4.51 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
3const co = require('co')
4const cli = require('heroku-cli-util')
6function * run (context, heroku) {
7 if (context.args.length > 0) {
8 // backwards compatible for executing commands like
9 // `heroku pg:backups info` instead of `heroku pg:backups:info`
10 let pgbackupCommand = `backups:${context.args[0]}`
12 const commands = require('../..').commands
13 const cmd = commands.find(c => c.topic === 'pg' && c.command === pgbackupCommand)
15 if (!cmd) {
16 throw new Error(`Unknown pg:backups command: ${context.args[0]}`)
17 }
19 let args = {}
20 context.args.slice(1).forEach(function (arg, index) {
21 if (cmd.args[index]) {
22 args[cmd.args[index].name] = arg
23 } else {
24 throw new Error(`Unexpected argument: ${arg}`)
25 }
26 })
28 context = Object.assign(context, {args})
30 yield cmd.run(context, heroku)
31 } else {
32 yield list(context, heroku)
33 }
36function * list (context, heroku) {
37 const pgbackups = require('../../lib/pgbackups')(context, heroku)
38 const sortBy = require('lodash.sortby')
39 const host = require('../../lib/host')()
40 const app = context.app
42 function displayBackups (backups) {
43 cli.styledHeader('Backups')
44 if (!backups.length) {
45 cli.log(`No backups. Capture one with ${cli.color.cmd('heroku pg:backups:capture')}`)
46 } else {
47 cli.table(backups, {
48 columns: [
49 {label: 'ID', format: (_, t) => cli.color.cyan(pgbackups.transfer.name(t))},
50 {label: 'Created at', key: 'created_at'},
51 {label: 'Status', format: (_, t) => pgbackups.transfer.status(t)},
52 {label: 'Size', key: 'processed_bytes', format: b => pgbackups.filesize(b)},
53 {label: 'Database', key: 'from_name', format: d => cli.color.configVar(d) || 'UNKNOWN'}
54 ]
55 })
56 }
57 cli.log()
58 }
60 function displayRestores (restores) {
61 cli.styledHeader('Restores')
62 restores = restores.slice(0, 10)
63 if (!restores.length) {
64 cli.log(`No restores found. Use ${cli.color.cmd('heroku pg:backups:restore')} to restore a backup`)
65 } else {
66 cli.table(restores, {
67 columns: [
68 {label: 'ID', format: (_, t) => cli.color.cyan(pgbackups.transfer.name(t))},
69 {label: 'Started at', key: 'created_at'},
70 {label: 'Status', format: (_, t) => pgbackups.transfer.status(t)},
71 {label: 'Size', key: 'processed_bytes', format: b => pgbackups.filesize(b)},
72 {label: 'Database', key: 'to_name', format: d => cli.color.configVar(d) || 'UNKNOWN'}
73 ]
74 })
75 }
76 cli.log()
77 }
79 function displayCopies (copies) {
80 cli.styledHeader('Copies')
81 copies = copies.slice(0, 10)
82 if (!copies.length) {
83 cli.log(`No copies found. Use ${cli.color.cmd('heroku pg:copy')} to copy a database to another`)
84 } else {
85 cli.table(copies, {
86 columns: [
87 {label: 'ID', format: (_, t) => cli.color.cyan(pgbackups.transfer.name(t))},
88 {label: 'Started at', key: 'created_at'},
89 {label: 'Status', format: (_, t) => pgbackups.transfer.status(t)},
90 {label: 'Size', key: 'processed_bytes', format: b => pgbackups.filesize(b)},
91 {label: 'From', key: 'from_name', format: d => cli.color.configVar(d) || 'UNKNOWN'},
92 {label: 'To', key: 'to_name', format: d => cli.color.configVar(d) || 'UNKNOWN'}
93 ]
94 })
95 }
96 cli.log()
97 }
99 let transfers = yield heroku.get(`/client/v11/apps/${app}/transfers`, {host})
100 transfers = sortBy(transfers, 'created_at').reverse()
102 let backups = transfers.filter(t => t.from_type === 'pg_dump' && t.to_type === 'gof3r')
103 let restores = transfers.filter(t => t.from_type !== 'pg_dump' && t.to_type === 'pg_restore')
104 let copies = transfers.filter(t => t.from_type === 'pg_dump' && t.to_type === 'pg_restore')
106 displayBackups(backups)
107 displayRestores(restores)
108 displayCopies(copies)
111module.exports = {
112 topic: 'pg',
113 command: 'backups',
114 description: 'list database backups',
115 needsApp: true,
116 needsAuth: true,
117 variableArgs: true,
118 flags: [
119 // for backwards compatibility with `pg:backups command` invocation
120 {name: 'verbose', char: 'v', hidden: true},
121 {name: 'confirm', char: 'c', hasValue: true, hidden: true},
122 {name: 'output', char: 'o', hasValue: true, hidden: true},
123 {name: 'wait-interval', hasValue: true, hidden: true},
124 {name: 'at', hasValue: true, hidden: true},
125 {name: 'quiet', char: 'q', hidden: true}
126 ],
127 run: cli.command({preauth: true}, co.wrap(run))