16.8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @module h3
3 */
4declare module "h3-js" {
5 /**
6 * 64-bit hexidecimal string representation of an H3 index
7 * @static
8 * @typedef {string} H3Index
9 */
10 type H3Index = string;
11 /**
12 * Whether a given string represents a valid H3 index
13 * @static
14 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index to check
15 * @return {Boolean} Whether the index is valid
16 */
17 function h3IsValid(h3Index: H3Index): boolean;
18 /**
19 * Whether the given H3 index is a pentagon
20 * @static
21 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index to check
22 * @return {Boolean} isPentagon
23 */
24 function h3IsPentagon(h3Index: H3Index): boolean;
25 /**
26 * Whether the given H3 index is in a Class III resolution (rotated versus
27 * the icosahedron and subject to shape distortion adding extra points on
28 * icosahedron edges, making them not true hexagons).
29 * @static
30 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index to check
31 * @return {Boolean} isResClassIII
32 */
33 function h3IsResClassIII(h3Index: H3Index): boolean;
34 /**
35 * Get the number of the base cell for a given H3 index
36 * @static
37 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index to get the base cell for
38 * @return {Number} Index of the base cell (0-121)
39 */
40 function h3GetBaseCell(h3Index: H3Index): number;
41 /**
42 * Get the indices of all icosahedron faces intersected by a given H3 index
43 * @static
44 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index to get faces for
45 * @return {Number[]} Indices (0-19) of all intersected faces
46 */
47 function h3GetFaces(h3Index: H3Index): Number[];
48 /**
49 * Returns the resolution of an H3 index
50 * @static
51 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index to get resolution
52 * @return {Number} The number (0-15) resolution, or -1 if invalid
53 */
54 function h3GetResolution(h3Index: H3Index): number;
55 /**
56 * Get the hexagon containing a lat,lon point
57 * @static
58 * @param {Number} lat Latitude of point
59 * @param {Number} lng Longtitude of point
60 * @param {Number} res Resolution of hexagons to return
61 * @return {H3Index} H3 index
62 */
63 function geoToH3(lat: number, lng: number, res: number): H3Index;
64 /**
65 * Get the lat,lon center of a given hexagon
66 * @static
67 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index
68 * @return {Number[]} Point as a [lat, lng] pair
69 */
70 function h3ToGeo(h3Index: H3Index): Number[];
71 /**
72 * Get the vertices of a given hexagon (or pentagon), as an array of [lat, lng]
73 * points. For pentagons and hexagons on the edge of an icosahedron face, this
74 * function may return up to 10 vertices.
75 * @static
76 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index
77 * @param {Boolean} formatAsGeoJson Whether to provide GeoJSON output: [lng, lat], closed loops
78 * @return {Number[][]} Array of [lat, lng] pairs
79 */
80 function h3ToGeoBoundary(h3Index: H3Index, formatAsGeoJson: boolean): Number[][];
81 /**
82 * Get the parent of the given hexagon at a particular resolution
83 * @static
84 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index to get parent for
85 * @param {Number} res Resolution of hexagon to return
86 * @return {H3Index} H3 index of parent, or null for invalid input
87 */
88 function h3ToParent(h3Index: H3Index, res: number): H3Index;
89 /**
90 * Get the children/descendents of the given hexagon at a particular resolution
91 * @static
92 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index to get children for
93 * @param {Number} res Resolution of hexagons to return
94 * @return {H3Index[]} H3 indexes of children, or empty array for invalid input
95 */
96 function h3ToChildren(h3Index: H3Index, res: number): H3Index[];
97 /**
98 * Get the center child of the given hexagon at a particular resolution
99 * @static
100 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index to get center child for
101 * @param {Number} res Resolution of hexagon to return
102 * @return {H3Index} H3 index of child, or null for invalid input
103 */
104 function h3ToCenterChild(h3Index: H3Index, res: number): H3Index;
105 /**
106 * Get all hexagons in a k-ring around a given center. The order of the hexagons is undefined.
107 * @static
108 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index of center hexagon
109 * @param {Number} ringSize Radius of k-ring
110 * @return {H3Index[]} H3 indexes for all hexagons in ring
111 */
112 function kRing(h3Index: H3Index, ringSize: number): H3Index[];
113 /**
114 * Get all hexagons in a k-ring around a given center, in an array of arrays
115 * ordered by distance from the origin. The order of the hexagons within each ring is undefined.
116 * @static
117 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index of center hexagon
118 * @param {Number} ringSize Radius of k-ring
119 * @return {H3Index[][]} Array of arrays with H3 indexes for all hexagons each ring
120 */
121 function kRingDistances(h3Index: H3Index, ringSize: number): H3Index[][];
122 /**
123 * Get all hexagons in a hollow hexagonal ring centered at origin with sides of a given length.
124 * Unlike kRing, this function will throw an error if there is a pentagon anywhere in the ring.
125 * @static
126 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index of center hexagon
127 * @param {Number} ringSize Radius of ring
128 * @return {H3Index[]} H3 indexes for all hexagons in ring
129 * @throws {Error} If the algorithm could not calculate the ring
130 */
131 function hexRing(h3Index: H3Index, ringSize: number): H3Index[];
132 /**
133 * Get all hexagons with centers contained in a given polygon. The polygon
134 * is specified with GeoJson semantics as an array of loops. Each loop is
135 * an array of [lat, lng] pairs (or [lng, lat] if isGeoJson is specified).
136 * The first loop is the perimeter of the polygon, and subsequent loops are
137 * expected to be holes.
138 * @static
139 * @param {Number[][] | Number[][][]} coordinates
140 * Array of loops, or a single loop
141 * @param {Number} res Resolution of hexagons to return
142 * @param {Boolean} isGeoJson Whether to expect GeoJson-style [lng, lat]
143 * pairs instead of [lat, lng]
144 * @return {H3Index[]} H3 indexes for all hexagons in polygon
145 */
146 function polyfill(coordinates: Number[][] | Number[][][], res: number, isGeoJson: boolean): H3Index[];
147 /**
148 * Get the outlines of a set of H3 hexagons, returned in GeoJSON MultiPolygon
149 * format (an array of polygons, each with an array of loops, each an array of
150 * coordinates). Coordinates are returned as [lat, lng] pairs unless GeoJSON
151 * is requested.
152 * @static
153 * @param {H3Index[]} h3Indexes H3 indexes to get outlines for
154 * @param {Boolean} formatAsGeoJson Whether to provide GeoJSON output:
155 * [lng, lat], closed loops
156 * @return {Number[][][][]} MultiPolygon-style output.
157 */
158 function h3SetToMultiPolygon(h3Indexes: H3Index[], formatAsGeoJson: boolean): Number[][][][];
159 /**
160 * Compact a set of hexagons of the same resolution into a set of hexagons across
161 * multiple levels that represents the same area.
162 * @static
163 * @param {H3Index[]} h3Set H3 indexes to compact
164 * @return {H3Index[]} Compacted H3 indexes
165 * @throws {Error} If the input is invalid (e.g. duplicate hexagons)
166 */
167 function compact(h3Set: H3Index[]): H3Index[];
168 /**
169 * Uncompact a compacted set of hexagons to hexagons of the same resolution
170 * @static
171 * @param {H3Index[]} compactedSet H3 indexes to uncompact
172 * @param {Number} res The resolution to uncompact to
173 * @return {H3Index[]} The uncompacted H3 indexes
174 * @throws {Error} If the input is invalid (e.g. invalid resolution)
175 */
176 function uncompact(compactedSet: H3Index[], res: number): H3Index[];
177 /**
178 * Whether two H3 indexes are neighbors (share an edge)
179 * @static
180 * @param {H3Index} origin Origin hexagon index
181 * @param {H3Index} destination Destination hexagon index
182 * @return {Boolean} Whether the hexagons share an edge
183 */
184 function h3IndexesAreNeighbors(origin: H3Index, destination: H3Index): boolean;
185 /**
186 * Get an H3 index representing a unidirectional edge for a given origin and destination
187 * @static
188 * @param {H3Index} origin Origin hexagon index
189 * @param {H3Index} destination Destination hexagon index
190 * @return {H3Index} H3 index of the edge, or null if no edge is shared
191 */
192 function getH3UnidirectionalEdge(origin: H3Index, destination: H3Index): H3Index;
193 /**
194 * Get the origin hexagon from an H3 index representing a unidirectional edge
195 * @static
196 * @param {H3Index} edgeIndex H3 index of the edge
197 * @return {H3Index} H3 index of the edge origin
198 */
199 function getOriginH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge(edgeIndex: H3Index): H3Index;
200 /**
201 * Get the destination hexagon from an H3 index representing a unidirectional edge
202 * @static
203 * @param {H3Index} edgeIndex H3 index of the edge
204 * @return {H3Index} H3 index of the edge destination
205 */
206 function getDestinationH3IndexFromUnidirectionalEdge(edgeIndex: H3Index): H3Index;
207 /**
208 * Whether the input is a valid unidirectional edge
209 * @static
210 * @param {H3Index} edgeIndex H3 index of the edge
211 * @return {Boolean} Whether the index is valid
212 */
213 function h3UnidirectionalEdgeIsValid(edgeIndex: H3Index): boolean;
214 /**
215 * Get the [origin, destination] pair represented by a unidirectional edge
216 * @static
217 * @param {H3Index} edgeIndex H3 index of the edge
218 * @return {H3Index[]} [origin, destination] pair as H3 indexes
219 */
220 function getH3IndexesFromUnidirectionalEdge(edgeIndex: H3Index): H3Index[];
221 /**
222 * Get all of the unidirectional edges with the given H3 index as the origin (i.e. an edge to
223 * every neighbor)
224 * @static
225 * @param {H3Index} h3Index H3 index of the origin hexagon
226 * @return {H3Index[]} List of unidirectional edges
227 */
228 function getH3UnidirectionalEdgesFromHexagon(h3Index: H3Index): H3Index[];
229 /**
230 * Get the vertices of a given edge as an array of [lat, lng] points. Note that for edges that
231 * cross the edge of an icosahedron face, this may return 3 coordinates.
232 * @static
233 * @param {H3Index} edgeIndex H3 index of the edge
234 * @param {Boolean} formatAsGeoJson Whether to provide GeoJSON output: [lng, lat]
235 * @return {Number[][]} Array of geo coordinate pairs
236 */
237 function getH3UnidirectionalEdgeBoundary(edgeIndex: H3Index, formatAsGeoJson: boolean): Number[][];
238 /**
239 * Get the grid distance between two hex indexes. This function may fail
240 * to find the distance between two indexes if they are very far apart or
241 * on opposite sides of a pentagon.
242 * @static
243 * @param {H3Index} origin Origin hexagon index
244 * @param {H3Index} destination Destination hexagon index
245 * @return {Number} Distance between hexagons, or a negative
246 * number if the distance could not be computed
247 */
248 function h3Distance(origin: H3Index, destination: H3Index): number;
249 /**
250 * Given two H3 indexes, return the line of indexes between them (inclusive).
251 *
252 * This function may fail to find the line between two indexes, for
253 * example if they are very far apart. It may also fail when finding
254 * distances for indexes on opposite sides of a pentagon.
255 *
256 * Notes:
257 *
258 * - The specific output of this function should not be considered stable
259 * across library versions. The only guarantees the library provides are
260 * that the line length will be `h3Distance(start, end) + 1` and that
261 * every index in the line will be a neighbor of the preceding index.
262 * - Lines are drawn in grid space, and may not correspond exactly to either
263 * Cartesian lines or great arcs.
264 *
265 * @static
266 * @param {H3Index} origin Origin hexagon index
267 * @param {H3Index} destination Destination hexagon index
268 * @return {H3Index[]} H3 indexes connecting origin and destination
269 * @throws {Error} If the line cannot be calculated
270 */
271 function h3Line(origin: H3Index, destination: H3Index): H3Index[];
272 /**
273 * Produces IJ coordinates for an H3 index anchored by an origin.
274 *
275 * - The coordinate space used by this function may have deleted
276 * regions or warping due to pentagonal distortion.
277 * - Coordinates are only comparable if they come from the same
278 * origin index.
279 * - Failure may occur if the index is too far away from the origin
280 * or if the index is on the other side of a pentagon.
281 * - This function is experimental, and its output is not guaranteed
282 * to be compatible across different versions of H3.
283 * @static
284 * @param {H3Index} origin Origin H3 index
285 * @param {H3Index} destination H3 index for which to find relative coordinates
286 * @return {Object} Coordinates as an `{i, j}` pair
287 * @throws {Error} If the IJ coordinates cannot be calculated
288 */
289 function experimentalH3ToLocalIj(origin: H3Index, destination: H3Index): any;
290 /**
291 * Produces an H3 index for IJ coordinates anchored by an origin.
292 *
293 * - The coordinate space used by this function may have deleted
294 * regions or warping due to pentagonal distortion.
295 * - Coordinates are only comparable if they come from the same
296 * origin index.
297 * - Failure may occur if the index is too far away from the origin
298 * or if the index is on the other side of a pentagon.
299 * - This function is experimental, and its output is not guaranteed
300 * to be compatible across different versions of H3.
301 * @static
302 * @param {H3Index} origin Origin H3 index
303 * @param {Object} coords Coordinates as an `{i, j}` pair
304 * @return {H3Index} H3 index at the relative coordinates
305 * @throws {Error} If the H3 index cannot be calculated
306 */
307 function experimentalLocalIjToH3(origin: H3Index, coords: any): H3Index;
308 /**
309 * Average hexagon area at a given resolution
310 * @static
311 * @param {Number} res Hexagon resolution
312 * @param {String} unit Area unit (either UNITS.m2 or UNITS.km2)
313 * @return {Number} Average area
314 * @throws {Error} If the unit is invalid
315 */
316 function hexArea(res: number, unit: string): number;
317 /**
318 * Average hexagon edge length at a given resolution
319 * @static
320 * @param {Number} res Hexagon resolution
321 * @param {String} unit Area unit (either UNITS.m or UNITS.km)
322 * @return {Number} Average edge length
323 * @throws {Error} If the unit is invalid
324 */
325 function edgeLength(res: number, unit: string): number;
326 /**
327 * The total count of hexagons in the world at a given resolution. Note that above
328 * resolution 8 the exact count cannot be represented in a JavaScript 32-bit number,
329 * so consumers should use caution when applying further operations to the output.
330 * @static
331 * @param {Number} res Hexagon resolution
332 * @return {Number} Count
333 */
334 function numHexagons(res: number): number;
335 /**
336 * Get all H3 indexes at resolution 0. As every index at every resolution > 0 is
337 * the descendant of a res 0 index, this can be used with h3ToChildren to iterate
338 * over H3 indexes at any resolution.
339 * @static
340 * @return {H3Index[]} All H3 indexes at res 0
341 */
342 function getRes0Indexes(): H3Index[];
343 /**
344 * Get the twelve pentagon indexes at a given resolution.
345 * @static
346 * @param {Number} res Hexagon resolution
347 * @return {H3Index[]} All H3 pentagon indexes at res
348 */
349 function getPentagonIndexes(res: number): H3Index[];
350 /**
351 * Convert degrees to radians
352 * @static
353 * @param {Number} deg Value in degrees
354 * @return {Number} Value in radians
355 */
356 function degsToRads(deg: number): number;
357 /**
358 * Convert radians to degrees
359 * @static
360 * @param {Number} rad Value in radians
361 * @return {Number} Value in degrees
362 */
363 function radsToDegs(rad: number): number;