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1'use strict'
3let cli = require('heroku-cli-util')
4let co = require('co')
6function * run (context, heroku) {
7 let lib = require('../../lib/peering')(heroku)
8 let space = context.flags.space || context.args.space
9 if (!space) throw new Error('Space name required.\nUSAGE: heroku spaces:peerings:destroy pcx-12345678 --space my-space')
10 let pcxID = context.flags.pcxid || context.args.pcxid
11 yield cli.confirmApp(pcxID, context.flags.confirm, `Destructive Action
12This command will attempt to destroy the peering connection ${cli.color.bold.red(pcxID)}`)
13 yield lib.destroyPeeringRequest(space, pcxID)
14 cli.log(`Tearing down peering connection ${cli.color.cyan.bold(pcxID)}`)
17module.exports = {
18 topic: 'spaces',
19 command: 'peerings:destroy',
20 description: 'destroys an active peering connection in a private space',
21 help: `
23 $ heroku peerings:destroy pcx-4bd27022 --confirm pcx-4bd27022 --space example-space
24 Tearing down peering connection pcx-4bd27022
25 `,
26 needsApp: false,
27 needsAuth: true,
28 args: [{name: 'pcxid', optional: true, hidden: true}],
29 flags: [
30 {name: 'pcxid', char: 'p', hasValue: true, description: 'PCX ID of a pending peering'},
31 {name: 'space', char: 's', hasValue: true, description: 'space to get peering info from'},
32 {name: 'confirm', hasValue: true, description: 'set to PCX ID to bypass confirm prompt'}
33 ],
34 run: cli.command(co.wrap(run))