10.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2Language: Verilog
3Author: Jon Evans <jon@craftyjon.com>
4Contributors: Boone Severson <boone.severson@gmail.com>
5Description: Verilog is a hardware description language used in electronic design automation to describe digital and mixed-signal systems. This highlighter supports Verilog and SystemVerilog through IEEE 1800-2012.
6Website: http://www.verilog.com
9function verilog(hljs) {
10 const regex = hljs.regex;
11 const KEYWORDS = {
12 $pattern: /\$?[\w]+(\$[\w]+)*/,
13 keyword: [
14 "accept_on",
15 "alias",
16 "always",
17 "always_comb",
18 "always_ff",
19 "always_latch",
20 "and",
21 "assert",
22 "assign",
23 "assume",
24 "automatic",
25 "before",
26 "begin",
27 "bind",
28 "bins",
29 "binsof",
30 "bit",
31 "break",
32 "buf|0",
33 "bufif0",
34 "bufif1",
35 "byte",
36 "case",
37 "casex",
38 "casez",
39 "cell",
40 "chandle",
41 "checker",
42 "class",
43 "clocking",
44 "cmos",
45 "config",
46 "const",
47 "constraint",
48 "context",
49 "continue",
50 "cover",
51 "covergroup",
52 "coverpoint",
53 "cross",
54 "deassign",
55 "default",
56 "defparam",
57 "design",
58 "disable",
59 "dist",
60 "do",
61 "edge",
62 "else",
63 "end",
64 "endcase",
65 "endchecker",
66 "endclass",
67 "endclocking",
68 "endconfig",
69 "endfunction",
70 "endgenerate",
71 "endgroup",
72 "endinterface",
73 "endmodule",
74 "endpackage",
75 "endprimitive",
76 "endprogram",
77 "endproperty",
78 "endspecify",
79 "endsequence",
80 "endtable",
81 "endtask",
82 "enum",
83 "event",
84 "eventually",
85 "expect",
86 "export",
87 "extends",
88 "extern",
89 "final",
90 "first_match",
91 "for",
92 "force",
93 "foreach",
94 "forever",
95 "fork",
96 "forkjoin",
97 "function",
98 "generate|5",
99 "genvar",
100 "global",
101 "highz0",
102 "highz1",
103 "if",
104 "iff",
105 "ifnone",
106 "ignore_bins",
107 "illegal_bins",
108 "implements",
109 "implies",
110 "import",
111 "incdir",
112 "include",
113 "initial",
114 "inout",
115 "input",
116 "inside",
117 "instance",
118 "int",
119 "integer",
120 "interconnect",
121 "interface",
122 "intersect",
123 "join",
124 "join_any",
125 "join_none",
126 "large",
127 "let",
128 "liblist",
129 "library",
130 "local",
131 "localparam",
132 "logic",
133 "longint",
134 "macromodule",
135 "matches",
136 "medium",
137 "modport",
138 "module",
139 "nand",
140 "negedge",
141 "nettype",
142 "new",
143 "nexttime",
144 "nmos",
145 "nor",
146 "noshowcancelled",
147 "not",
148 "notif0",
149 "notif1",
150 "or",
151 "output",
152 "package",
153 "packed",
154 "parameter",
155 "pmos",
156 "posedge",
157 "primitive",
158 "priority",
159 "program",
160 "property",
161 "protected",
162 "pull0",
163 "pull1",
164 "pulldown",
165 "pullup",
166 "pulsestyle_ondetect",
167 "pulsestyle_onevent",
168 "pure",
169 "rand",
170 "randc",
171 "randcase",
172 "randsequence",
173 "rcmos",
174 "real",
175 "realtime",
176 "ref",
177 "reg",
178 "reject_on",
179 "release",
180 "repeat",
181 "restrict",
182 "return",
183 "rnmos",
184 "rpmos",
185 "rtran",
186 "rtranif0",
187 "rtranif1",
188 "s_always",
189 "s_eventually",
190 "s_nexttime",
191 "s_until",
192 "s_until_with",
193 "scalared",
194 "sequence",
195 "shortint",
196 "shortreal",
197 "showcancelled",
198 "signed",
199 "small",
200 "soft",
201 "solve",
202 "specify",
203 "specparam",
204 "static",
205 "string",
206 "strong",
207 "strong0",
208 "strong1",
209 "struct",
210 "super",
211 "supply0",
212 "supply1",
213 "sync_accept_on",
214 "sync_reject_on",
215 "table",
216 "tagged",
217 "task",
218 "this",
219 "throughout",
220 "time",
221 "timeprecision",
222 "timeunit",
223 "tran",
224 "tranif0",
225 "tranif1",
226 "tri",
227 "tri0",
228 "tri1",
229 "triand",
230 "trior",
231 "trireg",
232 "type",
233 "typedef",
234 "union",
235 "unique",
236 "unique0",
237 "unsigned",
238 "until",
239 "until_with",
240 "untyped",
241 "use",
242 "uwire",
243 "var",
244 "vectored",
245 "virtual",
246 "void",
247 "wait",
248 "wait_order",
249 "wand",
250 "weak",
251 "weak0",
252 "weak1",
253 "while",
254 "wildcard",
255 "wire",
256 "with",
257 "within",
258 "wor",
259 "xnor",
260 "xor"
261 ],
262 literal: [ 'null' ],
263 built_in: [
264 "$finish",
265 "$stop",
266 "$exit",
267 "$fatal",
268 "$error",
269 "$warning",
270 "$info",
271 "$realtime",
272 "$time",
273 "$printtimescale",
274 "$bitstoreal",
275 "$bitstoshortreal",
276 "$itor",
277 "$signed",
278 "$cast",
279 "$bits",
280 "$stime",
281 "$timeformat",
282 "$realtobits",
283 "$shortrealtobits",
284 "$rtoi",
285 "$unsigned",
286 "$asserton",
287 "$assertkill",
288 "$assertpasson",
289 "$assertfailon",
290 "$assertnonvacuouson",
291 "$assertoff",
292 "$assertcontrol",
293 "$assertpassoff",
294 "$assertfailoff",
295 "$assertvacuousoff",
296 "$isunbounded",
297 "$sampled",
298 "$fell",
299 "$changed",
300 "$past_gclk",
301 "$fell_gclk",
302 "$changed_gclk",
303 "$rising_gclk",
304 "$steady_gclk",
305 "$coverage_control",
306 "$coverage_get",
307 "$coverage_save",
308 "$set_coverage_db_name",
309 "$rose",
310 "$stable",
311 "$past",
312 "$rose_gclk",
313 "$stable_gclk",
314 "$future_gclk",
315 "$falling_gclk",
316 "$changing_gclk",
317 "$display",
318 "$coverage_get_max",
319 "$coverage_merge",
320 "$get_coverage",
321 "$load_coverage_db",
322 "$typename",
323 "$unpacked_dimensions",
324 "$left",
325 "$low",
326 "$increment",
327 "$clog2",
328 "$ln",
329 "$log10",
330 "$exp",
331 "$sqrt",
332 "$pow",
333 "$floor",
334 "$ceil",
335 "$sin",
336 "$cos",
337 "$tan",
338 "$countbits",
339 "$onehot",
340 "$isunknown",
341 "$fatal",
342 "$warning",
343 "$dimensions",
344 "$right",
345 "$high",
346 "$size",
347 "$asin",
348 "$acos",
349 "$atan",
350 "$atan2",
351 "$hypot",
352 "$sinh",
353 "$cosh",
354 "$tanh",
355 "$asinh",
356 "$acosh",
357 "$atanh",
358 "$countones",
359 "$onehot0",
360 "$error",
361 "$info",
362 "$random",
363 "$dist_chi_square",
364 "$dist_erlang",
365 "$dist_exponential",
366 "$dist_normal",
367 "$dist_poisson",
368 "$dist_t",
369 "$dist_uniform",
370 "$q_initialize",
371 "$q_remove",
372 "$q_exam",
373 "$async$and$array",
374 "$async$nand$array",
375 "$async$or$array",
376 "$async$nor$array",
377 "$sync$and$array",
378 "$sync$nand$array",
379 "$sync$or$array",
380 "$sync$nor$array",
381 "$q_add",
382 "$q_full",
383 "$psprintf",
384 "$async$and$plane",
385 "$async$nand$plane",
386 "$async$or$plane",
387 "$async$nor$plane",
388 "$sync$and$plane",
389 "$sync$nand$plane",
390 "$sync$or$plane",
391 "$sync$nor$plane",
392 "$system",
393 "$display",
394 "$displayb",
395 "$displayh",
396 "$displayo",
397 "$strobe",
398 "$strobeb",
399 "$strobeh",
400 "$strobeo",
401 "$write",
402 "$readmemb",
403 "$readmemh",
404 "$writememh",
405 "$value$plusargs",
406 "$dumpvars",
407 "$dumpon",
408 "$dumplimit",
409 "$dumpports",
410 "$dumpportson",
411 "$dumpportslimit",
412 "$writeb",
413 "$writeh",
414 "$writeo",
415 "$monitor",
416 "$monitorb",
417 "$monitorh",
418 "$monitoro",
419 "$writememb",
420 "$dumpfile",
421 "$dumpoff",
422 "$dumpall",
423 "$dumpflush",
424 "$dumpportsoff",
425 "$dumpportsall",
426 "$dumpportsflush",
427 "$fclose",
428 "$fdisplay",
429 "$fdisplayb",
430 "$fdisplayh",
431 "$fdisplayo",
432 "$fstrobe",
433 "$fstrobeb",
434 "$fstrobeh",
435 "$fstrobeo",
436 "$swrite",
437 "$swriteb",
438 "$swriteh",
439 "$swriteo",
440 "$fscanf",
441 "$fread",
442 "$fseek",
443 "$fflush",
444 "$feof",
445 "$fopen",
446 "$fwrite",
447 "$fwriteb",
448 "$fwriteh",
449 "$fwriteo",
450 "$fmonitor",
451 "$fmonitorb",
452 "$fmonitorh",
453 "$fmonitoro",
454 "$sformat",
455 "$sformatf",
456 "$fgetc",
457 "$ungetc",
458 "$fgets",
459 "$sscanf",
460 "$rewind",
461 "$ftell",
462 "$ferror"
463 ]
464 };
465 const BUILT_IN_CONSTANTS = [
466 "__FILE__",
467 "__LINE__"
468 ];
469 const DIRECTIVES = [
470 "begin_keywords",
471 "celldefine",
472 "default_nettype",
473 "default_decay_time",
474 "default_trireg_strength",
475 "define",
476 "delay_mode_distributed",
477 "delay_mode_path",
478 "delay_mode_unit",
479 "delay_mode_zero",
480 "else",
481 "elsif",
482 "end_keywords",
483 "endcelldefine",
484 "endif",
485 "ifdef",
486 "ifndef",
487 "include",
488 "line",
489 "nounconnected_drive",
490 "pragma",
491 "resetall",
492 "timescale",
493 "unconnected_drive",
494 "undef",
495 "undefineall"
496 ];
498 return {
499 name: 'Verilog',
500 aliases: [
501 'v',
502 'sv',
503 'svh'
504 ],
505 case_insensitive: false,
506 keywords: KEYWORDS,
507 contains: [
511 {
512 scope: 'number',
513 contains: [ hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE ],
514 variants: [
515 {
516 begin: /\b((\d+'([bhodBHOD]))[0-9xzXZa-fA-F_]+)/
517 },
518 {
519 begin: /\B(('([bhodBHOD]))[0-9xzXZa-fA-F_]+)/
520 },
521 { // decimal
522 begin: /\b[0-9][0-9_]*/,
523 relevance: 0
524 }
525 ]
526 },
527 /* parameters to instances */
528 {
529 scope: 'variable',
530 variants: [
531 {
532 begin: '#\\((?!parameter).+\\)'
533 },
534 {
535 begin: '\\.\\w+',
536 relevance: 0
537 }
538 ]
539 },
540 {
541 scope: 'variable.constant',
542 match: regex.concat(/`/, regex.either(...BUILT_IN_CONSTANTS)),
543 },
544 {
545 scope: 'meta',
546 begin: regex.concat(/`/, regex.either(...DIRECTIVES)),
547 end: /$|\/\/|\/\*/,
548 returnEnd: true,
549 keywords: DIRECTIVES
550 }
551 ]
552 };
555export { verilog as default };