1 | # html loader for webpack
2 |
3 | Exports HTML as string. HTML is minimized when the compiler demands.
4 |
5 | By default every local `<img src="image.png">` is required (`require("./image.png")`). You may need to specify loaders for images in your configuration (recommended `file-loader` or `url-loader`).
6 |
7 | You can specify which tag-attribute combination should be processed by this loader via the query parameter `attrs`. Pass an array or a space-separated list of `<tag>:<attribute>` combinations. (Default: `attrs=img:src`)
8 |
9 | ## Usage
10 |
11 | [Documentation: Using loaders](http://webpack.github.io/docs/using-loaders.html)
12 |
13 | ## Examples
14 |
15 | With this configuration:
16 |
17 | ``` javascript
18 | {
19 | module: { loaders: [
20 | { test: "\.jpg$", loader: "file-loader" },
21 | { test: "\.png$", loader: "url-loader?mimetype=image/png" }
22 | ]},
23 | output: {
24 | publicPath: "http://cdn.example.com/[hash]/"
25 | }
26 | }
27 | ```
28 |
29 | ``` html
30 | <!-- fileA.html -->
31 | <img src="image.jpg" data-src="image2x.png" >
32 | ```
33 |
34 | ``` javascript
35 | require("html!./fileA.html");
36 | // => '<img src="http://cdn.example.com/49e...ba9f/a9f...92ca.jpg" data-src="image2x.png" >'
37 |
38 | require("html?attrs=img:data-src!./file.html");
39 | // => '<img src="image.png" data-src="data:image/png;base64,..." >'
40 |
41 | require("html?attrs=img:src img:data-src!./file.html");
42 | require("html?attrs[]=img:src&attrs[]=img:data-src!./file.html");
43 | // => '<img src="http://cdn.example.com/49e...ba9f/a9f...92ca.jpg" data-src="data:image/png;base64,..." >'
44 |
45 | /// minimized by running `webpack --optimize-minimize`
46 | // => '<img src=http://cdn.example.com/49e...ba9f/a9f...92ca.jpg data-src=data:image/png;base64,...>'
47 |
48 | ```
49 |
50 | ## 'Root-relative' urls
51 |
52 | For urls that start with a `/`, the default behavior is to not translate them.
53 | If a `root` query parameter is set, however, it will be prepended to the url
54 | and then translated.
55 |
56 | With the same configuration above:
57 | ``` html
58 | <!-- fileB.html -->
59 | <img src="/image.jpg">
60 | ```
61 |
62 | ``` javascript
63 |
64 | require("html!./fileB.html");
65 | // => '<img src="/image.jpg">'
66 |
67 | require("html?root=.!./fileB.html");
68 | // => '<img src="http://cdn.example.com/49e...ba9f/a9f...92ca.jpg">'
69 |
70 | ```
71 |
72 | ## License
73 |
74 | MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)