Type: `Array`
71 | Default: `['add', 'change', 'unlink']`
72 |
73 | List of events, that should be watched by gulp-watch. Contains [event names from chokidar](https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar#events).
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75 | #### options.base
76 | Type: `String`
77 | Default: `undefined`
78 |
79 | Use explicit base path for files from `glob`. Read more about `base` and `cwd` in [gulpjs docs](https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp/blob/master/docs/API.md#options).
80 |
81 | #### options.name
82 | Type: `String`
83 | Default: `undefined`
84 |
85 | Name of the watcher. If it is present in options, you will get more readable output.
86 |
87 | #### options.verbose
88 | Type: `Boolean`
89 | Default: `false`
90 |
91 | This option will enable verbose output.
92 |
93 | #### options.readDelay
94 | Type: `Number`
95 | Default: `10`
96 |
97 | Wait for `readDelay` milliseconds before reading the file.
98 |
99 | #### options.read
100 | Type: `Boolean`
101 | Default: `true`
102 |
103 | Setting this to `false` will return `file.contents` as null and not read the file at all. Most useful as an optimization if your plugins pipeline doesn't make use of the file contents (e.g. `gulp-clean`), or to avoid reading the file twice if you use `gulp.src()` inside the callback instead of the file object that is passed as argument.
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105 | ### Methods
106 |
107 | Returned `Stream` from constructor has some useful methods:
108 |
109 | * `add(path / paths)`
110 | * `unwatch(path / paths)`
111 | * `close()`
112 |
113 | ### Events
114 |
115 | All events from [chokidar](http://npmjs.com/chokidar):
116 |
117 | * `add`, `change`, `unlink`, `addDir`, `unlinkDir`, `error`, `ready`, `raw`
118 |
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120 | ### [Changelog](https://github.com/floatdrop/gulp-watch/releases)
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122 | ## License
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124 | MIT (c) 2014 Vsevolod Strukchinsky (floatdrop@gmail.com)
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126 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/gulp-watch
127 | [npm-image]: http://img.shields.io/npm/v/gulp-watch.svg?style=flat
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129 | [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/floatdrop/gulp-watch
130 | [travis-image]: http://img.shields.io/travis/floatdrop/gulp-watch.svg?style=flat
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132 | [appveyor-url]: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/floatdrop/gulp-watch/branch/master
133 | [appveyor-image]: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/gmjwsqmxht1m131s/branch/master?svg=true
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135 | [depstat-url]: https://david-dm.org/floatdrop/gulp-watch
136 | [depstat-image]: http://img.shields.io/david/floatdrop/gulp-watch.svg?style=flat