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6 | # HAP-NodeJS
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13 | <a href='https://coveralls.io/github/homebridge/HAP-NodeJS'><img src='https://coveralls.io/repos/github/homebridge/HAP-NodeJS/badge.svg' alt='Coverage Status' /></a>
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17 | HAP-NodeJS is an implementation of the HomeKit Accessory Server as specified in the HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP),
18 | which is defined by Apple as part of the HomeKit Framework.
19 |
20 | HAP-NodeJS is intended to be used as a library to easily create your own HomeKit Accessory on a Raspberry Pi,
21 | Intel Edison, or any other platform that can run Node.js :)
22 | If you are searching for a pluggable HomeKit bridge with over a thousand community driven plugins to bring HomeKit
23 | support to devices which do not support HomeKit out of the box, you may want to look at the
24 | [homebridge][project-homebridge] project (which also uses HAP-NodeJS internally).
25 |
26 | The implementation tries to follow the HAP specification as close as it can, but may differ in some cases.
27 | HAP-NodeJS is not an Apple certified HAP implementation, as this is only available to members of the MFi program.
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29 | ## Getting started
30 |
31 | You may start by having a look at our [Wiki][wiki], especially have a look at the
32 | [Important HomeKit Terminology][hk-terminology] used in this project.
33 |
34 | There is also a pretty detailed guide on [how to start developing with HAP-NodeJS][dev-guide].
35 | Or you may just have a look at our [examples][examples-repo] repository
36 | (or some of the old [accessory examples][example-accessories]).
37 |
38 | The documentation (WIP) can be found [here](https://developers.homebridge.io/HAP-NodeJS/modules.html).
39 |
40 | See the FAQ on how to enable [debug output][faq-debug] for HAP-NodeJS.
41 |
42 | If you wish to do a contribution please read through our [CONTRIBUTING][contributing] guide.
43 |
44 | ## Projects based on HAP-NodeJS
45 |
46 | - [Homebridge][project-homebridge] - HomeKit support for the impatient - Pluggable HomeKit Bridge.
47 | Plugins available for e.g. Pilight, Telldus TDtool, Savant, Netatmo, Open Pixel Control, HomeWizard, Fritz!Box,
48 | LG WebOS TV, Home Assistant, HomeMatic and many more.
49 | - [OpenHAB-HomeKit-Bridge][project-openhab-homekit-bridge] - OpenHAB HomeKit Bridge bridges openHAB items to
50 | Apples HomeKit Accessory Protocol.
51 | - [homekit2mqtt][project-homekit2mqtt] - HomeKit to MQTT bridge.
52 | - [pimatic-hap][project-pimatic-hap] - Pimatic homekit bridge.
53 | - [node-red-contrib-homekit][project-node-red-contrib-homekit] - Node-RED nodes to simulate Apple HomeKit devices.
54 | - [ioBroker.homekit][project-ioBroker-homekit] - connect ioBroker to HomeKit.
55 | - [AccessoryServer][project-accessoryserver] - HomeKit integration for IR/RF/IP-devices
56 |
57 | ## Notes
58 |
59 | Special thanks to [Alex Skalozub][link-alex-skalozub], who reverse-engineered the server side HAP.
60 | ~~You can find his research [here][link-homekit-research].~~
61 | (Sadly, on Nov 4 2014, Apple sent the [DMCA][link-apple-dmca] request to GitHub to remove the research.)
62 |
63 | [There](https://www.instagram.com/p/t4cPlcDksQ/) is a video demo running this project on Intel Edison.
64 |
65 | If you are interested in HAP over BTLE, you might want to check [this][link-hap-over-btle].
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69 | [wiki]: https://github.com/homebridge/HAP-NodeJS/wiki
70 | [hk-terminology]: https://github.com/homebridge/HAP-NodeJS/wiki/HomeKit-Terminology
71 | [dev-guide]: https://github.com/homebridge/HAP-NodeJS/wiki/Using-HAP-NodeJS-as-a-library
72 | [faq-debug]: https://github.com/homebridge/HAP-NodeJS/wiki/FAQ#debug-mode
73 | [contributing]: https://github.com/homebridge/HAP-NodeJS/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
74 |
75 | [examples-repo]: https://github.com/homebridge/HAP-NodeJS-examples
76 | [example-accessories]: https://github.com/homebridge/HAP-NodeJS/tree/master/src/accessories
77 |
78 | [project-homebridge]: https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge
79 | [project-openhab-homekit-bridge]: https://github.com/htreu/OpenHAB-HomeKit-Bridge
80 | [project-homekit2mqtt]: https://github.com/hobbyquaker/homekit2mqtt
81 | [project-pimatic-hap]: https://github.com/michbeck100/pimatic-hap
82 | [project-node-red-contrib-homekit]: https://github.com/NRCHKB/node-red-contrib-homekit-bridged
83 | [project-ioBroker-homekit]: https://github.com/ioBroker/ioBroker.homekit2
84 | [project-accessoryserver]: https://github.com/Appyx/AccessoryServer
85 |
86 | [link-alex-skalozub]: https://twitter.com/pieceofsummer
87 | [link-homekit-research]: https://gist.github.com/pieceofsummer/13272bf76ac1d6b58a30
88 | [link-apple-dmca]: https://github.com/github/dmca/blob/master/2014/2014-11-04-Apple.md
89 | [link-hap-over-btle]: https://gist.github.com/KhaosT/6ff09ba71d306d4c1079