2.24 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "h3",
3 "version": "1.11.1",
4 "description": "Minimal H(TTP) framework built for high performance and portability.",
5 "repository": "unjs/h3",
6 "license": "MIT",
7 "sideEffects": false,
8 "exports": {
9 "./package.json": "./package.json",
10 ".": {
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14 }
15 },
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21 ],
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33 },
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39 "@vitest/coverage-v8": "^1.3.1",
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66 "play": "listhen -w ./playground/app.ts",
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68 "release": "pnpm test && pnpm build && changelogen --release && pnpm publish && git push --follow-tags",
69 "release-rc": "pnpm test && pnpm build && changelogen --release --prerelease rc --push --publish --publishTag rc",
70 "test": "pnpm lint && vitest --run --coverage"
71 }
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