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1const { Mixin } = require('hops-mixin');
2const strip = require('strip-indent');
4class GraphQLMixin extends Mixin {
5 registerCommands(yargs) {
6 return yargs.command('graphql', 'Execute GraphQL specific tasks', yargs =>
7 yargs
8 .usage('Usage: hops graphql <command>')
9 .command({
10 command: 'introspect',
11 describe: 'Fetches GraphQL schema information for introspection',
12 builder: {
13 header: {
14 alias: 'H',
15 type: 'array',
16 default: [],
17 describe: strip(`
18 Additional HTTP headers to be used when executing the schema
19 introspection on the remote server. Specify this multiple
20 times to add more headers.\nFormat: "Header: Value"
21 `),
22 },
23 },
24 handler: argv => {
25 require('./lib/fragments')({
26 graphqlUri: this.config.graphqlUri,
27 schemaFile: this.config.graphqlSchemaFile,
28 fragmentsFile: this.config.fragmentsFile,
29 headers: argv.header,
30 })
31 .then(() => {
32 console.log('Fetched and saved GraphQL fragments');
33 })
34 .catch(err => {
35 console.error('Could not fetch GraphQL fragments:');
36 console.trace(err);
37 });
38 },
39 })
40 .help('help')
41 .alias('h', 'help')
42 .demandCommand()
43 );
44 }
46 configureBuild(config, loaderConfigs) {
47 const { allLoaderConfigs } = loaderConfigs;
48 const tagLoader = {
49 test: /\.(graphql|gql)$/,
50 loader: 'graphql-tag/loader',
51 };
52 allLoaderConfigs.splice(allLoaderConfigs.length - 1, 0, tagLoader);
53 return config;
54 }
57module.exports = GraphQLMixin;