1 | {
2 | "name": "heroku",
3 | "description": "CLI to interact with Heroku",
4 | "version": "7.32.0",
5 | "author": "Jeff Dickey @jdxcode",
6 | "bin": {
7 | "heroku": "./bin/run"
8 | },
9 | "bugs": "https://github.com/heroku/cli/issues",
10 | "dependencies": {
11 | "@heroku-cli/color": "1.1.14",
12 | "@heroku-cli/command": "^8.2.10",
13 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-addons-v5": "^7.24.0",
14 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-apps-v5": "^7.28.0",
15 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-auth": "^7.24.0",
16 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-autocomplete": "^7.27.0",
17 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-buildpacks": "^7.27.0",
18 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-certs": "^7.24.0",
19 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-certs-v5": "^7.28.0",
20 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-ci": "^7.24.3",
21 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-ci-v5": "^7.24.0",
22 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-config": "^7.31.0",
23 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-container-registry-v5": "^7.28.0",
24 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-git": "^7.24.0",
25 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-local": "^7.28.0",
26 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-oauth-v5": "^7.24.0",
27 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-orgs-v5": "^7.26.0",
28 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-pg-v5": "^7.31.0",
29 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-pipelines": "^7.31.1",
30 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-pipelines-v5": "^7.31.0",
31 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-ps": "^7.30.0",
32 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-ps-exec": "2.3.6",
33 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-redis-v5": "^7.25.0",
34 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-run": "^7.32.0",
35 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-spaces": "^7.27.0",
36 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-status": "^7.24.0",
37 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-webhooks": "^7.29.0",
38 | "@oclif/command": "1.5.18",
39 | "@oclif/config": "1.13.2",
40 | "@oclif/errors": "1.2.2",
41 | "@oclif/plugin-commands": "^1.2.2",
42 | "@oclif/plugin-help": "2.2.0",
43 | "@oclif/plugin-legacy": "1.1.4",
44 | "@oclif/plugin-not-found": "1.2.2",
45 | "@oclif/plugin-plugins": "1.7.8",
46 | "@oclif/plugin-update": "1.3.9",
47 | "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available": "1.7.0",
48 | "@oclif/plugin-which": "1.0.3",
49 | "cli-ux": "4.9.3",
50 | "debug": "4.1.1",
51 | "execa": "1.0.0",
52 | "fs-extra": "7.0.1",
53 | "http-call": "5.2.3",
54 | "netrc-parser": "3.1.6",
55 | "semver": "5.6.0",
56 | "tslib": "1.9.3",
57 | "uuid": "3.3.2"
58 | },
59 | "devDependencies": {
60 | "@oclif/dev-cli": "^1.21.3",
61 | "@oclif/test": "^1.2.4",
62 | "@oclif/tslint": "^3.1.1",
63 | "@types/ansi-styles": "^3.2.1",
64 | "@types/chai": "^4.1.7",
65 | "@types/debug": "^4.1.2",
66 | "@types/execa": "^0.9.0",
67 | "@types/fs-extra": "^5.0.5",
68 | "@types/glob": "^7.1.1",
69 | "@types/lodash": "^4.14.123",
70 | "@types/mocha": "^5.2.6",
71 | "@types/nock": "^9.3.1",
72 | "@types/node": "^10.12.24",
73 | "@types/supports-color": "^5.3.0",
74 | "@types/write-json-file": "^2.2.1",
75 | "aws-sdk": "^2.421.0",
76 | "chai": "^4.2.0",
77 | "lerna": "^3.13.1",
78 | "lodash": "^4.17.11",
79 | "mocha": "^5.2.0",
80 | "nock": "^10.0.6",
81 | "qqjs": "0.3.10",
82 | "read-pkg": "^4.0.1",
83 | "sinon": "^7.2.4",
84 | "ts-node": "^8.0.2",
85 | "tslint": "^5.11.0",
86 | "typescript": "3.3.3333"
87 | },
88 | "engines": {
89 | "node": ">=8.3.0"
90 | },
91 | "files": [
92 | "/oclif.manifest.json",
93 | "/bin",
94 | "/lib",
95 | "/npm-shrinkwrap.json",
96 | "/yarn.lock"
97 | ],
98 | "homepage": "https://cli.heroku.com",
99 | "keywords": [
100 | "heroku",
101 | "heroku-cli-plugin"
102 | ],
103 | "license": "ISC",
104 | "main": "lib/index.js",
105 | "oclif": {
106 | "commands": "./lib/commands",
107 | "plugins": [
108 | "@oclif/plugin-legacy",
109 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-addons-v5",
110 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-apps-v5",
111 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-auth",
112 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-autocomplete",
113 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-buildpacks",
114 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-certs",
115 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-certs-v5",
116 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-ci-v5",
117 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-ci",
118 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-config",
119 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-container-registry-v5",
120 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-git",
121 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-local",
122 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-oauth-v5",
123 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-orgs-v5",
124 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-pg-v5",
125 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-pipelines",
126 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-pipelines-v5",
127 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-ps",
128 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-ps-exec",
129 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-redis-v5",
130 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-run",
131 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-spaces",
132 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-status",
133 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-webhooks",
134 | "@oclif/plugin-commands",
135 | "@oclif/plugin-help",
136 | "@oclif/plugin-not-found",
137 | "@oclif/plugin-plugins",
138 | "@oclif/plugin-update",
139 | "@oclif/plugin-warn-if-update-available",
140 | "@oclif/plugin-which"
141 | ],
142 | "bin": "heroku",
143 | "dirname": "heroku",
144 | "scope": "heroku-cli",
145 | "npmRegistry": "https://registry.npmjs.org",
146 | "macos": {
147 | "sign": "Developer ID Installer: Heroku INC",
148 | "identifier": "com.heroku.cli"
149 | },
150 | "topics": {
151 | "2fa": {
152 | "description": "two-factor authentication",
153 | "hidden": true
154 | },
155 | "apps": {
156 | "description": "manage apps on Heroku"
157 | },
158 | "buildpacks": {
159 | "description": "scripts used to compile apps"
160 | },
161 | "certs": {
162 | "description": "SSL certificates"
163 | },
164 | "ci": {
165 | "description": "test runner for Heroku Pipelines"
166 | },
167 | "commands": {
168 | "hidden": true
169 | },
170 | "config": {
171 | "description": "environment variables of apps"
172 | },
173 | "container": {
174 | "description": "deploy your Docker-based app to Heroku"
175 | },
176 | "domains": {
177 | "description": "custom domains for apps"
178 | },
179 | "drains": {
180 | "description": "forward logs to syslog or HTTPS"
181 | },
182 | "dyno": {
183 | "hidden": true
184 | },
185 | "features": {
186 | "description": "add/remove app features"
187 | },
188 | "git": {
189 | "description": "set git remote and clone Heroku repository"
190 | },
191 | "keys": {
192 | "description": "add/remove account ssh keys"
193 | },
194 | "labs": {
195 | "description": "add/remove experimental features"
196 | },
197 | "local": {
198 | "description": "run Heroku app locally"
199 | },
200 | "maintenance": {
201 | "description": "enable/disable access to app"
202 | },
203 | "outbound-rules": {
204 | "description": "space outbound IP rules",
205 | "hidden": true
206 | },
207 | "ps": {
208 | "description": "manage app dynos"
209 | },
210 | "stack": {
211 | "description": "list available stacks",
212 | "hidden": true
213 | },
214 | "twofactor": {
215 | "description": "two-factor authentication",
216 | "hidden": true
217 | },
218 | "update": {
219 | "description": "update the Heroku CLI"
220 | },
221 | "which": {
222 | "hidden": true
223 | }
224 | },
225 | "hooks": {
226 | "init": [
227 | "./lib/hooks/init/version"
228 | ],
229 | "prerun": [
230 | "./lib/hooks/prerun/analytics"
231 | ],
232 | "update": [
233 | "./lib/hooks/update/plugin-migrate",
234 | "./lib/hooks/update/b",
235 | "./lib/hooks/update/completions",
236 | "./lib/hooks/update/tidy"
237 | ]
238 | },
239 | "update": {
240 | "node": {
241 | "version": "11.14.0"
242 | },
243 | "s3": {
244 | "xz": true,
245 | "bucket": "heroku-cli-assets",
246 | "host": "https://cli-assets.heroku.com"
247 | }
248 | },
249 | "aliases": {
250 | "@heroku-cli/config-edit": null,
251 | "@heroku-cli/plugin-sudo": "@heroku/sudo",
252 | "@heroku/plugin-sudo": "@heroku/sudo",
253 | "heroku-api-plugin": "api",
254 | "heroku-certs-acm": null,
255 | "heroku-cli-api": "api",
256 | "heroku-cli-autocomplete": null,
257 | "heroku-cli-buildpacks": "buildpack-registry",
258 | "heroku-cli-config-edit": null,
259 | "heroku-cli-deploy": "java",
260 | "heroku-cli-java": "java",
261 | "heroku-cli-plugin-generator": null,
262 | "heroku-container-registry": null,
263 | "heroku-event-log": "@heroku/event-log",
264 | "heroku-pipelines": null,
265 | "heroku-ps-wait": null,
266 | "heroku-skynet-cli": "@heroku/skynet",
267 | "heroku-splunk": "@heroku/splunk",
268 | "heroku-sudo": "@heroku/sudo",
269 | "heroku-webhooks": null,
270 | "sudo": "@heroku/sudo"
271 | }
272 | },
273 | "repository": "heroku/cli",
274 | "scripts": {
275 | "build": "rm -rf lib && tsc",
276 | "postpublish": "rm -f oclif.manifest.json",
277 | "posttest": "tsc -p test --noEmit && tslint -p test -t stylish",
278 | "prepack": "yarn run build && oclif-dev manifest",
279 | "test": "mocha --forbid-only \"test/**/*.test.ts\"",
280 | "version": "oclif-dev readme --multi && git add README.md ../../docs"
281 | },
282 | "types": "lib/index.d.ts",
283 | "gitHead": "019facf273a6bcdf31d7ae7b19bd66329a656687"
284 | }