20.8 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# Supported Languages
3The table below shows the full list of languages (and corresponding classes/aliases) supported by Highlight.js. Languages that list a **Package** below are 3rd party languages and are not bundled with the core library. You can find their repositories by following the links.
5**Note:** The languages available will depend on how you've built or are included the library in your app. For example our default minified web build includes only ~40 popular languages. See [Getting the Library][1] and [Importing the Library][2] in the README for examples of how to load additional/specific languages.
7<!-- LANGLIST -->
8| Language | Aliases | Package |
9| :-----------------------| :--------------------- | :------ |
10| 1C | 1c | |
11| 4D | 4d |[highlightjs-4d](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-4d) |
12| ABAP | sap-abap, abap |[highlight-sap-abap](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-sap-abap) |
13| ABNF | abnf | |
14| Access logs | accesslog | |
15| Ada | ada | |
16| Apex | apex | [highlightjs-apex](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-apex/) |
17| Arduino (C++ w/Arduino libs) | arduino, ino | |
18| ARM assembler | armasm, arm | |
19| AVR assembler | avrasm | |
20| ActionScript | actionscript, as | |
21| Alan IF | alan, i | [highlightjs-alan](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-alan) |
22| Alan | ln | [highlightjs-alan](https://github.com/alantech/highlightjs-alan) |
23| AngelScript | angelscript, asc | |
24| Apache | apache, apacheconf | |
25| AppleScript | applescript, osascript | |
26| Arcade | arcade | |
27| AsciiDoc | asciidoc, adoc | |
28| AspectJ | aspectj | |
29| AutoHotkey | autohotkey | |
30| AutoIt | autoit | |
31| Awk | awk, mawk, nawk, gawk | |
32| Ballerina | ballerina, bal | [highlightjs-ballerina](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-ballerina) |
33| Bash | bash, sh, zsh | |
34| Basic | basic | |
35| BBCode | bbcode | [highlightjs-bbcode](https://github.com/RedGuy12/highlightjs-bbcode) |
36| Blade (Laravel) | blade | [highlightjs-blade](https://github.com/miken32/highlightjs-blade) |
37| BNF | bnf | |
38| BQN | bqn | [highlightjs-bqn](https://github.com/razetime/highlightjs-bqn) |
39| Brainfuck | brainfuck, bf | |
40| C# | csharp, cs | |
41| C | c, h | |
42| C++ | cpp, hpp, cc, hh, c++, h++, cxx, hxx | |
43| C/AL | cal | |
44| C3 | c3 | [highlightjs-c3](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-c3) |
45| Cache Object Script | cos, cls | |
46| Candid | candid, did | [highlightjs-motoko](https://github.com/rvanasa/highlightjs-motoko) |
47| CMake | cmake, cmake.in | |
48| COBOL | cobol, standard-cobol | [highlightjs-cobol](https://github.com/otterkit/highlightjs-cobol) |
49| Coq | coq | |
50| CSP | csp | |
51| CSS | css | |
52| Cap’n Proto | capnproto, capnp | |
53| Chaos | chaos, kaos | [highlightjs-chaos](https://github.com/chaos-lang/highlightjs-chaos) |
54| Chapel | chapel, chpl | [highlightjs-chapel](https://github.com/chapel-lang/highlightjs-chapel) |
55| Cisco CLI | cisco | [highlightjs-cisco-cli](https://github.com/BMatheas/highlightjs-cisco-cli) |
56| Clojure | clojure, clj | |
57| CoffeeScript | coffeescript, coffee, cson, iced | |
58| CpcdosC+ | cpc | [highlightjs-cpcdos](https://github.com/SPinti-Software/highlightjs-cpcdos) |
59| Crmsh | crmsh, crm, pcmk | |
60| Crystal | crystal, cr | |
61| cURL | curl | [highlightjs-curl](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-curl) |
62| Cypher (Neo4j) | cypher | [highlightjs-cypher](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-cypher) |
63| D | d | |
64| Dafny | dafny | [highlightjs-dafny](https://github.com/ConsenSys/highlightjs-dafny)|
65| Dart | dart | |
66| Delphi | dpr, dfm, pas, pascal | |
67| Diff | diff, patch | |
68| Django | django, jinja | |
69| DNS Zone file | dns, zone, bind | |
70| Dockerfile | dockerfile, docker | |
71| DOS | dos, bat, cmd | |
72| dsconfig | dsconfig | |
73| DTS (Device Tree) | dts | |
74| Dust | dust, dst | |
75| Dylan | dylan | [highlightjs-dylan](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-dylan) |
76| EBNF | ebnf | |
77| Elixir | elixir | |
78| Elm | elm | |
79| Erlang | erlang, erl | |
80| Excel | excel, xls, xlsx | |
81| Extempore | extempore, xtlang, xtm | [highlightjs-xtlang](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-xtlang) |
82| F# | fsharp, fs | |
83| FIX | fix | |
84| Flix | flix | [highlightjs-flix](https://github.com/flix/highlightjs-flix) |
85| Fortran | fortran, f90, f95 | |
86| FunC | func | [highlightjs-func](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-func) |
87| G-Code | gcode, nc | |
88| Gams | gams, gms | |
89| GAUSS | gauss, gss | |
90| GDScript | godot, gdscript | [highlightjs-gdscript](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-gdscript) |
91| Gherkin | gherkin | |
92| Glimmer and EmberJS | hbs, glimmer, html.hbs, html.handlebars, htmlbars | [highlightjs-glimmer](https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli/highlightjs-glimmer) |
93| GN for Ninja | gn, gni | [highlightjs-GN](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-GN) |
94| Go | go, golang | |
95| Grammatical Framework | gf | [highlightjs-gf](https://github.com/johnjcamilleri/highlightjs-gf) |
96| Golo | golo, gololang | |
97| Gradle | gradle | |
98| GraphQL | graphql | |
99| Groovy | groovy | |
100| GSQL | gsql | [highlightjs-gsql](https://github.com/DanBarkus/highlightjs-gsql) |
101| HTML, XML | xml, html, xhtml, rss, atom, xjb, xsd, xsl, plist, svg | |
102| HTTP | http, https | |
103| Haml | haml | |
104| Handlebars | handlebars, hbs, html.hbs, html.handlebars | |
105| Haskell | haskell, hs | |
106| Haxe | haxe, hx | |
107| High-level shader language| hlsl | [highlightjs-hlsl](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-hlsl) |
108| Hy | hy, hylang | |
109| Ini, TOML | ini, toml | |
110| Inform7 | inform7, i7 | |
111| IRPF90 | irpf90 | |
112| Iptables | iptables | [highlightjs-iptables](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-iptables) |
113| JSON | json | |
114| Java | java, jsp | |
115| JavaScript | javascript, js, jsx | |
116| Jolie | jolie, iol, ol | [highlightjs-jolie](https://github.com/xiroV/highlightjs-jolie) |
117| Julia | julia, julia-repl | |
118| Kotlin | kotlin, kt | |
119| Lang | | [highlightjs-lang](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-lang)
120| LaTeX | tex | |
121| Leaf | leaf | |
122| Lean | lean | [highlightjs-lean](https://github.com/leanprover-community/highlightjs-lean) |
123| Lasso | lasso, ls, lassoscript | |
124| Less | less | |
125| LDIF | ldif | |
126| Lisp | lisp | |
127| LiveCode Server | livecodeserver | |
128| LiveScript | livescript, ls | |
129| LookML | lookml | [highlightjs-lookml](https://github.com/spectacles-ci/highlightjs-lookml) |
130| Lua | lua | |
131| Macaulay2 | macaulay2 | [highlightjs-macaulay2](https://github.com/d-torrance/highlightjs-macaulay2) |
132| Makefile | makefile, mk, mak, make | |
133| Markdown | markdown, md, mkdown, mkd | |
134| Mathematica | mathematica, mma, wl | |
135| Matlab | matlab | |
136| Maxima | maxima | |
137| Maya Embedded Language | mel | |
138| Mercury | mercury | |
139| MIPS Assembler | mips, mipsasm | |
140| Mint | mint | [highlightjs-mint](https://github.com/mint-lang/highlightjs-mint) |
141| mIRC Scripting Language | mirc, mrc | [highlightjs-mirc](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-mirc) |
142| Mizar | mizar | |
143| MKB | mkb | [highlightjs-mkb](https://github.com/Dereavy/highlightjs-mkb) |
144| MLIR | mlir | [highlightjs-mlir](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-mlir) |
145| Mojolicious | mojolicious | |
146| Monkey | monkey | |
147| Moonscript | moonscript, moon | |
148| Motoko | motoko, mo | [highlightjs-motoko](https://github.com/rvanasa/highlightjs-motoko) |
149| N1QL | n1ql | |
150| NSIS | nsis | |
151| Never | never | [highlightjs-never](https://github.com/never-lang/highlightjs-never) |
152| Nginx | nginx, nginxconf | |
153| Nim | nim, nimrod | |
154| Nix | nix | |
155| Oak | oak | [highlightjs-oak](https://github.com/timlabs/highlightjs-oak) |
156| Object Constraint Language | ocl | [highlightjs-ocl](https://github.com/nhomble/highlightjs-ocl) |
157| OCaml | ocaml, ml | |
158| Objective C | objectivec, mm, objc, obj-c, obj-c++, objective-c++ | |
159| OpenGL Shading Language | glsl | |
160| OpenSCAD | openscad, scad | |
161| Oracle Rules Language | ruleslanguage | |
162| Oxygene | oxygene | |
163| PF | pf, pf.conf | |
164| PHP | php | |
165| Papyrus | papyrus, psc |[highlightjs-papyrus](https://github.com/Pickysaurus/highlightjs-papyrus) |
166| Parser3 | parser3 | |
167| Perl | perl, pl, pm | |
168| Pine Script | pine, pinescript | [highlightjs-pine](https://github.com/jeyllani/highlightjs-pine) |
169| Plaintext | plaintext, txt, text | |
170| Pony | pony | |
171| PostgreSQL & PL/pgSQL | pgsql, postgres, postgresql | |
172| PowerShell | powershell, ps, ps1 | |
173| Processing | processing | |
174| Prolog | prolog | |
175| Properties | properties | |
176| Protocol Buffers | proto, protobuf | |
177| Puppet | puppet, pp | |
178| Python | python, py, gyp | |
179| Python profiler results | profile | |
180| Python REPL | python-repl, pycon | |
181| Q# | qsharp | [highlightjs-qsharp](https://github.com/fedonman/highlightjs-qsharp) |
182| Q | k, kdb | |
183| QML | qml | |
184| R | r | |
185| Razor CSHTML | cshtml, razor, razor-cshtml | [highlightjs-cshtml-razor](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-cshtml-razor) |
186| ReasonML | reasonml, re | |
187| Rebol & Red | redbol, rebol, red, red-system | [highlightjs-redbol](https://github.com/oldes/highlightjs-redbol) |
188| RenderMan RIB | rib | |
189| RenderMan RSL | rsl | |
190| RiScript | risc, riscript | [highlightjs-riscript](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-riscript) |
191| RISC-V Assembly | riscv, riscvasm | [highlightjs-riscvasm](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-riscvasm) |
192| Roboconf | graph, instances | |
193| Robot Framework | robot, rf | [highlightjs-robot](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-robot) |
194| RPM spec files | rpm-specfile, rpm, spec, rpm-spec, specfile | [highlightjs-rpm-specfile](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-rpm-specfile) |
195| Ruby | ruby, rb, gemspec, podspec, thor, irb | |
196| Rust | rust, rs | |
197| RVT Script | rvt, rvt-script | [highlightjs-rvt-script](https://github.com/Sopitive/highlightjs-rvt-script) |
198| SAS | SAS, sas | |
199| SCSS | scss | |
200| SQL | sql | |
201| STEP Part 21 | p21, step, stp | |
202| Scala | scala | |
203| Scheme | scheme | |
204| Scilab | scilab, sci | |
205| SFZ | sfz | [highlightjs-sfz](https://github.com/sfz/highlight.js) |
206| Shape Expressions | shexc | [highlightjs-shexc](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-shexc) |
207| Shell | shell, console | |
208| Smali | smali | |
209| Smalltalk | smalltalk, st | |
210| SML | sml, ml | |
211| Solidity | solidity, sol | [highlightjs-solidity](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-solidity) |
212| Splunk SPL | spl | [highlightjs-spl](https://github.com/swsoyee/highlightjs-spl) |
213| Stan | stan, stanfuncs | |
214| Stata | stata | |
215| Structured Text | iecst, scl, stl, structured-text | [highlightjs-structured-text](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-structured-text) |
216| Stylus | stylus, styl | |
217| SubUnit | subunit | |
218| Supercollider | supercollider, sc | [highlightjs-supercollider](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-supercollider) |
219| Svelte | svelte | [highlightjs-svelte](https://github.com/AlexxNB/highlightjs-svelte) |
220| Swift | swift | |
221| Tcl | tcl, tk | |
222| Terraform (HCL) | terraform, tf, hcl | [highlightjs-terraform](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-terraform) |
223| Test Anything Protocol | tap | |
224| Thrift | thrift | |
225| Toit | toit | [toit-highlight](https://github.com/snxx-lppxx/toit-highlight) |
226| TP | tp | |
227| Transact-SQL | tsql | [highlightjs-tsql](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-tsql) |
228| Twig | twig, craftcms | |
229| TypeScript | typescript, ts, tsx, mts, cts | |
230| Unicorn Rails log | unicorn-rails-log | [highlightjs-unicorn-rails-log](https://github.com/sweetppro/highlightjs-unicorn-rails-log) |
231| VB.Net | vbnet, vb | |
232| VBA | vba | [highlightjs-vba](https://github.com/dullin/highlightjs-vba) |
233| VBScript | vbscript, vbs | |
234| VHDL | vhdl | |
235| Vala | vala | |
236| Verilog | verilog, v | |
237| Vim Script | vim | |
238| X# | xsharp, xs, prg | [highlightjs-xsharp](https://github.com/InfomindsAg/highlightjs-xsharp) |
239| X++ | axapta, x++ | |
240| x86 Assembly | x86asm | |
241| x86 Assembly (AT&T) | x86asmatt | [highlightjs-x86asmatt](https://github.com/gondow/highlightjs-x86asmatt) |
242| XL | xl, tao | |
243| XQuery | xquery, xpath, xq, xqm | |
244| YAML | yml, yaml | |
245| ZenScript | zenscript, zs |[highlightjs-zenscript](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-zenscript) |
246| Zephir | zephir, zep | |
247<!-- LANGLIST_END -->
249<!-- document it until we can fix it -->
250## Alias Overlap
252If you are using either of these languages at the same time please be sure to
253use the full name and not the alias to avoid any ambiguity.
255| Language | Overlap |
256| :-----------------------| :--------------------- |
257| SML | ml |
258| OCaml | ml |
259| Lasso | ls |
260| LiveScript | ls |
263[1]: https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js#getting-the-library
264[2]: https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js#importing-the-library