1 | # hereby
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9 |
10 | > _I hereby declare thee built._
11 |
12 | `hereby` is a simple task runner.
13 |
14 | ```console
15 | $ npm i -D hereby
16 | $ yarn add -D hereby
17 | ```
18 |
19 | ## Herebyfile.mjs
20 |
21 | Tasks are defined in `Herebyfile.mjs`. Exported tasks are available to run at
22 | the CLI, with support for `export default`.
23 |
24 | For example:
25 |
26 | ```js
27 | import { execa } from "execa";
28 | import { task } from "hereby";
29 |
30 | export const build = task({
31 | name: "build",
32 | run: async () => {
33 | await execa("tsc", ["-b", "./src"]);
34 | },
35 | });
36 |
37 | export const test = task({
38 | name: "test",
39 | dependencies: [build],
40 | run: async () => {
41 | await execa("node", ["./out/test.js"]);
42 | },
43 | });
44 |
45 | export const lint = task({
46 | name: "lint",
47 | run: async () => {
48 | await runLinter(...);
49 | },
50 | });
51 |
52 | export const testAndLint = task({
53 | name: "testAndLint",
54 | dependencies: [test, lint],
55 | });
56 |
57 | export default testAndLint;
58 |
59 | export const bundle = task({
60 | name: "bundle",
61 | dependencies: [build],
62 | run: async () => {
63 | await execa("esbuild", [
64 | "--bundle",
65 | "./out/index.js",
66 | "--outfile=./out/bundled.js",
67 | ]);
68 | },
69 | });
70 | ```
71 |
72 | ## Running tasks
73 |
74 | Given the above Herebyfile:
75 |
76 | ```console
77 | $ hereby build # Run the "build" task
78 | $ hereby test # Run the "test" task, which depends on "build".
79 | $ hereby # Run the default exported task.
80 | $ hereby test bundle # Run the "test" and "bundle" tasks in parallel.
81 | ```
82 |
83 | ## Flags
84 |
85 | `hereby` also supports a handful of flags:
86 |
87 | ```console
88 | -h, --help Display this usage guide.
89 | --herebyfile path A path to a Herebyfile. Optional.
90 | -T, --tasks Print a listing of the available tasks.
91 | ```
92 |
93 | ## ESM
94 |
95 | `hereby` is implemented in ES modules. But, don't fret! This does not mean that
96 | your project must be ESM-only, only that your `Herebyfile` must be ESM module so
97 | that `hereby`'s `task` function can be imported. It's recommended to use the
98 | filename `Herebyfile.mjs` to ensure that it is treated as ESM. This will work in
99 | a CommonJS project; ES modules can import CommonJS modules.
100 |
101 | If your package already sets `"type": "module"`, `Herebyfile.js` will work as
102 | well.
103 |
104 | ## Caveats
105 |
106 | ### No serial tasks
107 |
108 | `hereby` does not support running tasks in series; specifying multiple tasks at
109 | the CLI or as dependencies of another task will run them in parallel. This
110 | matches the behavior of tools like `make`, which like `hereby` intend to encode
111 | a dependency graph of tasks, not act as a script.
112 |
113 | In general, if you're trying to emulate a serial task, you will likely be better
114 | served by writing out explicit dependencies for your tasks.
115 |
116 | ### Tasks only run once
117 |
118 | `hereby` will only run each task once during its execution. This means that
119 | tasks which consist of other tasks run in order like a script cannot be
120 | constructed. For example, it's not possible to run "build", then "clean", then
121 | "build" again within the same invocation of `hereby`, since "build" will only be
122 | executed once (and the lack of serial tasks prevents such a construction
123 | anyway).
124 |
125 | To run tasks in a specific order and more than once, run `hereby` multiple
126 | times:
127 |
128 | ```console
129 | $ hereby build
130 | $ hereby clean
131 | $ hereby build
132 | ```