7.79 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1CoffeeScript = require 'coffee-script'
2CoffeeMaker = require './coffee-maker'
3fs = require 'fs'
4findit = require 'findit'
6red = '\u001b[31m'
7green = '\u001b[32m'
8reset = '\u001b[0m'
10optimist = require('optimist')
11 .usage('Usage: $0')
12 .options('i',
13 alias : 'input'
14 describe : 'Either a file or a directory name to be compiled'
15 )
16 .options('o',
17 alias : 'output'
18 describe : 'Set the output filename'
19 )
20 .options('n',
21 alias : 'namespace'
22 describe : 'Set a custom template namespace'
23 default : 'window.HAML'
24 )
25 .options('t',
26 alias : 'template'
27 describe : 'Set a custom template name'
28 )
29 .options('b',
30 alias : 'basename'
31 boolean : true
32 default : false
33 describe : 'Ignore file path when generate the template name'
34 )
35 .options('f',
36 alias : 'format'
37 default : 'html5'
38 describe : 'Set HTML output format, either `xhtml`, `html4` or `html5`'
39 )
40 .options('u',
41 alias : 'uglify'
42 boolean : true
43 default : false
44 describe : 'Do not properly indent or format the HTML output'
45 )
46 .options('e',
47 alias : 'extend'
48 boolean : true
49 default : false
50 describe : 'Extend the template scope with the context'
51 )
52 .options('p',
53 alias : 'placement'
54 default : 'global'
55 describe : 'Where to place the template function; one of: global, amd'
56 )
57 .options('d',
58 alias : 'dependencies'
59 default : "{ hc: 'hamlcoffee' }"
60 describe : 'The global template amd module dependencies'
61 )
62 .options('preserve',
63 default : 'pre,textarea'
64 describe : 'Set a comma separated list of HTML tags to preserve'
65 )
66 .options('autoclose',
67 default : 'meta,img,link,br,hr,input,area,param,col,base'
68 describe : 'Set a comma separated list of self-closed HTML tags'
69 )
70 .options('hyphenate-data-attrs',
71 boolean : true
72 describe : 'Convert underscores to hyphens for data attribute keys'
73 )
74 .options('disable-html-attribute-escaping',
75 boolean : true
76 default : true
77 describe : 'Disable any HTML attribute escaping'
78 )
79 .options('disable-html-escaping',
80 boolean : true
81 describe : 'Disable any HTML escaping'
82 )
83 .options('disable-clean-value',
84 boolean : true
85 describe : 'Disable any CoffeeScript code value cleaning'
86 )
87 .options('custom-html-escape',
88 default : ''
89 describe : 'Set the custom HTML escaping function name'
90 )
91 .options('custom-preserve',
92 default : ''
93 describe : 'Set the custom preserve whitespace function name'
94 )
95 .options('custom-find-and-preserve',
96 default : ''
97 describe : 'Set the custom find and preserve whitespace function name'
98 )
99 .options('custom-clean-value',
100 default : ''
101 describe : 'Set the custom code value clean function name'
102 )
103 .options('custom-surround',
104 default : ''
105 describe : 'Set the custom surround function name'
106 )
107 .options('custom-succeed',
108 default : ''
109 describe : 'Set the custom succeed function name'
110 )
111 .options('custom-precede',
112 default : ''
113 describe : 'Set the custom precede function name'
114 )
115 .options('custom-reference',
116 default : ''
117 describe : 'Set the custom object reference function name'
118 )
120# Main function to run from console. This can either compile a single Haml Coffee template,
121# compile a directory of Haml Coffee templates into several JavaScript templates or a directory
122# of Haml Coffee templates into one JavaScript template.
124exports.run = ->
125 argv = optimist.argv
127 throw new Error("Unknown template format '#{ argv.f }'") if ['xhtml', 'html4', 'html5'].indexOf(argv.f) is -1
129 inputFilename = argv.i
130 templateName = argv.t
131 namespace = argv.n
132 dependencies = {}
134 try
135 dependencies = CoffeeScript.eval(argv.d)
136 catch err
137 console.error " #{ red }[Haml Coffee] Invalid dependencies:#{ reset } %s (%s)", argv.d, err
139 compilerOptions =
140 placement : argv.p
141 dependencies : dependencies
142 format : argv.f
143 uglify : argv.u
144 extendScope : argv.e
145 preserveTags : argv.preserve
146 escapeHtml : not argv['disable-html-escaping']
147 escapeAttributes : not argv['disable-html-attribute-escaping']
148 cleanValue : not argv['disable-clean-value']
149 hyphenateDataAttrs : argv['hyphenate-data-attrs']
150 customHtmlEscape : argv['custom-html-escape']
151 customCleanValue : argv['custom-clean-value']
152 customFindAndPreserve : argv['custom-find-and-preserve']
153 customPreserve : argv['custom-preserve']
154 customSurround : argv['custom-surround']
155 customSucceed : argv['custom-succeed']
156 customPrecede : argv['custom-precede']
157 customReference : argv['custom-reference']
158 basename : argv['basename']
160 if inputFilename
161 fs.stat inputFilename, (err, stat) ->
162 unless err
164 # Compile a single Haml CoffeeScript template
165 unless stat.isDirectory()
166 outputFilename = argv.o || "#{ argv.i.match(/([^\.]+)(\.html)?\.haml[c]?$/)?[1] }.jst"
167 console.error " #{ green }[Haml Coffee] Compiling file#{ reset } %s to %s", inputFilename, outputFilename
168 fs.writeFileSync outputFilename, CoffeeMaker.compileFile(inputFilename, compilerOptions, namespace, templateName)
170 process.exit 0
172 # Compile a directory of Haml CoffeeScript files
173 else
174 if templateName
175 console.error " #{ red }[Haml Coffee] You can\'t compile all Haml templates in a directory and give a single template name!#{ reset }"
176 process.exit 1
178 console.log " #{ green }[Haml Coffee] Compiling directory#{ reset } %s", inputFilename
180 # Removing a trailing slash
181 baseDir = inputFilename.replace(/\/$/, '')
183 # When an output filename is given, all templates will be concatenated
184 compound = ''
186 # Loop through all Haml files and compile them
187 for filename in findit.sync baseDir
188 if filename.match /([^\.]+)(\.html)?\.haml[c]?$/
190 # Combine all files into a single output
191 if argv.o
192 console.log " #{ green }[Haml Coffee] Compiling file#{ reset } %s", filename
193 compound += CoffeeMaker.compileFile(filename, compilerOptions, namespace)
195 # Compile and write each file on its own
196 else
197 outputFilename = "#{ filename.match(/([^\.]+)(\.html)?\.haml[c]?$/)?[1] }.jst"
198 console.log " #{ green }[Haml Coffee] Compiling file#{ reset } %s to %s", inputFilename, outputFilename
199 fs.writeFileSync outputFilename, CoffeeMaker.compileFile(filename, compilerOptions)
201 # Write concatenated output
202 if argv.o
203 console.log " #{ green }[Haml Coffee] Writing all templates to#{ reset } %s", argv.o
204 fs.writeFileSync argv.o, compound
206 process.exit 0
208 else
209 console.error " #{ red }[Haml Coffee] Error compiling file#{ reset } %s: %s", argv.i, err
210 process.exit 1
212 else if argv.help
213 console.log optimist.help()
215 # Read from stdin and write result to stdout
216 else
217 if require('tty').isatty(process.stdin)
218 console.log 'Please enter template source code and press Ctrl-D to generate:\n'
220 source = ''
221 process.stdin.resume()
222 process.stdin.setEncoding 'utf8'
223 process.stdin.on 'data', (chunk) -> source += chunk
224 process.stdin.on 'end', ->
225 console.log '\n'
226 process.stdout.write CoffeeMaker.compile(source, (templateName || 'test'), namespace, compilerOptions)