1 | # http-response-object
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3 | A simple object to represent an http response (with flow and typescript types)
4 |
5 | [](https://travis-ci.org/ForbesLindesay/http-response-object)
6 | [](https://david-dm.org/ForbesLindesay/http-response-object)
7 | [](https://www.npmjs.org/package/http-response-object)
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10 | ## Installation
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12 | npm install http-response-object
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14 | ## Usage
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16 | ```js
17 | var Response = require('http-response-object');
18 | var res = new Response(200, {}, new Buffer('A ok'), 'http://example.com');
19 | //res.statusCode === 200
20 | //res.headers === {}
21 | //res.body === new Buffer('A ok')
22 | //res.url === 'http://example.com'
23 | res.getBody();
24 | // => new Buffer('A ok')
25 |
26 | var res = new Response(404, {'Header': 'value'}, new Buffer('Wheres this page'), 'http://example.com');
27 | //res.statusCode === 404
28 | //res.headers === {header: 'value'}
29 | //res.body === new Buffer('Wheres this page')
30 | //res.url === 'http://example.com'
31 | res.getBody();
32 | // => throws error with `statusCode`, `headers`, `body` and `url` properties copied from the response
33 | ```
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35 | ## Properties
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37 | - `statusCode`: Number - the status code of the response
38 | - `headers`: Object - the headers of the response. The keys are automatically made lower case.
39 | - `body`: Buffer | String - the body of the response. Should be a buffer on the server side, but may be a simple string for lighter weight clients.
40 | - `url`: String - the url that was requested. If there were redirects, this should be the last url to get requested.
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42 | ## License
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44 | MIT