4.57 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Couple of ARIA attributes allowed in several, but not all, places.
2const aria = ['ariaDescribedBy', 'ariaLabel', 'ariaLabelledBy']
5 * Default schema.
6 *
7 * Follows GitHub style sanitation.
8 *
9 * @type {import('./index.js').Schema}
10 */
11export const defaultSchema = {
12 ancestors: {
13 tbody: ['table'],
14 td: ['table'],
15 th: ['table'],
16 thead: ['table'],
17 tfoot: ['table'],
18 tr: ['table']
19 },
20 attributes: {
21 a: [
22 ...aria,
23 // Note: these 3 are used by GFM footnotes, they do work on all links.
24 'dataFootnoteBackref',
25 'dataFootnoteRef',
26 ['className', 'data-footnote-backref'],
27 'href'
28 ],
29 blockquote: ['cite'],
30 // Note: this class is not normally allowed by GH, when manually writing
31 // `code` as HTML in markdown, they adds it some other way.
32 // We can’t do that, so we have to allow it.
33 code: [['className', /^language-./]],
34 del: ['cite'],
35 div: ['itemScope', 'itemType'],
36 dl: [...aria],
37 // Note: these 2 are used by GFM footnotes, they *sometimes* work.
38 h2: [
39 ['id', 'footnote-label'],
40 ['className', 'sr-only']
41 ],
42 img: [...aria, 'longDesc', 'src'],
43 // Note: `input` is not normally allowed by GH, when manually writing
44 // it in markdown, they add it from tasklists some other way.
45 // We can’t do that, so we have to allow it.
46 input: [
47 ['disabled', true],
48 ['type', 'checkbox']
49 ],
50 ins: ['cite'],
51 // Note: this class is not normally allowed by GH, when manually writing
52 // `li` as HTML in markdown, they adds it some other way.
53 // We can’t do that, so we have to allow it.
54 li: [['className', 'task-list-item']],
55 // Note: this class is not normally allowed by GH, when manually writing
56 // `ol` as HTML in markdown, they adds it some other way.
57 // We can’t do that, so we have to allow it.
58 ol: [...aria, ['className', 'contains-task-list']],
59 q: ['cite'],
60 section: ['dataFootnotes', ['className', 'footnotes']],
61 source: ['srcSet'],
62 summary: [...aria],
63 table: [...aria],
64 // Note: this class is not normally allowed by GH, when manually writing
65 // `ol` as HTML in markdown, they adds it some other way.
66 // We can’t do that, so we have to allow it.
67 ul: [...aria, ['className', 'contains-task-list']],
68 '*': [
69 'abbr',
70 'accept',
71 'acceptCharset',
72 'accessKey',
73 'action',
74 'align',
75 'alt',
76 'axis',
77 'border',
78 'cellPadding',
79 'cellSpacing',
80 'char',
81 'charOff',
82 'charSet',
83 'checked',
84 'clear',
85 'colSpan',
86 'color',
87 'cols',
88 'compact',
89 'coords',
90 'dateTime',
91 'dir',
92 'disabled',
93 'encType',
94 'frame',
95 'hSpace',
96 'headers',
97 'height',
98 'hrefLang',
99 'htmlFor',
100 'id',
101 'isMap',
102 'itemProp',
103 'label',
104 'lang',
105 'maxLength',
106 'media',
107 'method',
108 'multiple',
109 'name',
110 'noHref',
111 'noShade',
112 'noWrap',
113 'open',
114 'prompt',
115 'readOnly',
116 'rel',
117 'rev',
118 'rowSpan',
119 'rows',
120 'rules',
121 'scope',
122 'selected',
123 'shape',
124 'size',
125 'span',
126 'start',
127 'summary',
128 'tabIndex',
129 'target',
130 'title',
131 'useMap',
132 'vAlign',
133 'value',
134 'width'
135 ]
136 },
137 clobber: ['ariaDescribedBy', 'ariaLabelledBy', 'id', 'name'],
138 clobberPrefix: 'user-content-',
139 protocols: {
140 cite: ['http', 'https'],
141 href: ['http', 'https', 'irc', 'ircs', 'mailto', 'xmpp'],
142 longDesc: ['http', 'https'],
143 src: ['http', 'https']
144 },
145 required: {
146 input: {disabled: true, type: 'checkbox'}
147 },
148 strip: ['script'],
149 tagNames: [
150 'a',
151 'b',
152 'blockquote',
153 'br',
154 'code',
155 'dd',
156 'del',
157 'details',
158 'div',
159 'dl',
160 'dt',
161 'em',
162 'h1',
163 'h2',
164 'h3',
165 'h4',
166 'h5',
167 'h6',
168 'hr',
169 'i',
170 'img',
171 // Note: `input` is not normally allowed by GH, when manually writing
172 // it in markdown, they add it from tasklists some other way.
173 // We can’t do that, so we have to allow it.
174 'input',
175 'ins',
176 'kbd',
177 'li',
178 'ol',
179 'p',
180 'picture',
181 'pre',
182 'q',
183 'rp',
184 'rt',
185 'ruby',
186 's',
187 'samp',
188 'section',
189 'source',
190 'span',
191 'strike',
192 'strong',
193 'sub',
194 'summary',
195 'sup',
196 'table',
197 'tbody',
198 'td',
199 'tfoot',
200 'th',
201 'thead',
202 'tr',
203 'tt',
204 'ul',
205 'var'
206 ]