8.49 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3var moment = require('moment');
4var ChangeCase = require('change-case');
7 * @return {object}
8 */
10module.exports = {
12 WEEKDAYS: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
14 MONTHS: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
16 alphabetizeArrayOfObjects: function(array, property) {
17 return array.sort(function(a, b) {
18 if (a[property].toUpperCase() < b[property].toUpperCase()) {
19 return -1;
20 } else if (a[property].toUpperCase() > b[property].toUpperCase()) {
21 return 1;
22 } else {
23 return 0;
24 }
25 });
26 },
28 capitalize: function(string) {
29 return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
30 },
32 commonSort: function(property, entity) {
33 console.log('entity: ', entity);
34 console.log('property: ', property);
35 if (!property) {
36 throw `HandyTools.commonSort is missing property argument`;
37 }
38 var propertyValue = entity[property];
39 console.log(propertyValue);
40 if (typeof propertyValue === "string" || propertyValue instanceof String) {
41 return propertyValue.toLowerCase();
42 } else if (typeof propertyValue == "boolean") {
43 return propertyValue.toString().toLowerCase();
44 } else {
45 return propertyValue;
46 }
47 },
49 convertBooleanToTFString: function(boolean) {
50 return boolean ? 't' : 'f';
51 },
53 convertObjectKeysToUnderscore: function(object) {
54 var result = {};
55 Object.keys(object).forEach(function(key) {
56 result[ChangeCase.snakeCase(key)] = object[key];
57 });
58 return result;
59 },
61 convertTFStringsToBoolean: function(string) {
62 if (string === "t") {
63 return true;
64 } else if (string === "f") {
65 return false;
66 } else {
67 return string;
68 }
69 },
71 convertToUnderscore: function(input) {
72 return input.replace(/([A-Z1-9])/g, function($1) { return "_" + $1.toLowerCase(); }).replace('__', '_');
73 },
75 deepCopy: function(obj) {
76 if (typeof obj == 'object') {
77 if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
78 var l = obj.length;
79 var r = new Array(l);
80 for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
81 r[i] = this.deepCopy(obj[i]);
82 }
83 return r;
84 } else {
85 var r = {};
86 r.prototype = obj.prototype;
87 for (var k in obj) {
88 r[k] = this.deepCopy(obj[k]);
89 }
90 return r;
91 }
92 }
93 return obj;
94 },
96 ellipsis: function(string, n) {
97 if (string.length > n) {
98 return string.slice(0, n) + "...";
99 } else {
100 return string;
101 }
102 },
104 filterArrayOfDateStrings: function(array, property, obj) {
105 if (obj.startDate && obj.endDate) {
106 return array.filter(function(element) {
107 return (+moment(element[property]).format('x') >= obj.startDate) && (+moment(element[property]).format('x') <= obj.endDate);
108 });
109 } else if (obj.startDate) {
110 return array.filter(function(element) {
111 return +moment(element[property]).format('x') >= obj.startDate;
112 });
113 } else if (obj.endDate) {
114 return array.filter(function(element) {
115 return +moment(element[property]).format('x') <= obj.endDate;
116 });
117 } else {
118 return array;
119 }
120 },
122 findObjectInArrayById: function(array, id) {
123 for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
124 if (array[i].id == id) {
125 return array[i];
126 }
127 }
128 return null;
129 },
131 modalSelectStyles: function() {
132 return {
133 overlay: {
134 background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50)'
135 },
136 content: {
137 background: '#FFFFFF',
138 margin: 'auto',
139 maxWidth: 540,
140 height: '90%',
141 border: 'solid 1px #5F5F5F',
142 borderRadius: '6px',
143 textAlign: 'center',
144 color: '#5F5F5F'
145 }
146 };
147 },
149 objectsAreEqual: function(obj1, obj2) {
150 return JSON.stringify(obj1) === JSON.stringify(obj2);
151 },
153 ordinatize: function(input) {
154 var j = input % 10,
155 k = input % 100;
156 if (j == 1 && k != 11) {
157 return input + "st";
158 }
159 if (j == 2 && k != 12) {
160 return input + "nd";
161 }
162 if (j == 3 && k != 13) {
163 return input + "rd";
164 }
165 return input + "th";
166 },
168 params: function() {
169 var result = {};
170 var urlParamString = window.location.search.substring(1);
171 if (urlParamString) {
172 var urlParams = urlParamString.split('&');
173 urlParams.forEach(function(param) {
174 var paramKeyValuePair = param.split('=');
175 var key = paramKeyValuePair[0];
176 var value = paramKeyValuePair[1];
177 var isArray = (key.slice(-2) === '[]');
178 if (isArray) {
179 if (result[key]) {
180 result[key].push(value);
181 } else {
182 result[key] = [value];
183 }
184 } else {
185 result[key] = value;
186 }
187 });
188 }
189 return result;
190 },
192 pluckFromObjectsArray: function(args) {
193 for (let i = 0; i < args.array.length; i++) {
194 if (args.array[i][args.property] === args.value) {
195 return args.array[i];
196 }
197 }
198 },
200 pluralize: function(string, n) {
201 if (n === 1) {
202 return string;
203 } else {
204 return string + 's';
205 }
206 },
208 rearrangeFields: function(currentOrder, draggedIndex, dropZoneIndex) {
209 var result = {};
210 if (dropZoneIndex == -1) {
211 result[0] = currentOrder[draggedIndex];
212 delete currentOrder[draggedIndex];
213 }
214 var currentValues = Object.values(currentOrder);
215 for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(currentOrder).length; i++) {
216 if (i != draggedIndex) {
217 result[Object.keys(result).length] = currentValues[i];
218 }
219 if (i == dropZoneIndex) {
220 result[Object.keys(result).length] = currentValues[draggedIndex];
221 }
222 }
223 return result;
224 },
226 removeFinanceSymbols: function(string) {
227 return string.replace('$', '').replace(',', '');
228 },
230 removeFromArray: function(array, element) {
231 var index = array.indexOf(element);
232 if (index >= 0) {
233 array.splice(index, 1);
234 }
235 return array;
236 },
238 resetNiceSelect: function(obj) {
239 // assumes jQuery (and nice select) have been loaded via script tags
240 var $dropDowns = $(obj.selector);
241 $dropDowns.niceSelect('destroy');
242 $dropDowns.unbind('change');
243 $dropDowns.niceSelect().on('change', obj.func);
244 },
246 setUpNiceSelect: function(obj) {
247 // assumes jQuery (and nice select) have been loaded via script tags
248 var $dropDowns = $(obj.selector);
249 if ($dropDowns[0] && (!$dropDowns[0].nextSibling || !$dropDowns[0].nextSibling.classList.contains('nice-select'))) {
250 $dropDowns.niceSelect().on('change', obj.func);
251 }
252 },
254 shuffleArray: function(input) {
255 let array = input.slice(0);
256 for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
257 const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
258 [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
259 }
260 return array;
261 },
263 stringifyDate: function(date) {
264 return (date.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + date.getDate() + '/' + date.getFullYear().toString().slice(-2);
265 },
267 stringifyDateWithHyphens: function(date) {
268 return date.getFullYear().toString() + '-' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate();
269 },
271 sortArrayOfDateStrings: function(array, property) {
272 return array.sort(function(a, b) {
273 if (+moment(a[property]).format('x') < +moment(b[property]).format('x')) {
274 return -1;
275 } else if (+moment(a[property]).format('x') > +moment(b[property]).format('x')) {
276 return 1;
277 } else {
278 return 0;
279 }
280 });
281 },
283 sortArrayOfObjects: function(array, arg) {
284 let property = Array.isArray(arg) ? arg[0] : arg;
285 return array.sort(function(a, b) {
286 if (parseInt(a[property]) < parseInt(b[property])) {
287 return -1;
288 } else if (parseInt(a[property]) > parseInt(b[property])) {
289 return 1;
290 } else {
291 if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
292 property = arg[1];
293 if (parseInt(a[property]) < parseInt(b[property])) {
294 return -1;
295 } else if (parseInt(a[property]) > parseInt(b[property])) {
296 return 1;
297 } else {
298 return 0;
299 }
300 } else {
301 return 0;
302 }
303 }
304 });
305 },
307 todayDMY: function() {
308 const date = new Date;
309 const month = date.getMonth() + 1;
310 const dayOfMonth = date.getDate();
311 const year = date.getFullYear().toString().slice(-2);
312 return `${month}/${dayOfMonth}/${year}`;
313 }