761 BJavaScriptView Raw
2// On event emitter generic javascript utility.
3module.exports = function onto(tag, arg, as){
4 if(!tag){ return {to: onto} }
5 var tag = (this.tag || (this.tag = {}))[tag] ||
6 (this.tag[tag] = {tag: tag, to: onto._ = {
7 next: function(){}
8 }});
9 if(arg instanceof Function){
10 var be = {
11 off: onto.off ||
12 (onto.off = function(){
13 if(this.next === onto._.next){ return !0 }
14 if(this === this.the.last){
15 this.the.last = this.back;
16 }
17 this.to.back = this.back;
18 this.next = onto._.next;
19 this.back.to = this.to;
20 }),
21 to: onto._,
22 next: arg,
23 the: tag,
24 on: this,
25 as: as,
26 };
27 (be.back = tag.last || tag).to = be;
28 return tag.last = be;
29 }
30 (tag = tag.to).next(arg);
31 return tag;
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