1 | import { EventEmitter } from "events";
2 | import { SrpServer } from "fast-srp-hap";
3 | import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from "http";
4 | import { AddressInfo, Socket } from "net";
5 | import { CharacteristicValue, Nullable, SessionIdentifier } from "../../types";
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 | export type HAPUsername = string;
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11 |
12 |
13 | export type EventName = string;
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18 |
19 | export declare class HAPEncryption {
20 | readonly clientPublicKey: Buffer;
21 | readonly secretKey: Buffer;
22 | readonly publicKey: Buffer;
23 | readonly sharedSecret: Buffer;
24 | readonly hkdfPairEncryptionKey: Buffer;
25 | accessoryToControllerCount: number;
26 | controllerToAccessoryCount: number;
27 | accessoryToControllerKey: Buffer;
28 | controllerToAccessoryKey: Buffer;
29 | incompleteFrame?: Buffer;
30 | constructor(clientPublicKey: Buffer, secretKey: Buffer, publicKey: Buffer, sharedSecret: Buffer, hkdfPairEncryptionKey: Buffer);
31 | }
32 | /**
33 | * @group HAP Accessory Server
34 | */
35 | export declare const enum EventedHTTPServerEvent {
36 | LISTENING = "listening",
37 | CONNECTION_OPENED = "connection-opened",
38 | REQUEST = "request",
39 | CONNECTION_CLOSED = "connection-closed"
40 | }
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 | export declare interface EventedHTTPServer {
45 | on(event: "listening", listener: (port: number, address: string) => void): this;
46 | on(event: "connection-opened", listener: (connection: HAPConnection) => void): this;
47 | on(event: "request", listener: (connection: HAPConnection, request: IncomingMessage, response: ServerResponse) => void): this;
48 | on(event: "connection-closed", listener: (connection: HAPConnection) => void): this;
49 | emit(event: "listening", port: number, address: string): boolean;
50 | emit(event: "connection-opened", connection: HAPConnection): boolean;
51 | emit(event: "request", connection: HAPConnection, request: IncomingMessage, response: ServerResponse): boolean;
52 | emit(event: "connection-closed", connection: HAPConnection): boolean;
53 | }
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72 |
73 | export declare class EventedHTTPServer extends EventEmitter {
74 | private static readonly CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_LIMIT;
75 | private static readonly MAX_CONNECTION_IDLE_TIME;
76 | private readonly tcpServer;
77 | |
78 |
79 |
80 | private readonly connections;
81 | |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 | private readonly connectionsByUsername;
86 | private connectionIdleTimeout?;
87 | private connectionLoggingInterval?;
88 | constructor();
89 | private scheduleNextConnectionIdleTimeout;
90 | address(): AddressInfo;
91 | listen(targetPort: number, hostname?: string): void;
92 | stop(): void;
93 | destroy(): void;
94 | /**
95 | * Send an event notification for given characteristic and changed value to all connected clients.
96 | * If `originator` is specified, the given {@link HAPConnection} will be excluded from the broadcast.
97 | *
98 | * @param aid - The accessory id of the updated characteristic.
99 | * @param iid - The instance id of the updated characteristic.
100 | * @param value - The newly set value of the characteristic.
101 | * @param originator - If specified, the connection will not get an event message.
102 | * @param immediateDelivery - The HAP spec requires some characteristics to be delivery immediately.
103 | * Namely, for the {@link Characteristic.ButtonEvent} and the {@link Characteristic.ProgrammableSwitchEvent} characteristics.
104 | */
105 | broadcastEvent(aid: number, iid: number, value: Nullable<CharacteristicValue>, originator?: HAPConnection, immediateDelivery?: boolean): void;
106 | private onConnection;
107 | private handleConnectionAuthenticated;
108 | private handleConnectionClose;
109 | |
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114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 | static destroyExistingConnectionsAfterUnpair(initiator: HAPConnection, username: HAPUsername): void;
120 | }
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123 |
124 |
125 | export declare const enum HAPConnectionState {
126 | CONNECTING = 0,
127 | FULLY_SET_UP = 1,
129 | TO_BE_TEARED_DOWN = 3,
130 | CLOSING = 4,
131 | CLOSED = 5
132 | }
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 | export declare const enum HAPConnectionEvent {
137 | REQUEST = "request",
138 | AUTHENTICATED = "authenticated",
139 | CLOSED = "closed"
140 | }
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 | export declare interface HAPConnection {
145 | on(event: "request", listener: (request: IncomingMessage, response: ServerResponse) => void): this;
146 | on(event: "authenticated", listener: (username: HAPUsername) => void): this;
147 | on(event: "closed", listener: () => void): this;
148 | emit(event: "request", request: IncomingMessage, response: ServerResponse): boolean;
149 | emit(event: "authenticated", username: HAPUsername): boolean;
150 | emit(event: "closed"): boolean;
151 | }
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 | export declare class HAPConnection extends EventEmitter {
157 | |
158 |
159 |
160 | readonly server: EventedHTTPServer;
161 | readonly sessionID: SessionIdentifier;
162 | private state;
163 | readonly localAddress: string;
164 | readonly remoteAddress: string;
165 | readonly remotePort: number;
166 | readonly networkInterface: string;
167 | private readonly tcpSocket;
168 | private readonly internalHttpServer;
169 | private httpSocket?;
170 | private internalHttpServerPort?;
171 | private internalHttpServerAddress?;
172 | lastSocketOperation: number;
173 | private pendingClientSocketData?;
174 | private handlingRequest;
175 | username?: HAPUsername;
176 | encryption?: HAPEncryption;
177 | srpServer?: SrpServer;
178 | _pairSetupState?: number;
179 | _pairVerifyState?: number;
180 | private registeredEvents;
181 | private eventsTimer?;
182 | private readonly queuedEvents;
183 | |
184 |
185 |
186 | private eventsQueuedForImmediateDelivery;
187 | timedWritePid?: number;
188 | timedWriteTimeout?: NodeJS.Timeout;
189 | constructor(server: EventedHTTPServer, clientSocket: Socket);
190 | private debugListenerRegistration;
191 | addListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
192 | removeListener(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
193 | off(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
194 | /**
195 | * This method is called once the connection has gone through pair-verify.
196 | * As any HomeKit controller will initiate a pair-verify after the pair-setup procedure, this method gets
197 | * not called on the initial pair-setup.
198 | *
199 | * Once this method has been called, the connection is authenticated and encryption is turned on.
200 | */
201 | connectionAuthenticated(username: HAPUsername): void;
202 | isAuthenticated(): boolean;
203 | close(): void;
204 | closeConnectionAsOfUnpair(initiator: HAPConnection): void;
205 | sendEvent(aid: number, iid: number, value: Nullable<CharacteristicValue>, immediateDelivery?: boolean): void;
206 | private handleEventsTimeout;
207 | private writeQueuedEventNotifications;
208 | /**
209 | * This will create an EVENT/1.0 notification header with the provided event notification.
210 | * If currently an HTTP request is in progress the assembled packet will be
211 | * added to the pending events list.
212 | *
213 | * @param notification - The event which should be sent out
214 | */
215 | private writeEventNotification;
216 | enableEventNotifications(aid: number, iid: number): void;
217 | disableEventNotifications(aid: number, iid: number): void;
218 | hasEventNotifications(aid: number, iid: number): boolean;
219 | getRegisteredEvents(): Set<EventName>;
220 | clearRegisteredEvents(): void;
221 | private encrypt;
222 | private decrypt;
223 | private onHttpServerListening;
224 | /**
225 | * This event handler is called when we receive data from a HomeKit controller on our tcp socket.
226 | * We store the data if the internal http server is not read yet, or forward it to the http server.
227 | */
228 | private onTCPSocketData;
229 | /**
230 | * This event handler is called when the internal http server receives a request.
231 | * Meaning we received data from the HomeKit controller in {@link onTCPSocketData}, which then send the
232 | * data unencrypted to the internal http server. And now it landed here, fully parsed as a http request.
233 | */
234 | private handleHttpServerRequest;
235 | |
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239 |
240 | private handleHttpServerResponse;
241 | private handleTCPSocketWriteFulfilled;
242 | private onTCPSocketError;
243 | private onTCPSocketClose;
244 | private onHttpServerError;
245 | private onHttpServerClose;
246 | private onHttpSocketError;
247 | private onHttpSocketClose;
248 | getLocalAddress(ipVersion: "ipv4" | "ipv6"): string;
249 | private static getLocalNetworkInterface;
250 | }
251 |
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