21.6 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { createContext as He, useContext as Me, memo as Ve, forwardRef as ge, useRef as z, useState as $, useCallback as a, useMemo as G, useImperativeHandle as ye, useLayoutEffect as xe, useEffect as Pe } from "react";
2import { jsx as Le } from "react/jsx-runtime";
3const ze = {
4 formFieldsRef: { current: [] },
5 recomputeErrors: () => {
6 },
7 recomputeIsDirty: () => {
8 },
9 recomputeIsTouched: () => {
10 },
11 recomputeIsValidating: () => {
12 },
13 errors: [],
14 errorsMap: {},
15 submit: async () => !0,
16 getFieldValue: () => {
17 },
18 deleteField: () => {
19 },
20 setIsSubmitted: () => {
21 },
22 reset: () => {
23 },
24 onChangeListenerRefs: { current: {} },
25 onBlurListenerRefs: { current: {} },
26 onMountListenerRefs: { current: {} },
27 setIsTouched: () => {
28 },
29 setIsDirty: () => {
30 },
31 isValid: !1,
32 isDirty: !1,
33 isTouched: !1,
34 isValidating: !1,
35 isSubmitted: !1,
36 value: {},
37 recomputeFormValue: () => {
38 }
39}, Ae = He(ze), oe = () => Me(Ae);
40function ne(e, n, i) {
41 return ((u) => u instanceof Object && u.parseAsync)(i) ? i.parseAsync(e) : i(e, n);
43function se(e) {
44 return ((i) => i instanceof Object && i.errors)(e) ? e.errors.map((i) => i.message) : [e];
46const Se = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g, Oe = /\\(\\)?/g, N = (e) => {
47 const n = [];
48 return e.replace(Se, (i, l, u, o) => {
49 const r = u ? o.replace(Oe, "$1") : l || i;
50 r && n.push(r);
51 }), n;
52}, ve = (e, n, i) => {
53 const l = N(n);
54 let u = e;
55 for (let o = 0; o < l.length; o++) {
56 const r = l[o];
57 o === l.length - 1 ? u[r] = i : (u[r] || (u[r] = {}), u = u[r]);
58 }
59 return e;
60}, je = (e, n) => {
61 const i = N(n);
62 let l = e;
63 for (let u = 0; u < i.length; u++) {
64 const o = i[u];
65 if (u === i.length - 1)
66 return l[o];
67 l = l[o];
68 }
70function Ge(e, n) {
71 const { onSubmit: i, children: l, memoChild: u, submitWhenInvalid: o = !1 } = e, r = z([]), [_, d] = $(!1), s = a(
72 (t) => {
73 const h = r.current, g = N(t).join(".");
74 return h.find(
75 (Z) => Z._normalizedDotName === g
76 );
77 },
78 [r]
79 ), C = a(
80 (t) => {
81 const h = r.current, g = N(t).join("."), Z = h.find(
82 (Y) => Y._normalizedDotName === g
83 );
84 Z && h.splice(h.indexOf(Z), 1);
85 },
86 [r]
87 ), R = z({}), b = z({}), S = z({}), k = a((t) => {
88 r.current.forEach((h) => {
89 h.setIsTouched(t);
90 });
91 }, []), M = a((t) => {
92 r.current.forEach((h) => {
93 h.setIsDirty(t);
94 });
95 }, []), [O, I] = $(null), [L, E] = $(null), [p, B] = $(null), [F, T] = $(null), [x, w] = $(null), [P, H] = $(null), [m, j] = $(null), f = z(!1), D = z(!1), X = z(!1), y = z(!1), c = z(!1), v = z(!1), V = a(() => r.current.reduce((t, h) => t.concat(h.errors), []), [r]), K = a(() => {
96 const t = {};
97 return r.current.forEach((h) => {
98 const g = h.props.name;
99 t[g] = h.errors;
100 }), t;
101 }, [r]), q = a(() => r.current.length === 0 ? !0 : r.current.every((t) => t.errors.length === 0), [r]), A = a(
102 (t) => r.current.some((h) => !!h[t]),
103 [r]
104 ), J = a(() => r.current.reduce((t, h) => (ve(t, h.props.name, h.value), t), {}), [r]), ie = a(() => {
105 if (f.current) {
106 const t = V(), h = K();
107 I(t), E(h);
108 }
109 if (D.current) {
110 const t = q();
111 B(t);
112 }
113 }, [V, K, q]), Te = a(() => {
114 if (X.current) {
115 const t = A("isDirty");
116 T(t);
117 }
118 }, [A]), Fe = a(() => {
119 if (y.current) {
120 const t = A("isTouched");
121 w(t);
122 }
123 }, [A]), De = a(() => {
124 if (c.current) {
125 const t = J();
126 H(t);
127 }
128 }, [J]), Ee = a(() => {
129 if (v.current) {
130 const t = A("isValidating");
131 j(t);
132 }
133 }, [A]), ue = a(() => {
134 if (f.current = !0, O === null) {
135 const t = V();
136 return I(t), t;
137 }
138 return O;
139 }, [O, V]), ae = a(() => {
140 if (f.current = !0, L === null) {
141 const t = K();
142 return E(t), t;
143 }
144 return L;
145 }, [L, K]), ce = a(() => {
146 if (D.current = !0, p === null) {
147 const t = q();
148 return B(t), t;
149 }
150 return p;
151 }, [p, q]), le = a(() => {
152 if (F === null) {
153 X.current = !0;
154 const t = A("isDirty");
155 return T(t), t;
156 }
157 return F;
158 }, [F, A]), de = a(() => {
159 if (x === null) {
160 y.current = !0;
161 const t = A("isTouched");
162 return w(t), t;
163 }
164 return x;
165 }, [x, A]), me = a(() => {
166 if (P === null) {
167 c.current = !0;
168 const t = J();
169 return H(t), t;
170 }
171 return P;
172 }, [P, J]), he = a(() => {
173 r.current.sort((t, h) => N(h.props.name).length - N(t.props.name).length).forEach((t) => {
174 const h = t.props.resetWithValue ?? t.props.initialValue, g = (Y) => !!Y.setValues, Z = (Y) => !Y.setValues;
175 t.setErrors([]), t.setIsTouched(!1), t.setIsDirty(!1), g(t) ? t.setValues({
176 __value: h || [],
177 __isResetting: !0
178 }) : Z(t) && t.setValue({
179 __value: h || "",
180 __isResetting: !0
181 });
182 }), I([]), B(!1), T(!1), w(!1);
183 }, [w, T, I]), fe = a(() => {
184 if (m === null) {
185 v.current = !0;
186 const t = A("isValidating");
187 return j(t), t;
188 }
189 return m;
190 }, [m, A]), Q = G(() => ({
191 getFieldValue: s,
192 deleteField: C,
193 onChangeListenerRefs: R,
194 onBlurListenerRefs: b,
195 onMountListenerRefs: S,
196 isSubmitted: _,
197 setIsSubmitted: d,
198 formFieldsRef: r,
199 setIsTouched: k,
200 setIsDirty: M,
201 recomputeErrors: ie,
202 recomputeIsDirty: Te,
203 recomputeIsTouched: Fe,
204 recomputeFormValue: De,
205 recomputeIsValidating: Ee,
206 reset: he,
207 get errors() {
208 return ue();
209 },
210 get errorsMap() {
211 return ae();
212 },
213 get isValid() {
214 return ce();
215 },
216 get isDirty() {
217 return le();
218 },
219 get isTouched() {
220 return de();
221 },
222 get value() {
223 return me();
224 },
225 get isValidating() {
226 return fe();
227 },
228 submit: () => Promise.resolve(!0)
229 }), [
230 s,
231 C,
232 _,
233 k,
234 M,
235 ie,
236 Te,
237 Fe,
238 De,
239 Ee,
240 ue,
241 ae,
242 ce,
243 le,
244 de,
245 me,
246 fe,
247 he
248 ]), we = a(async () => {
249 d(!0);
250 const t = {}, h = await Promise.all(
251 r.current.map(async (g) => {
252 const Z = async (U) => {
253 const ee = g.props[U];
254 if (!ee)
255 return !0;
256 try {
257 return U === "onSubmitValidate" && g._setIsValidating(!0), await ne(g.value, Q, ee), !0;
258 } catch (_e) {
259 return g.setErrors(se(_e)), !1;
260 } finally {
261 U === "onSubmitValidate" && g._setIsValidating(!1);
262 }
263 }, Y = async (U) => {
264 const ee = g.props[U];
265 if (!ee)
266 return !0;
267 try {
268 return await ne(g.value, Q, ee), !0;
269 } catch (_e) {
270 return g.setHints(se(_e)), !1;
271 }
272 };
273 if (g.setHints([]), await Y("onMountHint"), await Y("onChangeHint"), await Y("onBlurHint"), await Y("onSubmitHint"), g.setErrors([]), !await Z("onMountValidate") || !await Z("onChangeValidate") || !await Z("onBlurValidate") || !await Z("onSubmitValidate"))
274 return !1;
275 const ke = await (async () => {
276 const U = g.props.onSubmitTransform;
277 if (!U)
278 return g.value;
279 try {
280 return await ne(g.value, Q, U);
281 } catch (ee) {
282 g.setErrors(se(ee));
283 }
284 })();
285 return g.errors.length > 0 ? !1 : (ve(t, g.props.name, ke), !0);
286 })
287 );
288 return !o && !h.every((g) => !!g) ? !1 : (i == null || i(t, Q), !0);
289 }, [Q, i, o]), te = G(() => {
290 const t = [
291 "errors",
292 "errorsMap",
293 "isValid",
294 "isDirty",
295 "isTouched",
296 "isValidating",
297 "submit",
298 "value",
299 "reset"
300 ], h = {
301 reset: he,
302 submit: we,
303 get errors() {
304 return ue();
305 },
306 get errorsMap() {
307 return ae();
308 },
309 get isValid() {
310 return ce();
311 },
312 get isDirty() {
313 return le();
314 },
315 get isTouched() {
316 return de();
317 },
318 get value() {
319 return me();
320 },
321 get isValidating() {
322 return fe();
323 }
324 };
325 for (const g of Object.keys(Q)) {
326 if (t.includes(g))
327 continue;
328 const Z = g;
329 h[Z] = Q[Z];
330 }
331 return h;
332 }, [
333 he,
334 Q,
335 ue,
336 ae,
337 le,
338 de,
339 ce,
340 me,
341 fe,
342 we
343 ]);
344 ye(n, () => te, [te]);
345 const be = G(
346 () => l(te),
347 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
348 u ? u.concat(te) : [l, te]
349 );
350 return /* @__PURE__ */ Le(Ae.Provider, { value: te, children: be });
352const tt = Ve(ge(Ge)), pe = typeof window < "u", W = pe ? xe : Pe, re = (e) => !Array.isArray(e) && e !== null && typeof e == "object" && "__isResetting" in e;
353function Ce({
354 listenTo: e,
355 runFieldValidation: n,
356 valueRef: i
357}) {
358 const l = oe();
359 W(() => {
360 if (!e || e.length === 0)
361 return;
362 function u() {
363 n("onChangeValidate", i.current);
364 }
365 function o() {
366 n("onBlurValidate", i.current);
367 }
368 function r() {
369 n("onMountValidate", i.current);
370 }
371 function _(s, C, R) {
372 return l[s].current[C] = l[s].current[C] ?? [], l[s].current[C].push(R), () => {
373 l[s].current[C].splice(
374 l[s].current[C].indexOf(R),
375 1
376 );
377 };
378 }
379 const d = e.flatMap((s) => {
380 const C = _(
381 "onChangeListenerRefs",
382 s,
383 u
384 ), R = _(
385 "onBlurListenerRefs",
386 s,
387 o
388 ), b = _(
389 "onMountListenerRefs",
390 s,
391 r
392 );
393 return [C, R, b];
394 });
395 return () => d.forEach((s) => s());
396 }, [l, e, n, i]);
398const Re = ({
399 initialValue: e,
400 props: n
401}) => {
402 const { name: i } = n, l = G(() => N(i).join("."), [i]), u = oe(), o = u.formFieldsRef.current.find(
403 (m) => m._normalizedDotName === l
404 ), [r, _] = $((o == null ? void 0 : o.errors) ?? []), [d, s] = $((o == null ? void 0 : o.hints) ?? []), [C, R] = $(
405 (o == null ? void 0 : o.isTouched) ?? !1
406 ), [b, S] = $(
407 (o == null ? void 0 : o.isDirty) ?? !1
408 ), [k, M] = $(
409 (o == null ? void 0 : o.isValidating) ?? !1
410 ), O = u.isSubmitted, I = a(
411 (m, j) => {
412 let f = n.onChangeValidate;
413 m === "onBlurValidate" && (f = n == null ? void 0 : n.onBlurValidate), m === "onMountValidate" && (f = n == null ? void 0 : n.onMountValidate), f && (M(!0), ne(j, u, f).then(() => {
414 _([]);
415 }).catch((D) => {
416 _(se(D));
417 }).finally(() => {
418 M(!1);
419 }));
420 },
421 [u, n]
422 ), L = a(
423 (m, j) => {
424 let f = n.onChangeHint;
425 m === "onBlurHint" && (f = n == null ? void 0 : n.onBlurHint), m === "onMountHint" && (f = n == null ? void 0 : n.onMountHint), f && (M(!0), ne(j, u, f).then(() => {
426 s([]);
427 }).catch((D) => {
428 s(se(D));
429 }).finally(() => {
430 M(!1);
431 }));
432 },
433 [u, n]
434 ), E = n.initialValue ?? e, p = z(!1), [B, F] = $((o == null ? void 0 : o.value) ?? E);
435 W(() => {
436 p.current || (p.current = !0, L("onMountHint", E), I("onMountValidate", E));
437 });
438 const T = z(B);
439 T.current = B;
440 const x = a(
441 (m) => {
442 F((j) => {
443 const f = re(m) && m.__isResetting, D = re(m) ? m.__value : m, y = ((c) => typeof c == "function")(D) ? D(j) : D;
444 return f || (S(y !== E), setTimeout(() => {
445 var c;
446 (c = u.onChangeListenerRefs.current[n.name]) == null || c.forEach(
447 (v) => v()
448 );
449 }, 0), L("onChangeHint", y), I("onChangeValidate", y)), y;
450 });
451 },
452 [
453 E,
454 I,
455 L,
456 u.onChangeListenerRefs,
457 n.name
458 ]
459 ), w = G(() => r.length === 0, [r]), P = a(
460 (m) => {
461 I(m, T.current);
462 },
463 [I, T]
464 ), H = a(
465 (m) => {
466 L(m, T.current);
467 },
468 [L, T]
469 );
470 return {
471 value: B,
472 setErrors: _,
473 errors: r,
474 hints: d,
475 setHints: s,
476 setIsDirty: S,
477 setIsTouched: R,
478 setValue: x,
479 isTouched: C,
480 isDirty: b,
481 isValid: w,
482 isValidating: k,
483 isSubmitted: O,
484 runFieldValidation: I,
485 runFieldHintCheck: L,
486 valueRef: T,
487 validate: P,
488 checkHint: H,
489 _normalizedDotName: l,
490 _setIsValidating: M
491 };
492}, Ie = ({
493 fieldInstanceRef: e,
494 props: n,
495 value: i,
496 errors: l,
497 isDirty: u,
498 isValid: o,
499 isTouched: r,
500 isValidating: _,
501 preserveValue: d
502}) => {
503 const s = oe();
504 W(() => {
505 e.current.props = n;
506 const C = e.current, R = s.formFieldsRef.current;
507 if (s.deleteField(n.name), R.push(C), !d)
508 return () => {
509 s.deleteField(n.name);
510 };
511 }, [
512 s.deleteField,
513 s.formFieldsRef,
514 e,
515 n,
516 d
517 ]), W(() => {
518 e.current.value = i;
519 }, [e, i]), W(() => {
520 e.current.errors = l;
521 }, [l, e]), W(() => {
522 e.current.isDirty = u;
523 }, [u, e]), W(() => {
524 e.current.isValid = o;
525 }, [o, e]), W(() => {
526 e.current.isTouched = r;
527 }, [r, e]), W(() => {
528 e.current.isValidating = _;
529 }, [_, e]), W(() => (s.recomputeErrors(), () => {
530 s.recomputeErrors();
531 }), [l, s.recomputeErrors]), W(() => (s.recomputeIsTouched(), () => {
532 s.recomputeIsTouched();
533 }), [r, s.recomputeIsTouched]), W(() => (s.recomputeIsDirty(), () => {
534 s.recomputeIsDirty();
535 }), [u, s.recomputeIsDirty]), W(() => (s.recomputeIsValidating(), () => {
536 s.recomputeIsValidating();
537 }), [_, s.recomputeIsValidating]), W(() => (s.recomputeFormValue(), () => {
538 s.recomputeFormValue();
539 }), [i, s.recomputeFormValue]);
541function Ze(e, n) {
542 const i = oe(), { children: l, memoChild: u, preserveValue: o } = e, {
543 value: r,
544 setErrors: _,
545 errors: d,
546 hints: s,
547 setHints: C,
548 setIsDirty: R,
549 setIsTouched: b,
550 setValue: S,
551 isTouched: k,
552 isDirty: M,
553 isValid: O,
554 isValidating: I,
555 isSubmitted: L,
556 runFieldValidation: E,
557 runFieldHintCheck: p,
558 valueRef: B,
559 _normalizedDotName: F,
560 _setIsValidating: T,
561 validate: x,
562 checkHint: w
563 } = Re({
564 props: e,
565 initialValue: ""
566 });
567 Ce({
568 listenTo: e.listenTo,
569 runFieldValidation: E,
570 valueRef: B
571 });
572 const P = a(() => {
573 b(!0), setTimeout(() => {
574 var f;
575 (f = i.onBlurListenerRefs.current[e.name]) == null || f.forEach((D) => D());
576 }, 0), p("onBlurHint", B.current), E("onBlurValidate", B.current);
577 }, [
578 i.onBlurListenerRefs,
579 e.name,
580 E,
581 b,
582 B
583 ]), H = G(() => ({
584 value: r,
585 props: e,
586 setErrors: _,
587 errors: d,
588 setIsDirty: R,
589 setIsTouched: b,
590 setValue: S,
591 isTouched: k,
592 isDirty: M,
593 isValid: O,
594 isValidating: I,
595 isSubmitted: L,
596 onBlur: P,
597 _normalizedDotName: F,
598 _setIsValidating: T,
599 validate: x,
600 hints: s,
601 setHints: C,
602 checkHint: w
603 }), [
604 e,
605 r,
606 _,
607 d,
608 R,
609 b,
610 S,
611 k,
612 M,
613 O,
614 I,
615 L,
616 P,
617 F,
618 T,
619 x,
620 s,
621 C,
622 w
623 ]), m = z(H);
624 return Ie({
625 fieldInstanceRef: m,
626 props: e,
627 value: r,
628 errors: d,
629 isValid: O,
630 isDirty: M,
631 isTouched: k,
632 isValidating: I,
633 preserveValue: o
634 }), ye(n, () => H, [H]), G(
635 () => l(H),
636 u ? u.concat(H) : [l, H]
637 );
639const rt = Ve(ge(Ze)), We = {
640 value: [],
641 setValue: () => {
642 },
643 setValues: () => {
644 },
645 props: {
646 name: ""
647 },
648 errors: [],
649 setErrors: () => {
650 },
651 setIsDirty: () => {
652 },
653 isValid: !1,
654 isValidating: !1,
655 setIsTouched: () => {
656 },
657 isDirty: !1,
658 isTouched: !1,
659 _normalizedDotName: "",
660 add: () => {
661 },
662 remove: () => {
663 },
664 insert: () => {
665 },
666 move: () => {
667 },
668 swap: () => {
669 },
670 replace: () => {
671 },
672 validate: () => {
673 },
674 _setIsValidating: () => {
675 },
676 hints: [],
677 setHints: () => {
678 },
679 checkHint: () => {
680 }
681}, Be = He(We), $e = () => Me(Be);
682function Ke(e, n) {
683 const { children: i, memoChild: l, preserveValue: u } = e, {
684 value: o,
685 errors: r,
686 setErrors: _,
687 setValue: d,
688 hints: s,
689 setHints: C,
690 isTouched: R,
691 isDirty: b,
692 isValid: S,
693 isValidating: k,
694 _normalizedDotName: M,
695 _setIsValidating: O,
696 runFieldValidation: I,
697 valueRef: L,
698 setIsDirty: E,
699 setIsTouched: p,
700 validate: B,
701 checkHint: F
702 } = Re({
703 props: e,
704 initialValue: []
705 });
706 Ce({
707 listenTo: e.listenTo,
708 runFieldValidation: I,
709 valueRef: L
710 });
711 const T = a(
712 (y, c) => {
713 const v = re(c) && c.__isResetting, V = re(c) ? c.__value : c, K = (q) => {
714 const A = [...q];
715 return A[y] = V, A;
716 };
717 if (v) {
718 d({
719 __value: K,
720 __isResetting: !0
721 });
722 return;
723 }
724 d(K);
725 },
726 [d]
727 ), x = a(
728 (y) => {
729 d((c) => [...c, y]);
730 },
731 [d]
732 ), w = a(
733 (y) => {
734 d((c) => {
735 const v = [...c];
736 return v.splice(y, 1), v;
737 });
738 },
739 [d]
740 ), P = a(
741 (y, c) => {
742 d((v) => {
743 const V = [...v];
744 return V.splice(y, 0, c), V;
745 });
746 },
747 [d]
748 ), H = a(
749 (y, c) => {
750 d((v) => {
751 const V = [...v], K = V[y];
752 return V.splice(y, 1), V.splice(c, 0, K), V;
753 });
754 },
755 [d]
756 ), m = a(
757 (y, c) => {
758 d((v) => {
759 const V = [...v];
760 return V[y] = c, V;
761 });
762 },
763 [d]
764 ), j = a(
765 (y, c) => {
766 d((v) => {
767 const V = [...v], K = V[y];
768 return V[y] = V[c], V[c] = K, V;
769 });
770 },
771 [d]
772 ), f = G(() => ({
773 value: o,
774 add: x,
775 move: H,
776 insert: P,
777 remove: w,
778 swap: j,
779 replace: m,
780 setValue: T,
781 props: e,
782 _normalizedDotName: M,
783 _setIsValidating: O,
784 errors: r,
785 setErrors: _,
786 hints: s,
787 setHints: C,
788 isValid: S,
789 isValidating: k,
790 setIsDirty: E,
791 isDirty: b,
792 setIsTouched: p,
793 isTouched: R,
794 setValues: d,
795 validate: B,
796 checkHint: F
797 }), [
798 o,
799 x,
800 H,
801 P,
802 w,
803 j,
804 m,
805 T,
806 e,
807 M,
808 O,
809 r,
810 _,
811 s,
812 C,
813 S,
814 k,
815 E,
816 b,
817 p,
818 R,
819 d,
820 B,
821 F
822 ]), D = z(f);
823 Ie({
824 value: o,
825 fieldInstanceRef: D,
826 isValid: S,
827 isValidating: k,
828 isDirty: b,
829 isTouched: R,
830 props: e,
831 errors: r,
832 preserveValue: u
833 }), ye(n, () => f, [f]);
834 const X = G(
835 () => i(f),
836 l ? l.concat(f) : [i, f]
837 );
838 return /* @__PURE__ */ Le(Be.Provider, { value: f, children: X });
840const nt = Ve(ge(Ke));
841function Ye(e, n) {
842 const { children: i, memoChild: l, preserveValue: u } = e, {
843 _normalizedDotName: o,
844 _setIsValidating: r,
845 errors: _,
846 setErrors: d,
847 hints: s,
848 setHints: C,
849 runFieldValidation: R,
850 runFieldHintCheck: b,
851 isValid: S,
852 isValidating: k,
853 isTouched: M,
854 isSubmitted: O,
855 setIsTouched: I,
856 isDirty: L,
857 setIsDirty: E,
858 validate: p,
859 checkHint: B
860 } = Re({
861 props: e,
862 initialValue: ""
863 }), F = $e(), T = oe(), x = G(() => {
864 const c = N(F.props.name), v = N(e.name);
865 for (const V of c)
866 if (V !== v.shift())
867 throw new Error(
868 "You must prepend the FieldArrayItem name with the name of the parent FieldArray"
869 );
870 return v;
871 }, [F.props.name, e.name]), w = G(() => parseInt(x[0]), [x]), P = G(() => x.slice(1), [x]), H = G(() => je(F.value[w], P.join(".")), [P, F.value, w]), m = z(H);
872 m.current = H, Ce({
873 listenTo: e.listenTo,
874 runFieldValidation: R,
875 valueRef: m
876 });
877 const j = a(
878 (c) => {
879 const v = re(c) && c.__isResetting, V = re(c) ? c.__value : c, q = ((J) => typeof J == "function")(V) ? V(F.value[w]) : V, A = { ...F.value[w] };
880 if (ve(A, P.join("."), q), v) {
881 F.setValue(w, {
882 __value: A,
883 __isResetting: !0
884 });
885 return;
886 }
887 F.setValue(w, A), E(!0), setTimeout(() => {
888 var J;
889 (J = T.onChangeListenerRefs.current[e.name]) == null || J.forEach(
890 (ie) => ie()
891 );
892 }, 0), R("onChangeValidate", q);
893 },
894 [
895 P,
896 F,
897 T.onChangeListenerRefs,
898 w,
899 e.name,
900 R,
901 E
902 ]
903 ), f = a(() => {
904 I(!0), setTimeout(() => {
905 var c;
906 (c = T.onBlurListenerRefs.current[e.name]) == null || c.forEach((v) => v());
907 }, 0), b("onBlurHint", m.current), R("onBlurValidate", m.current);
908 }, [
909 T.onBlurListenerRefs,
910 e.name,
911 b,
912 R,
913 I
914 ]), D = G(() => ({
915 setValue: j,
916 errors: _,
917 value: H,
918 _normalizedDotName: o,
919 _setIsValidating: r,
920 onBlur: f,
921 props: e,
922 isTouched: M,
923 isValid: S,
924 isDirty: L,
925 isValidating: k,
926 setIsDirty: E,
927 setErrors: d,
928 setIsTouched: I,
929 validate: p,
930 isSubmitted: O,
931 hints: s,
932 setHints: C,
933 checkHint: B
934 }), [
935 j,
936 _,
937 H,
938 o,
939 r,
940 f,
941 e,
942 M,
943 S,
944 L,
945 k,
946 E,
947 d,
948 I,
949 p,
950 O,
951 s,
952 C,
953 B
954 ]), X = z(D);
955 return Ie({
956 fieldInstanceRef: X,
957 props: e,
958 value: H,
959 errors: _,
960 isValid: S,
961 isDirty: L,
962 isTouched: M,
963 isValidating: k,
964 preserveValue: u
965 }), ye(n, () => D, [D]), G(
966 () => i(D),
967 l ? l.concat(D) : [i, D]
968 );
970const st = Ve(ge(Ye));
971export {
972 rt as Field,
973 nt as FieldArray,
974 Be as FieldArrayContext,
975 st as FieldArrayItem,
976 Ye as FieldArrayItemComp,
977 tt as Form,
978 Ae as FormContext,
979 ve as fillPath,
980 je as getPath,
981 se as getValidationError,
982 We as initialFieldArrayContext,
983 ze as initialFormContext,
984 re as isInternal,
985 N as stringToPath,
986 $e as useFieldArrayContext,
987 Re as useFieldLike,
988 Ie as useFieldLikeSync,
989 oe as useFormContext,
990 Ce as useListenToListenToArray,
991 ne as validate