1.22 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "hops",
3 "version": "12.2.0",
4 "description": "Hops main Package to build and run Hops applications",
5 "keywords": [
6 "hops",
7 "cli",
8 "react",
9 "express",
10 "hmr",
11 "universal",
12 "isomorphic"
13 ],
14 "license": "MIT",
15 "engines": {
16 "node": "^10.13 || ^12.13 || ^13.0"
17 },
18 "bin": {
19 "hops": "bin.js"
20 },
21 "main": "lib/core.js",
22 "browser": "lib/runtime.js",
23 "server": "lib/runtime.js",
24 "types": "lib/runtime.d.ts",
25 "repository": {
26 "type": "git",
27 "url": "https://github.com/xing/hops.git"
28 },
29 "dependencies": {
30 "hops-express": "^12.2.0",
31 "hops-info": "^12.2.0",
32 "hops-mixin": "^12.2.0",
33 "hops-react": "^12.2.0",
34 "hops-webpack": "^12.2.0",
35 "hops-yargs": "^12.2.0",
36 "webpack-bundle-analyzer": "^3.5.2"
37 },
38 "peerDependencies": {
39 "react": "^16.8.0",
40 "react-dom": "^16.8.0",
41 "react-helmet-async": "^1.0.4",
42 "react-router-dom": "^5.1.0"
43 },
44 "devDependencies": {
45 "@types/react": "*",
46 "@types/react-router-dom": "*",
47 "react": "^16.10.2",
48 "react-dom": "^16.10.2",
49 "react-helmet-async": "^1.0.4",
50 "react-router-dom": "^5.1.2"
51 },
52 "gitHead": "a465583c1e782e40c4e5efb91874ed90f3c07b97"