126 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { QueryObject } from 'ufo';
2import { Hooks, AdapterOptions } from 'crossws';
3import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'node:http';
4export { IncomingMessage as NodeIncomingMessage, ServerResponse as NodeServerResponse } from 'node:http';
5import { CookieSerializeOptions } from 'cookie-es';
6import { SealOptions } from 'iron-webcrypto';
7import { Readable } from 'node:stream';
9type NodeListener = (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => void;
10type NodePromisifiedHandler = (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => Promise<any>;
11type NodeMiddleware = (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next: (err?: Error) => any) => any;
12declare const defineNodeListener: (handler: NodeListener) => NodeListener;
13declare const defineNodeMiddleware: (middleware: NodeMiddleware) => NodeMiddleware;
14declare function fromNodeMiddleware(handler: NodeListener | NodeMiddleware): EventHandler;
15declare function toNodeListener(app: App): NodeListener;
16declare function promisifyNodeListener(handler: NodeListener | NodeMiddleware): NodePromisifiedHandler;
17declare function callNodeListener(handler: NodeMiddleware, req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse): Promise<unknown>;
19interface NodeEventContext {
20 req: IncomingMessage & {
21 originalUrl?: string;
22 };
23 res: ServerResponse;
25interface WebEventContext {
26 request?: Request;
27 url?: URL;
29declare class H3Event<_RequestT extends EventHandlerRequest = EventHandlerRequest> implements Pick<FetchEvent, "respondWith"> {
30 "__is_event__": boolean;
31 node: NodeEventContext;
32 web?: WebEventContext;
33 context: H3EventContext;
34 _method?: HTTPMethod;
35 _path?: string;
36 _headers?: Headers;
37 _requestBody?: BodyInit;
38 _handled: boolean;
39 _onBeforeResponseCalled: boolean | undefined;
40 _onAfterResponseCalled: boolean | undefined;
41 constructor(req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse);
42 get method(): HTTPMethod;
43 get path(): string;
44 get headers(): Headers;
45 get handled(): boolean;
46 respondWith(response: Response | PromiseLike<Response>): Promise<void>;
47 toString(): string;
48 toJSON(): string;
49 /** @deprecated Please use `event.node.req` instead. */
50 get req(): IncomingMessage & {
51 originalUrl?: string;
52 };
53 /** @deprecated Please use `event.node.res` instead. */
54 get res(): ServerResponse<IncomingMessage>;
57 * Checks if the input is an H3Event object.
58 * @param input - The input to check.
59 * @returns True if the input is an H3Event object, false otherwise.
60 * @see H3Event
61 */
62declare function isEvent(input: any): input is H3Event;
64 * Creates a new H3Event instance from the given Node.js request and response objects.
65 * @param req - The NodeIncomingMessage object.
66 * @param res - The NodeServerResponse object.
67 * @returns A new H3Event instance.
68 * @see H3Event
69 */
70declare function createEvent(req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse): H3Event;
72declare function defineEventHandler<Request extends EventHandlerRequest = EventHandlerRequest, Response = EventHandlerResponse>(handler: EventHandler<Request, Response> | EventHandlerObject<Request, Response>): EventHandler<Request, Response>;
73declare function defineEventHandler<Request = EventHandlerRequest, Response = EventHandlerResponse>(handler: EventHandler<Request extends EventHandlerRequest ? Request : EventHandlerRequest, Request extends EventHandlerRequest ? Response : Request>): EventHandler<Request extends EventHandlerRequest ? Request : EventHandlerRequest, Request extends EventHandlerRequest ? Response : Request>;
74declare const eventHandler: typeof defineEventHandler;
75declare function defineRequestMiddleware<Request extends EventHandlerRequest = EventHandlerRequest>(fn: _RequestMiddleware<Request>): _RequestMiddleware<Request>;
76declare function defineResponseMiddleware<Request extends EventHandlerRequest = EventHandlerRequest>(fn: _ResponseMiddleware<Request>): _ResponseMiddleware<Request>;
78 * Checks if any kind of input is an event handler.
79 * @param input The input to check.
80 * @returns True if the input is an event handler, false otherwise.
81 */
82declare function isEventHandler(input: any): input is EventHandler;
83declare function toEventHandler(input: any, _?: any, _route?: string): EventHandler;
84interface DynamicEventHandler extends EventHandler {
85 set: (handler: EventHandler) => void;
87declare function dynamicEventHandler(initial?: EventHandler): DynamicEventHandler;
88declare function defineLazyEventHandler<T extends LazyEventHandler>(factory: T): Awaited<ReturnType<T>>;
89declare const lazyEventHandler: typeof defineLazyEventHandler;
92 * @deprecated Please use native web Headers
93 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Headers
94 */
95declare const H3Headers: {
96 new (init?: HeadersInit): Headers;
97 prototype: Headers;
100 * @deprecated Please use native web Response
101 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response
102 */
103declare const H3Response: {
104 new (body?: BodyInit | null, init?: ResponseInit): Response;
105 prototype: Response;
106 error(): Response;
107 json(data: any, init?: ResponseInit): Response;
108 redirect(url: string | URL, status?: number): Response;
111type SessionDataT = Record<string, any>;
112type SessionData<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT> = T;
113declare const getSessionPromise: unique symbol;
114interface Session<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT> {
115 id: string;
116 createdAt: number;
117 data: SessionData<T>;
118 [getSessionPromise]?: Promise<Session<T>>;
120interface SessionConfig {
121 /** Private key used to encrypt session tokens */
122 password: string;
123 /** Session expiration time in seconds */
124 maxAge?: number;
125 /** default is h3 */
126 name?: string;
127 /** Default is secure, httpOnly, / */
128 cookie?: false | CookieSerializeOptions;
129 /** Default is x-h3-session / x-{name}-session */
130 sessionHeader?: false | string;
131 seal?: SealOptions;
132 crypto?: Crypto;
133 /** Default is Crypto.randomUUID */
134 generateId?: () => string;
137 * Create a session manager for the current request.
138 */
139declare function useSession<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT>(event: H3Event, config: SessionConfig): Promise<{
140 readonly id: string | undefined;
141 readonly data: T;
142 update: (update: SessionUpdate<T>) => Promise</*elided*/ any>;
143 clear: () => Promise</*elided*/ any>;
146 * Get the session for the current request.
147 */
148declare function getSession<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT>(event: H3Event, config: SessionConfig): Promise<Session<T>>;
149type SessionUpdate<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT> = Partial<SessionData<T>> | ((oldData: SessionData<T>) => Partial<SessionData<T>> | undefined);
151 * Update the session data for the current request.
152 */
153declare function updateSession<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT>(event: H3Event, config: SessionConfig, update?: SessionUpdate<T>): Promise<Session<T>>;
155 * Encrypt and sign the session data for the current request.
156 */
157declare function sealSession<T extends SessionDataT = SessionDataT>(event: H3Event, config: SessionConfig): Promise<string>;
159 * Decrypt and verify the session data for the current request.
160 */
161declare function unsealSession(_event: H3Event, config: SessionConfig, sealed: string): Promise<Partial<Session<SessionDataT>>>;
163 * Clear the session data for the current request.
164 */
165declare function clearSession(event: H3Event, config: Partial<SessionConfig>): Promise<void>;
167type RouterMethod = Lowercase<HTTPMethod>;
168type RouterUse = (path: string, handler: EventHandler, method?: RouterMethod | RouterMethod[]) => Router;
169type AddRouteShortcuts = Record<RouterMethod, RouterUse>;
170interface Router extends AddRouteShortcuts {
171 add: RouterUse;
172 use: RouterUse;
173 handler: EventHandler;
175interface RouteNode {
176 handlers: Partial<Record<RouterMethod | "all", EventHandler>>;
177 path: string;
179interface CreateRouterOptions {
180 /** @deprecated Please use `preemptive` instead. */
181 preemtive?: boolean;
182 preemptive?: boolean;
185 * Create a new h3 router instance.
186 */
187declare function createRouter(opts?: CreateRouterOptions): Router;
189type AnyString = string & {};
190type AnyNumber = number & {};
192type ValidateResult<T> = T | true | false | void;
193type ValidateFunction<T> = (data: unknown) => ValidateResult<T> | Promise<ValidateResult<T>>;
195type MimeType = 'application/1d-interleaved-parityfec' | 'application/3gpdash-qoe-report+xml' | 'application/3gppHal+json' | 'application/3gppHalForms+json' | 'application/3gpp-ims+xml' | 'application/A2L' | 'application/ace+cbor' | 'application/ace+json' | 'application/activemessage' | 'application/activity+json' | 'application/aif+cbor' | 'application/aif+json' | 'application/alto-cdni+json' | 'application/alto-cdnifilter+json' | 'application/alto-costmap+json' | 'application/alto-costmapfilter+json' | 'application/alto-directory+json' | 'application/alto-endpointprop+json' | 'application/alto-endpointpropparams+json' | 'application/alto-endpointcost+json' | 'application/alto-endpointcostparams+json' | 'application/alto-error+json' | 'application/alto-networkmapfilter+json' | 'application/alto-networkmap+json' | 'application/alto-propmap+json' | 'application/alto-propmapparams+json' | 'application/alto-tips+json' | 'application/alto-tipsparams+json' | 'application/alto-updatestreamcontrol+json' | 'application/alto-updatestreamparams+json' | 'application/AML' | 'application/andrew-inset' | 'application/applefile' | 'application/at+jwt' | 'application/ATF' | 'application/ATFX' | 'application/atom+xml' | 'application/atomcat+xml' | 'application/atomdeleted+xml' | 'application/atomicmail' | 'application/atomsvc+xml' | 'application/atsc-dwd+xml' | 'application/atsc-dynamic-event-message' | 'application/atsc-held+xml' | 'application/atsc-rdt+json' | 'application/atsc-rsat+xml' | 'application/ATXML' | 'application/auth-policy+xml' | 'application/automationml-aml+xml' | 'application/automationml-amlx+zip' | 'application/bacnet-xdd+zip' | 'application/batch-SMTP' | 'application/beep+xml' | 'application/c2pa' | 'application/calendar+json' | 'application/calendar+xml' | 'application/call-completion' | 'application/CALS-1840' | 'application/captive+json' | 'application/cbor' | 'application/cbor-seq' | 'application/cccex' | 'application/ccmp+xml' | 'application/ccxml+xml' | 'application/cda+xml' | 'application/CDFX+XML' | 'application/cdmi-capability' | 'application/cdmi-container' | 'application/cdmi-domain' | 'application/cdmi-object' | 'application/cdmi-queue' | 'application/cdni' | 'application/CEA' | 'application/cea-2018+xml' | 'application/cellml+xml' | 'application/cfw' | 'application/cid-edhoc+cbor-seq' | 'application/city+json' | 'application/clr' | 'application/clue_info+xml' | 'application/clue+xml' | 'application/cms' | 'application/cnrp+xml' | 'application/coap-group+json' | 'application/coap-payload' | 'application/commonground' | 'application/concise-problem-details+cbor' | 'application/conference-info+xml' | 'application/cpl+xml' | 'application/cose' | 'application/cose-key' | 'application/cose-key-set' | 'application/cose-x509' | 'application/csrattrs' | 'application/csta+xml' | 'application/CSTAdata+xml' | 'application/csvm+json' | 'application/cwl' | 'application/cwl+json' | 'application/cwt' | 'application/cybercash' | 'application/dash+xml' | 'application/dash-patch+xml' | 'application/dashdelta' | 'application/davmount+xml' | 'application/dca-rft' | 'application/DCD' | 'application/dec-dx' | 'application/dialog-info+xml' | 'application/dicom' | 'application/dicom+json' | 'application/dicom+xml' | 'application/DII' | 'application/DIT' | 'application/dns' | 'application/dns+json' | 'application/dns-message' | 'application/dots+cbor' | 'application/dpop+jwt' | 'application/dskpp+xml' | 'application/dssc+der' | 'application/dssc+xml' | 'application/dvcs' | 'application/ecmascript' | 'application/edhoc+cbor-seq' | 'application/EDI-consent' | 'application/EDIFACT' | 'application/EDI-X12' | 'application/efi' | 'application/elm+json' | 'application/elm+xml' | 'application/EmergencyCallData.cap+xml' | 'application/EmergencyCallData.Comment+xml' | 'application/EmergencyCallData.Control+xml' | 'application/EmergencyCallData.DeviceInfo+xml' | 'application/EmergencyCallData.eCall.MSD' | 'application/EmergencyCallData.LegacyESN+json' | 'application/EmergencyCallData.ProviderInfo+xml' | 'application/EmergencyCallData.ServiceInfo+xml' | 'application/EmergencyCallData.SubscriberInfo+xml' | 'application/EmergencyCallData.VEDS+xml' | 'application/emma+xml' | 'application/emotionml+xml' | 'application/encaprtp' | 'application/epp+xml' | 'application/epub+zip' | 'application/eshop' | 'application/example' | 'application/exi' | 'application/expect-ct-report+json' | 'application/express' | 'application/fastinfoset' | 'application/fastsoap' | 'application/fdf' | 'application/fdt+xml' | 'application/fhir+json' | 'application/fhir+xml' | 'application/fits' | 'application/flexfec' | 'application/font-sfnt' | 'application/font-tdpfr' | 'application/font-woff' | 'application/framework-attributes+xml' | 'application/geo+json' | 'application/geo+json-seq' | 'application/geopackage+sqlite3' | 'application/geoxacml+json' | 'application/geoxacml+xml' | 'application/gltf-buffer' | 'application/gml+xml' | 'application/gzip' | 'application/H224' | 'application/held+xml' | 'application/hl7v2+xml' | 'application/http' | 'application/hyperstudio' | 'application/ibe-key-request+xml' | 'application/ibe-pkg-reply+xml' | 'application/ibe-pp-data' | 'application/iges' | 'application/im-iscomposing+xml' | 'application/index' | 'application/index.cmd' | 'application/index.obj' | 'application/index.response' | 'application/index.vnd' | 'application/inkml+xml' | 'application/IOTP' | 'application/ipfix' | 'application/ipp' | 'application/ISUP' | 'application/its+xml' | 'application/java-archive' | 'application/javascript' | 'application/jf2feed+json' | 'application/jose' | 'application/jose+json' | 'application/jrd+json' | 'application/jscalendar+json' | 'application/jscontact+json' | 'application/json' | 'application/json-patch+json' | 'application/json-seq' | 'application/jsonpath' | 'application/jwk+json' | 'application/jwk-set+json' | 'application/jwt' | 'application/kpml-request+xml' | 'application/kpml-response+xml' | 'application/ld+json' | 'application/lgr+xml' | 'application/link-format' | 'application/linkset' | 'application/linkset+json' | 'application/load-control+xml' | 'application/logout+jwt' | 'application/lost+xml' | 'application/lostsync+xml' | 'application/lpf+zip' | 'application/LXF' | 'application/mac-binhex40' | 'application/macwriteii' | 'application/mads+xml' | 'application/manifest+json' | 'application/marc' | 'application/marcxml+xml' | 'application/mathematica' | 'application/mathml+xml' | 'application/mathml-content+xml' | 'application/mathml-presentation+xml' | 'application/mbms-associated-procedure-description+xml' | 'application/mbms-deregister+xml' | 'application/mbms-envelope+xml' | 'application/mbms-msk-response+xml' | 'application/mbms-msk+xml' | 'application/mbms-protection-description+xml' | 'application/mbms-reception-report+xml' | 'application/mbms-register-response+xml' | 'application/mbms-register+xml' | 'application/mbms-schedule+xml' | 'application/mbms-user-service-description+xml' | 'application/mbox' | 'application/media_control+xml' | 'application/media-policy-dataset+xml' | 'application/mediaservercontrol+xml' | 'application/merge-patch+json' | 'application/metalink4+xml' | 'application/mets+xml' | 'application/MF4' | 'application/mikey' | 'application/mipc' | 'application/missing-blocks+cbor-seq' | 'application/mmt-aei+xml' | 'application/mmt-usd+xml' | 'application/mods+xml' | 'application/moss-keys' | 'application/moss-signature' | 'application/mosskey-data' | 'application/mosskey-request' | 'application/mp21' | 'application/mp4' | 'application/mpeg4-generic' | 'application/mpeg4-iod' | 'application/mpeg4-iod-xmt' | 'application/mrb-consumer+xml' | 'application/mrb-publish+xml' | 'application/msc-ivr+xml' | 'application/msc-mixer+xml' | 'application/msword' | 'application/mud+json' | 'application/multipart-core' | 'application/mxf' | 'application/n-quads' | 'application/n-triples' | 'application/nasdata' | 'application/news-checkgroups' | 'application/news-groupinfo' | 'application/news-transmission' | 'application/nlsml+xml' | 'application/node' | 'application/nss' | 'application/oauth-authz-req+jwt' | 'application/oblivious-dns-message' | 'application/ocsp-request' | 'application/ocsp-response' | 'application/octet-stream' | 'application/ODA' | 'application/odm+xml' | 'application/ODX' | 'application/oebps-package+xml' | 'application/ogg' | 'application/ohttp-keys' | 'application/opc-nodeset+xml' | 'application/oscore' | 'application/oxps' | 'application/p21' | 'application/p21+zip' | 'application/p2p-overlay+xml' | 'application/parityfec' | 'application/passport' | 'application/patch-ops-error+xml' | 'application/pdf' | 'application/PDX' | 'application/pem-certificate-chain' | 'application/pgp-encrypted' | 'application/pgp-keys' | 'application/pgp-signature' | 'application/pidf-diff+xml' | 'application/pidf+xml' | 'application/pkcs10' | 'application/pkcs7-mime' | 'application/pkcs7-signature' | 'application/pkcs8' | 'application/pkcs8-encrypted' | 'application/pkcs12' | 'application/pkix-attr-cert' | 'application/pkix-cert' | 'application/pkix-crl' | 'application/pkix-pkipath' | 'application/pkixcmp' | 'application/pls+xml' | 'application/poc-settings+xml' | 'application/postscript' | 'application/ppsp-tracker+json' | 'application/private-token-issuer-directory' | 'application/private-token-request' | 'application/private-token-response' | 'application/problem+json' | 'application/problem+xml' | 'application/provenance+xml' | 'application/prs.alvestrand.titrax-sheet' | 'application/prs.cww' | 'application/prs.cyn' | 'application/prs.hpub+zip' | 'application/prs.implied-document+xml' | 'application/prs.implied-executable' | 'application/prs.implied-object+json' | 'application/prs.implied-object+json-seq' | 'application/prs.implied-object+yaml' | 'application/prs.implied-structure' | 'application/prs.nprend' | 'application/prs.plucker' | 'application/prs.rdf-xml-crypt' | 'application/prs.vcfbzip2' | 'application/prs.xsf+xml' | 'application/pskc+xml' | 'application/pvd+json' | 'application/rdf+xml' | 'application/route-apd+xml' | 'application/route-s-tsid+xml' | 'application/route-usd+xml' | 'application/QSIG' | 'application/raptorfec' | 'application/rdap+json' | 'application/reginfo+xml' | 'application/relax-ng-compact-syntax' | 'application/remote-printing' | 'application/reputon+json' | 'application/resource-lists-diff+xml' | 'application/resource-lists+xml' | 'application/rfc+xml' | 'application/riscos' | 'application/rlmi+xml' | 'application/rls-services+xml' | 'application/rpki-checklist' | 'application/rpki-ghostbusters' | 'application/rpki-manifest' | 'application/rpki-publication' | 'application/rpki-roa' | 'application/rpki-updown' | 'application/rtf' | 'application/rtploopback' | 'application/rtx' | 'application/samlassertion+xml' | 'application/samlmetadata+xml' | 'application/sarif-external-properties+json' | 'application/sarif+json' | 'application/sbe' | 'application/sbml+xml' | 'application/scaip+xml' | 'application/scim+json' | 'application/scvp-cv-request' | 'application/scvp-cv-response' | 'application/scvp-vp-request' | 'application/scvp-vp-response' | 'application/sdp' | 'application/secevent+jwt' | 'application/senml-etch+cbor' | 'application/senml-etch+json' | 'application/senml-exi' | 'application/senml+cbor' | 'application/senml+json' | 'application/senml+xml' | 'application/sensml-exi' | 'application/sensml+cbor' | 'application/sensml+json' | 'application/sensml+xml' | 'application/sep-exi' | 'application/sep+xml' | 'application/session-info' | 'application/set-payment' | 'application/set-payment-initiation' | 'application/set-registration' | 'application/set-registration-initiation' | 'application/SGML' | 'application/sgml-open-catalog' | 'application/shf+xml' | 'application/sieve' | 'application/simple-filter+xml' | 'application/simple-message-summary' | 'application/simpleSymbolContainer' | 'application/sipc' | 'application/slate' | 'application/smil' | 'application/smil+xml' | 'application/smpte336m' | 'application/soap+fastinfoset' | 'application/soap+xml' | 'application/sparql-query' | 'application/spdx+json' | 'application/sparql-results+xml' | 'application/spirits-event+xml' | 'application/sql' | 'application/srgs' | 'application/srgs+xml' | 'application/sru+xml' | 'application/ssml+xml' | 'application/stix+json' | 'application/swid+cbor' | 'application/swid+xml' | 'application/tamp-apex-update' | 'application/tamp-apex-update-confirm' | 'application/tamp-community-update' | 'application/tamp-community-update-confirm' | 'application/tamp-error' | 'application/tamp-sequence-adjust' | 'application/tamp-sequence-adjust-confirm' | 'application/tamp-status-query' | 'application/tamp-status-response' | 'application/tamp-update' | 'application/tamp-update-confirm' | 'application/taxii+json' | 'application/td+json' | 'application/tei+xml' | 'application/TETRA_ISI' | 'application/thraud+xml' | 'application/timestamp-query' | 'application/timestamp-reply' | 'application/timestamped-data' | 'application/tlsrpt+gzip' | 'application/tlsrpt+json' | 'application/tm+json' | 'application/tnauthlist' | 'application/token-introspection+jwt' | 'application/trickle-ice-sdpfrag' | 'application/trig' | 'application/ttml+xml' | 'application/tve-trigger' | 'application/tzif' | 'application/tzif-leap' | 'application/ulpfec' | 'application/urc-grpsheet+xml' | 'application/urc-ressheet+xml' | 'application/urc-targetdesc+xml' | 'application/urc-uisocketdesc+xml' | 'application/vcard+json' | 'application/vcard+xml' | 'application/vemmi' | 'application/vnd.1000minds.decision-model+xml' | 'application/vnd.1ob' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.5gnas' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.access-transfer-events+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.bsf+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.crs+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.current-location-discovery+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.GMOP+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.gtpc' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.interworking-data' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.lpp' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mc-signalling-ear' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-affiliation-command+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-info+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-msgstore-ctrl-request+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-payload' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-regroup+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-service-config+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-signalling' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-ue-config+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-user-profile+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcptt-affiliation-command+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcptt-floor-request+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcptt-info+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcptt-location-info+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcptt-mbms-usage-info+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcptt-regroup+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcptt-service-config+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcptt-signed+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcptt-ue-config+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcptt-ue-init-config+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcptt-user-profile+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcvideo-affiliation-command+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcvideo-affiliation-info+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcvideo-info+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcvideo-location-info+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcvideo-mbms-usage-info+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcvideo-regroup+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcvideo-service-config+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcvideo-transmission-request+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcvideo-ue-config+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mcvideo-user-profile+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.mid-call+xml' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.ngap' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.pfcp' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-large' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-small' | 'application/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-var' | 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253 "sec-ch-ua-platform": "Android" | "Chrome OS" | "Chromium OS" | "iOS" | "Linux" | "macOS" | "Windows" | "Unknown" | AnyString;
254 "referrer-policy": "no-referrer" | "no-referrer-when-downgrade" | "origin" | "origin-when-cross-origin" | "same-origin" | "strict-origin" | "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" | "unsafe-url" | AnyString;
255 "sec-fetch-dest": "audio" | "audioworklet" | "document" | "embed" | "empty" | "font" | "frame" | "iframe" | "image" | "manifest" | "object" | "paintworklet" | "report" | "script" | "serviceworker" | "sharedworker" | "style" | "track" | "video" | "worker" | "xslt" | AnyString;
258type HTTPMethod = "GET" | "HEAD" | "PATCH" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "CONNECT" | "OPTIONS" | "TRACE";
259type Encoding = false | "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf-8" | "utf16le" | "ucs2" | "ucs-2" | "base64" | "latin1" | "binary" | "hex";
260type StatusCode = 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 200 | 201 | 202 | 203 | 204 | 205 | 206 | 207 | 208 | 226 | 300 | 301 | 302 | 303 | 304 | 305 | 307 | 308 | 400 | 401 | 402 | 403 | 404 | 405 | 406 | 407 | 408 | 409 | 410 | 411 | 412 | 413 | 414 | 415 | 416 | 417 | 418 | 420 | 421 | 422 | 423 | 424 | 425 | 426 | 428 | 429 | 431 | 444 | 450 | 451 | 497 | 498 | 499 | 500 | 501 | 502 | 503 | 504 | 506 | 507 | 508 | 509 | 510 | 511 | 521 | 522 | 523 | 525 | 530 | 599 | AnyNumber;
261interface H3EventContext extends Record<string, any> {
262 params?: Record<string, string>;
263 /**
264 * Matched router Node
265 *
266 * @experimental The object structure may change in non-major version.
267 */
268 matchedRoute?: RouteNode;
269 sessions?: Record<string, Session>;
270 clientAddress?: string;
272type EventHandlerResponse<T = any> = T | Promise<T>;
273interface EventHandlerRequest {
274 body?: any;
275 query?: QueryObject;
276 routerParams?: Record<string, string>;
278type InferEventInput<Key extends keyof EventHandlerRequest, Event extends H3Event, T> = void extends T ? (Event extends H3Event<infer E> ? E[Key] : never) : T;
279type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;
280type EventHandlerResolver = (path: string) => MaybePromise<undefined | {
281 route?: string;
282 handler: EventHandler;
284interface EventHandler<Request extends EventHandlerRequest = EventHandlerRequest, Response extends EventHandlerResponse = EventHandlerResponse> {
285 __is_handler__?: true;
286 __resolve__?: EventHandlerResolver;
287 __websocket__?: Partial<Hooks>;
288 (event: H3Event<Request>): Response;
290type _RequestMiddleware<Request extends EventHandlerRequest = EventHandlerRequest> = (event: H3Event<Request>) => void | Promise<void>;
291type _ResponseMiddleware<Request extends EventHandlerRequest = EventHandlerRequest, Response extends EventHandlerResponse = EventHandlerResponse> = (event: H3Event<Request>, response: {
292 body?: Awaited<Response>;
293}) => void | Promise<void>;
294type EventHandlerObject<Request extends EventHandlerRequest = EventHandlerRequest, Response extends EventHandlerResponse = EventHandlerResponse> = {
295 onRequest?: _RequestMiddleware<Request> | _RequestMiddleware<Request>[];
296 onBeforeResponse?: _ResponseMiddleware<Request, Response> | _ResponseMiddleware<Request, Response>[];
297 /** @experimental */
298 websocket?: Partial<Hooks>;
299 handler: EventHandler<Request, Response>;
301type LazyEventHandler = () => EventHandler | Promise<EventHandler>;
304 * H3 Runtime Error
305 * @class
306 * @extends Error
307 * @property {number} statusCode - An integer indicating the HTTP response status code.
308 * @property {string} statusMessage - A string representing the HTTP status message.
309 * @property {boolean} fatal - Indicates if the error is a fatal error.
310 * @property {boolean} unhandled - Indicates if the error was unhandled and auto captured.
311 * @property {DataT} data - An extra data that will be included in the response.
312 * This can be used to pass additional information about the error.
313 * @property {boolean} internal - Setting this property to `true` will mark the error as an internal error.
314 */
315declare class H3Error<DataT = unknown> extends Error {
316 static __h3_error__: boolean;
317 statusCode: number;
318 fatal: boolean;
319 unhandled: boolean;
320 statusMessage?: string;
321 data?: DataT;
322 cause?: unknown;
323 constructor(message: string, opts?: {
324 cause?: unknown;
325 });
326 toJSON(): Pick<H3Error<DataT>, "data" | "statusCode" | "statusMessage" | "message">;
329 * Creates a new `Error` that can be used to handle both internal and runtime errors.
330 *
331 * @param input {string | (Partial<H3Error> & { status?: number; statusText?: string })} - The error message or an object containing error properties.
332 * If a string is provided, it will be used as the error `message`.
333 *
334 * @example
335 * // String error where `statusCode` defaults to `500`
336 * throw createError("An error occurred");
337 * // Object error
338 * throw createError({
339 * statusCode: 400,
340 * statusMessage: "Bad Request",
341 * message: "Invalid input",
342 * data: { field: "email" }
343 * });
344 *
345 *
346 * @return {H3Error} - An instance of H3Error.
347 *
348 * @remarks
349 * - Typically, `message` contains a brief, human-readable description of the error, while `statusMessage` is specific to HTTP responses and describes
350 * the status text related to the response status code.
351 * - In a client-server context, using a short `statusMessage` is recommended because it can be accessed on the client side. Otherwise, a `message`
352 * passed to `createError` on the server will not propagate to the client.
353 * - Consider avoiding putting dynamic user input in the `message` to prevent potential security issues.
354 */
355declare function createError<DataT = unknown>(input: string | (Partial<H3Error<DataT>> & {
356 status?: number;
357 statusText?: string;
358})): H3Error<DataT>;
360 * Receives an error and returns the corresponding response.
361 * H3 internally uses this function to handle unhandled errors.
362 * Note that calling this function will close the connection and no other data will be sent to the client afterwards.
363 *
364 * @param event {H3Event} - H3 event or req passed by h3 handler.
365 * @param error {Error | H3Error} - The raised error.
366 * @param debug {boolean} - Whether the application is in debug mode.
367 * In the debug mode, the stack trace of errors will be returned in the response.
368 */
369declare function sendError(event: H3Event, error: Error | H3Error, debug?: boolean): void;
371 * Checks if the given input is an instance of H3Error.
372 *
373 * @param input {*} - The input to check.
374 * @return {boolean} - Returns true if the input is an instance of H3Error, false otherwise.
375 */
376declare function isError<DataT = unknown>(input: any): input is H3Error<DataT>;
378interface Layer {
379 route: string;
380 match?: Matcher;
381 handler: EventHandler;
383type Stack = Layer[];
384interface InputLayer {
385 route?: string;
386 match?: Matcher;
387 handler: EventHandler;
388 lazy?: boolean;
390type InputStack = InputLayer[];
391type Matcher = (url: string, event?: H3Event) => boolean;
392interface AppUse {
393 (route: string | string[], handler: EventHandler | EventHandler[], options?: Partial<InputLayer>): App;
394 (handler: EventHandler | EventHandler[], options?: Partial<InputLayer>): App;
395 (options: InputLayer): App;
397type WebSocketOptions = AdapterOptions;
398interface AppOptions {
399 debug?: boolean;
400 onError?: (error: H3Error, event: H3Event) => any;
401 onRequest?: (event: H3Event) => void | Promise<void>;
402 onBeforeResponse?: (event: H3Event, response: {
403 body?: unknown;
404 }) => void | Promise<void>;
405 onAfterResponse?: (event: H3Event, response?: {
406 body?: unknown;
407 }) => void | Promise<void>;
408 websocket?: WebSocketOptions;
410interface App {
411 stack: Stack;
412 handler: EventHandler;
413 options: AppOptions;
414 use: AppUse;
415 resolve: EventHandlerResolver;
416 readonly websocket: WebSocketOptions;
419 * Create a new H3 app instance.
420 */
421declare function createApp(options?: AppOptions): App;
422declare function use(app: App, arg1: string | EventHandler | InputLayer | InputLayer[], arg2?: Partial<InputLayer> | EventHandler | EventHandler[], arg3?: Partial<InputLayer>): App;
423declare function createAppEventHandler(stack: Stack, options: AppOptions): EventHandler<EventHandlerRequest, Promise<void>>;
426 * Prefixes and executes a handler with a base path.
427 *
428 * @example
429 * const app = createApp();
430 * const router = createRouter();
431 *
432 * const apiRouter = createRouter().get(
433 * "/hello",
434 * defineEventHandler((event) => {
435 * return "Hello API!";
436 * }),
437 * );
438 *
439 * router.use("/api/**", useBase("/api", apiRouter.handler));
440 *
441 * app.use(router.handler);
442 *
443 * @param base The base path to prefix. When set to an empty string, the handler will be run as is.
444 * @param handler The event handler to use with the adapted path.
445 */
446declare function useBase(base: string, handler: EventHandler): EventHandler;
448interface MultiPartData {
449 data: Buffer;
450 name?: string;
451 filename?: string;
452 type?: string;
456 * Reads body of the request and returns encoded raw string (default), or `Buffer` if encoding is falsy.
457 *
458 * @example
459 * export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
460 * const body = await readRawBody(event, "utf-8");
461 * });
462 *
463 * @param event {H3Event} H3 event or req passed by h3 handler
464 * @param encoding {Encoding} encoding="utf-8" - The character encoding to use.
465 *
466 * @return {String|Buffer} Encoded raw string or raw Buffer of the body
467 */
468declare function readRawBody<E extends Encoding = "utf8">(event: H3Event, encoding?: E): E extends false ? Promise<Buffer | undefined> : Promise<string | undefined>;
470 * Reads request body and tries to safely parse using [destr](https://github.com/unjs/destr).
471 *
472 * Be aware that this utility is not restricted to `application/json` and will parse `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` content types.
473 * Because of this, authenticated `GET`/`POST` handlers may be at risk of a [CSRF](https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/csrf) attack, and must check the `content-type` header manually.
474 *
475 * @example
476 * export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
477 * const body = await readBody(event);
478 * });
479 *
480 * @param event H3 event passed by h3 handler
481 * @param encoding The character encoding to use, defaults to 'utf-8'.
482 *
483 * @return {*} The `Object`, `Array`, `String`, `Number`, `Boolean`, or `null` value corresponding to the request JSON body
484 */
485declare function readBody<T, Event extends H3Event = H3Event, _T = InferEventInput<"body", Event, T>>(event: Event, options?: {
486 strict?: boolean;
487}): Promise<_T>;
489 * Tries to read the request body via `readBody`, then uses the provided validation function and either throws a validation error or returns the result.
490 *
491 * You can use a simple function to validate the body or use a library like `zod` to define a schema.
492 *
493 * @example
494 * export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
495 * const body = await readValidatedBody(event, (body) => {
496 * return typeof body === "object" && body !== null;
497 * });
498 * });
499 * @example
500 * import { z } from "zod";
501 *
502 * export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
503 * const objectSchema = z.object();
504 * const body = await readValidatedBody(event, objectSchema.safeParse);
505 * });
506 *
507 * @param event The H3Event passed by the handler.
508 * @param validate The function to use for body validation. It will be called passing the read request body. If the result is not false, the parsed body will be returned.
509 * @throws If the validation function returns `false` or throws, a validation error will be thrown.
510 * @return {*} The `Object`, `Array`, `String`, `Number`, `Boolean`, or `null` value corresponding to the request JSON body.
511 * @see {readBody}
512 */
513declare function readValidatedBody<T, Event extends H3Event = H3Event, _T = InferEventInput<"body", Event, T>>(event: Event, validate: ValidateFunction<_T>): Promise<_T>;
515 * Tries to read and parse the body of an H3Event as multipart form.
516 *
517 * @example
518 * export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
519 * const formData = await readMultipartFormData(event);
520 * // The result could look like:
521 * // [
522 * // {
523 * // "data": "other",
524 * // "name": "baz",
525 * // },
526 * // {
527 * // "data": "something",
528 * // "name": "some-other-data",
529 * // },
530 * // ];
531 * });
532 *
533 * @param event The H3Event object to read multipart form from.
534 *
535 * @return The parsed form data. If no form could be detected because the content type is not multipart/form-data or no boundary could be found.
536 */
537declare function readMultipartFormData(event: H3Event): Promise<MultiPartData[] | undefined>;
539 * Constructs a FormData object from an event, after converting it to a a web request.
540 *
541 * @example
542 * export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
543 * const formData = await readFormData(event);
544 * const email = formData.get("email");
545 * const password = formData.get("password");
546 * });
547 *
548 * @param event The H3Event object to read the form data from.
549 */
550declare function readFormData(event: H3Event): Promise<FormData>;
552 * Captures a stream from a request.
553 * @param event The H3Event object containing the request information.
554 * @returns Undefined if the request can't transport a payload, otherwise a ReadableStream of the request body.
555 */
556declare function getRequestWebStream(event: H3Event): undefined | ReadableStream;
558interface CacheConditions {
559 modifiedTime?: string | Date;
560 maxAge?: number;
561 etag?: string;
562 cacheControls?: string[];
565 * Check request caching headers (`If-Modified-Since`) and add caching headers (Last-Modified, Cache-Control)
566 * Note: `public` cache control will be added by default
567 * @returns `true` when cache headers are matching. When `true` is returned, no response should be sent anymore
568 */
569declare function handleCacheHeaders(event: H3Event, opts: CacheConditions): boolean;
571declare const MIMES: {
572 readonly html: "text/html";
573 readonly json: "application/json";
576interface H3CorsOptions {
577 origin?: "*" | "null" | (string | RegExp)[] | ((origin: string) => boolean);
578 methods?: "*" | HTTPMethod[];
579 allowHeaders?: "*" | string[];
580 exposeHeaders?: "*" | string[];
581 credentials?: boolean;
582 maxAge?: string | false;
583 preflight?: {
584 statusCode?: number;
585 };
589 * Handle CORS for the incoming request.
590 *
591 * If the incoming request is a CORS preflight request, it will append the CORS preflight headers and send a 204 response.
592 *
593 * If return value is `true`, the request is handled and no further action is needed.
594 *
595 * @example
596 * const app = createApp();
597 * const router = createRouter();
598 * router.use('/',
599 * defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
600 * const didHandleCors = handleCors(event, {
601 * origin: '*',
602 * preflight: {
603 * statusCode: 204,
604 * },
605 * methods: '*',
606 * });
607 * if (didHandleCors) {
608 * return;
609 * }
610 * // Your code here
611 * })
612 * );
613 */
614declare function handleCors(event: H3Event, options: H3CorsOptions): boolean;
617 * Get the query params object from the request URL parsed with [unjs/ufo](https://ufo.unjs.io).
618 *
619 * @example
620 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
621 * const query = getQuery(event); // { key: "value", key2: ["value1", "value2"] }
622 * });
623 */
624declare function getQuery<T, Event extends H3Event = H3Event, _T = Exclude<InferEventInput<"query", Event, T>, undefined>>(event: Event): _T;
626 * Get the query params object from the request URL parsed with [unjs/ufo](https://ufo.unjs.io) and validated with validate function.
627 *
628 * You can use a simple function to validate the query object or a library like `zod` to define a schema.
629 *
630 * @example
631 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
632 * const query = getValidatedQuery(event, (data) => {
633 * return "key" in data && typeof data.key === "string";
634 * });
635 * });
636 * @example
637 * import { z } from "zod";
638 *
639 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
640 * const query = getValidatedQuery(
641 * event,
642 * z.object({
643 * key: z.string(),
644 * }),
645 * );
646 * });
647 */
648declare function getValidatedQuery<T, Event extends H3Event = H3Event, _T = InferEventInput<"query", Event, T>>(event: Event, validate: ValidateFunction<_T>): Promise<_T>;
650 * Get matched route params.
651 *
652 * If `decode` option is `true`, it will decode the matched route params using `decodeURI`.
653 *
654 * @example
655 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
656 * const params = getRouterParams(event); // { key: "value" }
657 * });
658 */
659declare function getRouterParams(event: H3Event, opts?: {
660 decode?: boolean;
661}): NonNullable<H3Event["context"]["params"]>;
663 * Get matched route params and validate with validate function.
664 *
665 * If `decode` option is `true`, it will decode the matched route params using `decodeURI`.
666 *
667 * You can use a simple function to validate the params object or a library like `zod` to define a schema.
668 *
669 * @example
670 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
671 * const params = getValidatedRouterParams(event, (data) => {
672 * return "key" in data && typeof data.key === "string";
673 * });
674 * });
675 * @example
676 * import { z } from "zod";
677 *
678 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
679 * const params = getValidatedRouterParams(
680 * event,
681 * z.object({
682 * key: z.string(),
683 * }),
684 * );
685 * });
686 */
687declare function getValidatedRouterParams<T, Event extends H3Event = H3Event, _T = InferEventInput<"routerParams", Event, T>>(event: Event, validate: ValidateFunction<_T>, opts?: {
688 decode?: boolean;
689}): Promise<_T>;
691 * Get a matched route param by name.
692 *
693 * If `decode` option is `true`, it will decode the matched route param using `decodeURI`.
694 *
695 * @example
696 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
697 * const param = getRouterParam(event, "key");
698 * });
699 */
700declare function getRouterParam(event: H3Event, name: string, opts?: {
701 decode?: boolean;
702}): string | undefined;
704 * @deprecated Directly use `event.method` instead.
705 */
706declare function getMethod(event: H3Event, defaultMethod?: HTTPMethod): HTTPMethod;
708 *
709 * Checks if the incoming request method is of the expected type.
710 *
711 * If `allowHead` is `true`, it will allow `HEAD` requests to pass if the expected method is `GET`.
712 *
713 * @example
714 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
715 * if (isMethod(event, "GET")) {
716 * // Handle GET request
717 * } else if (isMethod(event, ["POST", "PUT"])) {
718 * // Handle POST or PUT request
719 * }
720 * });
721 */
722declare function isMethod(event: H3Event, expected: HTTPMethod | HTTPMethod[], allowHead?: boolean): boolean;
724 * Asserts that the incoming request method is of the expected type using `isMethod`.
725 *
726 * If the method is not allowed, it will throw a 405 error with the message "HTTP method is not allowed".
727 *
728 * If `allowHead` is `true`, it will allow `HEAD` requests to pass if the expected method is `GET`.
729 *
730 * @example
731 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
732 * assertMethod(event, "GET");
733 * // Handle GET request, otherwise throw 405 error
734 * });
735 */
736declare function assertMethod(event: H3Event, expected: HTTPMethod | HTTPMethod[], allowHead?: boolean): void;
738 * Get the request headers object.
739 *
740 * Array headers are joined with a comma.
741 *
742 * @example
743 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
744 * const headers = getRequestHeaders(event); // { "content-type": "application/json", "x-custom-header": "value" }
745 * });
746 */
747declare function getRequestHeaders(event: H3Event): RequestHeaders;
749 * Alias for `getRequestHeaders`.
750 */
751declare const getHeaders: typeof getRequestHeaders;
753 * Get a request header by name.
754 *
755 * @example
756 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
757 * const contentType = getRequestHeader(event, "content-type"); // "application/json"
758 * });
759 */
760declare function getRequestHeader(event: H3Event, name: HTTPHeaderName): RequestHeaders[string];
762 * Alias for `getRequestHeader`.
763 */
764declare const getHeader: typeof getRequestHeader;
766 * Get the request hostname.
767 *
768 * If `xForwardedHost` is `true`, it will use the `x-forwarded-host` header if it exists.
769 *
770 * If no host header is found, it will default to "localhost".
771 *
772 * @example
773 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
774 * const host = getRequestHost(event); // "example.com"
775 * });
776 */
777declare function getRequestHost(event: H3Event, opts?: {
778 xForwardedHost?: boolean;
779}): string;
781 * Get the request protocol.
782 *
783 * If `x-forwarded-proto` header is set to "https", it will return "https". You can disable this behavior by setting `xForwardedProto` to `false`.
784 *
785 * If protocol cannot be determined, it will default to "http".
786 *
787 * @example
788 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
789 * const protocol = getRequestProtocol(event); // "https"
790 * });
791 */
792declare function getRequestProtocol(event: H3Event, opts?: {
793 xForwardedProto?: boolean;
794}): "https" | "http";
795/** @deprecated Use `event.path` instead */
796declare function getRequestPath(event: H3Event): string;
798 * Generate the full incoming request URL using `getRequestProtocol`, `getRequestHost` and `event.path`.
799 *
800 * If `xForwardedHost` is `true`, it will use the `x-forwarded-host` header if it exists.
801 *
802 * If `xForwardedProto` is `false`, it will not use the `x-forwarded-proto` header.
803 *
804 * @example
805 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
806 * const url = getRequestURL(event); // "https://example.com/path"
807 * });
808 */
809declare function getRequestURL(event: H3Event, opts?: {
810 xForwardedHost?: boolean;
811 xForwardedProto?: boolean;
812}): URL;
814 * Convert the H3Event to a WebRequest object.
815 *
816 * **NOTE:** This function is not stable and might have edge cases that are not handled properly.
817 */
818declare function toWebRequest(event: H3Event): Request;
820 * Try to get the client IP address from the incoming request.
821 *
822 * If `xForwardedFor` is `true`, it will use the `x-forwarded-for` header set by proxies if it exists.
823 *
824 * Note: Make sure that this header can be trusted (your application running behind a CDN or reverse proxy) before enabling.
825 *
826 * If IP cannot be determined, it will default to `undefined`.
827 *
828 * @example
829 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
830 * const ip = getRequestIP(event); // ""
831 * });
832 */
833declare function getRequestIP(event: H3Event, opts?: {
834 xForwardedFor?: boolean;
835}): string | undefined;
838 * Check if the incoming request is a CORS preflight request.
839 */
840declare function isPreflightRequest(event: H3Event): boolean;
842 * Check if the incoming request is a CORS request.
843 */
844declare function isCorsOriginAllowed(origin: ReturnType<typeof getRequestHeaders>["origin"], options: H3CorsOptions): boolean;
846 * Append CORS preflight headers to the response.
847 */
848declare function appendCorsPreflightHeaders(event: H3Event, options: H3CorsOptions): void;
850 * Append CORS headers to the response.
851 */
852declare function appendCorsHeaders(event: H3Event, options: H3CorsOptions): void;
855 * Parse the request to get HTTP Cookie header string and return an object of all cookie name-value pairs.
856 * @param event {H3Event} H3 event or req passed by h3 handler
857 * @returns Object of cookie name-value pairs
858 * ```ts
859 * const cookies = parseCookies(event)
860 * ```
861 */
862declare function parseCookies(event: H3Event): Record<string, string>;
864 * Get a cookie value by name.
865 * @param event {H3Event} H3 event or req passed by h3 handler
866 * @param name Name of the cookie to get
867 * @returns {*} Value of the cookie (String or undefined)
868 * ```ts
869 * const authorization = getCookie(request, 'Authorization')
870 * ```
871 */
872declare function getCookie(event: H3Event, name: string): string | undefined;
874 * Set a cookie value by name.
875 * @param event {H3Event} H3 event or res passed by h3 handler
876 * @param name Name of the cookie to set
877 * @param value Value of the cookie to set
878 * @param serializeOptions {CookieSerializeOptions} Options for serializing the cookie
879 * ```ts
880 * setCookie(res, 'Authorization', '1234567')
881 * ```
882 */
883declare function setCookie(event: H3Event, name: string, value: string, serializeOptions?: CookieSerializeOptions): void;
885 * Remove a cookie by name.
886 * @param event {H3Event} H3 event or res passed by h3 handler
887 * @param name Name of the cookie to delete
888 * @param serializeOptions {CookieSerializeOptions} Cookie options
889 * ```ts
890 * deleteCookie(res, 'SessionId')
891 * ```
892 */
893declare function deleteCookie(event: H3Event, name: string, serializeOptions?: CookieSerializeOptions): void;
895 * Set-Cookie header field-values are sometimes comma joined in one string.
896 *
897 * This splits them without choking on commas that are within a single set-cookie field-value, such as in the Expires portion.
898 * This is uncommon, but explicitly allowed - see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.2
899 * Node.js does this for every header _except_ set-cookie - see https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/d5e363b77ebaf1caf67cd7528224b651c86815c1/lib/_http_incoming.js#L128
900 * Based on: https://github.com/google/j2objc/commit/16820fdbc8f76ca0c33472810ce0cb03d20efe25
901 * Credits to: https://github.com/tomball for original and https://github.com/chrusart for JavaScript implementation
902 * @source https://github.com/nfriedly/set-cookie-parser/blob/3eab8b7d5d12c8ed87832532861c1a35520cf5b3/lib/set-cookie.js#L144
903 *
904 * @internal
905 */
906declare function splitCookiesString(cookiesString: string | string[]): string[];
908interface RequestFingerprintOptions {
909 /** @default SHA-1 */
910 hash?: false | "SHA-1";
911 /** @default `true` */
912 ip?: boolean;
913 /** @default `false` */
914 xForwardedFor?: boolean;
915 /** @default `false` */
916 method?: boolean;
917 /** @default `false` */
918 path?: boolean;
919 /** @default `false` */
920 userAgent?: boolean;
923 *
924 * Get a unique fingerprint for the incoming request.
925 *
926 * @experimental Behavior of this utility might change in the future versions
927 */
928declare function getRequestFingerprint(event: H3Event, opts?: RequestFingerprintOptions): Promise<string | null>;
930type Duplex = "half" | "full";
931interface ProxyOptions {
932 headers?: RequestHeaders | HeadersInit;
933 fetchOptions?: RequestInit & {
934 duplex?: Duplex;
935 } & {
936 ignoreResponseError?: boolean;
937 };
938 fetch?: typeof fetch;
939 sendStream?: boolean;
940 streamRequest?: boolean;
941 cookieDomainRewrite?: string | Record<string, string>;
942 cookiePathRewrite?: string | Record<string, string>;
943 onResponse?: (event: H3Event, response: Response) => void;
946 * Proxy the incoming request to a target URL.
947 */
948declare function proxyRequest(event: H3Event, target: string, opts?: ProxyOptions): Promise<any>;
950 * Make a proxy request to a target URL and send the response back to the client.
951 */
952declare function sendProxy(event: H3Event, target: string, opts?: ProxyOptions): Promise<any>;
954 * Get the request headers object without headers known to cause issues when proxying.
955 */
956declare function getProxyRequestHeaders(event: H3Event, opts?: {
957 host?: boolean;
958}): any;
960 * Make a fetch request with the event's context and headers.
961 */
962declare function fetchWithEvent<T = unknown, _R = any, F extends (req: RequestInfo | URL, opts?: any) => any = typeof fetch>(event: H3Event, req: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit & {
963 context?: H3EventContext;
964}, options?: {
965 fetch: F;
966}): unknown extends T ? ReturnType<F> : T;
968type IterationSource<Val, Ret = Val> = Iterable<Val> | AsyncIterable<Val> | Iterator<Val, Ret | undefined> | AsyncIterator<Val, Ret | undefined> | (() => Iterator<Val, Ret | undefined> | AsyncIterator<Val, Ret | undefined>);
969type SendableValue = string | Buffer | Uint8Array;
970type IteratorSerializer<Value> = (value: Value) => SendableValue | undefined;
973 * Directly send a response to the client.
974 *
975 * **Note:** This function should be used only when you want to send a response directly without using the `h3` event.
976 * Normally you can directly `return` a value inside event handlers.
977 */
978declare function send(event: H3Event, data?: any, type?: MimeType): Promise<void>;
980 * Respond with an empty payload.
981 *
982 * Note that calling this function will close the connection and no other data can be sent to the client afterwards.
983 *
984 * @example
985 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
986 * return sendNoContent(event);
987 * });
988 * @example
989 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
990 * sendNoContent(event); // Close the connection
991 * console.log("This will not be executed");
992 * });
993 *
994 * @param event H3 event
995 * @param code status code to be send. By default, it is `204 No Content`.
996 */
997declare function sendNoContent(event: H3Event, code?: StatusCode): void;
999 * Set the response status code and message.
1000 *
1001 * @example
1002 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1003 * setResponseStatus(event, 404, "Not Found");
1004 * return "Not Found";
1005 * });
1006 */
1007declare function setResponseStatus(event: H3Event, code?: StatusCode, text?: string): void;
1009 * Get the current response status code.
1010 *
1011 * @example
1012 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1013 * const status = getResponseStatus(event);
1014 * return `Status: ${status}`;
1015 * });
1016 */
1017declare function getResponseStatus(event: H3Event): number;
1019 * Get the current response status message.
1020 *
1021 * @example
1022 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1023 * const statusText = getResponseStatusText(event);
1024 * return `Status: ${statusText}`;
1025 * });
1026 */
1027declare function getResponseStatusText(event: H3Event): string;
1029 * Set the response status code and message.
1030 */
1031declare function defaultContentType(event: H3Event, type?: MimeType): void;
1033 * Send a redirect response to the client.
1034 *
1035 * It adds the `location` header to the response and sets the status code to 302 by default.
1036 *
1037 * In the body, it sends a simple HTML page with a meta refresh tag to redirect the client in case the headers are ignored.
1038 *
1039 * @example
1040 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1041 * return sendRedirect(event, "https://example.com");
1042 * });
1043 *
1044 * @example
1045 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1046 * return sendRedirect(event, "https://example.com", 301); // Permanent redirect
1047 * });
1048 */
1049declare function sendRedirect(event: H3Event, location: string, code?: StatusCode): Promise<void>;
1051 * Get the response headers object.
1052 *
1053 * @example
1054 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1055 * const headers = getResponseHeaders(event);
1056 * });
1057 */
1058declare function getResponseHeaders(event: H3Event): ReturnType<H3Event["node"]["res"]["getHeaders"]>;
1060 * Get a response header by name.
1061 *
1062 * @example
1063 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1064 * const contentType = getResponseHeader(event, "content-type"); // Get the response content-type header
1065 * });
1066 */
1067declare function getResponseHeader(event: H3Event, name: HTTPHeaderName): ReturnType<H3Event["node"]["res"]["getHeader"]>;
1069 * Set the response headers.
1070 *
1071 * @example
1072 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1073 * setResponseHeaders(event, {
1074 * "content-type": "text/html",
1075 * "cache-control": "no-cache",
1076 * });
1077 * });
1078 */
1079declare function setResponseHeaders(event: H3Event, headers: TypedHeaders): void;
1081 * Alias for `setResponseHeaders`.
1082 */
1083declare const setHeaders: typeof setResponseHeaders;
1085 * Set a response header by name.
1086 *
1087 * @example
1088 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1089 * setResponseHeader(event, "content-type", "text/html");
1090 * });
1091 */
1092declare function setResponseHeader<T extends HTTPHeaderName>(event: H3Event, name: T, value: TypedHeaders[Lowercase<T>]): void;
1094 * Alias for `setResponseHeader`.
1095 */
1096declare const setHeader: typeof setResponseHeader;
1098 * Append the response headers.
1099 *
1100 * @example
1101 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1102 * appendResponseHeaders(event, {
1103 * "content-type": "text/html",
1104 * "cache-control": "no-cache",
1105 * });
1106 * });
1107 */
1108declare function appendResponseHeaders(event: H3Event, headers: TypedHeaders): void;
1110 * Alias for `appendResponseHeaders`.
1111 */
1112declare const appendHeaders: typeof appendResponseHeaders;
1114 * Append a response header by name.
1115 *
1116 * @example
1117 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1118 * appendResponseHeader(event, "content-type", "text/html");
1119 * });
1120 */
1121declare function appendResponseHeader<T extends HTTPHeaderName>(event: H3Event, name: T, value: TypedHeaders[Lowercase<T>]): void;
1123 * Alias for `appendResponseHeader`.
1124 */
1125declare const appendHeader: typeof appendResponseHeader;
1127 * Remove all response headers, or only those specified in the headerNames array.
1128 *
1129 * @example
1130 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1131 * clearResponseHeaders(event, ["content-type", "cache-control"]); // Remove content-type and cache-control headers
1132 * });
1133 *
1134 * @param event H3 event
1135 * @param headerNames Array of header names to remove
1136 */
1137declare function clearResponseHeaders(event: H3Event, headerNames?: HTTPHeaderName[]): void;
1139 * Remove a response header by name.
1140 *
1141 * @example
1142 * export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
1143 * removeResponseHeader(event, "content-type"); // Remove content-type header
1144 * });
1145 */
1146declare function removeResponseHeader(event: H3Event, name: HTTPHeaderName): void;
1148 * Checks if the data is a stream (Node.js Readable Stream, React Pipeable Stream, or Web Stream).
1149 */
1150declare function isStream(data: any): data is Readable | ReadableStream;
1152 * Checks if the data is a Response object.
1153 */
1154declare function isWebResponse(data: any): data is Response;
1156 * Send a stream response to the client.
1157 *
1158 * Note: You can directly `return` a stream value inside event handlers alternatively which is recommended.
1159 */
1160declare function sendStream(event: H3Event, stream: Readable | ReadableStream): Promise<void>;
1162 * Write `HTTP/1.1 103 Early Hints` to the client.
1163 */
1164declare function writeEarlyHints(event: H3Event, hints: string | string[] | Record<string, string | string[]>, cb?: () => void): void;
1166 * Send a Response object to the client.
1167 */
1168declare function sendWebResponse(event: H3Event, response: Response): void | Promise<void>;
1170 * Iterate a source of chunks and send back each chunk in order.
1171 * Supports mixing async work together with emitting chunks.
1172 *
1173 * Each chunk must be a string or a buffer.
1174 *
1175 * For generator (yielding) functions, the returned value is treated the same as yielded values.
1176 *
1177 * @param event - H3 event
1178 * @param iterable - Iterator that produces chunks of the response.
1179 * @param serializer - Function that converts values from the iterable into stream-compatible values.
1180 * @template Value - Test
1181 *
1182 * @example
1183 * sendIterable(event, work());
1184 * async function* work() {
1185 * // Open document body
1186 * yield "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html><body><h1>Executing...</h1><ol>\n";
1187 * // Do work ...
1188 * for (let i = 0; i < 1000) {
1189 * await delay(1000);
1190 * // Report progress
1191 * yield `<li>Completed job #`;
1192 * yield i;
1193 * yield `</li>\n`;
1194 * }
1195 * // Close out the report
1196 * return `</ol></body></html>`;
1197 * }
1198 * async function delay(ms) {
1199 * return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
1200 * }
1201 */
1202declare function sendIterable<Value = unknown, Return = unknown>(event: H3Event, iterable: IterationSource<Value, Return>, options?: {
1203 serializer: IteratorSerializer<Value | Return>;
1204}): Promise<void>;
1207 * Make sure the status message is safe to use in a response.
1208 *
1209 * Allowed characters: horizontal tabs, spaces or visible ascii characters: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7230#section-3.1.2
1210 */
1211declare function sanitizeStatusMessage(statusMessage?: string): string;
1213 * Make sure the status code is a valid HTTP status code.
1214 */
1215declare function sanitizeStatusCode(statusCode?: string | number, defaultStatusCode?: number): number;
1217interface EventStreamOptions {
1218 /**
1219 * Automatically close the writable stream when the request is closed
1220 *
1221 * Default is `true`
1222 */
1223 autoclose?: boolean;
1226 * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#fields
1227 */
1228interface EventStreamMessage {
1229 id?: string;
1230 event?: string;
1231 retry?: number;
1232 data: string;
1236 * A helper class for [server sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#event_stream_format)
1237 */
1238declare class EventStream$1 {
1239 private readonly _h3Event;
1240 private readonly _transformStream;
1241 private readonly _writer;
1242 private readonly _encoder;
1243 private _writerIsClosed;
1244 private _paused;
1245 private _unsentData;
1246 private _disposed;
1247 private _handled;
1248 constructor(event: H3Event, opts?: EventStreamOptions);
1249 /**
1250 * Publish new event(s) for the client
1251 */
1252 push(message: string): Promise<void>;
1253 push(message: string[]): Promise<void>;
1254 push(message: EventStreamMessage): Promise<void>;
1255 push(message: EventStreamMessage[]): Promise<void>;
1256 private _sendEvent;
1257 private _sendEvents;
1258 pause(): void;
1259 get isPaused(): boolean;
1260 resume(): Promise<void>;
1261 flush(): Promise<void>;
1262 /**
1263 * Close the stream and the connection if the stream is being sent to the client
1264 */
1265 close(): Promise<void>;
1266 /**
1267 * Triggers callback when the writable stream is closed.
1268 * It is also triggered after calling the `close()` method.
1269 */
1270 onClosed(cb: () => any): void;
1271 send(): Promise<void>;
1275 * Initialize an EventStream instance for creating [server sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events)
1276 *
1277 * @experimental This function is experimental and might be unstable in some environments.
1278 *
1279 * @example
1280 *
1281 * ```ts
1282 * import { createEventStream, sendEventStream } from "h3";
1283 *
1284 * eventHandler((event) => {
1285 * const eventStream = createEventStream(event);
1286 *
1287 * // Send a message every second
1288 * const interval = setInterval(async () => {
1289 * await eventStream.push("Hello world");
1290 * }, 1000);
1291 *
1292 * // cleanup the interval and close the stream when the connection is terminated
1293 * eventStream.onClosed(async () => {
1294 * console.log("closing SSE...");
1295 * clearInterval(interval);
1296 * await eventStream.close();
1297 * });
1298 *
1299 * return eventStream.send();
1300 * });
1301 * ```
1302 */
1303declare function createEventStream(event: H3Event, opts?: EventStreamOptions): EventStream$1;
1304type EventStream = ReturnType<typeof createEventStream>;
1306interface StaticAssetMeta {
1307 type?: string;
1308 etag?: string;
1309 mtime?: number | string | Date;
1310 path?: string;
1311 size?: number;
1312 encoding?: string;
1314interface ServeStaticOptions {
1315 /**
1316 * This function should resolve asset meta
1317 */
1318 getMeta: (id: string) => StaticAssetMeta | undefined | Promise<StaticAssetMeta | undefined>;
1319 /**
1320 * This function should resolve asset content
1321 */
1322 getContents: (id: string) => unknown | Promise<unknown>;
1323 /**
1324 * Map of supported encodings (compressions) and their file extensions.
1325 *
1326 * Each extension will be appended to the asset path to find the compressed version of the asset.
1327 *
1328 * @example { gzip: ".gz", br: ".br" }
1329 */
1330 encodings?: Record<string, string>;
1331 /**
1332 * Default index file to serve when the path is a directory
1333 *
1334 * @default ["/index.html"]
1335 */
1336 indexNames?: string[];
1337 /**
1338 * When set to true, the function will not throw 404 error when the asset meta is not found or meta validation failed
1339 */
1340 fallthrough?: boolean;
1343 * Dynamically serve static assets based on the request path.
1344 */
1345declare function serveStatic(event: H3Event, options: ServeStaticOptions): Promise<void | false>;
1348 * Define WebSocket hooks.
1349 *
1350 * @see https://h3.unjs.io/guide/websocket
1351 */
1352declare function defineWebSocket(hooks: Partial<Hooks>): Partial<Hooks>;
1354 * Define WebSocket event handler.
1355 *
1356 * @see https://h3.unjs.io/guide/websocket
1357 */
1358declare function defineWebSocketHandler(hooks: Partial<Hooks>): EventHandler<EventHandlerRequest, never>;
1360/** @experimental */
1361type WebHandler = (request: Request, context?: Record<string, unknown>) => Promise<Response>;
1362/** @experimental */
1363declare function toWebHandler(app: App): WebHandler;
1364/** @experimental */
1365declare function fromWebHandler(handler: WebHandler): EventHandler<EventHandlerRequest, Promise<Response>>;
1367interface PlainRequest {
1368 _eventOverrides?: Partial<H3Event>;
1369 context?: Record<string, unknown>;
1370 method: string;
1371 path: string;
1372 headers: HeadersInit;
1373 body?: null | BodyInit;
1375interface PlainResponse {
1376 status: number;
1377 statusText: string;
1378 headers: [string, string][];
1379 body?: unknown;
1381type PlainHandler = (request: PlainRequest) => Promise<PlainResponse>;
1382/** @experimental */
1383declare function toPlainHandler(app: App): PlainHandler;
1384/** @experimental */
1385declare function fromPlainHandler(handler: PlainHandler): EventHandler<EventHandlerRequest, Promise<unknown>>;
1387export { type AddRouteShortcuts, type App, type AppOptions, type AppUse, type CacheConditions, type CreateRouterOptions, type Duplex, type DynamicEventHandler, type Encoding, type EventHandler, type EventHandlerObject, type EventHandlerRequest, type EventHandlerResolver, type EventHandlerResponse, type EventStream, type EventStreamMessage, type EventStreamOptions, type H3CorsOptions, H3Error, H3Event, type H3EventContext, H3Headers, H3Response, type HTTPHeaderName, type HTTPMethod, type InferEventInput, type InputLayer, type InputStack, type Layer, type LazyEventHandler, MIMES, type Matcher, type MimeType, type MultiPartData, type NodeEventContext, type NodeListener, type NodeMiddleware, type NodePromisifiedHandler, type PlainHandler, type PlainRequest, type PlainResponse, type ProxyOptions, type RequestFingerprintOptions, type RequestHeaders, type RouteNode, type Router, type RouterMethod, type RouterUse, type ServeStaticOptions, type Session, type SessionConfig, type SessionData, type Stack, type StaticAssetMeta, type StatusCode, type TypedHeaders, type ValidateFunction, type ValidateResult, type WebEventContext, type WebHandler, type WebSocketOptions, type _RequestMiddleware, type _ResponseMiddleware, appendCorsHeaders, appendCorsPreflightHeaders, appendHeader, appendHeaders, appendResponseHeader, appendResponseHeaders, assertMethod, callNodeListener, clearResponseHeaders, clearSession, createApp, createAppEventHandler, createError, createEvent, createEventStream, createRouter, defaultContentType, defineEventHandler, defineLazyEventHandler, defineNodeListener, defineNodeMiddleware, defineRequestMiddleware, defineResponseMiddleware, defineWebSocket, defineWebSocketHandler, deleteCookie, dynamicEventHandler, eventHandler, fetchWithEvent, fromNodeMiddleware, fromPlainHandler, fromWebHandler, getCookie, getHeader, getHeaders, getMethod, getProxyRequestHeaders, getQuery, getRequestFingerprint, getRequestHeader, getRequestHeaders, getRequestHost, getRequestIP, getRequestPath, getRequestProtocol, getRequestURL, getRequestWebStream, getResponseHeader, getResponseHeaders, getResponseStatus, getResponseStatusText, getRouterParam, getRouterParams, getSession, getValidatedQuery, getValidatedRouterParams, handleCacheHeaders, handleCors, isCorsOriginAllowed, isError, isEvent, isEventHandler, isMethod, isPreflightRequest, isStream, isWebResponse, lazyEventHandler, parseCookies, promisifyNodeListener, proxyRequest, readBody, readFormData, readMultipartFormData, readRawBody, readValidatedBody, removeResponseHeader, sanitizeStatusCode, sanitizeStatusMessage, sealSession, send, sendError, sendIterable, sendNoContent, sendProxy, sendRedirect, sendStream, sendWebResponse, serveStatic, setCookie, setHeader, setHeaders, setResponseHeader, setResponseHeaders, setResponseStatus, splitCookiesString, toEventHandler, toNodeListener, toPlainHandler, toWebHandler, toWebRequest, unsealSession, updateSession, use, useBase, useSession, writeEarlyHints };
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