1.16 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
2let git = require('../lib/git');
3let h = require('heroku-cli-util');
5function includes (array, item) {
6 return array.indexOf(item) !== -1;
9module.exports = {
10 topic: 'git',
11 command: 'remote',
12 needsAuth: true,
13 variableArgs: true,
14 flags: [
15 {name: 'app', char: 'a', hasValue: true},
16 {name: 'remote', char: 'r', hasValue: true},
17 {name: 'ssh-git'},
18 ],
19 run: h.command(function* (context, heroku) {
20 let appName = context.flags.app || context.args.shift();
21 if (!appName) {
22 return h.error('Specify an app with --app');
23 }
24 let app = yield heroku.apps(appName).info();
25 let remote = context.flags.remote || (yield git.remoteFromGitConfig()) || 'heroku';
26 let remotes = yield git.exec(['remote']);
27 let url = context.flags['ssh-git'] ? git.sshGitUrl(app.name) : git.httpGitUrl(app.name);
28 if (includes(remotes.split('\n'), remote)) {
29 yield git.exec(['remote', 'set-url', remote, url].concat(context.args));
30 } else {
31 yield git.exec(['remote', 'add', remote, url].concat(context.args));
32 }
33 console.log(`set git remote ${h.color.cyan(remote)} to ${h.color.cyan(url)}`);
34 })