1 | # hot-shots
2 |
3 | A Node.js client for [Etsy](http://etsy.com)'s [StatsD](https://github.com/etsy/statsd) server, Datadog's [DogStatsD](http://docs.datadoghq.com/guides/dogstatsd/) server, and [InfluxDB's](http://influxdb.com) [Telegraf](https://github.com/influxdb/telegraf) StatsD server.
4 |
5 | This project was originally a fork off of [node-statsd](https://github.com/sivy/node-statsd). This project
6 | includes all changes in the latest node-statsd and many additional changes, including:
7 | * TypeScript types
8 | * Telegraf support
9 | * events
10 | * child clients
11 | * tcp protocol support
12 | * uds (Unix domain socket) protocol support
13 | * raw stream protocol support
14 | * mock mode
15 | * asyncTimer
16 | * asyncDistTimer
17 | * much more, including many bug fixes
18 |
19 | hot-shots supports Node 8.x and higher.
20 |
21 | [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/brightcove/hot-shots.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/brightcove/hot-shots)
22 |
23 | ## Migrating from node-statsd
24 |
25 | You should only need to do one thing: change node-statsd to hot-shots in all requires.
26 |
27 | You can check the detailed [change log](https://github.com/brightcove/hot-shots/blob/master/CHANGES.md) for what has changed since the last release of node-statsd.
28 |
29 | ## Usage
30 |
31 | All initialization parameters are optional.
32 |
33 | Parameters (specified as one object passed into hot-shots):
34 |
35 | * `host`: The host to send stats to, if not set, the constructor tries to
36 | retrieve it from the `DD_AGENT_HOST` environment variable, `default: 'undefined'` which as per [UDP/datagram socket docs](https://nodejs.org/api/dgram.html#dgram_socket_send_msg_offset_length_port_address_callback) results in `` or `::1` being used.
37 | * `port`: The port to send stats to, if not set, the constructor tries to retrieve it from the `DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT` environment variable, `default: 8125`
38 | * `prefix`: What to prefix each stat name with `default: ''`
39 | * `suffix`: What to suffix each stat name with `default: ''`
40 | * `tagPrefix`: Prefix tag list with character `default: '#'`. Note does not work with `telegraf` option.
41 | * `tagSeparator`: Separate tags with character `default: ','`. Note does not work with `telegraf` option.
42 | * `globalize`: Expose this StatsD instance globally. `default: false`
43 | * `cacheDns`: Caches dns lookup to *host* for *cacheDnsTtl*, only used
44 | when protocol is `udp`, `default: false`
45 | * `cacheDnsTtl`: time-to-live of dns lookups in milliseconds, when *cacheDns* is enabled. `default: 60000`
46 | * `mock`: Create a mock StatsD instance, sending no stats to
47 | the server and allowing data to be read from mockBuffer. Note that
48 | mockBuffer will keep growing, so only use for testing or clear out periodically. `default: false`
49 | * `globalTags`: Tags that will be added to every metric. Can be either an object or list of tags. The *Datadog* `dd.internal.entity_id` tag is appended to `globalTags` from the `DD_ENTITY_ID` environment variable if the latter is set. `default: {}`
50 | * `maxBufferSize`: If larger than 0, metrics will be buffered and only sent when the string length is greater than the size. `default: 0`
51 | * `bufferFlushInterval`: If buffering is in use, this is the time in ms to always flush any buffered metrics. `default: 1000`
52 | * `telegraf`: Use Telegraf's StatsD line protocol, which is slightly different than the rest `default: false`
53 | * `sampleRate`: Sends only a sample of data to StatsD for all StatsD methods. Can be overridden at the method level. `default: 1`
54 | * `errorHandler`: A function with one argument. It is called to handle various errors. `default: none`, errors are thrown/logger to console
55 | * `useDefaultRoute`: Use the default interface on a Linux system. Useful when running in containers
56 | * `protocol`: Use `tcp` option for TCP protocol, or `uds` for the Unix Domain Socket protocol or `stream` for the raw stream. Defaults to `udp` otherwise.
57 | * `path`: Used only when the protocol is `uds`. Defaults to `/var/run/datadog/dsd.socket`.
58 | * `stream`: Reference to a stream instance. Used only when the protocol is `stream`.
59 | * `udsGracefulErrorHandling`: Used only when the protocol is `uds`. Boolean indicating whether to handle socket errors gracefully. Defaults to true.
60 | * `udsGracefulRestartRateLimit`: Used only when the protocol is `uds`. Time (ms) between re-creating the socket. Defaults to `1000`.
61 |
62 | ### StatsD methods
63 | All StatsD methods other than `event`, `close`, and `check` have the same API:
64 | * `name`: Stat name `required`
65 | * `value`: Stat value `required except in increment/decrement where it defaults to 1/-1 respectively`
66 | * `sampleRate`: Sends only a sample of data to StatsD `default: 1`
67 | * `tags`: The tags to add to metrics. Can be either an object `{ tag: "value"}` or an array of tags. `default: []`
68 | * `callback`: The callback to execute once the metric has been sent or buffered
69 |
70 | If an array is specified as the `name` parameter each item in that array will be sent along with the specified value.
71 |
72 | #### `close`
73 | The close method has the following API:
74 |
75 | * `callback`: The callback to execute once close is complete. All other calls to statsd will fail once this is called.
76 |
77 | #### `event`
78 | The event method has the following API:
79 |
80 | * `title`: Event title `required`
81 | * `text`: Event description `default is title`
82 | * `options`: Options for the event
83 | * `date_happened` Assign a timestamp to the event `default is now`
84 | * `hostname` Assign a hostname to the event.
85 | * `aggregation_key` Assign an aggregation key to the event, to group it with some others.
86 | * `priority` Can be ‘normal’ or ‘low’ `default: normal`
87 | * `source_type_name` Assign a source type to the event.
88 | * `alert_type` Can be ‘error’, ‘warning’, ‘info’ or ‘success’ `default: info`
89 | * `tags`: The tags to add to metrics. Can be either an object `{ tag: "value"}` or an array of tags. `default: []`
90 | * `callback`: The callback to execute once the metric has been sent.
91 |
92 | #### `check`
93 | The check method has the following API:
94 |
95 | * `name`: Check name `required`
96 | * `status`: Check status `required`
97 | * `options`: Options for the check
98 | * `date_happened` Assign a timestamp to the check `default is now`
99 | * `hostname` Assign a hostname to the check.
100 | * `message` Assign a message to the check.
101 | * `tags`: The tags to add to metrics. Can be either an object `{ tag: "value"}` or an array of tags. `default: []`
102 | * `callback`: The callback to execute once the metric has been sent.
103 |
104 | ```javascript
105 | var StatsD = require('hot-shots'),
106 | client = new StatsD({
107 | port: 8020,
108 | globalTags: { env: process.env.NODE_ENV },
109 | errorHandler: errorHandler,
110 | });
111 |
112 | // Increment: Increments a stat by a value (default is 1)
113 | client.increment('my_counter');
114 |
115 | // Decrement: Decrements a stat by a value (default is -1)
116 | client.decrement('my_counter');
117 |
118 | // Histogram: send data for histogram stat (DataDog and Telegraf only)
119 | client.histogram('my_histogram', 42);
120 |
121 | // Distribution: Tracks the statistical distribution of a set of values across your infrastructure.
122 | // (DataDog v6)
123 | client.distribution('my_distribution', 42);
124 |
125 | // Gauge: Gauge a stat by a specified amount
126 | client.gauge('my_gauge', 123.45);
127 |
128 | // Set: Counts unique occurrences of a stat (alias of unique)
129 | client.set('my_unique', 'foobar');
130 | client.unique('my_unique', 'foobarbaz');
131 |
132 | // Event: sends the titled event (DataDog only)
133 | client.event('my_title', 'description');
134 |
135 | // Check: sends a service check (DataDog only)
136 | client.check('service.up', client.CHECKS.OK, { hostname: 'host-1' }, ['foo', 'bar'])
137 |
138 | // Incrementing multiple items
139 | client.increment(['these', 'are', 'different', 'stats']);
140 |
141 | // Incrementing with tags
142 | client.increment('my_counter', ['foo', 'bar']);
143 |
144 | // Sampling, this will sample 25% of the time the StatsD Daemon will compensate for sampling
145 | client.increment('my_counter', 1, 0.25);
146 |
147 | // Tags, this will add user-defined tags to the data
148 | // (DataDog and Telegraf only)
149 | client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, ['foo', 'bar']);
150 |
151 | // Using the callback. This is the same format for the callback
152 | // with all non-close calls
153 | client.set(['foo', 'bar'], 42, function(error, bytes){
154 | //this only gets called once after all messages have been sent
155 | if(error){
156 | console.error('Oh noes! There was an error:', error);
157 | } else {
158 | console.log('Successfully sent', bytes, 'bytes');
159 | }
160 | });
161 |
162 | // Timing: sends a timing command with the specified milliseconds
163 | client.timing('response_time', 42);
164 |
165 | // Timing: also accepts a Date object of which the difference is calculated
166 | client.timing('response_time', new Date());
167 |
168 | // Timer: Returns a function that you call to record how long the first
169 | // parameter takes to execute (in milliseconds) and then sends that value
170 | // using 'client.timing'.
171 | // The parameters after the first one (in this case 'fn')
172 | // match those in 'client.timing'.
173 | var fn = function(a, b) { return a + b };
174 | client.timer(fn, 'fn_execution_time')(2, 2);
175 |
176 | // Async timer: Similar to timer above, but you instead pass in a function
177 | // that returns a Promise. And then it returns a Promise that will record the timing.
178 | var fn = function () { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(resolve, n); }); };
179 | var instrumented = statsd.asyncTimer(fn, 'fn_execution_time');
180 | instrumented().then(function() {
181 | console.log('Code run and metric sent');
182 | });
183 |
184 | // Async timer: Similar to asyncTimer above, but it instead emits a distribution.
185 | var fn = function () { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(resolve, n); }); };
186 | var instrumented = statsd.asyncDistTimer(fn, 'fn_execution_time');
187 | instrumented().then(function() {
188 | console.log('Code run and metric sent');
189 | });
190 |
191 | // Sampling, tags and callback are optional and could be used in any combination (DataDog and Telegraf only)
192 | client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, 0.25); // 25% Sample Rate
193 | client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, { tag: 'value'}); // User-defined tag
194 | client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, ['tag:value']); // Tags as an array
195 | client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, next); // Callback
196 | client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, 0.25, ['tag']);
197 | client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, 0.25, next);
198 | client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, { tag: 'value'}, next);
199 | client.histogram('my_histogram', 42, 0.25, { tag: 'value'}, next);
200 |
201 | // Use a child client to add more context to the client.
202 | // Clients can be nested.
203 | var childClient = client.childClient({
204 | prefix: 'additionalPrefix.',
205 | suffix: '.additionalSuffix',
206 | globalTags: { globalTag1: 'forAllMetricsFromChildClient'}
207 | });
208 | childClient.increment('my_counter_with_more_tags');
209 |
210 | // Close statsd. This will ensure all stats are sent and stop statsd
211 | // from doing anything more.
212 | client.close(function(err) {
213 | console.log('The close did not work quite right: ', err);
214 | });
215 | ```
216 |
217 | ## DogStatsD and Telegraf functionality
218 |
219 | Some of the functionality mentioned above is specific to DogStatsD or Telegraf. They will not do anything if you are using the regular statsd client.
220 | * globalTags parameter- DogStatsD or Telegraf
221 | * tags parameter- DogStatsD or Telegraf.
222 | * telegraf parameter- Telegraf
223 | * uds option in protocol parameter- DogStatsD
224 | * histogram method- DogStatsD or Telegraf
225 | * event method- DogStatsD
226 | * check method- DogStatsD
227 |
228 | ## Errors
229 |
230 | As usual, callbacks will have an error as their first parameter. You can have an error in both the message and close callbacks.
231 |
232 | If the optional callback is not given, an error is thrown in some
233 | cases and a console.log message is used in others. An error will only
234 | be explicitly thrown when there is a missing callback or if it is some potential configuration issue to be fixed.
235 |
236 | If you would like to ensure all errors are caught, specify an `errorHandler` in your root
237 | client. This will catch errors in socket setup, sending of messages,
238 | and closing of the socket. If you specify an errorHandler and a callback, the callback will take precedence.
239 |
240 | ```javascript
241 | // Using errorHandler
242 | var client = new StatsD({
243 | errorHandler: function (error) {
244 | console.log("Socket errors caught here: ", error);
245 | }
246 | })
247 | ```
248 |
249 | ### Congestion error
250 |
251 | If you get an error like `Error sending hot-shots message: Error: congestion` with an error code of `1`,
252 | it is probably because you are sending large volumes of metrics to a single agent/ server.
253 | This error only arises when using the UDS protocol and means that packages are being dropped.
254 | Take a look at the [Datadog docs](https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/high_throughput/?#over-uds-unix-domain-socket) for some tips on tuning your connection.
255 |
256 | ## Unix domain socket support
257 |
258 | The 'uds' option as the protocol is to support [Unix Domain Sockets for Datadog](https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/unix_socket/). It has the following limitations:
259 | - It only works where 'node-gyp' works. If you don't know what this is, this
260 | is probably fine for you. If you had an troubles with libraries that
261 | you 'node-gyp' before, you will have problems here as well.
262 | - It does not work on Windows
263 |
264 | The above will cause the underlying library that is used, unix-dgram,
265 | to not install properly. Given the library is listed as an
266 | optionalDependency, and how it's used in the codebase, this install
267 | failure will not cause any problems. It only means that you can't use
268 | the uds feature.
269 |
270 | ## Submitting changes
271 |
272 | Thanks for considering making any updates to this project! Here are the steps to take in your fork:
273 |
274 | 1. Run "npm install"
275 | 2. Add your changes in your fork as well as any new tests needed
276 | 3. Run "npm test"
277 | 4. Update README.md with any needed documentation
278 | 5. If you have made any API changes, update types.d.ts
279 | 6. Push your changes and create the PR
280 |
281 | When you've done all this we're happy to try to get this merged in right away.
282 |
283 | ## Package versioning and security
284 |
285 | Versions will attempt to follow semantic versioning, with major changes only coming in major versions.
286 |
287 | npm publishing is possible by one person, [bdeitte](https://github.com/bdeitte), who has two-factor authentication enabled for publishes. Publishes only contain one additional library, unix-dgram.
288 |
289 | ## Name
290 |
291 | Why is this project named hot-shots? Because:
292 |
293 | 1. It's impossible to find another statsd name on npm
294 | 2. It's the name of a dumb movie
295 | 3. No good reason
296 |
297 | ## License
298 |
299 | hot-shots is licensed under the MIT license.