2.56 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1_ = require 'lodash'
2path = require 'path'
3commander = require 'commander'
4colors = require 'colors/safe'
6HTMLToPDF = require './'
7packageJSON = require '../package.json'
9class Command
10 printMissing: (message) =>
11 commander.outputHelp()
12 console.error colors.red message if message?
13 process.exit 1
15 run: =>
16 commander
17 .version packageJSON.version
18 .option '-i --include <path>..<path>',
19 'path to either a javascript asset, or a css asset'
20 .option '--page-size [size]',
21 "'A3', 'A4', 'Legal', 'Letter' or 'Tabloid'"
22 .option '--margin-type [n]',
23 'Specify the type of margins to use: 0 - default, 1 - none, 2 - minimum'
24 .option '--landscape',
25 'If set it will change orientation to landscape from portriat'
26 .option '--print-background',
27 'Whether to print CSS backgrounds'
28 .option '-t --template [template]',
29 'The template to used. Defaults to html5bp.'
30 .option '--template-path [/path/to/template/folder]',
31 'Specifies the template folder path for static assets, this will override template.'
32 .option '-d --render-delay [milli-seconds]',
33 'Delay before rendering the PDF (give HTML and CSS a chance to load)'
34 .option '-o --output <path>',
35 'Path of where to save the PDF'
36 .usage '[options] <path/to/html-file-path>'
37 .parse process.argv
39 inputPath = _.first commander.args
40 outputPath = commander.output
41 @printMissing 'Missing input path first argument' unless inputPath?
43 {
44 pageSize,
45 template,
46 templatePath,
47 renderDelay,
48 marginType
49 } = commander
50 printBackground = commander.printBackground?
51 landscape = commander.landscape?
53 includeAssets = _.compact _.castArray(commander.include?.split(','))
54 include = _.map includeAssets, (filePath) =>
55 type = path.extname(filePath).replace('.', '')
56 return @printMissing 'Invalid asset path' unless type in [ 'css', 'js' ]
57 return { type, filePath }
59 options = {
60 inputPath,
61 outputPath,
62 template,
63 templatePath,
64 renderDelay,
65 include,
66 options: {
67 landscape,
68 printBackground,
69 pageSize,
70 marginType,
71 }
72 }
74 new HTMLToPDF(options).build (error, buf) =>
75 return @die error if error?
76 process.stdout.write buf if buf?
77 process.exit(0)
79 die: (error) =>
80 return process.exit(0) unless error?
81 console.log 'Error:', error
82 process.exit 1
84module.exports = Command