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2Language: VHDL
3Author: Igor Kalnitsky <igor@kalnitsky.org>
4Contributors: Daniel C.K. Kho <daniel.kho@tauhop.com>, Guillaume Savaton <guillaume.savaton@eseo.fr>
5Description: VHDL is a hardware description language used in electronic design automation to describe digital and mixed-signal systems.
6Website: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VHDL
9function vhdl(hljs) {
10 // Regular expression for VHDL numeric literals.
12 // Decimal literal:
13 const INTEGER_RE = '\\d(_|\\d)*';
14 const EXPONENT_RE = '[eE][-+]?' + INTEGER_RE;
15 const DECIMAL_LITERAL_RE = INTEGER_RE + '(\\.' + INTEGER_RE + ')?' + '(' + EXPONENT_RE + ')?';
16 // Based literal:
17 const BASED_INTEGER_RE = '\\w+';
18 const BASED_LITERAL_RE = INTEGER_RE + '#' + BASED_INTEGER_RE + '(\\.' + BASED_INTEGER_RE + ')?' + '#' + '(' + EXPONENT_RE + ')?';
20 const NUMBER_RE = '\\b(' + BASED_LITERAL_RE + '|' + DECIMAL_LITERAL_RE + ')';
22 const KEYWORDS = [
23 "abs",
24 "access",
25 "after",
26 "alias",
27 "all",
28 "and",
29 "architecture",
30 "array",
31 "assert",
32 "assume",
33 "assume_guarantee",
34 "attribute",
35 "begin",
36 "block",
37 "body",
38 "buffer",
39 "bus",
40 "case",
41 "component",
42 "configuration",
43 "constant",
44 "context",
45 "cover",
46 "disconnect",
47 "downto",
48 "default",
49 "else",
50 "elsif",
51 "end",
52 "entity",
53 "exit",
54 "fairness",
55 "file",
56 "for",
57 "force",
58 "function",
59 "generate",
60 "generic",
61 "group",
62 "guarded",
63 "if",
64 "impure",
65 "in",
66 "inertial",
67 "inout",
68 "is",
69 "label",
70 "library",
71 "linkage",
72 "literal",
73 "loop",
74 "map",
75 "mod",
76 "nand",
77 "new",
78 "next",
79 "nor",
80 "not",
81 "null",
82 "of",
83 "on",
84 "open",
85 "or",
86 "others",
87 "out",
88 "package",
89 "parameter",
90 "port",
91 "postponed",
92 "procedure",
93 "process",
94 "property",
95 "protected",
96 "pure",
97 "range",
98 "record",
99 "register",
100 "reject",
101 "release",
102 "rem",
103 "report",
104 "restrict",
105 "restrict_guarantee",
106 "return",
107 "rol",
108 "ror",
109 "select",
110 "sequence",
111 "severity",
112 "shared",
113 "signal",
114 "sla",
115 "sll",
116 "sra",
117 "srl",
118 "strong",
119 "subtype",
120 "then",
121 "to",
122 "transport",
123 "type",
124 "unaffected",
125 "units",
126 "until",
127 "use",
128 "variable",
129 "view",
130 "vmode",
131 "vprop",
132 "vunit",
133 "wait",
134 "when",
135 "while",
136 "with",
137 "xnor",
138 "xor"
139 ];
140 const BUILT_INS = [
141 "boolean",
142 "bit",
143 "character",
144 "integer",
145 "time",
146 "delay_length",
147 "natural",
148 "positive",
149 "string",
150 "bit_vector",
151 "file_open_kind",
152 "file_open_status",
153 "std_logic",
154 "std_logic_vector",
155 "unsigned",
156 "signed",
157 "boolean_vector",
158 "integer_vector",
159 "std_ulogic",
160 "std_ulogic_vector",
161 "unresolved_unsigned",
162 "u_unsigned",
163 "unresolved_signed",
164 "u_signed",
165 "real_vector",
166 "time_vector"
167 ];
168 const LITERALS = [
169 // severity_level
170 "false",
171 "true",
172 "note",
173 "warning",
174 "error",
175 "failure",
176 // textio
177 "line",
178 "text",
179 "side",
180 "width"
181 ];
183 return {
184 name: 'VHDL',
185 case_insensitive: true,
186 keywords: {
187 keyword: KEYWORDS,
188 built_in: BUILT_INS,
189 literal: LITERALS
190 },
191 illegal: /\{/,
192 contains: [
193 hljs.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, // VHDL-2008 block commenting.
194 hljs.COMMENT('--', '$'),
196 {
197 className: 'number',
198 begin: NUMBER_RE,
199 relevance: 0
200 },
201 {
202 className: 'string',
203 begin: '\'(U|X|0|1|Z|W|L|H|-)\'',
204 contains: [ hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE ]
205 },
206 {
207 className: 'symbol',
208 begin: '\'[A-Za-z](_?[A-Za-z0-9])*',
209 contains: [ hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE ]
210 }
211 ]
212 };
215export { vhdl as default };