4.86 kBJSONView Raw
2 "attr-bans": {
3 "desc": "The value of this option is a list of strings, each of which is an attribute name. Attributes with any of the given names are disallowed.",
4 "default": ["style"]
5 },
6 "attr-name-style": {
7 "desc": "A format specifier, or `false`. If set, attribute names must conform to the given format.",
8 "default": "lowercase"
9 },
10 "attr-no-dup": {
11 "desc": "If set, the same attribute name cannot be repeated within a single tag.",
12 "default": true
13 },
14 "attr-no-unsafe-char": {
15 "desc": "If set, unsafe characters may not be used in attribute values. The unsafe characters are those whose unicode values lie in the ranges 0000-001f, 007f-009f, 00ad, 0600-0604, 070f, 17b4, 17b5, 200c-200f, 2028-202f, 2060-206f, feff, fff0-ffff.",
16 "default": true
17 },
18 "attr-quote-style": {
19 "desc": "* \"double\": Attribute values must be quoted using double quotes. * \"single\": Attribute values must be quoted using single quotes. * \"quoted\": Attribute values must be quoted. * `false`: No restriction.",
20 "default": "double"
21 },
22 "attr-req-value": {
23 "desc": "If set, attribute values cannot be empty. This does not disallow the value `\"\"`.",
24 "default": true
25 },
26 "doctype-first": {
27 "desc": "If set, the doctype (`<!DOCTYPE ... >`) must be the first element in the file.",
28 "default": true
29 },
30 "doctype-html5": {
31 "desc": "If set, the doctype element must specify html5.",
32 "default": true
33 },
34 "href-style": {
35 "desc": "* \"absolute\": All `href` tags must use absolute URLs. * \"relative\": All `href` tags must use relative URLs. * `false`: No restriction.",
36 "default": false
37 },
38 "id-class-no-ad": {
39 "desc": "If set, the values for the `id` and `class` attributes may not use the word \"ad\". This rule only restricts cases of the substring \"ad\" surrounded by non-alphanumeric characters.",
40 "default": true
41 },
42 "id-class-style": {
43 "desc": "A format specifier, or `false`. If set, `id`s and `class`es must fit the given format.",
44 "default": "underscore"
45 },
46 "id-no-dup": {
47 "desc": "If set, values for the `id` attribute may not be duplicated across elements.",
48 "default": true
49 },
50 "img-req-alt": {
51 "desc": "If set, the `alt` property must be set for `img` tags.",
52 "default": true
53 },
54 "img-req-src": {
55 "desc": "If set, a source must be given for each `img` tag.",
56 "default": true
57 },
58 "indent-style": {
59 "desc": "* \"tabs\": Only tabs may be used for indentation. * \"spaces\": Only spaces may be used for indentation. * \"nonmixed\": Either tabs or spaces may be used, but not both in the same file. * `false`: No restriction.",
60 "default": "nonmixed"
61 },
62 "indent-width": {
63 "desc": "(Currently unimplemented) The value of this option is either `false` or a positive integer. If it is a number and spaces are used for indentation, then the number of spaces must be a multiple of that number.",
64 "default": 4
65 },
66 "label-req-for": {
67 "desc": "Including a `for` attribute on label tags has the following benefits: * improves accessibility by helping out screen readers * improves form element selection by allowing the user to give focus to an input by clicking on the label ### Further Reading * [MDN: label element](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/label) * [MDN: How to structure an HTML form](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Forms/How_to_structure_an_HTML_form)",
68 "default": true
69 },
70 "line-end-style": {
71 "desc": "Line endings must conform to the given style. * \"lf\": Unix style, ending in LF. * \"crlf\": Windows style, ending in CRLF. * \"cr\": Ending in CR. * `false`: No restriction.",
72 "default": "lf"
73 },
74 "spec-char-escape": {
75 "desc": "If set, special characters in text and attributes (e.g. `>`) must be escaped.",
76 "default": true
77 },
78 "tag-bans": {
79 "desc": "The value of this option is a list of strings, each of which is a tag name. Tags with any of the given names are disallowed.",
80 "default": ["style", "b", "i"]
81 },
82 "tag-name-lowercase": {
83 "desc": "If set, tag names must be lowercase. Only the opening tag is checked; mismatches between open and close tags are checked by `tag-name-match`.",
84 "default": true
85 },
86 "tag-self-close": {
87 "desc": "If set, void elements must be self-closed with `/`, as defined in html4. The void elements are `area`, `base`, `br`, `col`, `embed`, `hr`, `img`, `input`, `keygen`, `link`, `menuitem`, `meta`, `param`, `source`, `track`, and `wbr`.",
88 "default": false
89 }