55.6 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function (global, factory) {
2 typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('react')) :
3 typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['react'], factory) :
4 (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.HTMLReactParser = factory(global.React));
5}(this, (function (React) { 'use strict';
7 function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; }
9 var React__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(React);
11 var HTMLDOMPropertyConfig = {
12 Properties: {
13 autoFocus: 4,
14 accept: 0,
15 acceptCharset: 0,
16 accessKey: 0,
17 action: 0,
18 allowFullScreen: 4,
19 allowTransparency: 0,
20 alt: 0,
21 as: 0,
22 async: 4,
23 autoComplete: 0,
24 autoPlay: 4,
25 capture: 4,
26 cellPadding: 0,
27 cellSpacing: 0,
28 charSet: 0,
29 challenge: 0,
30 checked: 5,
31 cite: 0,
32 classID: 0,
33 className: 0,
34 cols: 24,
35 colSpan: 0,
36 content: 0,
37 contentEditable: 0,
38 contextMenu: 0,
39 controls: 4,
40 controlsList: 0,
41 coords: 0,
42 crossOrigin: 0,
43 data: 0,
44 dateTime: 0,
45 default: 4,
46 defer: 4,
47 dir: 0,
48 disabled: 4,
49 download: 32,
50 draggable: 0,
51 encType: 0,
52 form: 0,
53 formAction: 0,
54 formEncType: 0,
55 formMethod: 0,
56 formNoValidate: 4,
57 formTarget: 0,
58 frameBorder: 0,
59 headers: 0,
60 height: 0,
61 hidden: 4,
62 high: 0,
63 href: 0,
64 hrefLang: 0,
65 htmlFor: 0,
66 httpEquiv: 0,
67 icon: 0,
68 id: 0,
69 inputMode: 0,
70 integrity: 0,
71 is: 0,
72 keyParams: 0,
73 keyType: 0,
74 kind: 0,
75 label: 0,
76 lang: 0,
77 list: 0,
78 loop: 4,
79 low: 0,
80 manifest: 0,
81 marginHeight: 0,
82 marginWidth: 0,
83 max: 0,
84 maxLength: 0,
85 media: 0,
86 mediaGroup: 0,
87 method: 0,
88 min: 0,
89 minLength: 0,
90 multiple: 5,
91 muted: 5,
92 name: 0,
93 nonce: 0,
94 noValidate: 4,
95 open: 4,
96 optimum: 0,
97 pattern: 0,
98 placeholder: 0,
99 playsInline: 4,
100 poster: 0,
101 preload: 0,
102 profile: 0,
103 radioGroup: 0,
104 readOnly: 4,
105 referrerPolicy: 0,
106 rel: 0,
107 required: 4,
108 reversed: 4,
109 role: 0,
110 rows: 24,
111 rowSpan: 8,
112 sandbox: 0,
113 scope: 0,
114 scoped: 4,
115 scrolling: 0,
116 seamless: 4,
117 selected: 5,
118 shape: 0,
119 size: 24,
120 sizes: 0,
121 span: 24,
122 spellCheck: 0,
123 src: 0,
124 srcDoc: 0,
125 srcLang: 0,
126 srcSet: 0,
127 start: 8,
128 step: 0,
129 style: 0,
130 summary: 0,
131 tabIndex: 0,
132 target: 0,
133 title: 0,
134 type: 0,
135 useMap: 0,
136 value: 0,
137 width: 0,
138 wmode: 0,
139 wrap: 0,
140 about: 0,
141 datatype: 0,
142 inlist: 0,
143 prefix: 0,
144 property: 0,
145 resource: 0,
146 typeof: 0,
147 vocab: 0,
148 autoCapitalize: 0,
149 autoCorrect: 0,
150 autoSave: 0,
151 color: 0,
152 itemProp: 0,
153 itemScope: 4,
154 itemType: 0,
155 itemID: 0,
156 itemRef: 0,
157 results: 0,
158 security: 0,
159 unselectable: 0
160 },
161 DOMAttributeNames: {
162 acceptCharset: 'accept-charset',
163 className: 'class',
164 htmlFor: 'for',
165 httpEquiv: 'http-equiv'
166 }
167 };
169 var SVGDOMPropertyConfig = {
170 Properties: {
171 accentHeight: 0,
172 accumulate: 0,
173 additive: 0,
174 alignmentBaseline: 0,
175 allowReorder: 0,
176 alphabetic: 0,
177 amplitude: 0,
178 arabicForm: 0,
179 ascent: 0,
180 attributeName: 0,
181 attributeType: 0,
182 autoReverse: 0,
183 azimuth: 0,
184 baseFrequency: 0,
185 baseProfile: 0,
186 baselineShift: 0,
187 bbox: 0,
188 begin: 0,
189 bias: 0,
190 by: 0,
191 calcMode: 0,
192 capHeight: 0,
193 clip: 0,
194 clipPath: 0,
195 clipRule: 0,
196 clipPathUnits: 0,
197 colorInterpolation: 0,
198 colorInterpolationFilters: 0,
199 colorProfile: 0,
200 colorRendering: 0,
201 contentScriptType: 0,
202 contentStyleType: 0,
203 cursor: 0,
204 cx: 0,
205 cy: 0,
206 d: 0,
207 decelerate: 0,
208 descent: 0,
209 diffuseConstant: 0,
210 direction: 0,
211 display: 0,
212 divisor: 0,
213 dominantBaseline: 0,
214 dur: 0,
215 dx: 0,
216 dy: 0,
217 edgeMode: 0,
218 elevation: 0,
219 enableBackground: 0,
220 end: 0,
221 exponent: 0,
222 externalResourcesRequired: 0,
223 fill: 0,
224 fillOpacity: 0,
225 fillRule: 0,
226 filter: 0,
227 filterRes: 0,
228 filterUnits: 0,
229 floodColor: 0,
230 floodOpacity: 0,
231 focusable: 0,
232 fontFamily: 0,
233 fontSize: 0,
234 fontSizeAdjust: 0,
235 fontStretch: 0,
236 fontStyle: 0,
237 fontVariant: 0,
238 fontWeight: 0,
239 format: 0,
240 from: 0,
241 fx: 0,
242 fy: 0,
243 g1: 0,
244 g2: 0,
245 glyphName: 0,
246 glyphOrientationHorizontal: 0,
247 glyphOrientationVertical: 0,
248 glyphRef: 0,
249 gradientTransform: 0,
250 gradientUnits: 0,
251 hanging: 0,
252 horizAdvX: 0,
253 horizOriginX: 0,
254 ideographic: 0,
255 imageRendering: 0,
256 in: 0,
257 in2: 0,
258 intercept: 0,
259 k: 0,
260 k1: 0,
261 k2: 0,
262 k3: 0,
263 k4: 0,
264 kernelMatrix: 0,
265 kernelUnitLength: 0,
266 kerning: 0,
267 keyPoints: 0,
268 keySplines: 0,
269 keyTimes: 0,
270 lengthAdjust: 0,
271 letterSpacing: 0,
272 lightingColor: 0,
273 limitingConeAngle: 0,
274 local: 0,
275 markerEnd: 0,
276 markerMid: 0,
277 markerStart: 0,
278 markerHeight: 0,
279 markerUnits: 0,
280 markerWidth: 0,
281 mask: 0,
282 maskContentUnits: 0,
283 maskUnits: 0,
284 mathematical: 0,
285 mode: 0,
286 numOctaves: 0,
287 offset: 0,
288 opacity: 0,
289 operator: 0,
290 order: 0,
291 orient: 0,
292 orientation: 0,
293 origin: 0,
294 overflow: 0,
295 overlinePosition: 0,
296 overlineThickness: 0,
297 paintOrder: 0,
298 panose1: 0,
299 pathLength: 0,
300 patternContentUnits: 0,
301 patternTransform: 0,
302 patternUnits: 0,
303 pointerEvents: 0,
304 points: 0,
305 pointsAtX: 0,
306 pointsAtY: 0,
307 pointsAtZ: 0,
308 preserveAlpha: 0,
309 preserveAspectRatio: 0,
310 primitiveUnits: 0,
311 r: 0,
312 radius: 0,
313 refX: 0,
314 refY: 0,
315 renderingIntent: 0,
316 repeatCount: 0,
317 repeatDur: 0,
318 requiredExtensions: 0,
319 requiredFeatures: 0,
320 restart: 0,
321 result: 0,
322 rotate: 0,
323 rx: 0,
324 ry: 0,
325 scale: 0,
326 seed: 0,
327 shapeRendering: 0,
328 slope: 0,
329 spacing: 0,
330 specularConstant: 0,
331 specularExponent: 0,
332 speed: 0,
333 spreadMethod: 0,
334 startOffset: 0,
335 stdDeviation: 0,
336 stemh: 0,
337 stemv: 0,
338 stitchTiles: 0,
339 stopColor: 0,
340 stopOpacity: 0,
341 strikethroughPosition: 0,
342 strikethroughThickness: 0,
343 string: 0,
344 stroke: 0,
345 strokeDasharray: 0,
346 strokeDashoffset: 0,
347 strokeLinecap: 0,
348 strokeLinejoin: 0,
349 strokeMiterlimit: 0,
350 strokeOpacity: 0,
351 strokeWidth: 0,
352 surfaceScale: 0,
353 systemLanguage: 0,
354 tableValues: 0,
355 targetX: 0,
356 targetY: 0,
357 textAnchor: 0,
358 textDecoration: 0,
359 textRendering: 0,
360 textLength: 0,
361 to: 0,
362 transform: 0,
363 u1: 0,
364 u2: 0,
365 underlinePosition: 0,
366 underlineThickness: 0,
367 unicode: 0,
368 unicodeBidi: 0,
369 unicodeRange: 0,
370 unitsPerEm: 0,
371 vAlphabetic: 0,
372 vHanging: 0,
373 vIdeographic: 0,
374 vMathematical: 0,
375 values: 0,
376 vectorEffect: 0,
377 version: 0,
378 vertAdvY: 0,
379 vertOriginX: 0,
380 vertOriginY: 0,
381 viewBox: 0,
382 viewTarget: 0,
383 visibility: 0,
384 widths: 0,
385 wordSpacing: 0,
386 writingMode: 0,
387 x: 0,
388 xHeight: 0,
389 x1: 0,
390 x2: 0,
391 xChannelSelector: 0,
392 xlinkActuate: 0,
393 xlinkArcrole: 0,
394 xlinkHref: 0,
395 xlinkRole: 0,
396 xlinkShow: 0,
397 xlinkTitle: 0,
398 xlinkType: 0,
399 xmlBase: 0,
400 xmlns: 0,
401 xmlnsXlink: 0,
402 xmlLang: 0,
403 xmlSpace: 0,
404 y: 0,
405 y1: 0,
406 y2: 0,
407 yChannelSelector: 0,
408 z: 0,
409 zoomAndPan: 0
410 },
411 DOMAttributeNames: {
412 accentHeight: 'accent-height',
413 alignmentBaseline: 'alignment-baseline',
414 arabicForm: 'arabic-form',
415 baselineShift: 'baseline-shift',
416 capHeight: 'cap-height',
417 clipPath: 'clip-path',
418 clipRule: 'clip-rule',
419 colorInterpolation: 'color-interpolation',
420 colorInterpolationFilters: 'color-interpolation-filters',
421 colorProfile: 'color-profile',
422 colorRendering: 'color-rendering',
423 dominantBaseline: 'dominant-baseline',
424 enableBackground: 'enable-background',
425 fillOpacity: 'fill-opacity',
426 fillRule: 'fill-rule',
427 floodColor: 'flood-color',
428 floodOpacity: 'flood-opacity',
429 fontFamily: 'font-family',
430 fontSize: 'font-size',
431 fontSizeAdjust: 'font-size-adjust',
432 fontStretch: 'font-stretch',
433 fontStyle: 'font-style',
434 fontVariant: 'font-variant',
435 fontWeight: 'font-weight',
436 glyphName: 'glyph-name',
437 glyphOrientationHorizontal: 'glyph-orientation-horizontal',
438 glyphOrientationVertical: 'glyph-orientation-vertical',
439 horizAdvX: 'horiz-adv-x',
440 horizOriginX: 'horiz-origin-x',
441 imageRendering: 'image-rendering',
442 letterSpacing: 'letter-spacing',
443 lightingColor: 'lighting-color',
444 markerEnd: 'marker-end',
445 markerMid: 'marker-mid',
446 markerStart: 'marker-start',
447 overlinePosition: 'overline-position',
448 overlineThickness: 'overline-thickness',
449 paintOrder: 'paint-order',
450 panose1: 'panose-1',
451 pointerEvents: 'pointer-events',
452 renderingIntent: 'rendering-intent',
453 shapeRendering: 'shape-rendering',
454 stopColor: 'stop-color',
455 stopOpacity: 'stop-opacity',
456 strikethroughPosition: 'strikethrough-position',
457 strikethroughThickness: 'strikethrough-thickness',
458 strokeDasharray: 'stroke-dasharray',
459 strokeDashoffset: 'stroke-dashoffset',
460 strokeLinecap: 'stroke-linecap',
461 strokeLinejoin: 'stroke-linejoin',
462 strokeMiterlimit: 'stroke-miterlimit',
463 strokeOpacity: 'stroke-opacity',
464 strokeWidth: 'stroke-width',
465 textAnchor: 'text-anchor',
466 textDecoration: 'text-decoration',
467 textRendering: 'text-rendering',
468 underlinePosition: 'underline-position',
469 underlineThickness: 'underline-thickness',
470 unicodeBidi: 'unicode-bidi',
471 unicodeRange: 'unicode-range',
472 unitsPerEm: 'units-per-em',
473 vAlphabetic: 'v-alphabetic',
474 vHanging: 'v-hanging',
475 vIdeographic: 'v-ideographic',
476 vMathematical: 'v-mathematical',
477 vectorEffect: 'vector-effect',
478 vertAdvY: 'vert-adv-y',
479 vertOriginX: 'vert-origin-x',
480 vertOriginY: 'vert-origin-y',
481 wordSpacing: 'word-spacing',
482 writingMode: 'writing-mode',
483 xHeight: 'x-height',
484 xlinkActuate: 'xlink:actuate',
485 xlinkArcrole: 'xlink:arcrole',
486 xlinkHref: 'xlink:href',
487 xlinkRole: 'xlink:role',
488 xlinkShow: 'xlink:show',
489 xlinkTitle: 'xlink:title',
490 xlinkType: 'xlink:type',
491 xmlBase: 'xml:base',
492 xmlnsXlink: 'xmlns:xlink',
493 xmlLang: 'xml:lang',
494 xmlSpace: 'xml:space'
495 }
496 };
498 var injection = {
504 };
512 /**
513 * @see https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/15-stable/src/renderers/dom/shared/DOMProperty.js#L14-L16
514 *
515 * @param {Number} value
516 * @param {Number} bitmask
517 * @return {Boolean}
518 */
519 function checkMask(value, bitmask) {
520 return (value & bitmask) === bitmask;
521 }
523 /**
524 * @see https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/15-stable/src/renderers/dom/shared/DOMProperty.js#L57
525 *
526 * @param {Object} domPropertyConfig - HTMLDOMPropertyConfig or SVGDOMPropertyConfig
527 * @param {Object} config - The object to be mutated
528 * @param {Boolean} isSVG - Whether the injected config is HTML or SVG (it assumes the default is HTML)
529 */
530 function injectDOMPropertyConfig(domPropertyConfig, config, isSVG) {
531 var Properties = domPropertyConfig.Properties;
532 var DOMAttributeNames = domPropertyConfig.DOMAttributeNames;
533 var attributeName;
534 var propertyName;
535 var propConfig;
537 for (propertyName in Properties) {
538 attributeName =
539 DOMAttributeNames[propertyName] ||
540 (isSVG ? propertyName : propertyName.toLowerCase());
541 propConfig = Properties[propertyName];
543 config[attributeName] = {
544 attributeName: attributeName,
545 propertyName: propertyName,
546 mustUseProperty: checkMask(propConfig, MUST_USE_PROPERTY),
547 hasBooleanValue: checkMask(propConfig, HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE),
548 hasNumericValue: checkMask(propConfig, HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE),
549 hasPositiveNumericValue: checkMask(
550 propConfig,
552 ),
553 hasOverloadedBooleanValue: checkMask(
554 propConfig,
556 )
557 };
558 }
559 }
561 /**
562 * HTML properties config.
563 *
564 * @type {Object}
565 */
566 var html = {};
567 injectDOMPropertyConfig(HTMLDOMPropertyConfig, html);
569 /**
570 * SVG properties config.
571 *
572 * @type {Object}
573 */
574 var svg = {};
575 injectDOMPropertyConfig(SVGDOMPropertyConfig, svg, true);
577 /**
578 * HTML and SVG properties config.
579 *
580 * @type {Object}
581 */
582 var properties = {};
583 injectDOMPropertyConfig(HTMLDOMPropertyConfig, properties);
584 injectDOMPropertyConfig(SVGDOMPropertyConfig, properties, true);
587 ':A-Z_a-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD';
589 ATTRIBUTE_NAME_START_CHAR + '\\-.0-9\\u00B7\\u0300-\\u036F\\u203F-\\u2040';
591 var reactProperty = {
592 html: html,
593 svg: svg,
594 properties: properties,
596 /**
597 * Checks whether a property name is a custom attribute.
598 *
599 * @see https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/15-stable/src/renderers/dom/shared/HTMLDOMPropertyConfig.js#L23-L25
600 *
601 * @param {String}
602 * @return {Boolean}
603 */
604 isCustomAttribute: RegExp.prototype.test.bind(
605 new RegExp('^(data|aria)-[' + ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CHAR + ']*$')
606 )
607 };
609 var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
611 function createCommonjsModule(fn) {
612 var module = { exports: {} };
613 return fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;
614 }
616 // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/grammar.html
617 // https://github.com/visionmedia/css-parse/pull/49#issuecomment-30088027
618 var COMMENT_REGEX = /\/\*[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*\//g;
620 var NEWLINE_REGEX = /\n/g;
621 var WHITESPACE_REGEX = /^\s*/;
623 // declaration
624 var PROPERTY_REGEX = /^(\*?[-#/*\\\w]+(\[[0-9a-z_-]+\])?)\s*/;
625 var COLON_REGEX = /^:\s*/;
626 var VALUE_REGEX = /^((?:'(?:\\'|.)*?'|"(?:\\"|.)*?"|\([^)]*?\)|[^};])+)/;
627 var SEMICOLON_REGEX = /^[;\s]*/;
629 // https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/Trim#Polyfill
630 var TRIM_REGEX = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
632 // strings
633 var NEWLINE = '\n';
634 var FORWARD_SLASH = '/';
635 var ASTERISK = '*';
636 var EMPTY_STRING = '';
638 // types
639 var TYPE_COMMENT = 'comment';
640 var TYPE_DECLARATION = 'declaration';
642 /**
643 * @param {String} style
644 * @param {Object} [options]
645 * @return {Object[]}
646 * @throws {TypeError}
647 * @throws {Error}
648 */
649 var inlineStyleParser = function(style, options) {
650 if (typeof style !== 'string') {
651 throw new TypeError('First argument must be a string');
652 }
654 if (!style) return [];
656 options = options || {};
658 /**
659 * Positional.
660 */
661 var lineno = 1;
662 var column = 1;
664 /**
665 * Update lineno and column based on `str`.
666 *
667 * @param {String} str
668 */
669 function updatePosition(str) {
670 var lines = str.match(NEWLINE_REGEX);
671 if (lines) lineno += lines.length;
672 var i = str.lastIndexOf(NEWLINE);
673 column = ~i ? str.length - i : column + str.length;
674 }
676 /**
677 * Mark position and patch `node.position`.
678 *
679 * @return {Function}
680 */
681 function position() {
682 var start = { line: lineno, column: column };
683 return function(node) {
684 node.position = new Position(start);
685 whitespace();
686 return node;
687 };
688 }
690 /**
691 * Store position information for a node.
692 *
693 * @constructor
694 * @property {Object} start
695 * @property {Object} end
696 * @property {undefined|String} source
697 */
698 function Position(start) {
699 this.start = start;
700 this.end = { line: lineno, column: column };
701 this.source = options.source;
702 }
704 /**
705 * Non-enumerable source string.
706 */
707 Position.prototype.content = style;
709 /**
710 * Error `msg`.
711 *
712 * @param {String} msg
713 * @throws {Error}
714 */
715 function error(msg) {
716 var err = new Error(
717 options.source + ':' + lineno + ':' + column + ': ' + msg
718 );
719 err.reason = msg;
720 err.filename = options.source;
721 err.line = lineno;
722 err.column = column;
723 err.source = style;
725 if (options.silent) ; else {
726 throw err;
727 }
728 }
730 /**
731 * Match `re` and return captures.
732 *
733 * @param {RegExp} re
734 * @return {undefined|Array}
735 */
736 function match(re) {
737 var m = re.exec(style);
738 if (!m) return;
739 var str = m[0];
740 updatePosition(str);
741 style = style.slice(str.length);
742 return m;
743 }
745 /**
746 * Parse whitespace.
747 */
748 function whitespace() {
750 }
752 /**
753 * Parse comments.
754 *
755 * @param {Object[]} [rules]
756 * @return {Object[]}
757 */
758 function comments(rules) {
759 var c;
760 rules = rules || [];
761 while ((c = comment())) {
762 if (c !== false) {
763 rules.push(c);
764 }
765 }
766 return rules;
767 }
769 /**
770 * Parse comment.
771 *
772 * @return {Object}
773 * @throws {Error}
774 */
775 function comment() {
776 var pos = position();
777 if (FORWARD_SLASH != style.charAt(0) || ASTERISK != style.charAt(1)) return;
779 var i = 2;
780 while (
781 EMPTY_STRING != style.charAt(i) &&
782 (ASTERISK != style.charAt(i) || FORWARD_SLASH != style.charAt(i + 1))
783 ) {
784 ++i;
785 }
786 i += 2;
788 if (EMPTY_STRING === style.charAt(i - 1)) {
789 return error('End of comment missing');
790 }
792 var str = style.slice(2, i - 2);
793 column += 2;
794 updatePosition(str);
795 style = style.slice(i);
796 column += 2;
798 return pos({
799 type: TYPE_COMMENT,
800 comment: str
801 });
802 }
804 /**
805 * Parse declaration.
806 *
807 * @return {Object}
808 * @throws {Error}
809 */
810 function declaration() {
811 var pos = position();
813 // prop
814 var prop = match(PROPERTY_REGEX);
815 if (!prop) return;
816 comment();
818 // :
819 if (!match(COLON_REGEX)) return error("property missing ':'");
821 // val
822 var val = match(VALUE_REGEX);
824 var ret = pos({
826 property: trim(prop[0].replace(COMMENT_REGEX, EMPTY_STRING)),
827 value: val
828 ? trim(val[0].replace(COMMENT_REGEX, EMPTY_STRING))
830 });
832 // ;
835 return ret;
836 }
838 /**
839 * Parse declarations.
840 *
841 * @return {Object[]}
842 */
843 function declarations() {
844 var decls = [];
846 comments(decls);
848 // declarations
849 var decl;
850 while ((decl = declaration())) {
851 if (decl !== false) {
852 decls.push(decl);
853 comments(decls);
854 }
855 }
857 return decls;
858 }
860 whitespace();
861 return declarations();
862 };
864 /**
865 * Trim `str`.
866 *
867 * @param {String} str
868 * @return {String}
869 */
870 function trim(str) {
871 return str ? str.replace(TRIM_REGEX, EMPTY_STRING) : EMPTY_STRING;
872 }
874 /**
875 * Parses inline style to object.
876 *
877 * @example
878 * // returns { 'line-height': '42' }
879 * StyleToObject('line-height: 42;');
880 *
881 * @param {String} style - The inline style.
882 * @param {Function} [iterator] - The iterator function.
883 * @return {null|Object}
884 */
885 function StyleToObject(style, iterator) {
886 var output = null;
887 if (!style || typeof style !== 'string') {
888 return output;
889 }
891 var declaration;
892 var declarations = inlineStyleParser(style);
893 var hasIterator = typeof iterator === 'function';
894 var property;
895 var value;
897 for (var i = 0, len = declarations.length; i < len; i++) {
898 declaration = declarations[i];
899 property = declaration.property;
900 value = declaration.value;
902 if (hasIterator) {
903 iterator(property, value, declaration);
904 } else if (value) {
905 output || (output = {});
906 output[property] = value;
907 }
908 }
910 return output;
911 }
913 var styleToObject = StyleToObject;
915 var utilities = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
916 exports.__esModule = true;
917 exports.camelCase = void 0;
918 var CUSTOM_PROPERTY_REGEX = /^--[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/;
919 var HYPHEN_REGEX = /-([a-z])/g;
920 var NO_HYPHEN_REGEX = /^[^-]+$/;
921 var VENDOR_PREFIX_REGEX = /^-(webkit|moz|ms|o|khtml)-/;
922 var skipCamelCase = function (property) {
923 return !property ||
924 NO_HYPHEN_REGEX.test(property) ||
925 CUSTOM_PROPERTY_REGEX.test(property);
926 };
927 var capitalize = function (match, character) {
928 return character.toUpperCase();
929 };
930 var trimHyphen = function (match, prefix) { return prefix + "-"; };
931 var camelCase = function (property, options) {
932 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
933 if (skipCamelCase(property)) {
934 return property;
935 }
936 property = property.toLowerCase();
937 if (!options.reactCompat) {
938 property = property.replace(VENDOR_PREFIX_REGEX, trimHyphen);
939 }
940 return property.replace(HYPHEN_REGEX, capitalize);
941 };
942 exports.camelCase = camelCase;
943 });
945 var cjs = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
946 var __importDefault = (commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
947 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
948 };
949 exports.__esModule = true;
950 var style_to_object_1 = __importDefault(styleToObject);
952 function StyleToJS(style, options) {
953 var output = {};
954 if (!style || typeof style !== 'string') {
955 return output;
956 }
957 style_to_object_1["default"](style, function (property, value) {
958 if (property && value) {
959 output[utilities.camelCase(property, options)] = value;
960 }
961 });
962 return output;
963 }
964 exports["default"] = StyleToJS;
965 });
967 var styleToJS = cjs.default;
969 /**
970 * Swap key with value in an object.
971 *
972 * @param {Object} obj - The object.
973 * @param {Function} [override] - The override method.
974 * @return {Object} - The inverted object.
975 */
976 function invertObject(obj, override) {
977 if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') {
978 throw new TypeError('First argument must be an object');
979 }
981 var key;
982 var value;
983 var isOverridePresent = typeof override === 'function';
984 var overrides = {};
985 var result = {};
987 for (key in obj) {
988 value = obj[key];
990 if (isOverridePresent) {
991 overrides = override(key, value);
992 if (overrides && overrides.length === 2) {
993 result[overrides[0]] = overrides[1];
994 continue;
995 }
996 }
998 if (typeof value === 'string') {
999 result[value] = key;
1000 }
1001 }
1003 return result;
1004 }
1006 /**
1007 * Check if a given tag is a custom component.
1008 *
1009 * @see {@link https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/v16.6.3/packages/react-dom/src/shared/isCustomComponent.js}
1010 *
1011 * @param {string} tagName - The name of the html tag.
1012 * @param {Object} props - The props being passed to the element.
1013 * @return {boolean}
1014 */
1015 function isCustomComponent(tagName, props) {
1016 if (tagName.indexOf('-') === -1) {
1017 return props && typeof props.is === 'string';
1018 }
1020 switch (tagName) {
1021 // These are reserved SVG and MathML elements.
1022 // We don't mind this whitelist too much because we expect it to never grow.
1023 // The alternative is to track the namespace in a few places which is convoluted.
1024 // https://w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/custom/#custom-elements-core-concepts
1025 case 'annotation-xml':
1026 case 'color-profile':
1027 case 'font-face':
1028 case 'font-face-src':
1029 case 'font-face-uri':
1030 case 'font-face-format':
1031 case 'font-face-name':
1032 case 'missing-glyph':
1033 return false;
1034 default:
1035 return true;
1036 }
1037 }
1039 var styleToJSOptions = { reactCompat: true };
1041 /**
1042 * Sets style prop.
1043 *
1044 * @param {null|undefined|string} style
1045 * @param {object} props
1046 */
1047 function setStyleProp(style, props) {
1048 if (style === null || style === undefined) {
1049 return;
1050 }
1051 props.style = styleToJS(style, styleToJSOptions);
1052 }
1054 /**
1055 * @constant {boolean}
1056 * @see {@link https://reactjs.org/blog/2017/09/08/dom-attributes-in-react-16.html}
1057 */
1058 var PRESERVE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES = React__default['default'].version.split('.')[0] >= 16;
1060 var utilities$1 = {
1062 invertObject: invertObject,
1063 isCustomComponent: isCustomComponent,
1064 setStyleProp: setStyleProp
1065 };
1067 var setStyleProp$1 = utilities$1.setStyleProp;
1069 var htmlProperties = reactProperty.html;
1070 var svgProperties = reactProperty.svg;
1071 var isCustomAttribute = reactProperty.isCustomAttribute;
1073 var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
1075 /**
1076 * Converts HTML/SVG DOM attributes to React props.
1077 *
1078 * @param {object} [attributes={}] - HTML/SVG DOM attributes.
1079 * @return {object} - React props.
1080 */
1081 function attributesToProps(attributes) {
1082 attributes = attributes || {};
1084 var attributeName;
1085 var attributeNameLowerCased;
1086 var attributeValue;
1087 var property;
1088 var props = {};
1090 for (attributeName in attributes) {
1091 attributeValue = attributes[attributeName];
1093 // ARIA (aria-*) or custom data (data-*) attribute
1094 if (isCustomAttribute(attributeName)) {
1095 props[attributeName] = attributeValue;
1096 continue;
1097 }
1099 // convert HTML attribute to React prop
1100 attributeNameLowerCased = attributeName.toLowerCase();
1101 if (hasOwnProperty.call(htmlProperties, attributeNameLowerCased)) {
1102 property = htmlProperties[attributeNameLowerCased];
1103 props[property.propertyName] =
1104 property.hasBooleanValue ||
1105 (property.hasOverloadedBooleanValue && !attributeValue)
1106 ? true
1107 : attributeValue;
1108 continue;
1109 }
1111 // convert SVG attribute to React prop
1112 if (hasOwnProperty.call(svgProperties, attributeName)) {
1113 property = svgProperties[attributeName];
1114 props[property.propertyName] = attributeValue;
1115 continue;
1116 }
1118 // preserve custom attribute if React >=16
1119 if (utilities$1.PRESERVE_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES) {
1120 props[attributeName] = attributeValue;
1121 }
1122 }
1124 // transform inline style to object
1125 setStyleProp$1(attributes.style, props);
1127 return props;
1128 }
1130 var attributesToProps_1 = attributesToProps;
1132 var setStyleProp$2 = utilities$1.setStyleProp;
1134 /**
1135 * Converts DOM nodes to JSX element(s).
1136 *
1137 * @param {DomElement[]} nodes - DOM nodes.
1138 * @param {object} [options={}] - Options.
1139 * @param {Function} [options.replace] - Replacer.
1140 * @param {object} [options.library] - Library (React/Preact/etc.).
1141 * @return {string|JSX.Element|JSX.Element[]}
1142 */
1143 function domToReact(nodes, options) {
1144 options = options || {};
1146 var library = options.library || React__default['default'];
1147 var cloneElement = library.cloneElement;
1148 var createElement = library.createElement;
1149 var isValidElement = library.isValidElement;
1151 var result = [];
1152 var node;
1153 var hasReplace = typeof options.replace === 'function';
1154 var replaceElement;
1155 var props;
1156 var children;
1157 var data;
1158 var trim = options.trim;
1160 for (var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) {
1161 node = nodes[i];
1163 // replace with custom React element (if present)
1164 if (hasReplace) {
1165 replaceElement = options.replace(node);
1167 if (isValidElement(replaceElement)) {
1168 // set "key" prop for sibling elements
1169 // https://fb.me/react-warning-keys
1170 if (len > 1) {
1171 replaceElement = cloneElement(replaceElement, {
1172 key: replaceElement.key || i
1173 });
1174 }
1175 result.push(replaceElement);
1176 continue;
1177 }
1178 }
1180 if (node.type === 'text') {
1181 // if trim option is enabled, skip whitespace text nodes
1182 if (trim) {
1183 data = node.data.trim();
1184 if (data) {
1185 result.push(node.data);
1186 }
1187 } else {
1188 result.push(node.data);
1189 }
1190 continue;
1191 }
1193 props = node.attribs;
1194 if (skipAttributesToProps(node)) {
1195 setStyleProp$2(props.style, props);
1196 } else if (props) {
1197 props = attributesToProps_1(props);
1198 }
1200 children = null;
1202 switch (node.type) {
1203 case 'script':
1204 case 'style':
1205 // prevent text in <script> or <style> from being escaped
1206 // https://reactjs.org/docs/dom-elements.html#dangerouslysetinnerhtml
1207 if (node.children[0]) {
1208 props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML = {
1209 __html: node.children[0].data
1210 };
1211 }
1212 break;
1214 case 'tag':
1215 // setting textarea value in children is an antipattern in React
1216 // https://reactjs.org/docs/forms.html#the-textarea-tag
1217 if (node.name === 'textarea' && node.children[0]) {
1218 props.defaultValue = node.children[0].data;
1219 } else if (node.children && node.children.length) {
1220 // continue recursion of creating React elements (if applicable)
1221 children = domToReact(node.children, options);
1222 }
1223 break;
1225 // skip all other cases (e.g., comment)
1226 default:
1227 continue;
1228 }
1230 // set "key" prop for sibling elements
1231 // https://fb.me/react-warning-keys
1232 if (len > 1) {
1233 props.key = i;
1234 }
1236 result.push(createElement(node.name, props, children));
1237 }
1239 return result.length === 1 ? result[0] : result;
1240 }
1242 /**
1243 * Determines whether DOM element attributes should be transformed to props.
1244 * Web Components should not have their attributes transformed except for `style`.
1245 *
1246 * @param {DomElement} node
1247 * @return {boolean}
1248 */
1249 function skipAttributesToProps(node) {
1250 return (
1252 node.type === 'tag' &&
1253 utilities$1.isCustomComponent(node.name, node.attribs)
1254 );
1255 }
1257 var domToReact_1 = domToReact;
1259 /**
1260 * SVG elements are case-sensitive.
1261 *
1262 * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/SVG/Element#SVG_elements_A_to_Z}
1263 */
1265 'animateMotion',
1266 'animateTransform',
1267 'clipPath',
1268 'feBlend',
1269 'feColorMatrix',
1270 'feComponentTransfer',
1271 'feComposite',
1272 'feConvolveMatrix',
1273 'feDiffuseLighting',
1274 'feDisplacementMap',
1275 'feDropShadow',
1276 'feFlood',
1277 'feFuncA',
1278 'feFuncB',
1279 'feFuncG',
1280 'feFuncR',
1281 'feGaussainBlur',
1282 'feImage',
1283 'feMerge',
1284 'feMergeNode',
1285 'feMorphology',
1286 'feOffset',
1287 'fePointLight',
1288 'feSpecularLighting',
1289 'feSpotLight',
1290 'feTile',
1291 'feTurbulence',
1292 'foreignObject',
1293 'linearGradient',
1294 'radialGradient',
1295 'textPath'
1296 ];
1298 var constants = {
1300 };
1302 var node = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
1303 var __extends = (commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__extends) || (function () {
1304 var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
1305 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
1306 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
1307 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
1308 return extendStatics(d, b);
1309 };
1310 return function (d, b) {
1311 extendStatics(d, b);
1312 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
1313 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
1314 };
1315 })();
1316 var __assign = (commonjsGlobal && commonjsGlobal.__assign) || function () {
1317 __assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
1318 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
1319 s = arguments[i];
1320 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
1321 t[p] = s[p];
1322 }
1323 return t;
1324 };
1325 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
1326 };
1327 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
1328 exports.cloneNode = exports.Element = exports.Document = exports.NodeWithChildren = exports.ProcessingInstruction = exports.Comment = exports.Text = exports.DataNode = exports.Node = void 0;
1329 var nodeTypes = new Map([
1330 ["tag" /* Tag */, 1],
1331 ["script" /* Script */, 1],
1332 ["style" /* Style */, 1],
1333 ["directive" /* Directive */, 1],
1334 ["text" /* Text */, 3],
1335 ["cdata" /* CDATA */, 4],
1336 ["comment" /* Comment */, 8],
1337 ["root" /* Root */, 9],
1338 ]);
1339 /**
1340 * This object will be used as the prototype for Nodes when creating a
1341 * DOM-Level-1-compliant structure.
1342 */
1343 var Node = /** @class */ (function () {
1344 /**
1345 *
1346 * @param type The type of the node.
1347 */
1348 function Node(type) {
1349 this.type = type;
1350 /** Parent of the node */
1351 this.parent = null;
1352 /** Previous sibling */
1353 this.prev = null;
1354 /** Next sibling */
1355 this.next = null;
1356 /** The start index of the node. Requires `withStartIndices` on the handler to be `true. */
1357 this.startIndex = null;
1358 /** The end index of the node. Requires `withEndIndices` on the handler to be `true. */
1359 this.endIndex = null;
1360 }
1361 Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, "nodeType", {
1362 // Read-only aliases
1363 get: function () {
1364 var _a;
1365 return (_a = nodeTypes.get(this.type)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 1;
1366 },
1367 enumerable: false,
1368 configurable: true
1369 });
1370 Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, "parentNode", {
1371 // Read-write aliases for properties
1372 get: function () {
1373 return this.parent;
1374 },
1375 set: function (parent) {
1376 this.parent = parent;
1377 },
1378 enumerable: false,
1379 configurable: true
1380 });
1381 Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, "previousSibling", {
1382 get: function () {
1383 return this.prev;
1384 },
1385 set: function (prev) {
1386 this.prev = prev;
1387 },
1388 enumerable: false,
1389 configurable: true
1390 });
1391 Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, "nextSibling", {
1392 get: function () {
1393 return this.next;
1394 },
1395 set: function (next) {
1396 this.next = next;
1397 },
1398 enumerable: false,
1399 configurable: true
1400 });
1401 /**
1402 * Clone this node, and optionally its children.
1403 *
1404 * @param recursive Clone child nodes as well.
1405 * @returns A clone of the node.
1406 */
1407 Node.prototype.cloneNode = function (recursive) {
1408 if (recursive === void 0) { recursive = false; }
1409 return cloneNode(this, recursive);
1410 };
1411 return Node;
1412 }());
1413 exports.Node = Node;
1414 var DataNode = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1415 __extends(DataNode, _super);
1416 /**
1417 * @param type The type of the node
1418 * @param data The content of the data node
1419 */
1420 function DataNode(type, data) {
1421 var _this = _super.call(this, type) || this;
1422 _this.data = data;
1423 return _this;
1424 }
1425 Object.defineProperty(DataNode.prototype, "nodeValue", {
1426 get: function () {
1427 return this.data;
1428 },
1429 set: function (data) {
1430 this.data = data;
1431 },
1432 enumerable: false,
1433 configurable: true
1434 });
1435 return DataNode;
1436 }(Node));
1437 exports.DataNode = DataNode;
1438 var Text = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1439 __extends(Text, _super);
1440 function Text(data) {
1441 return _super.call(this, "text" /* Text */, data) || this;
1442 }
1443 return Text;
1444 }(DataNode));
1445 exports.Text = Text;
1446 var Comment = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1447 __extends(Comment, _super);
1448 function Comment(data) {
1449 return _super.call(this, "comment" /* Comment */, data) || this;
1450 }
1451 return Comment;
1452 }(DataNode));
1453 exports.Comment = Comment;
1454 var ProcessingInstruction = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1455 __extends(ProcessingInstruction, _super);
1456 function ProcessingInstruction(name, data) {
1457 var _this = _super.call(this, "directive" /* Directive */, data) || this;
1458 _this.name = name;
1459 return _this;
1460 }
1461 return ProcessingInstruction;
1462 }(DataNode));
1463 exports.ProcessingInstruction = ProcessingInstruction;
1464 /**
1465 * A `Node` that can have children.
1466 */
1467 var NodeWithChildren = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1468 __extends(NodeWithChildren, _super);
1469 /**
1470 * @param type Type of the node.
1471 * @param children Children of the node. Only certain node types can have children.
1472 */
1473 function NodeWithChildren(type, children) {
1474 var _this = _super.call(this, type) || this;
1475 _this.children = children;
1476 return _this;
1477 }
1478 Object.defineProperty(NodeWithChildren.prototype, "firstChild", {
1479 // Aliases
1480 get: function () {
1481 var _a;
1482 return (_a = this.children[0]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
1483 },
1484 enumerable: false,
1485 configurable: true
1486 });
1487 Object.defineProperty(NodeWithChildren.prototype, "lastChild", {
1488 get: function () {
1489 return this.children.length > 0
1490 ? this.children[this.children.length - 1]
1491 : null;
1492 },
1493 enumerable: false,
1494 configurable: true
1495 });
1496 Object.defineProperty(NodeWithChildren.prototype, "childNodes", {
1497 get: function () {
1498 return this.children;
1499 },
1500 set: function (children) {
1501 this.children = children;
1502 },
1503 enumerable: false,
1504 configurable: true
1505 });
1506 return NodeWithChildren;
1507 }(Node));
1508 exports.NodeWithChildren = NodeWithChildren;
1509 var Document = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1510 __extends(Document, _super);
1511 function Document(children) {
1512 return _super.call(this, "root" /* Root */, children) || this;
1513 }
1514 return Document;
1515 }(NodeWithChildren));
1516 exports.Document = Document;
1517 var Element = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
1518 __extends(Element, _super);
1519 /**
1520 * @param name Name of the tag, eg. `div`, `span`.
1521 * @param attribs Object mapping attribute names to attribute values.
1522 * @param children Children of the node.
1523 */
1524 function Element(name, attribs, children) {
1525 if (children === void 0) { children = []; }
1526 var _this = _super.call(this, name === "script"
1527 ? "script" /* Script */
1528 : name === "style"
1529 ? "style" /* Style */
1530 : "tag" /* Tag */, children) || this;
1531 _this.name = name;
1532 _this.attribs = attribs;
1533 _this.attribs = attribs;
1534 return _this;
1535 }
1536 Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "tagName", {
1537 // DOM Level 1 aliases
1538 get: function () {
1539 return this.name;
1540 },
1541 set: function (name) {
1542 this.name = name;
1543 },
1544 enumerable: false,
1545 configurable: true
1546 });
1547 Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, "attributes", {
1548 get: function () {
1549 var _this = this;
1550 return Object.keys(this.attribs).map(function (name) {
1551 var _a, _b;
1552 return ({
1553 name: name,
1554 value: _this.attribs[name],
1555 namespace: (_a = _this["x-attribsNamespace"]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[name],
1556 prefix: (_b = _this["x-attribsPrefix"]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[name],
1557 });
1558 });
1559 },
1560 enumerable: false,
1561 configurable: true
1562 });
1563 return Element;
1564 }(NodeWithChildren));
1565 exports.Element = Element;
1566 /**
1567 * Clone a node, and optionally its children.
1568 *
1569 * @param recursive Clone child nodes as well.
1570 * @returns A clone of the node.
1571 */
1572 function cloneNode(node, recursive) {
1573 if (recursive === void 0) { recursive = false; }
1574 var result;
1575 switch (node.type) {
1576 case "text" /* Text */:
1577 result = new Text(node.data);
1578 break;
1579 case "directive" /* Directive */: {
1580 var instr = node;
1581 result = new ProcessingInstruction(instr.name, instr.data);
1582 if (instr["x-name"] != null) {
1583 result["x-name"] = instr["x-name"];
1584 result["x-publicId"] = instr["x-publicId"];
1585 result["x-systemId"] = instr["x-systemId"];
1586 }
1587 break;
1588 }
1589 case "comment" /* Comment */:
1590 result = new Comment(node.data);
1591 break;
1592 case "tag" /* Tag */:
1593 case "script" /* Script */:
1594 case "style" /* Style */: {
1595 var elem = node;
1596 var children = recursive ? cloneChildren(elem.children) : [];
1597 var clone_1 = new Element(elem.name, __assign({}, elem.attribs), children);
1598 children.forEach(function (child) { return (child.parent = clone_1); });
1599 if (elem["x-attribsNamespace"]) {
1600 clone_1["x-attribsNamespace"] = __assign({}, elem["x-attribsNamespace"]);
1601 }
1602 if (elem["x-attribsPrefix"]) {
1603 clone_1["x-attribsPrefix"] = __assign({}, elem["x-attribsPrefix"]);
1604 }
1605 result = clone_1;
1606 break;
1607 }
1608 case "cdata" /* CDATA */: {
1609 var cdata = node;
1610 var children = recursive ? cloneChildren(cdata.children) : [];
1611 var clone_2 = new NodeWithChildren(node.type, children);
1612 children.forEach(function (child) { return (child.parent = clone_2); });
1613 result = clone_2;
1614 break;
1615 }
1616 case "root" /* Root */: {
1617 var doc = node;
1618 var children = recursive ? cloneChildren(doc.children) : [];
1619 var clone_3 = new Document(children);
1620 children.forEach(function (child) { return (child.parent = clone_3); });
1621 if (doc["x-mode"]) {
1622 clone_3["x-mode"] = doc["x-mode"];
1623 }
1624 result = clone_3;
1625 break;
1626 }
1627 case "doctype" /* Doctype */: {
1628 // This type isn't used yet.
1629 throw new Error("Not implemented yet: ElementType.Doctype case");
1630 }
1631 }
1632 result.startIndex = node.startIndex;
1633 result.endIndex = node.endIndex;
1634 return result;
1635 }
1636 exports.cloneNode = cloneNode;
1637 function cloneChildren(childs) {
1638 var children = childs.map(function (child) { return cloneNode(child, true); });
1639 for (var i = 1; i < children.length; i++) {
1640 children[i].prev = children[i - 1];
1641 children[i - 1].next = children[i];
1642 }
1643 return children;
1644 }
1645 });
1649 var Comment = node.Comment;
1650 var Element = node.Element;
1651 var ProcessingInstruction = node.ProcessingInstruction;
1652 var Text = node.Text;
1654 var caseSensitiveTagNamesMap = {};
1655 var tagName;
1657 for (var i = 0, len = CASE_SENSITIVE_TAG_NAMES$1.length; i < len; i++) {
1658 tagName = CASE_SENSITIVE_TAG_NAMES$1[i];
1659 caseSensitiveTagNamesMap[tagName.toLowerCase()] = tagName;
1660 }
1662 /**
1663 * Gets case-sensitive tag name.
1664 *
1665 * @param {string} tagName - Tag name in lowercase.
1666 * @return {string|undefined} - Case-sensitive tag name.
1667 */
1668 function getCaseSensitiveTagName(tagName) {
1669 return caseSensitiveTagNamesMap[tagName];
1670 }
1672 /**
1673 * Formats DOM attributes to a hash map.
1674 *
1675 * @param {NamedNodeMap} attributes - List of attributes.
1676 * @return {object} - Map of attribute name to value.
1677 */
1678 function formatAttributes(attributes) {
1679 var result = {};
1680 var attribute;
1681 // `NamedNodeMap` is array-like
1682 for (var i = 0, len = attributes.length; i < len; i++) {
1683 attribute = attributes[i];
1684 result[attribute.name] = attribute.value;
1685 }
1686 return result;
1687 }
1689 /**
1690 * Corrects the tag name if it is case-sensitive (SVG).
1691 * Otherwise, returns the lowercase tag name (HTML).
1692 *
1693 * @param {string} tagName - Lowercase tag name.
1694 * @return {string} - Formatted tag name.
1695 */
1696 function formatTagName(tagName) {
1697 tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
1698 var caseSensitiveTagName = getCaseSensitiveTagName(tagName);
1699 if (caseSensitiveTagName) {
1700 return caseSensitiveTagName;
1701 }
1702 return tagName;
1703 }
1705 /**
1706 * Transforms DOM nodes to `domhandler` nodes.
1707 *
1708 * @param {NodeList} nodes - DOM nodes.
1709 * @param {Element|null} [parent=null] - Parent node.
1710 * @param {string} [directive] - Directive.
1711 * @return {Array<Comment|Element|ProcessingInstruction|Text>}
1712 */
1713 function formatDOM(nodes, parent, directive) {
1714 parent = parent || null;
1715 var result = [];
1717 for (var index = 0, len = nodes.length; index < len; index++) {
1718 var node = nodes[index];
1719 var current;
1721 // set the node data given the type
1722 switch (node.nodeType) {
1723 case 1:
1724 // script, style, or tag
1725 current = new Element(
1726 formatTagName(node.nodeName),
1727 formatAttributes(node.attributes)
1728 );
1729 current.children = formatDOM(node.childNodes, current);
1730 break;
1732 case 3:
1733 current = new Text(node.nodeValue);
1734 break;
1736 case 8:
1737 current = new Comment(node.nodeValue);
1738 break;
1740 default:
1741 continue;
1742 }
1744 // set previous node next
1745 var prev = result[index - 1] || null;
1746 if (prev) {
1747 prev.next = current;
1748 }
1750 // set properties for current node
1751 current.parent = parent;
1752 current.prev = prev;
1753 current.next = null;
1755 result.push(current);
1756 }
1758 if (directive) {
1759 current = new ProcessingInstruction(
1760 directive.substring(0, directive.indexOf(' ')).toLowerCase(),
1761 directive
1762 );
1763 current.next = result[0] || null;
1764 current.parent = parent;
1765 result.unshift(current);
1767 if (result[1]) {
1768 result[1].prev = result[0];
1769 }
1770 }
1772 return result;
1773 }
1775 /**
1776 * Detects if browser is Internet Explorer.
1777 *
1778 * @return {boolean} - Whether IE is detected.
1779 */
1780 function isIE() {
1781 return /(MSIE |Trident\/|Edge\/)/.test(navigator.userAgent);
1782 }
1784 var utilities$2 = {
1785 formatAttributes: formatAttributes,
1786 formatDOM: formatDOM,
1787 isIE: isIE
1788 };
1790 // constants
1791 var HTML = 'html';
1792 var HEAD = 'head';
1793 var BODY = 'body';
1794 var FIRST_TAG_REGEX = /<([a-zA-Z]+[0-9]?)/; // e.g., <h1>
1795 var HEAD_TAG_REGEX = /<head.*>/i;
1796 var BODY_TAG_REGEX = /<body.*>/i;
1798 // falls back to `parseFromString` if `createHTMLDocument` cannot be used
1799 var parseFromDocument = function () {
1800 throw new Error(
1801 'This browser does not support `document.implementation.createHTMLDocument`'
1802 );
1803 };
1805 var parseFromString = function () {
1806 throw new Error(
1807 'This browser does not support `DOMParser.prototype.parseFromString`'
1808 );
1809 };
1811 /**
1812 * DOMParser (performance: slow).
1813 *
1814 * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/DOMParser#Parsing_an_SVG_or_HTML_document
1815 */
1816 if (typeof window.DOMParser === 'function') {
1817 var domParser = new window.DOMParser();
1818 var mimeType = 'text/html';
1820 /**
1821 * Creates an HTML document using `DOMParser.parseFromString`.
1822 *
1823 * @param {string} html - The HTML string.
1824 * @param {string} [tagName] - The element to render the HTML (with 'body' as fallback).
1825 * @return {HTMLDocument}
1826 */
1827 parseFromString = function (html, tagName) {
1828 if (tagName) {
1829 html = '<' + tagName + '>' + html + '</' + tagName + '>';
1830 }
1832 return domParser.parseFromString(html, mimeType);
1833 };
1835 parseFromDocument = parseFromString;
1836 }
1838 /**
1839 * DOMImplementation (performance: fair).
1840 *
1841 * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/DOMImplementation/createHTMLDocument
1842 */
1843 if (document.implementation) {
1844 var isIE$1 = utilities$2.isIE;
1846 // title parameter is required in IE
1847 // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff975457(v=vs.85).aspx
1848 var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(
1849 isIE$1() ? 'html-dom-parser' : undefined
1850 );
1852 /**
1853 * Use HTML document created by `document.implementation.createHTMLDocument`.
1854 *
1855 * @param {string} html - The HTML string.
1856 * @param {string} [tagName] - The element to render the HTML (with 'body' as fallback).
1857 * @return {HTMLDocument}
1858 */
1859 parseFromDocument = function (html, tagName) {
1860 if (tagName) {
1861 doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName(tagName)[0].innerHTML = html;
1862 return doc;
1863 }
1865 doc.documentElement.innerHTML = html;
1866 return doc;
1867 };
1868 }
1870 /**
1871 * Template (performance: fast).
1872 *
1873 * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTML/Element/template
1874 */
1875 var template = document.createElement('template');
1876 var parseFromTemplate;
1878 if (template.content) {
1879 /**
1880 * Uses a template element (content fragment) to parse HTML.
1881 *
1882 * @param {string} html - The HTML string.
1883 * @return {NodeList}
1884 */
1885 parseFromTemplate = function (html) {
1886 template.innerHTML = html;
1887 return template.content.childNodes;
1888 };
1889 }
1891 /**
1892 * Parses HTML string to DOM nodes.
1893 *
1894 * @param {string} html - HTML markup.
1895 * @return {NodeList}
1896 */
1897 function domparser(html) {
1898 var firstTagName;
1899 var match = html.match(FIRST_TAG_REGEX);
1901 if (match && match[1]) {
1902 firstTagName = match[1].toLowerCase();
1903 }
1905 var doc;
1906 var element;
1907 var elements;
1909 switch (firstTagName) {
1910 case HTML:
1911 doc = parseFromString(html);
1913 // the created document may come with filler head/body elements,
1914 // so make sure to remove them if they don't actually exist
1915 if (!HEAD_TAG_REGEX.test(html)) {
1916 element = doc.getElementsByTagName(HEAD)[0];
1917 if (element) {
1918 element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
1919 }
1920 }
1922 if (!BODY_TAG_REGEX.test(html)) {
1923 element = doc.getElementsByTagName(BODY)[0];
1924 if (element) {
1925 element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
1926 }
1927 }
1929 return doc.getElementsByTagName(HTML);
1931 case HEAD:
1932 case BODY:
1933 elements = parseFromDocument(html).getElementsByTagName(firstTagName);
1935 // if there's a sibling element, then return both elements
1936 if (BODY_TAG_REGEX.test(html) && HEAD_TAG_REGEX.test(html)) {
1937 return elements[0].parentNode.childNodes;
1938 }
1939 return elements;
1941 // low-level tag or text
1942 default:
1943 if (parseFromTemplate) {
1944 return parseFromTemplate(html);
1945 }
1947 return parseFromDocument(html, BODY).getElementsByTagName(BODY)[0]
1948 .childNodes;
1949 }
1950 }
1952 var domparser_1 = domparser;
1954 var formatDOM$1 = utilities$2.formatDOM;
1956 var DIRECTIVE_REGEX = /<(![a-zA-Z\s]+)>/; // e.g., <!doctype html>
1958 /**
1959 * Parses HTML string to DOM nodes in browser.
1960 *
1961 * @param {string} html - HTML markup.
1962 * @return {DomElement[]} - DOM elements.
1963 */
1964 function HTMLDOMParser(html) {
1965 if (typeof html !== 'string') {
1966 throw new TypeError('First argument must be a string');
1967 }
1969 if (html === '') {
1970 return [];
1971 }
1973 // match directive
1974 var match = html.match(DIRECTIVE_REGEX);
1975 var directive;
1977 if (match && match[1]) {
1978 directive = match[1];
1979 }
1981 return formatDOM$1(domparser_1(html), null, directive);
1982 }
1984 var htmlToDom = HTMLDOMParser;
1986 var domParserOptions = { lowerCaseAttributeNames: false };
1988 /**
1989 * Converts HTML string to React elements.
1990 *
1991 * @param {String} html - HTML string.
1992 * @param {Object} [options] - Parser options.
1993 * @param {Object} [options.htmlparser2] - htmlparser2 options.
1994 * @param {Object} [options.library] - Library for React, Preact, etc.
1995 * @param {Function} [options.replace] - Replace method.
1996 * @return {JSX.Element|JSX.Element[]|String} - React element(s), empty array, or string.
1997 */
1998 function HTMLReactParser(html, options) {
1999 if (typeof html !== 'string') {
2000 throw new TypeError('First argument must be a string');
2001 }
2002 if (html === '') {
2003 return [];
2004 }
2005 options = options || {};
2006 return domToReact_1(
2007 htmlToDom(html, options.htmlparser2 || domParserOptions),
2008 options
2009 );
2010 }
2012 HTMLReactParser.domToReact = domToReact_1;
2013 HTMLReactParser.htmlToDOM = htmlToDom;
2014 HTMLReactParser.attributesToProps = attributesToProps_1;
2016 // support CommonJS and ES Modules
2017 var htmlReactParser = HTMLReactParser;
2018 var _default = HTMLReactParser;
2019 htmlReactParser.default = _default;
2021 return htmlReactParser;
2024//# sourceMappingURL=html-react-parser.js.map