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3 hackmyresume <command> <sources> [TO <targets>] [<options>]
5Available commands:
7 BUILD Build your resume to the destination format(s).
8 ANALYZE Analyze your resume for keywords, gaps, and metrics.
9 VALIDATE Validate your resume for errors and typos.
10 CONVERT Convert your resume between FRESH and JSON Resume.
11 NEW Create a new resume in FRESH or JSON Resume format.
12 PEEK View a specific field or element on your resume.
14Available options:
16 --theme -t Path to a FRESH or JSON Resume theme.
17 --pdf -p Specify the PDF engine to use (wkhtmltopdf or phantom).
18 --options -o Load options from an external JSON file.
19 --format -f The format (FRESH or JSON Resume) to use.
20 --debug -d Emit extended debugging info.
21 --assert -a Treat resume validation warnings as errors.
22 --no-colors Disable terminal colors.
23 --tips Display theme messages and tips.
24 --help -h Display help documentation.
25 --version -v Display the current version.
27Not all options are supported for all commands. For example, the
28--theme option is only supported for the BUILD command.
32 hackmyresume BUILD resume.json TO out/resume.all --theme modern
33 hackmyresume ANALYZE resume.json
34 hackmyresume NEW my-new-resume.json --format JRS
35 hackmyresume CONVERT resume-fresh.json TO resume-jrs.json
36 hackmyresume VALIDATE resume.json
37 hackmyresume PEEK resume.json employment[2].summary
41 - You can specify multiple sources and/or targets for all commands.
42 - You can use any FRESH or JSON Resume theme with HackMyResume.
43 - Specify a file extension of .all to generate your resume to all
44 available formats supported by the theme. (BUILD command.)
45 - The --theme parameter can specify either the name of a preinstalled
46 theme, or the path to a local FRESH or JSON Resume theme.
47 - Visit https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=jsonresume-theme for a full
48 listing of all available JSON Resume themes.
49 - Visit https://github.com/fluentdesk/fresh-themes for a complete
50 listing of all available FRESH themes.
51 - Report bugs to https://githut.com/hacksalot/HackMyResume/issues.